[BodyCam] Cop Shoots Runaway Suspect

Racine, Wisconsin – The Racine County District Attorney’s Office released body camera footage of the fatal May 20 police shooting of Da’Shontay King Sr., 37, in conjunction with a decision not to press charges against the officer involved. . . . , Zachary Brenner. Police said they stopped a car while serving a search warrant for a criminal in possession of a firearm. According to police, King ran out of the car with a gun and led a police officer in a foot chase. Officer Brenner chased King over a fence and up a small hill. In the video, King then appears to drop a gun. As King lunged toward her, Officer Brenner opened fire.

Officers provided CPR, police said, but King died in hospital. The .9mm pistol was recovered from King. An analysis at the Wisconsin State Crime Lab revealed that the gun had also been used in a shooting in Edgewood and St. Patrick on April 21st. Chief Robinson says the shooting resulted in property damage. The weapon contained King’s DNA. King family attorney William Sulton said he is requesting the final cause of death in the coroner’s report, which he believes will show the officer used unreasonable force to stop King.

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Lol racists cop its so stupid dude.

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I hate that gore sites are vehemently pro-cop. I hate it so much. Like why is there that correlation? I don't get it. I mean I guess in a stupid 2 party system, everything is going to be correlated to one side or the other, but I hate that it's like 80/20 for these sites. Morbid curiosity, violence, etc. is a human trait, not a Republican one.

It sucks too because it's half the reason why sites like Reddit are how they are now. It's why we have to come here. Society is soft AF now, probably would cry just over violence, but just go to a sub like CrazyFuckingVideos, where they clearly explain in stickied posts that it's the racism as to why the sub is how it is now. That people just can't see a video with a black person doing any fucking thing without trying to out edge each other with "based" racist comments—even if it's a straight fact, the reason you're saying it is racism, not because you just like spreading facts; you've never once in your life made a random comment about white people being worse in certain things, it's only when it's black people etc. do you bring out the "it's true though!" shit.

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Totally justified and deserved.

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A good guy with a gun. Much love to cops!

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They can at least try to administer aid in these situations.

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Nah not until I get them in cuffs. They rendered aid after the video ended btw

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Nope not another bad apple. Thank you for asking.

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Dispatch I’m okay. Not sure about the other guy

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Running from the police is not a capital offense, so it can't be justifiable to shoot King here, especially as he is a minimal threat to the officer. Even though King was armed, it's not clear that he "lunged". He was still on the run and was unlikely to shoot the officer. The officer could have (A) closed the distance and taken him down before King could've drawn his 9mm, or (B) withdrawn to de-escalate and called for backup, noting where King was headed and creating a chance for a non-lethal takedown. The officer was threatening to shoot before King supposedly lunged too. Just another bad apple huh.

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Idk last time I checked a fugitive with a gun isn’t a minimal threat in any world I’ve ever been in. If he had not broken the law and run from the cops with a gun he wouldn’t be in that position.

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I think the shooting was justified

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Yes. Let the guy who was irrational enough to run from the cops just go free. Genius

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No. If you have a gun and you go anywhere near it while an armed authority is with you then you have made a huge mistake already. Then compound running from the guy and going back for the dropped gun. All that screams intent to any reasonable well adjusted adult. Running isn’t a capital offense but brandishing a weapon to a armed authority is more than enough reason to engage in lethal force. It takes less than a couple seconds to raise and fire a weapon. You don’t have to take a perfect shooters stance to be lethal.

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just got shot 5 times officer comes “you okay?🥺” like WTF he could have fired warning shots or tased the guy mans unloaded a clip into bro’s back

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He gave numerous verbal warnings and commands. Homeboy was a fleeing felon with a loaded firearm that has since been proven to be used in crimes, I'd say this cop was justified in his actions.

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Lmfao. Loser edited his comment as if it makes his stupid statement about a gun supposedly LATER being determined to be used in crimes is justification to unilaterally killing someone for not listening. Dummy even said the gun was loaded which the cop WOULDN’T have known either. Fucking moron

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Do you understand crime scene analysis? The gun was found to have been used in crimes, and yes, it was found loaded. If cops see a gun, they presume it to be loaded. I definitely don't understand why you don't understand that these things can be found out after the fact and explained into the story... but I guess a smooth-brained idiot like you has trouble understanding many things. Yes, I did edit my post to include one word: "since"

I figured this might help clarify for any future readers that can't correlate facts. Now, politely go twist your brain elsewhere as we're done here.

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I understand these can be found after the fact. Nobody is disputing that. I said you implied that mattered DURING the shooting. Unless you are a completed imbecile there would be no reason to bring that up. Nobody cares AFTER the fact. What matters is what happens DURING the interaction you buffoon. Nobody cares about AFTER the fact you moron. You brought it up to justify the shooting. And that has nothing to do with the shooting you smooth brained twit.

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You are such an interesting level of retard. I’d argue with you but I don’t think I’ll get the volunteer work off on my taxes.

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Maybe you're just an idiot that is misreading what I wrote? Could this be a possibility? Hmmmm?? Go take your meds and kiss my girlfriend (your mom) goodnight.


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Yeah that’s true. On second thought, I agree. I just think cops now-a-days see an object that looks threatening and fire excessively. But in some cases, it’s justified in and others it’s not. This one it is, especially after a second watch.

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The cop didn’t know if the gun was used in crimes. Good job making stuff up. Not saying the cop was wrong

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It was proven after the fact, I'm not making shit up. All the cop knew was he saw a gun. Keep reaching bruv

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Exactly. Proven AFTER the fact. Your smooth brain implied that the cop was justified because he knew the gun was ALREADY proven to be used in crimes. Get a clue bruv

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I didn't imply shit, you implied it yourself when you read it. Here's some coins, buy a clue.

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You literally said it was a gun used in previous crimes. What did that have to do with anything? Your smooth brain likes to point out nonsense that has nothing to do with your comment. Sorry. I didn’t realize I was dealing with a moron

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You said the cop knew it was loaded too apparently. This super coo that can see the future

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You don’t even have proof of anything your dumbass says

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