EFFORTPOST Rebels interrogate and torture Samuel Doe (1990) - ex-president of Liberia, whose rule abroad was seen as a brutal and corrupt one :marseyflagliberia: Two vids, 15 and 10 mins [mostly emotional torture, and cutting off the ears - no death on-screen!], body photo, and context explained

TL;DR. The videos in this post show the interrogation and some torture of Samuel Kanyon Doe (born 6th of May 1950/51, died on 9/10th of September 1990). He was a member of the Krahn (Wee) tribe and enlisted in the army when 18 yo, ending up as a master sergeant in 1979. In April 1980, he led an attack, with another Krahn soldiers, on the Liberian executive mansion, killing President William R. Tolbert. Later, 13 prominent Tolbert associates were tried and executed. After the coup, Doe assumed the rank of general and established the People's Redemption Council (PRC). It ruled the party until 1985, when Doe became president of Liberia - after an election that some claimed to be fraudulent. Abroad, Doe's rule was described as corrupt and brutal, and the economic conditions were deteriorating. Doe's life was threatened on a regular basis by assassination attempts and plots, suppressed with outstanding brutality. He was also clearly favoring his own Krahn tribe members. In late 1989, a rebellion sparked against him. By July 1990, the rebel forces had advanced into the capital (Monrovia), but Doe refused to yield power. The civil war continued, and two months later, he was captured and assassinated - after a torture, which was partially videotaped.

In the second video, the dialogue is more clear. In the first one, though, the white noise distorts the dialogues really much. At some points, it's even hard to tell that they speak English (which is an official language in Liberia). Country and its capital:


⠀VIDEOS AND COMMENTS :marseypopcorntime:

  • First video (15 mins, 78 MB). 9th of September 1990, Bushrod Island clinic in Monrovia. Shows 'interrogation' and, at the end, cutting off ear. The man behind the desk is Prince Yomi Johnson, chilling out with a Budweiser and a maid fanning him (like in 7;30). You can see at the end that Doe was already tortured before the recording. In this video, first good screams of pain begin around 13;20, and cutting off the ears - around 14;10.

Bushrod Island was a suburb of a Monrovia controlled by Johnson's rebels for the two months before the Doe's capture (as the rebel forces advanced into the capital in July 1990). Quotes on the video's content, some of which is not clear when you watch it first time or at all:

The president is almost spent, but the worst is yet to come. He is shirtless, with no trousers, his white underpants soaked in blood. His gris-gris has been ripped off. His eyes are wide open and his legs are already gone: a round of Kalashnikovs severed them from his body. Doe lies on the floor of this dingy office, surrounded by overexcited soldiers, begging. He is ready to give up everything: his fortune, the caches where his relatives are hiding, his bank account numbers and even his power – if he has any left.

The soldiers bully him, we don't even know what they really want. Is it Doe's pleas or the sneers of his torturers? You can't hear anything in the small room at the Bushrod Island clinic in Monrovia. Amidst the hubbub, one journalist hands a microphone to the head of state, another films the scene.

The next day, 9 September 1990, the recording became a best-seller in Monrovia's markets. It is not often that one witnesses the killing of a president.

Doe has been whimpering in front of him for almost 15 minutes. Enough is enough. His men rush to the president: they cut off one of his ears...Doe has no lower limbs, then his genitals are crushed and, after a sip of Budweiser, his ears are cut off. Why? No one really knows, and it goes on for hours.

Reportedly, a marshal of INPFL (Independent National Patriotic Front of Liberia - rebel group) was heard on walkie-talkie, trying to contact someone in the American embassy, in vain.

Explanation about the ear-cutting significance:

“You know why I did this to Samuel Doe? In my county of Nimba [in the north of the country], years before, he and his men killed 300 babies. Just before they were executed, they were screaming, but Doe did not hear their pleas. So I cut off his ears,” Prince Johnson told us in 2018, from his posh Monrovia office. Liberia's most notorious murderer has never expressed an ounce of remorse.

Samuel Doe at his office in Monrovia, 1990:


  • Second video (10 mins, 40 MB). Shows Doe interrogated outside while naked. Now dialogue is definitely more audible. It's about where did Doe keep money. He claims that on a foreign bank account (it was Swiss), and he doesn't know the number.

⠀WHAT NEXT? :marseyhmm:

It was right at the beginning of the First Civil War in Liberia. It started with an uprising against Samuel Doe in 1989, led by Charles Taylor. The first (1989-1997) and second (1999-2003) civil wars resulted in the deaths of around 250,000 people, roughly 8% of the population. In 1997, Taylor became a president after a peace deal. However, two new rebel groups emerged in 1999, and the war was reignited. Taylor stepped down and went into exile in 2003, ahead of a peace deal.

The exact moment of Doe's death in 1990 wasn't filmed. For the next few days, the president's body was displayed by Prince Johnson's rebels. They were parading the body through the streets of Monrovia in a wheelbarrow. Reportedly, the crowd was delighted. It was also displayed (not sure at which time?) in the Island Clinic area. Immediately after Doe's death, Johnson declared himself head of state. He had really mixed opinions, from the fear of his 'psychopathic' behavior to the appreciation of his humanitarian actions. The tape showing the torture was sold in copies in some Western African countries, and short clips were broadcast in the British news.



Quote from 2011 on Johnson's view:

When asked about a widely circulated video showing Johnson sipping beer while watching his fighters mutilate Doe after his capture, Johnson said the clip was “unfortunate.”

“We are remorseful. I am a civil servant to my people, I am senator, I am a humanitarian ... and I am a changed person.”

⠀SOURCES :marseysalutepride:


https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-56128139 (very basic info on the civil wars + an article about why there's no prosecution on war crimes in Liberia)

https://www.theafricareport.com/144562/pt-5-liberia-samuel-doe-death-washed-down-with-budweiser (quote on 1st video)



https://www.google.pl/books/edition/Liberia/r6qZMoquA28C On page 130, there's a body photo. There's also explanation of the circumstances surrounding a capture of Samuel Doe, for these more caring about the story.

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The entire fucking story of their country is a "good read"

Bunch of dumb fuck black people think they would have it better in Africa because white people treat them like they're inferior savages

They show up in Africa, with all their money lended from those same white people

They start their own country, model it as a mini-USA

WIthin a generation, they realize they're surrounded by a bunch of inferior savages, who haven't been introduced to novel concepts like "rational thinking" and have a lot of crazy, stupid ideas that you can only get from semi-feral humans.

Oh ya, and they're especially more violent than you and your peers -- sounds like another familiar problem

So they start getting highly selective about who can be in government... Y'know.. becoming the privileged class of people they hated so much. But they're not white, so of course, this will work for them, and of course, the inferior savages around them would never choose violence against their fellow blacks who are just trying to raise them up and give them an example

Holy shit Liberia should be the center of every middle school social studies class

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lol dumb fuck black folks trying to get away from whites. Even when they leave you hate em. LOL. Issues dude.

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  • Morons believing they are getting away from 'whites'

You might want to finish the story

  • They become the "whites" of their nation

  • They get brutally murdered by their native "blacks"

Feel free to move there, though. Sounds like you have the IQ to fit in.

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And would dare say that to any nigga they saw in person. You can talk that shit but you know. You know for a fact you won't because you ain't shit.

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Would I tell them about Liberia? ... Ya, I would. I mean, it would be pretty weird to just bring out of no-where. Keep in mind most American black people aren't dumb fucking apes like you, buddy.

Do you even understand we are talking about a real-life place, in contemporary times? Are you functional?

You sound like you're the proof that we were right to send the retarded ones off on their own. Feel free to take a boat.

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Aww thanks for one more photo, too!

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Here is an old post by @Balls444, showing the execution ending Tolbert's regime: https://watchpeopledie.tv/h/execution/post/15033/liberian-firing-squad-execution-of-tolbert

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He overthrew and murdered the president before him, so I guess this was the most fitting way for him to retire. Live by the sword...

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Thanks for all that effort mate, enjoyed and learnt at the same time.

Good work

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I'm glad you liked it, check other posts I made if you like reading! :marseysalutepride:

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Thanks would luv twoo.


Why would I?

U obviouswy hate anywonye whwo isnt queer or whwo dwoesnt believe in bwainwashing our kids two be queer.

Shamwe u're twoo smaww minded and bwainwashed and nywot wise enywough two understand and accept others whwo have a different opinyion than u.

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What the fuck are you about? Is this about the emoji and hat? xD I chose this because SS and rainbow together remind me of my posting preferences. I don't care about 'your kids' and would preferably stay away from the little annoying shitheads. Let their parents do the upbringing, why mess up into it? Why think about kids instantly, too? :marseyquestion:

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I dont ssay the above to start an arguement or put you down.

I fully support gays, my god even my wife is gay!!

But guys like you have to understand, your arrogance and words do more to harm the community than to help it

Im just pointing that out, like I say words have consequences

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Globohomo 'the gay agenda is no longer optional' Thats what I have a problem about pal.

Who the fuck are you to tell me that? A little arrogant dont you think?

Also what do you think others will feel when they read that?

Its self rightous pricks like you who set the gay's so much hatred and abuse becasue of your arrogance.

Take me for example, I was protecting my gay mates in the late 80's and early 90s when it wasnt cool to be queer and the gay scene suffered nightmares on a daily basis sad to say

I was one of the first house music dj's and played mainly in gay clubs but I wasnt gay, no one cared back then.

Now because if idiots like you and your arrogant self rightous views you have turned everyone back against the gays... well done!! shame on you!

Plus I own a strip club in soho, my family run and own most of soho!!

Shall I take your words as gospel and tell our door security teams to start beating the fuck out of all the gays in our gya clubs? should I close the clubs down and ban gays from Soho - the one place they find peace and shelter?

Words have consequences, please remember that my lil gay goblin

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Globohomo 'the gay agenda is no longer optional' Thats what I have a problem about pal.

I don't know if you're aware that this is rDrama feature. WPD and rDrama have same owners. You can just a lot of dumb slogans and 'gay agenda is no longer optional' is one of them.

For now, you're the emotional. You wrote so long comment about a hat that I chose more because of SS than rainbow. Do you want me to change it for SS-only? Would be more normal I guess :marseyreich: Although my posting preferences are reminding me both of SS and rainbows.

Now because if idiots like you and your arrogant self rightous views you have turned everyone back against the gays... well done!! shame on you!

I think gay people think less about gay people than you do :marseyhmmm:

I was one of the first house music dj's and played mainly in gay clubs but I wasnt gay, no one cared back then.

And right now I also don't care. This is a comment section under modern history post, not a place to discuss users' sexual orientation or agenda. My only agenda is I like torture effortposting :marseynut: The victim type doesn't matter, as long as it's adult and not too fat.

Words have consequences, please remember that my lil gay goblin

I didn't claim I'm gay :marseydisagree: This is your interpretation now.

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Wow that was a wot of effwort just cwoz I cwommwented on ywour gay nywot optionyal!

If u're nywot gay then why this gay hat thing?

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I tried to explain you like three times already (also in chat), that this is SS and gay agenda due to my preferred post topics. If you don't understand, then IDK how to explain it better. I like watching people suffer and post it far more than making political agendas. But this can be either male, female or hard to tell, as long as the topic is cool (or rather content), I will post :mersya:

I wonder why you do care more about this gay agenda than SS and human rights abuse activism?

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bro's def a bipolar.

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lol thats cute, he got all his little pedo mates to come support him.

If you want to talk then come to soho and we can chat face to face

Bi-polar? lol, so you like ot make un of people with illness or who are different?

So why shouldnt anyone treat you the same?

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KYS! :marseyagreefast:

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Shame you're too small minded and brainwashed and not wise enough to understand and accept others who have a different opinion than you.

Says the cute twink who randomly started whining

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Say the fool who has nothing to do with this lol

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kony2012 lookin ass nigga

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Too much talking. Could have torture him more on-screen, as they did it nevertheless. I have #ZeroWaste approach to the unnecessary harm :marseysipping:

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Am I missing something here, it says “his legs are already gone: a round of Kalashnikovs severed them from his body”, but in the picture of his body, his legs look untouched?

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I was also wondering about this part. There was mentioned that he couldn't walk, so I understood that he was wounded enough to not have control over his legs. Not physically disattaching them, though.

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Africa is a very cruel place where life means nothing

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A day without a Vivid post is like a day without sunshine

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Imagine the smell. 🤢

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This seems to be what happens whenever the barbarian cultures get too close to a decent civilization.

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they all look like joseph kony to me

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Beautiful filled out post. A masterpiece. Good work throwing this together

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Good video but the men are yapping too much

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Good post

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I wonder why that singular white dude with the microphone was there for lol

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That's OK.

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Nice post. Will check out tomm. Too much reading this late. Lol

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They should do this more to corrupt motherfuckers!

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Thanks for posting so much context about this I've also never seen most of this stuff only clips of the first video from a vice documentary.

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That's a pretty sweet pink microphone.

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Sooo tribal...🤣

White nations need to stay the fuck out of African affairs; let the animals wipe eachother out and do business with the last tribe standing!

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