CHILD WARNING EFFORTPOST The Brutal Killing of Joaquín, an 11 year old Boy from Ecuador [CW]

The Brutal Killing of Joaquín, an 11-Year-Old Boy

September 7, 2023 - Thursday, 11:50 AM

Guayaquil, Ecuador

A group of armed men arrived in two cars and four motorbikes at a repair shop looking to assassinate a rival. They immediately and indiscriminately - using rifles and pistols - opened fire at a group of people standing by the shop. Some managed to take cover inside the houses and shops nearby but many were caught in the crossfire.

Two men and one child died instantly at the scene. The fourth victim died at a hospital. Six were injured, including two young girls.

The target was a man (with a criminal record) who lived 3 houses from the shop, and actually survived the shooting by hiding in the trunk of a car. That's right, the sicarios couldn't even get the address right. The man had been living in that neighborhood for at least 6 years and while people heard he had some criminal history, they didn't consider him a threat.

After the incident, the local police chased after the criminals. Some residents of the 'Ciudad Perdida' and 'Mosquito' sectors even assisted the criminals by placing logs with nails on the streets to prevent police work. One of them fell from his motorbike during the chase and was arrested, but the rest eventually managed to escape on a boat that was waiting for them in Estero Salado (a estuary).

Full video of the shooting:

Who was Joaquín?

Joaquín was an 11-year-old boy, who according to his grandma was "a restless but loving boy". He loved to stay just outside the house next to the shop socializing. He was on the fifth year of Basic Education (Ecuadoran education system).

Joaquín's was the youngest and the only boy of a family of 5 children and a single mom. Three of his older sisters have mental disabilities, and his mother Maria, was hoping Joaquin was going to eventually help support the family and his sisters.

The Killing of Joaquín

That morning after returning from school, Joaquin changed out of school uniform and went outside to buy a couple of soda drinks, one for his disabled sister and one for himself. His grandma asked him to stay inside and take a nap but Joaquin refused and went outside to finish his soda.

And just as we has sitting down on the sidewalk, the criminals arrived shooting indiscriminately, Joaquin was immediately struck as he was trying to run away and died instantly. In total, he was shot 37 times 32 from 9mm handguns and 5 from .223 rifles.

Joaquín was waked at the home of his relatives and was buried on September 9, 2023, in a cemetery north of the town.

it happened here


What his family said after the tragedy

His mother Maria:

Everything has been difficult for me, first it was my eldest daughter, then the next one. The third, thank God, has no problems, but the fourth also suffers from disabilities. With Joaquín's death they took away my hope of giving his sisters a better future.

His grandma Liliana:

He didn't listen to me, he went to the store to buy two 25 cent sodas, one for himself and one for his older sister. Then he sat on the sidewalk and it was just at that moment that this massacre took place that took our child away from us.

His uncle Alex:

My nephew's body was destroyed, his internal organs, his little head, it was heartbreaking, they acted mercilessly, viciously, they didn't care that he was a child, for God's sake. Why so much evil. He was beginning to live.

RIP Little Joaquín







@PixelPenguin for original post from 5 months ago

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shooting up kids is so pathetic

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Wishing death on children bc they are poor and will create more poor kids one

day is pretty pathetic also.Im not accusing you specifically of this.They have assholes in the comment section as usual,as intended.

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"wishing death on children bc they are poor" Explain with more intricate details incel retard?

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I think the person is responding to other comments making fun or trivializing the kid's death. They just worded their comment poorly.

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Do you understand English?It is self explanatory.I guess incel is the new cuss word, idiot.I wish I was more of a incel.It would probably work out for my betterment.People commented the boy was better off dead than in a 3rd world country with a struggling family.Which is moronic to fathom,there u go genius.

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all of u are dumbasses

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First, I really hope those sicarios got wasted themselves after this blatant fuck up cause holy shit how do you fuck up that bad. They'd be the laughing stock of others.

Second, that mom needs to stop having kids if they're turning out retarded as often as they are. Your genes or environment is fucked, just stop.

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You just now she will continue trying for another baby boy to help support the family

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And if that one turns out retarded its okay we can just make more.

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Sadly, yeah.

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Thats true, whoever was in charge of this clown operation is definitely getting their hands chopped off. Not because they feel bad for the kid of course, but because he let the target get away and made them look bad.

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Did your mom stop after she had you?

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Rest in peace. 🙏 💔

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Why did they gave the kid like 20shots like he's a juggernaut chill :holdupjak:

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Rest in peace, little angel

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What kind of heartless asshole do you have to be that you'd shoot a fucking CHILD as a good choice?????

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an innocent child shot 37 times repeatedly goddamn

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Poor lil nigga was shot soo many times. My sincere condolences for the family.

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What a shitty mother, you have 3 retarded kids and keep doing it until one normal kid pops out, then you expect him to provide for all 3 of his retarded sister when hes just 11 years old!?

The sicarios are also stupid, you killed an innocent little kid and didnt even hit your target? What idiots.

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They not only missed the right address but confused a chubby boy with an adult and also killed other two, what a good for nothing fuckers, they should be executed for being so stupid.

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Do they even care who they are shooting at? they didn't even do a double take, god damn ☹️

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Sicarios pieces of shit. RIP, little fella.🙏🏻

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What the fuck could an 11 year old could have done to warrant this type of response?

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He just a innocent boy chilling outside enjoy his drink.. tf wrong with those people🤬

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Thanks for all the info. I had seen the video a couple of times but never the backstory. Totally tragic.

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I hope the people that did this are skinned alive and acid poured all over them.

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Several problems with this:

"Three of his older sisters have mental disabilities, and his mother Maria, was hoping Joaquin was going to eventually help support the family and his sisters"

WHY THE FUCK would a stupid fucking mother KEEP HAVING CHILDREN when 3 of the older kids were fucking retards? Just fuck right off you stupid fucking bitch.

And the text says: "he was shot 37 times 32 from 9mm handguns and 5 from .223 rifles." I find this hard to believe. I would think the majority of shots were from the rifles - UNLESS they were using fully auto handguns.

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no idea about the ballistic analysis but the lack of 'fathers statements' makes it worse because I feel like she's a single mother who's got a few baby daddies or only one who fled, and the first thing she talks about is "Now there's no one to take care of my mistakes".... damn man. I come from a rough background too, but my parents would never bemoan ANYTHING but my loss of life if I were to die. They loved me for me, not because "Oh NOOOO he was going to be a doctor and buy us mansions 😭".

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If there is a HELL these people will be sucking a Hot Spicey Cock.... tha kids head got blown open before it even hit the ground, and they still shot him a few times.

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Report said the kid was shot 37 times.

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the mom sounds like a piece of shit

rip little dude, at least you don't have to take care of retards now

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how low do you have to be to shoot a KID

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Rip :slimeshrug:

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Rip to this little guy 🩷

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lil dude at least got one last sip of his coke

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Holy fuck, those heartless pigs.

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The community still supported the criminals after killing innocent people. Scum.

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Yes disgusting but they are used to police corruption I'm sure.

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Yeah both sides suck. But the criminals were probably neighbors and the police werent....pretty sure helped out of fear

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the good new is that he doesn't live in ecuador any more

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R.i.P little guy

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Fly high little guy, you deserved MUCH more.🤍

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you can even see his head explode its horrible

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Sheesh, I saw his pink brain.

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what a shithole to live, damn

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I feel bad for the little girl running in the building I hope she didn't get hurt

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From the other video it seems that she got picked up by someone who might be her father

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Okay I'm glad ty

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Why is ecuador such a fucking shithole now

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drug-fueled organized crime

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latin america should be nuked asap

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I should nuke your anus

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Go outside and get some air

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Makes me sooo sad to see nobody grabbed the kids, they all ran and didnt think of the kids

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Random shots.

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this is so sad

fucking cowards shooting up kids nowadays

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