
Kyle Rittenhouse Kenosha shooting (multiple videos)

Full-resolution version (WARNING: super high bitrate)

The above video is the shooting of Anthony Huber and Gage Grosskreuz (Huber died, Grosskreuz survived with destroyed biceps). Here's another POV:

Shooting of Joseph Rosenbaum (died):

Grosskreuz's missing biceps:

https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/17110661946304026.webp https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/1711066194884114.webp https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/17110661956694117.webp

Huber aftermath:

https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/1693061791051703.webp https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/16930617911782248.webp

Rosenbaum aftermath:

https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/1693061791308092.webp https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/16930617914218032.webp

Kenosha, Wisconsin, United States

August 25, 2020

On August 23, Kenosha police shot an African American named Jacob Blake, paralyzing him permanently. Because of this, protests broke out in the city, which turned into riots. All charges against the police for this shooting were eventually dropped btw.

Kyle Rittenhouse is from Antioch, Illinois, but worked in Kenosha during the day as a lifeguard at Pleasant Prairie RecPlex. On August 24, he decided to stay overnight and meet up with his friend Dominic Black because of the riots. On August 25, they both arrived at the Car Source business to defend it from BLM rioters. At some point during the night, they split up.

Joseph Rosenbaum had interacted with Kyle (and another unknown man) before the shooting, saying "If I catch any of you guys alone tonight, I'm going to fucking kill you!" Rosenbaum had also displayed erratic and hyperaggressive behavior with others, asking people to shoot him, throwing rocks, and trying to start fights. Kyle went to the Car Source parking lot, as someone had set a vehicle on fire and he intended to put it out. However, he noticed someone holding a pistol in their hand and tried to run away. Rosenbaum ended up chasing him, shouting "Fuck you!" and grabbing the barrel of his gun, at which point he fatally shot Rosenbaum. The bullets hit his heart, aorta, pulmonary artery and right lung, fractured his pelvis, and caused minor wounds to his left thigh and forehead.

Then, other people started yelling that Rittenhouse shot someone, and the rioters chased after him. Anthony Huber hit him with a skateboard and struggled with him to grab the gun out of his hands, at which point he shot Huber, hitting him in the heart and right lung and causing him to die rapidly. After Huber was shot, Grosskreuz put his hands up, but then pointed his handgun at Kyle and advanced on him while he was still down. This caused Kyle to shoot Grosskreuz, hitting his right biceps.

After this, Kyle advanced towards the police for protection and gave himself in. He was charged with two counts of first-degree homicide, one count of first-degree attempted homicide, two counts of recklessly endangering safety, possession of a dangerous weapon under 18, and failure to comply with an emergency order from state or local government. The latter two charges were dismissed, and he was eventually acquitted of all remaining charges by the jury on November 19, 2021.

Kyle leaving the courthouse after being found not guilty on all counts:



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Cute twinks on Reddit are still losing their mind over there. It's so hive minded.

There were riots and people being murdered or beat to shit, for years. And one guy defends himself from a mob and everyone loses their mind.

Also every person he shot ended up being total piece of shit. So he did the world a favor.

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LMAO! Kyle is a chump that drove 30 minutes to "defend himself".

That's why he is getting his bitch ass booed off stage anywhere he goes with his fascist little Turning Point buddies. I know I'm really looking forward to making him cry and run off stage when he visits Kent state.

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You're not gunna do shit to a guy that shot* pedophiles during riots. You really think what you say will get to him? It's funny how dumb you are. You know he's getting paid to be there right?

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His parents were divorced. He was near where his mom or dad lived. And I'm pretty sure it was 20 minutes. It takes 20 minutes to get anywhere in my city

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Let's be honest, you really won't lol.

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Do also do know that people put a dumpster on fire and we're about to ram it into a gas station. Kyle put the fire out and ran back to his group.

That is what caused the start of chain of events.

Sounds like you are apart of the Reddit hive mind that just repeats shit you saw other people say.

Did you watch the court proceedings? Did you watch all the videos?

As he was turning himself into police, a mob literally tried to kill one. One ran up and was about to execute him point blank with their illegal gun they had. He got his arm blown off.

Instead of picking a team to be triggered all day. Look at shit yourself before just listening to other people who are purposefully creating a divide.

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Mexico has a lot of cartels and gangs that started out as community policing lol

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:marseykys2: :marseykys2:

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Remember, we own more guns than them now, theres more of us now, and cop crime solve rates are only dropping.

Have fun when you think you can. ;) Protip, no matter what a players level, they are easy to arrow down when they are climbing out their burning player home. And theres virtually no way to figure out which player did it.

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This 💯 These rioting blm/Antifa cunts were caught on camera numerous times assaulting people, and swarming cars who dare to honk at them, breaking their windows, etc, but this guy defends himself and Reddit goes ape shit. Fucking double standards.

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I agree i never understood why people or why my classmates hated him, he stood his ground and did what anyone with a pair of nuts would've done in his place.

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No one seems to care about the other possible gunshots we can hear clearly coming from another area either lol

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Got a link? Where are people finding these anti rittenhouse hiveminds? Virtually everything i search on him seems to be overwhelmingly supportive except for a few stray comments. Id love to read a thread full of hate, i want to see what kind of things these people are saying.

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If you search “Rittenhouse” on Reddit you'll see tons of hate. Especially now that he's doing college tours.


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Go on Reddit, especially the news section. The last two days. Has been reposts of him “RUNNING AWAY FROM HIS SPEECH LIKE A PUSSY”.

But if you watch the video the entire room was hostile and would lose their minds if he said a single word. It's was a giant troll on him. Of course he walked out.

I honestly have no idea why Kyle R is touring colleges, because this is gonna happen almost everywhere with how retarded the world has gotten. But he ain't getting a normal job anytime soon, so I would be taking the money too.

Just took me two seconds to find now memes being made of the incident.


Most of the people trolling him are black, and I would not be surprised if those dumb fucks thinks he shot a black guy.

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90% of posts under this link deleted. Glad we have WPD. Yeah. BLM along with all the left hate him

Edt: I forgot THE MASS MEDIA portrayed him as the devil on earth

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If he shot that black guy who tried kicking him in the face or whatever that dumb fuck was doing, Kyle would be in prison right now.

But it's funny because most people think he shot black people.

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Pests treated as protected species. When social media, mass media and our own ignorance in supporting a cause, no matter the facts, work in conjunction, the true can be overcome.


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Reddit used to be split 50/50 and it was chaotic good. Because the truth is usually found in the middle.

There was a mass banning around 2019 before the election. I got permabanned for saying, “having political parties is retarded. Picking teams should not be apart of running a government. All it does is create a divide”.

If I tried making a new account it would be perma banned by the end of the day. I tried VPN's and everything. I think the admins banned my phone, if that is possible.

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Your phone has a MAC(Media Access Control) address and they likely banned that. If you get a new phone and use a VPN you might be able to get around that. Unless there's a software that can spoof a Mac address similar to VPNs with IPs. I wouldn't be surprised if there is, never had to make use of it myself

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On Reddit...

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Oh, Ill say it to you. Its bad a 17 year old kid was given a gun and sent out alone into a riot after dark. The people who think thats good are pro child abuse and child harm. Simple as.

The extra is they are ALSO pro violence in general. Not a good look.

Find someone who supports Kyle and ISN'T already noted for hate and the like on the right. Like Charlie Kirk, is it magic he killed some black guys and then very specifically had an in with a half dozen major right wing orgs?

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I googled Charlie Kirk. He seems pro gun and doesn't want any restrictions.

I don't fully agree with that, but he killed black people? lol. You guys are fucking bat shit insane.

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Nothing about the words I said match up to the words you replied to me with. I used very simple, unemotional language. Why can't you, child?

Charlie Kirk is a racist. Thats what I said. And its weird him and Kyle were besties the day after. And Kyle DID kill black people, factually. Do you think he didn't kill black people?

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See you just vomit out shit you read online that was designed to trigger you. And you like getting triggered so you keep looking for more.

A black man did try to assault Kyle when he fell on the ground, but he was not shot.

How many people did Kyle kill? Do you know why the first guy attacked him? Did you know the first guy was a pedo and literally had just gotten out of the mental hospital.

Where are your facts? Kyle literally ran away from the crazy pedo but once he ran around a car he saw dude lunging at him so he fired at almost point blank range.

Honestly Kyle took too long to shoot, because he didn't go out there to kill people.

Keep eating up the misinformation rather than looking at the videos, trial, and facts.

Ya cute twink. Lol

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Nothing I said has any bearing on the words you said. Look at how emotional and womanly you are. Have any raw boring facts I said that you dissagree with?

Was Kyle not 17? Was Kyle not in a protest alone? Was Kyle not violating curfew? Did Kyle not kill 2 black people? Did Kyle not immediately become friends with the AltRight? Did Kyle not lie about being invited there by the car dealership? Did Kyle not live or work in Kenosha? Did Kyle not beat up a girl?

Nah, these are all bad and weird and JUST show intent. He wanted to kill someone. So he did. If that makes you butthurt like a pussy, maybe stop being a butthurt pussy, pussy.

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No he didnt kill any black people . who told you kyle rittenhouse killed "2 black" people ? buzzfeed news ? scroll up ... youre commenting on cold hard photographs of dead white people with gunshots + the videos of them getting shot by kyle . next youll say hes a white supremacist cos Sleepy Joe's handlers tweeted it ...

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I'm done trying with your stupid ass. lol. You clearly did not watch the trial. Or even a simple video showing the series of events.

Kyle almost got murdered multiple times in a short duration. He was literally running away “like a pussy” from the first guy trying to get his gun.

I'm done with your cute twink ass. Don't respond until you actually know the answer to all the stupid shit you keep asking me, then you completely ignore what I say, and then you repeat the exact same shit you have been saying.

You are straight up crazy. You make me feel like I am arguing with my ex. You clearly just want to be right, so you win. Cute twink.

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Cry cry cry

Whine whine whine

I said boring factual words and you are breaking down like a child. What a loser. You cry more than Kyle did running off stage.

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You never replied to what I said below. Can you admit you fell for propaganda l?

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Eh, its more the intent behind his being there, to kill, and him IMMEDIATELY running to the actual literal Nazis for support. Plus, lets not forget him beating up a woman, or the multiple eye witness accounts of him aiming the gun at randos.

Nah, best bet for society is someone treating him like he treated others. Same answer as for most Conservatives.

And someone will.

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In what make-believe reality do you reside?

"mmm, officer, this cunt has the intent to shoot me, please arrest him"


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I dunno. Its weird he was 17, went to an active riot, after dark, alone, in a place he didn't actually live. Also weird he lied about being invited there by a car dealership. Also weird the actual literal Rightwing racists were ready for him, and him then.

These are the things I am pointing out. Not whatever weird shit you made up.

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you're obviously a delusional leftist who lives in Barbie land.

the courts found him innocent numbnuts,

his "INTENT" was to defend property and lives, from delusional cunts who also lived in Barbie land

we have 2 dead and one bicepless Barbie land inhabitants to prove it

Now is there any more "yadday yadda fishpaste" that you want to point out?

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I don't care about any cope you have. I am ONLY saying its weird and a bad look.

Im sorry you are so weak that idle observation triggers you, pussy.

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things only appear "weird" to those who lack the critical thinking skills to evaluate & conclude.

The courst did.

And found him innocent.

But you still find it "weird'?


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The court proceeding was amazing. Kyle's lawyer was a boss, and the prosecution had literally nothing.

Then armless wife beater basically admits on the stand that he pointed his gun at Kyle before he was shot. Case was basically closed right there and it was so hilarious.

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it was epic.

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Nothing I said has any bearing on the words you said. Look at how emotional and womanly you are. Have any raw boring facts I said that you dissagree with?

Was Kyle not 17? Was Kyle not in a protest alone? Was Kyle not violating curfew? Did Kyle not kill 2 black people? Did Kyle not immediately become friends with the AltRight? Did Kyle not lie about being invited there by the car dealership? Did Kyle not live or work in Kenosha? Did Kyle not beat up a girl?

Nah, these are all bad and weird and JUST show intent and general violent behavior. He wanted to kill someone. So he did. If that makes you butthurt like a pussy, maybe stop being a butthurt pussy, pussy. Go run off stage crying like Kyle at his last event.

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So you didn't watch the trial at all and get all your info from posts meant to trigger people?

Stay triggered bro. Just know you are wrong.

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I dunno. Its weird he was 17, went to an active riot, after dark, alone, in a place he didn't actually live. Also weird he lied about being invited there by a car dealership. Also weird the actual literal Rightwing racists were ready for him, and him then.

These are the things I am pointing out. Not whatever weird shit you made up.

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Literal retard post well done kys

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What did I say that triggered you?

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Look it's an undercover reddit fàg. Dude you blew your cover and a BBC.

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someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today

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Cock fuck suck a fuck cock fuck

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