CHILD WARNING Parkland school shooting :marseydead:(reupload) w shooters mugshot :marseysick:

Parkland school shooter (Nicholas cruz)

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School shooters disgust me, i never comment on this site but this video hurts to watch. Those innocent kids went to get an education so they could have a good future and this fucking pathetic cunt took it all away. For what? Why children? How could that ever bring a person joy. Those kids are traumatized, they were forced to watch their best friends who they will never get to hug or hang out with ever again die. They watched their lovers who they will never get to laugh with and kiss ever again die. They watched their teachers who they will never get to talk to again die. He broke and ruined hundreds of families. They were just kids...

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Why children?

Why specifically children? What difference would it be if they were adults?

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I love school shooters

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Haha look at this loser "i love school shooters because i dont have the quality of talking to women and since they never look at me, i love school shootings" 😭🤣🤣🤣🤣

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I actually have a gf but alr

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that's cause ur fucked in the head and have no worth lol

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Stfu little bitch

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girl u stfu, ur just some mentally unstable pedo living in a basement who has nothing better to do than go on these sites. in the most disrespectful way, go fuck urself :) bye bye

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in the most respectful way, i agree B)

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Ok dirty mexican

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bruh I'm Canadian lmfao

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He's probably drugged up since he FASHO doesn't have a girlfriend 😂 he probably hasn't showered either.

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Shut the fuck up you waste of sperm. You should've went to school with the kid.

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HEY GUYS, look at this loser mentally unstable retard who thinks school shootings are the only things worth in his miserable, non girlfriend having life 👆🏼😭😭🤣🤣🤣🤣

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Take your meds crazy nut

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Video he made before the shooting

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Holy fuck this cute twink talks like chris chan :marseyrofl:

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That's diddy

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He ain't cute but he a twink fosho LOLLL

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Why does bro look like something I'd make in a games character select screen 💀

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Randomised sim

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He looks like the oblivion fanboy

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Ewwe hes either missing a couple chromosomes or has some extra. Mental deficient 🤢🤮

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Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

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love these sorts of vids with diagrams, etc. makes me happy with this level of detail/mapping, even if the topic is pretty fucked

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Well it gets adrenaline flowing for sure. Makes you feel one bit closer to what actually went on

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If you think hes bad enough here, watch the video "What pretending to be crazy looks like" by JCS. It shows how much of a pathetic, piece of shit loser this guy is

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Those poor kids :(

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man looks like an oblivion character. Should have only pointed a firearm towards himself. R.I.P to the victims.

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Nick's picture is how I envisage most of the fuckers on here

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👍 If you're looking for a place to chat with psychos, this is it.

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LOL WUT :marseylaughpoundfist:

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How about shooting yourself instead??? :3

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I would give death to Cruz and life in prison to that yellow bellied poor excuse for a cop and man.

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He has life in prison. He was charged with ac* of 17deaths. And people's ignuries. And going on (private property) aka the school. He did not go there so he was charged for all those things and I'm pretty sure he might get like death penalty but I'm not sure.

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what a dumbass. shooting kids and schools up jesus christ that is pathetic…

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Fr...and he did it for "fun" fucking crazy shithead.

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yeah dude is fucked up in his head

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the shooter reminds me of the average male postal 2 npc.

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Parkland school cute twink. And then when he got caught he started crying like a bitch.

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