NYC neighbor kills father and son over loud music (longer version)

Oct 29. 2023 | Jason Pass, 47, fatally shot Bladimy Mathurin, 47, and his stepson, Chinwai Mode, 27, over a noise dispute. Subsequently, he chose to go out suicide by cop after being confronted by cops on Nov 1 and lunging at the officers with a knife.

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That was a tricky one. Had he shot the guy while he was right up on him with the scissors he would have been justified. He waited a couple of seconds too long to do it and the guy had already began retreating by then. Then he went on the run and that's why the cops shot him 2 days later.

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Legally with the video evidence it's not at all justified as he wasn't in a direct threat to his life when the other dude was walking away. Looks like just pulling the gun woulda been enough to defuse the situation entirely but dude wanted to go Rambo mode for no reason

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he crashed out mane

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What I was getting at was had he shot immediately when he drew the gun he would have been justified because the other guy was still aggressively threatening him. The gun scared the other guy off and then he went after him and became the aggressor. Dumbass should have went back in his apartment. A few years ago when there wasn't so much cctv around he probably could have got away with it with a decent lawyer.

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Yeah the video evidence really cements his ass going to prison for life, but honestly without it I still don't know if he woulda got off based on the witnesses and anyone hearing that last shot knowing he straight executed the last guy, but considering this is shithole Bronx/Brooklyn maybe there coulda been a chance for a mistrial with their non existing legal system for poor people

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If you pull a firearm you may get a feeling of wanting to use it to stop the situation, it's a bad instinct but could be what snagged him.

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The usual suspects.

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Yeah that's just straight up manslaughter. Fuck that mentally unstable shithead, he clearly had an itchy trigger finger for wanting to kill someone. He just needed an excuse to do so

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gunning down 2 dudes running crom you isnt manslaughter you retRd. especially shooting them each in ghe head while theyre down. ur retarded

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It was more a figure of speech than an actual factual, technical term, fucking idiot. At least I type words instead of "retRd", "crom" and "ghe" talk about projecting. Retard.

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you use a completely different meaning word as a figure of speech instead of the actual crime? fucking autistic dunce, and im typing 150 wpm on phone no autocorrect idgaf if i mistype retards like you dont deserve the time of dsy to be typed to correctly. Dumb fuck.

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150 wpm. Sure. Get help. You need it. There's a reason you have negative votes fucking moron.

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nooo i have negative upvotes on a gore site!1!1!! fucking idiot 🚂E you are a retard you fucking low iq social reject.

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The projecting is absolutely insane. Again, get help. And go back to school it'll probably not help you but it's worth a shot

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you are using me having negative votes on a gore site as some sort of gotcha you retard. i know a cure to your disease thats a permanent decision but i think you know what that is. do it please no one will care.

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More will care about it compared to how many would care if you did it friend that's for damn sure

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I can't imagine the thoughts ay like fuck yeah now there no damn music suckers but fuck now I'm gonna spend literally the entire rest of my life in prison.. over some damn music.. wtf America

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There's no innocent people here, they all deserved to go out the way they did. Idiot dad was the one threatening the gunman with scissors.

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Deserved. Don't make idle threats or yer gonna get smoked 💀 but the kid didn't deserve it tho, looks like he was just tryna run away but the gun man probably thought he was tryna lunge at him

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I'll turn the volume down.

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The volume went down all right

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Yeah, everybody with loud music should be killed just like this...thumbs up to that brave man

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Why did he wait for him to walk away to shoot him lmfao

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really had to make sure it wasnt self defense and instead premeditated.

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What a bunch of negus

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Edp cousin fnl 223

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Slowly wiping each other out.... continue.

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lmaoo this a accurate representation of how niggas look when you up a gun💀☠️

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We could have been better off months ago, but disinformation and lies have been allowed to spread readily through inaction and malice, and have dragged this on at the cost of lives. There are those who deny that the pandemic even exists, there are those who think that wearing a mask will literally suffocate you, there are those who think it's no worse than a regular flu virus, that it's a bioweapon, and everything in between. This volume of blatant misinformation is problematic and dangerous.

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