store cashier murdered for not having enough money in register

Anthony Bernard Hampton, 18, and his nephew, Wayne Hampton, 22, both of Dallas, were picked up on murder charges, and both of them gave written confessions, police said. Bail was set at $200,000 for each of them.

Pete Shrum was shot three times at point-blank range late Saturday at a Diamond Shamrock gas station in Mesquite, a Dallas suburb. A store security camera captured the shooting, which TV stations aired Monday.

Anthony Hampton confessed to shooting :marseymagdump: Shrum ''because there was so little money in the cash drawer :sad2:, and Mr. Shrum had seen his face,'' said Officer Melvin Willis.

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This clip comes from Banned From Television

The victim, Pete Shrum, was killed over $18. His obituary states he served the US Army as a Sargent in the Korean War. The woman in the video, Peggy Wells, did get shot in the shoulder but it was non-life threatening.

Both men are serving life sentences, each eligible for parole in 2028. More details on TCDJ. (1) (2)

Here's a wiki page for further reading.

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They should both be incinerated

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It's a case like this where I'd like to ask people who are against the death penalty: "Please explain to me why these two should continue to live - and WE have to pay for their food and to take care of them."

I'm Ronnie Pickering!

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“Because they can be rehabilitated “

They don't deserve it

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God that is a great point. They don't fucking deserve it. You're so right.

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Why bother to rehabilitate pieces of human shit like these two?

We are facing overpopulation, starvation and homelessness, time to start getting rid of this kind of trash.

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I'm against the death penalty because not every case is as clear cut as this

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Yes. Many cases are very murky - and witness ID is terribly flawed - especially cross culturally.

It really is true that "they all look alike."

Even AI powered suspect recognition software does a shitty job with black people (although maybe it's getting better than it was)

I'm Ronnie Pickering!

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Yes, it seems we're much better identifying people with similar melanin content.

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They should be publicly maimed & executed.

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Ironically enough my opinion might be funny saying this here on WPD but I don't agree it should be public. I don't think it's good for normal people to see that. It normalizes violence. I hate lynch mob scenes where there are kids and random citizens. I think whoever is affected should be invited to watch it they want though.

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Public doesn't mean viewable from any position or place. I will designate cordoned sections specifically purposed for this task, along with caning stages. It does not mean random passersby will be able to see an execution as they walk home from the grocery with their children.

It will be public, because anyone and everyone will have access (bar minors) to the location.

I don't like lynchings either. Largely in that anyone can freely participate, and it provides an outlet for particularly demented individuals to appease their own sadism. (I'm sure many have noticed this in some of the videos on WPD.)

But a public execution isn't a lynching, as there is still an organized, lawful proceeding. It's not just a mob of angry hams taking to the streets.

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Ahh I see and I agree with that. It's funny how you're manifesting this with your words as something that will actually happen. I wish I had power in the world so I could kill evil people as much as possible.

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Nah..thats barbaric 🤭

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To all blacks in America……trust me, you don't know how bad I wish slavery never happened here. Like, real bad.

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Importing slaves was, for the US, the worst political and economic mistake ever made.

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Slavery and the generational trauma it caused, plus the fact that the black population of America was systematically exploited and re-enslaved through debt pionage immediately after the emancipation that lasted until a white teenager was enslaved in the 40s.

There is no such thing as free will, we are all deterministic beings acting predictably, epigenetic trauma will make people (if not provided for) resort to crime and especially violent crime do to desensitization growing up surrounded by violent crime. Actually providing for people and giving economic opportunities to the most disadvantaged as well as everyone else would solve the issue, most crimes are due to economic strife and if they were financially stable it would not be happening. Universal basic income off the backs of taxing large corporations who avoid taxation currently could solve the hunger and homelessness epidemics as well as being enough to fund universal healthcare.

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Nah, I don't believe in the sOcIeOeCoNoMics theories. We've tried this before. In fact, since the 60's the ball has been in the blacks court. But they chose to make bad life decisions and have a morally bankrupt culture. Throwing money at this won't fix it.

I've seen poor white, Hispanic, and Asian communities that don't trash their areas like blacks do. Many other countries were also enslaved and recovered. It's only blacks that seem to wait for somebody to do it for them. Their problems, in the US at least, can only be fixed by they themselves. But I get it. If I was black it's way more easier to play on naive white people than to do things the hard/right way.

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Good boys from good families who deserve compensation for wrongful arrest and racial profiling

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13% doing 13% things, useless subhumans need to get ridden of

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I don't like this 13% nonsense. If you take away the women, old people and children, and just keep it at young black men, what we are really seeing is about 4-5% committing all these violent crimes. Now THAT is amazing!

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Nah. Not all black folks are like this. I think its mainly black Americans. Im from Ghana Africa and you're not gonna hear shots ring out in our neighborhoods every five minutes or you're not gonna see us robbing stores. Black people are not only in the US. I feel like the US isn't a good place to raise your children. People should rause their children outside the US and bring them back when they're older just for the job opportunities. You can ask the white folks that live here.

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You are right. I'm sure you don't want the white folks there in Ghana. Let's do a trade: you can have all the American blacks and we'll take those pesky whites off your hands. Deal?

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search liberia history and you'll see how that ended up.

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usual suspect

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Raise your hand if you knew before they walked in what they were gonna be🙋 They should be charged with a hate crime for shooting that old lady Pilgrim, totally unnecessary!

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If you plan on robbing someone or something like a corner store that barely gets customers, don't expect there to be loads of money and then have terrible protection of your identity in the process, you need a life sentence honestly.

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I'm black and I approve of these comments!

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Niggas doing nigga shit

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F . U. ck. I. N. G

n1 ggas

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Guillotine for those nigas

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People who kill people for money are not without feelings. This is a problem of education and it is not the fault of genetics. All humans are not perfect, but some geniuses are helping us live in a good environment. But why do we have to do math? I have a lot of complaints. Anyway, there are 100 safe jobs where you won't encounter robbers. It's not right to kill people for money.

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Nah, I'm pretty sure genetics comes into play here. There's way too much evidence all over the world to disprove that.

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Except there really isn't.

Takes a special kind of retard to ignore all the various factors that come into play.

Funniest part of it all: There genuinely IS a correct way to give the "retarded blacks" argument... the problem is that y'all are too retarded yourselves in order to actually make it.

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Except there is.

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But there just isn't.

That kind of study would cost far too much money to provide anything close to accurate results. It's just not feasible.

Just another chronically-online incel with an algorithmically generated opinion. Touch grass.

Exactly what anyone would expect from Inverse Reddit, though.

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wtf is inverse Reddit? And are you really that fucking dumb that you need a study to show you what common sense can by simple observations? I guess so.

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Unfortunately, there's nothing that can be done to raise your IQ, so there are some things your little brain just won't be capable of. Critical thinking being foremost.

Get this: Inverse Reddit... is like Reddit.. but Inverse. Just a bunch of retards camped out on the opposite end of the spectrum.

Guaranteed that your "simple observations" are - at absolute minimum - 97% informed by online news articles, videos, and political commentators.

Barely enough neuroactivity going on in that little walnut brain of yours to actually conjure up a single original thought, nevermind one that's rationally-considered. A useful idiot, to a point.

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>People who kill people for money are not without feelings. This is a problem of education and it is not the fault of genetics. All humans are not perfect, but some geniuses are helping us live in a good environment. But why do we have to do math? I have a lot of complaints. Anyway, there are 100 safe jobs where you won't encounter robbers. It's not right to kill people for money.

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who would've guessed

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Death snore always gets me

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turns me on

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the last breath is smth

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I used to have this VHS tape "Banned from Television"

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What a piece of shit!

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you can say niger no need for 2 comments

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That first shot to the stomach is what killed him.

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Man wtf it's not his fault that there's wasn't a lot of money. Also what do you expect it's a GAS STATION. Maybe next time go rob something with bigger gains pussies

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In the end bro really said 😴😴😪😪😴😴😪😪🛏🛏🛏🛏🛏😴😴😪😪🛌🛌

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Ah, if it isn't the old 'Ding-Dong-Die'!

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hes eepy near the end, hog chew hog chew

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Black life matter????? :idontknow:

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Sleepy tired.

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"Why does racism exist? "

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There was no saving him poor man ... The death rattle starts an it's usually over, God bless

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I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards

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Black live matter!!!!! :chadblackyes:

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nigga went to sleep at the end😂

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Cashier sounds sleepy at the end😴

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To be honest that's the cashier's fault how do you not have change?

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