Officer shot and killed in holding cell - Croydon south London UK

Louis De Zoysa, 25, is accused of fatally shooting Sergeant Matt Ratana with an antique revolver at a custody centre in Croydon, south London, on 25 September 2020.

De Zoysa's murder trial was shown footage comprised of a body-cam recording and CCTV which shows the accused being stopped and searched on London Road, Norbury, south London.

It then jumps to the moments before Sergeant Ratana was fatally shot just after 2am, before cutting to immediately after, with De Zoysa being wrestled to the floor by two officers.

The video shows the gun being kicked away by the officers.

The jury at Northampton Crown Court was shown the footage in full on Wednesday and Thursday.

Jury members were also allowed to fire the gun allegedly used in the attack.

Anthony Miller, a forensic scientist, explained the gun was loaded with dummy bullets made of plastic and that it was completely safe to be used in the courtroom.

Members of the jury aimed the weapon at the ceiling while it was being fired.

Mr Miller said the gun did not go off during his own rigorous test of the weapon.

Suspect 'hid gun under one of his armpits'

De Zoysa, who was 23 at the time of the shooting, was still handcuffed when Sergeant Ratana was shot.

Prosecutors said he deliberately fired the weapon into the officer's chest without warning, after likely concealing the revolver and a holster "under one of his armpits".

The gun had not been discovered during the stop-and-search before he was taken to the custody block.

The first two shots hit Sergeant Ratana, the third struck a wall during a struggle with officers, and a fourth hit De Zoysa in the neck.

De Zoysa has denied murder.

Matt Ratana

Murder weapon

Trial artwork

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Shitskins ruined England

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Well, he should be out in a couple of years as UK loves to forgive and give criminals a second chance. Murder is less than 5 years if you can prove yourself to be a retard like this shitstain.

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typical suspect

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What do you mean?

That is clearly just a typical resident of Londonistan.

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Murdering an office in the US would be an onsite execution.

Shame good ol' Engerland has their laws written in crayon. This goat fucker will be out in 5 years tops

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From what I remember of this one, the man was severely autistic and prone to meltdowns when under a lot of stimulus. He had stated that he acquired and began carrying the gun for self defence after being mugged in the past.

It's legal to buy antique deactivated weapons without license as collectables in the UK. After buying the gun he made it functional again through some spare parts and ingenuity.

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He was also doing alot of burglaries in the area, in that bag he had all stuff to break into houses, he wasn't just an innocent autist my g lmao, gg on the name and pic too. Souf fc tho yuh mug.

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So if he's severely autistic, why can he wander around on his own?

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He's autistic not a double amputee mate

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They let Eminem walk around

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Love seeing these pigs fall over.

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all normal people like to see that. this site however is full of pig loving incels.

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V!olence is abhorrent, however, Th' wages of serving an [[evil and corrupt aristocracy]] is loosing all your HP.

I do not support what th' desert rat in this video did, but I have no sympathy for th' golem, either.

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When Zogtroopers and Wild Beasts fight eachother, nothing of value is lost.

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It's absurd to imagine this happening in the USA... It has happened a few times over the last 100ish years... Isn't it crazy how far he made it without a search finding that pistol?

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Searching people properly is really hard and invasive, especially if the person is wearing thick clothes like this guy. You kind of have to strip search them, especially if you want to make sure there's nothing in the armpits or groin. We practiced this for a long time in the army before we could reliably find everything.

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You're right, in the USA, there is a law called "stop and frisk" law, which sort of steps over the 4th Amendment: a cop can pat you down if they're interacting with you in the course of duty. It's not a very solid search, they'd need a warrant or a reason to go into your pockets- so, if you're wearing thick clothes and have a small gun (this guy's pistol looks pretty tiny), a frisk could miss it. It seems that they were in this room to perform the full search- the problem is that he got out of his cuffs somehow.

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Nah he's still in cuffs the whole time and that's not a small pistol that's a whole ass full sized revolver. Shoddy police work is all that is. This same situation happened in America and the cops looked like idiots

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It is rare, but look at the Hollis McDaniels debacle.

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London moment

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Zogtrooper signed up to serve ZOG only to get reduced to 0HP by a savage that ZOG brought over.

Live by th' ZOG, perish by th' ZOG.

Also darn 'em all for cutting out th' good part.

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Ngl that was badass

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Bro really :marseythinkorino2: went through all this work to post this with no fucking :marseytom: audio

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Usual Suspect + Londonistan

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Where them audio at ?!

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Intent to supply really? 3 grams?

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Bullets I think

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there was no shooting you fuckin clown. the video skipped that part clown

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Over 3oz and some .38 slugs?

‘F this happened in the states, they'd call you a low level pussy and let you walk off. Unless you're black, in which case they'd wait until your back is facing them before shooting.

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