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First video in original quality:

And another (not particularly interesting) video:

The shooter was identified as Travis Posey (44).



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$2.89 gas? Jelly.

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yeah but you have to live in Arkansas lmao

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LOL, Jesus this made me laugh so hard. Love it.

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Yeah, I'm dying out here paying $4.98.

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It just dipped below $5 where I'm at. I'm not allowed to drive anymore anyways though, sadly.

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Hey guys we're live here at a mass shooting and.... :marseyheadshotgory:

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incoming conservative lawmakers thoughts and prayers


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Incoming politicians politicianing

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Incoming liberal lawmakers need to strip rights from law abiding citizens

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cuz guns safe lifes am i right. proven every day with those shootings

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Owning a sword is not a right you fucking lobotomite

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So criminals were never law abiding citizens? A lot of these mass shootings have been done with legally purchased guns.

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Even if they didn't have the ability to buy firearms legally, its pretty easy to get them illegally. That's the big issue with criminalizing certain classes or attachments, just because something is illegal wont stop a mass murderer from using it.

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The reason they are so easy to get illegally is because it's so easy to get them legally in many places. All it takes is someone with a clean record to purchase them then sell them on the black market. Better yet, anyone can go to gun shows without background checks and purchase guns.

There's a reason places like the UK don't have a major gun violence problem. Because of the super strict gun laws that cover the entire nation. In America all someone has do is go to a lax gun law state in order to get guns and bring them into strict gun law states. America's lax gun laws mean many of the legally purchased guns end up in South America and other nations. Often used by cartels there.

Also, very cute how many gun nuts are on here downvoting basic facts.

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Wrong. As evidenced by every European country having criminals and banned guns and somehow not having mass fucking shootings you retard

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they do have mass shootings you retard look at the one in the university in czech or the countless mass shootings in russia, and even if america was to ban all guns there would still be 400 million guns in circulation, u think banning them is gonna make all of those guns just disappear in thin air?

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Russia? European? They're just america with less money.

This is the bed you have made, now lie in it wit the corpses of the children and bystanders you enable the mass murder of every week

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mass murder of children and bystanders ever week? lol less than 50 kids die in school shootings yearly, YES YEARLY, in a country of 350 million, so no there isnt some 20 casualty school shooting every week, ur too addicted to american social media, those events where a lot of ppl dir are very very very anomalies. ur chronically online if u believe anythingu. just said, yes russia is european u dunce

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forget about the slew of social issues in every "advanced" country, the problem is as simple as gun legality. low iq vermin...

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Also, if guns were banned in the US, how the hell are they going to be taken. Most Americans aren't going to give them up, and even if all law abiding citizens did, what's to stop criminals from just hiding them. And just as a little added bonus, look at the violent crime rates in the US vs Europe. Sure, the US has more gun violence, but not much more proportional violence overall.

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That has to do with the lower quantity of guns around as well as cultural differences. With the US, there are so many firearms around that outright banning them would be impossible/ineffective, due to both the quantity and the sheriffs not enforcing it. Take a look at Illinois, where a law was recently passed that banned certain styles of firearms. While a few counties enforced it, the sherrifs of most did not, as they actually serve their constituents. And as for the part about not having mass shootings, you're the retard. The quantity of shootings has increased in Europe, just take a look at that German neo Nazi who made his own weapons. The current gun laws in many countries are antiquated, as they come from an age where the fabrication of weapons required rare machinery. Nowadays, anyone with a 3D printer and a CNC miller can make a rudimentary handgun. In the modern age, making weapons is so much easier than it used to be, and it continues to get easier. Even countries that outright ban all guns, like Japan, are having people manufacturing their own. Take a look at the assassination of the old PM, the assassin literally used a homemade gun.

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Another mass shooter too dumb to use something like a gopro. You hate to see it. Thankfully he's still alive so we can hear him say something stupid.

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What a waste! No good footage!

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"Try THAT in a small town!"

Jason Aldean in shambles.

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I mean, 3 points is rather shitty, I am surprized that this became news at all.

Then again, I suppose that small number might rise if more perish from their wounds, but still, pretty pathetic numbers.

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Gonna turn this into an effortpost hope you don't mind me using the videos!

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Great, another absolute fucking loser making his lame existence a problem for everybody else. I wish these kids would off themselves and record that, would be a billion times more fun to watch

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Hes 44

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I wish these kids would learn how to start a livestream -__-

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It's Arkansas. This is what happens when your manager fails to re-stock Doritos.

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Pork rinds.

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2 dead, 8 injured. Suspect is in critical condition.


Hope that he enjoys the science experiments they will be performing on his living organism.

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love how society has evolved into filming shootings and tragedies instead of running away from it lmaoo bro did not give a fuck :marseytarrant:

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Main character syndrome at its full effect

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Camera man never dies thats why he wasnt worried

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Genuine question, you people in America are allowed to own a gun and carry it with you, why none of you pull out yours to shoost mf's like that?

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As much as everyone outside of America think every single person is carrying a gun at any given time, it's pretty uncommon. Even in places where it's very easy to carry from a legal standpoint it's still fairly uncommon. Most people generally just don't feel comfortable enough with a gun to actually carry one, and the ones that are comfortable with firearms don't necessarily want to deal with the legal and social aftermath of having to use a gun to defend yourself. Just because you have the ability to actually carry the gun on you doesn't mean there won't be massive legal fallout for yourself if you ever actually had to use it.

That being said, low-end estimates for the United States are in the range of 55,000 to 80,000 incidents per year, while high end estimates reach 4.7 million per year according to Wikipedia. It's difficult to get accurate data on such things since many defensive gun use incidents aren't reported and also because the political nature of such data and people on both sides of the argument wanting to distort it to their benefit.

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It's happened quite a few times. My guess is no one had one in this situation or they most likely would have at least tried to shoot him.

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Despite having the right to do so, there's still a social stigma against it. A lot of people have a high degree of faith that the police are sufficient protection. A lot of people feel that owning a gun makes them less safe, like they'll have an accident or something. Concealed carry is not legal in every jurisdiction, and for that matter some places outlaw handguns, making it difficult to legally carry in such a situation. It's also hard to effectively conceal carry when you're as obese as a lot of Americans are.

But really I think it just boils down to cowardice. They know if they stand up to take a shot, they make themselves more of a target, so they cower and hope someone else will deal with it.

But I say that as someone who's never been in this situation. I honestly don't know how I'd react.

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You need a CCW to carry a firearm on you in Arkansas

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It actually happens a lot, but many news media organizations don't cover it either because it's either counter to their agenda or because its not sensational. A decently sized chunk of the population of the US does carry, but not enough to stop every event.

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God bless america

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I'll light this mf up like 4th of July

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Yet another americoon patriot practicing his freedumbs!



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Second guy had a chance to get the perfect angle but ended the video 😞

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When white people can't take it anymore.

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Man, I knew a guy who almost died trying to get a shot for his student film and the movie didn't even get selected because he couldn't finish editing it in time, lol. What happened to camera skills?

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Just a normal day in Arkansas, really

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That is some cheap gas

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Ayo anyone got an idea what group this guy was from? Typical suspects would be: Nazis, Incels, :!marseytrain:s, Whiite Supremacists, Street niggas, and Schizos.

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white niggas

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Absolutely ritard.

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The most average Ameritard

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that didnt take long, what a country.

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the most peaceful country... :pervertedspiderman:

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Nobody has claimed that for the last 50 years…

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Ball cleveage shorts should be a thing.

I feel like society is ready.

I can imagine all sorts of cool outfits that show off my ball cleveage, for the office, for the pool, weddings and any sort of occasion.

Wearing ball cleavage shorts will allow us men to use our assets to flirt with women who are in power in hopes of gaining some unfair advantage over those who are less endowed.

There would be "wonder shorts" which push the balls up front and accentuate the cleavage. Like diamonds on a pedestal.

There would be a little hole in the shorts to let the ball cleavage poke through




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This reply was a thousand times more interesting than the video i came here for. I believe society IS ready for ball cleavage 👏🥹

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My sister was killed in this

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Pics or it didn't happen.

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No way RIP

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Hence why i carry my sig 365 everywhere. One licensed or non licensed individual could have stopped this.

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You won't do shit. You'd be shot before you even get your gun out as they have the advantage.

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Thank you good guy with a gun! Its unfortunate that 90% of the time someone dies first before you spawn so R.I.P and sending taughts and prayers to the death required for you to come save the day

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