Fat mf shoot random guy during robbery


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They gave him the money, and he still shoots! This is why you should never give these guys an inch. If you are in a similar situation, take them out!!! No mercy!! This is why the police shoot someone many times and give no room if they are holding a gun in their hands. It is survival of the fittest out there!!

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Yeah sure. Go fight someone who has a gun pointed at you. Fucking Einstein.

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You are the american that thinks he can take on the grizzly bear ez

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only thing that 'bear' could take on is a cheese burger. gas him in less than a min

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That's because I can, if I had my knife. Only pussies think a bear would win.

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Bro got what he came there for and tried to take a life anyways wtaf dude very unprofessional.

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It was probably a hit disguised as a robbery.

Make it seem like someone close to the victim isn't responsible by making it look like a random robbery, while the actual thing the guy wanted was the other guy's life.

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Maybe i mean that does make sence but i guess we will never know :wolffacepalm:

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Oh shit wtf i gotta check this out

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I got linked the article on the reply just below your post lol.

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I've seen cases like this before!

There's also one where a guy killed his ex girlfriend who cashiered at a clothing store. He had a helmet on to cover his face, and after she gave him the money, he shot her.

It's crazy what people come up with to try to cover something up.

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Why what's the point? Fat people are always annoying even when robbing

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Posted this on a few other comments, but, could be a hit disguised as a robbery, if it wasn't just the fat man being jumpy.

Act like the robbery was the main goal, but in actuality he's there to end someone's life, the robbery makes it look like a random nobody walked in and wasn't a personal killing set up specifically for the victim, that way no one suspects anyone that's personally close to said victim.

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That unnecessary shot should mean the guy NEVER gets out of prison, or gets the death penalty.

I'm Ronnie Pickering!

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lard ass gonna spend it on all on pizza and mountain dew

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Stupid fatass motherfucker

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Yeah why don't we just bump this up to a first degree for no goddamn reason. 🤷‍♂️

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Criminals don't think about that, they don't think about escaping with lesser charges, they think about never getting caught.

A murder during a robbery doesn't mean shit if you have no intention of getting caught in the first place.

Anyway, this was probably a hit disguised as a robbery to begin with. At least that's what it looks like to me.

Make it seem like a robbery when the real target is the guy at the table, so that way no one suspects anyone close to the victim is responsible.

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That honestly makes more sense, you're probably right. That or he just really wanted to shoot a mf.

But criminals should think more about that, don't you think?

I get that one's decision making might not be the best in the heat of the moment, and of course nobody plans on getting caught, but there's always a chance, so you'd wanna have a contingency right?

If it's the difference between being wanted for armed robbery and being wanted for murder, the latter means a lot more heat and a lot more jail time.

It just doesn't make sense to up the stakes for yourself like that if you don't have to.

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I understand what you're saying, but as stated, people who are so impulsive as to commit a violent crime such as armed robbery doesn't think as far ahead as "if I get caught" they just think "I'm not gonna get caught"

In a random crime it's hard to pinpoint any culprit because there's thousands if not millions in one city that can fit the description of being desperate enough to rob a store for quick cash, adding a murder into the "robbery" doesn't really change all that much. Unlike GTA people don't just get a random wanted level after doing a crime, it can take months, if not YEARS to even pinpoint the identity of the person, let alone catch them. Plus you never know how desperate they are, this cash may just be their life as well, take it away and they're "dead" anyway, basically the stakes may already be high for them. Also, not so fun fact, 50 percent of murders go unsolved every year, the ones that are solved are usually crimes of passion, such as a friend killing another in a fit of rage or a spouse killing another spouse. A random murder during a random crime is very likely to go unsolved.

anyway I could be right on the hit disguised as a robbery thing.


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He shot him b/c the guy started to move and took his hands off the counter - even tho he was probably told not to. He could potentially be going for his gun, so the fat man shot him.

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he got his fuckin money why doesn't he fuck off?? shit unnecessary to shoot this guy.

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the man that eating peacefully, ended with a bullet in his head. I surprise tho he still alive.

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He died doing what he loved :catmunch:

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obese ass prob didn't even get that far away

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Cluny The Scourge has no mercy.

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Does anyone have an article or backstory on this incident?

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A link to an article was posted in this thread a few times lol.

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Literally no backstory, Lol its just a robbery like any other.

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Here's the backstory LOL I was right, it's not "just a robbery" like any other.

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Looks more like a hit disguised as a robbery to me.

Act like you're robbing the place when the real target is the victim's life. Rob the place so that way no one suspects anyone close personally to the victim is involved.

A case popped up like that where a guy killed his ex, he robbed the store she was a cashier at, and then killed her after she gave him the money.

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That's so fkn sad

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"Welp, maybe he got shot."

*peeks a bit

"Yep, he got shot."

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Dude might be one of the luckiest people in the world (aside from getting shot in the head.)

The fact that he's still moving, he's got a chance.

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This news article from dec. 14th (8 days later) says he "underwent surgery at the hospital, where he remains in critical condition." Looks like he survived, can't find anything else

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Just got done reading that, crazy. I wonder if the dude is gonna be paralyzed or if he's even really the same guy anymore.

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With all that blood on the floor, and a bullet in the back of his head, even if he does live, he's gonna wish he didn't.

I doubt he survived.

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Head wounds tend to bleed a lot regardless. I've got a buddy who got popped in the head and didn't even know it at the time. Bullet went in, skidded around the inside of his skull, and excited without any permanent brain damage.

That's why i say this guy has a chance given that he's still moving.

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I guess you were right, the dude survived, the only information I read was that he was in critical condition so there's no telling what disabilities the guy is gonna roll out with if any.

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