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Anti-Gun people are a bunch of cute twinks who will never be half the man this woman is.

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I feel so safe knowing I have a gun to defend myself from all the other idiots with guns. Imagine if no one had guns. How would I defend myself from all the gunless idiots. I'd be so unsafe.

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And the world would instantly become a peaceful place, amirite?

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The gun are for law abiding citizens to protect them selves. This jackass would have had a knife if he diddnt have a gun. That law abiding woman would have still had the right to have a gun and murder the blackie.

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You are a retard and a cute twink. Everybody knows you don’t own any guns.

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Thanks, I am cute. Xx

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You are such a retard that you don’t even know you can change the settings of your account so bad words don’t get replaced with PC lingo….

Or maybe you are such a cute twink that you actually prefer the PC lingo because mean words hurt your fee fees.

Which is it?

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that silly moment when your only insults are "retard" and "cute twink"

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Tell me you want to fuck me, without telling me you want to fuck me.

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And everyone knows youre not a patriot. Sit down

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I’m only pro gun while I live in countries that are pro gun.

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Low key 120IQ take.

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literally wouldn’t need her if that guy couldn’t have gotten a gun, however what’re the odds the government can keep every gun away from this man

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the odds are actually quite high in most countries, you can't keep guns away from every criminal, but every criminal isn't going to have easy access to a gun

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That’s not true all countries even in the uk have violence where firearms are used. You can’t keep guns out of the hands of people anywhere.

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Hi, im a ex military but now UK based civilian. You dont need to worry about guns here because theyre not readily availiable.

Having gun violence does not equate to needing a gun in a lived experience.

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UK gun violence makes breaking news and for a long time, US has a school shooting for a regular tuesday

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Or just be in a nice country where this shirt doesn't happen

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Based and :#marseydoit:pilled

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Muricaaa fuck yeah

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Lol lotta purple-named strags downvoting ya.curious?

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mf racist cuz the color of my account purple

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Cant upvote this enough. GOV KILLED 90,000,000 in past 120 years. Mass shooters in the uS? 1000 or so.

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Nothing more straggy than having a gun tbh. Real men use fists

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lmao no

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Shut the fuck american fgt. This problem wouldnt have happened anywhere else in the western world. Kys

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seethe harder third worlder

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third worlder? bitch I live in a first world country far more developed than the US

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no you don't. kill yourself.

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cope + seethe angry retard

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There's no need for a good guy with a gun in a place where bad guys don't have guns. This gun problem is solely a low safety society's problem and it's hard to say if the chicken or the egg came first.

Nowhere else in the developed world does a man go "I will carry a weapon in case someone tries to rob me." America truly is a 1st world superpower whose citizens live like 3rd world cattle.

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There's no need for a good guy with a gun in a place where bad guys don't have guns.

Knives r real

Nowhere else in the developed world does a man go "I will carry a weapon in case someone tries to rob me."

lmao how shelter r u?

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“Gun violence happens because of guns”.

That’s my favorite comment of all time right there. I read it like Nathan, the retard from South Park.

Easily the dumbest, most tautological piece of nonsense that has ever been typed on this site. Congratulations brother, you beat all the retards and became retard king for a day. About to gift you some coins.


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Yolky likes the idea of being defenseless and having the government carry him on his shoulders his whole life…. Your comment was perfect, nobody can make an ass out of themselves more than a person that goes on a gore site to be anti gun. Almost every one of these videos is just one more reason to carry

Edit- forgot to add the woman in the video was actually a law enforcement officer the video came out early 2022

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Wot. How would gun violence happen without guns though?

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Look up “tautology”.

By definition “gUn viOLenCe” cannot happen without guns. The issue isn’t that the assertion isn’t true, it is necessarily true. The issue is that it’s a stupid thing to point out.

Obviously if no guns existed there would be no “gun violence”. But that’s like saying “if numbers didn’t exist there would be no math”. While it’s something you can string into a sentence and say it it doesn’t mean it’s a smart thing to say. Math and guns exist, there’s nothing you can do about it.

Even places where guns are banned have “gUn viOlEncE”, in fact they usually have more because disarmed people are easier victims. Even places who have outright banned and confiscated guns people just make their guns at home lmao. You can only enforce gun free zones with guns. All anti-Gun laws require guns if you are going to even try to enforce them.

You are not against guns, you just want the state to be the only entity who can have them, which is weird because you guys think the state is run by Nazis and Russian colluders.

Its an idiotic distinction anyway. Far more violence is committed with other instruments, including hands and feet.

You can 3D print guns as well. Gun control is dead. Nobody can argue for gun control, all they can really argue for is centralizing gun ownership and making it exclusive to the state. Anybody who still entertains gun control as sensible or even possible is what the soviets referred to as a “useful idiot”. You are just repeating your programming like a fucking NPC and arguing for tyranny. You’ll end up on a firing line either way, you might even be first.

If you want to reduce violence you need to empower people to defend themselves.

Now, quit being a cute twink and stop calling for the state to disarm the people. It’s a stupid idea. Read a book dude.

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Thank you for attempting to educate this bag of beans but he’s to far gone to look at facts and swallow his pride

And as for ganjabliss420 how are you the wrong person to rant too? Are you gonna hurt one of us gun owners😂😭

  • no one can make an ass out of themselves more blatantly than you your so clearly an uneducated sack that I’m almost embarrassed to waste my time mocking you but I feel another opinion backing Ragnar could possibly help you wedge your head out of your turd cutter
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Wow, im suprised you took the time to even explain it to him. Prolly learned nothing, thanks for putting in the effort tho

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I don’t do it to educate him. It’s a public service of sorts, but I do it for the rest of the people reading who would benefit from seeing a fully flushed out refutation, not for the mindless NPC I happen to engage. It’s not for him, he is retarded, he doesn’t even know what he is saying. He is just repeating what he has been told.

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I didn't know about guns being made at home. So it was very educational thank you c:


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Not very long ago, experienced people could machine guns from metal.

Now you can get a handful of metal parts, or "part kits" and 3d print the rest of the gun with plastic filament.

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Even places where guns are banned have “gUn viOlEncE”, in fact they usually have more because disarmed people are easier victims.

I'm not gonna take part in the whole guns vs no guns argument, it's a shitshow as it is.

Just wondering if you have any statistics to back this up, cause America is really up there when it comes to gun violence.

PS: Brazil doesn't count.

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Guns are virtually illegal there but gun violence is through the roof. They have incredibly strict rules and regulations, basically all calibers are off limits for civilians. Guns are super hard to buy.

They still have rampant gun violence and people are victimized often.

While it is helpful to know a country's total number of gun deaths, it is vital to realize that different countries reach their totals in different ways and for different reasons. For example, the overwhelming majority of gun-related deaths in Brazil are homicides, typically a symptom of the country's rampant drug trade. By comparison, nearly two out of every three gun deaths in the United States is a suicide. Meanwhile, Guatemala owns the world's highest rate of unintentional/accidental gun deaths.

Some of the countries with the highest rates of gun violence have some of the strictest gun laws and civilians don’t have legal access to firearms.


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I see, and it's true those countries have a high rate of gun violence.

But a few arguments could be made here: Mexico borders with the USA, where gun access is easy. There's probably a lot of trade going on there with weapons being illegally taken into Mexico. Other than that, most of the countries on that list are on Latin America, and, in general, third world. Greenland only made the list because they have a low pop overall.

If you look at European countries, where guns are almost completely banned everywhere, and look at gun violence stats, you'll find it is really, really low. So gun laws do work to a certain extent.

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The exact same thing could be said for drug prohibitions.

The statements “gun control doesn’t work” and “the war on drugs doesn’t work” are both true.

You could ban knives and see a decline in knife violence. And violence as such wouldn’t be eliminated by doing that, it would just take a different form. Instead of people killing each other with knives they’d use clubs or hammers (both of which are used to kill people more often in the US than AR15 rifles by the way). If you ban the hammers and clubs people would use sticks, stones all the way down to their hands and feet.

The only places where gun control has been effective are totalitarian regimes like North Korea. My guess is that they have virtually no gun violence in there, probably few drugs too. Take some time to think about the implications of that.

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Tell me you’re an American retard without telling me you’re an American retard… special ed class is waiting buddy go suck off your mates

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I disagree with your statement that a ban of firearms leads to more gun violence. If it is implemented correctly it can definitely have its benefits. I live in a country where really is no need to carry a gun around. I would actually feel unsafer walking with a gun around. If i‘d live in the US i would get a gun for sure but just because everybody seems to be walking around with one.

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People like him don’t realize that there will ALWAYS be a black market for weapons like this regardless of any gun laws you can come up with. The notion that mass shootings would magically stop is hilariously wrong. I’m not even a “gun nut”, I don’t even own a gun, but definitely understand why anyone would want to own one. If there’s one basic truth I’ve learned through time is that bad people will usually jump through many hoops to accomplish their goal, so ultimately you just screw over the law abiding people.

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I'm the wrong one to rant that hard at. I really don't care or ever claimed to know much. It was just a snarky comment dude. Get trolled I guess? Didn't even intend to troll but fuck it get trolled anyway dude lol lmao

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I enjoyed his reply

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Weed kills brain cells. Case in point.

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Chill it was a joke

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I smoked over 5 times a day for the last 3 years and recently quit last month and let me just tell you I’ve noticed how stupid it made me and how dumb potheads are. Weed kills brain cells and not only that but makes the daily users think there opinion matters

  • Your words don’t matter if your bumping into walls
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The only way that would happen is if guns were and never were invented

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That's unfortunately all that can be said for a lot of things in this world. Humanity is too far gone.

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hey internet look, another fucking idiot.

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All these thing used to try and ban guns are illegal. Criminals don't follow the law. A law that stops people from owning guns legally won't stop a criminal from getting a gun. When shit hits the road the government will be hiding in their bunker instead of protecting its citizens while criminals have guns.

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Shut the fuck up pussy

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nawl u shut the fuck up dike ass ho

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I'm not a gun advocate tbh because I wish they'd never been invented really but, even I know guns don't shoot people, people shoot people.

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Friendly reminder that no one gives a happy damn about your misinformed and brainwashed opinion on the art of self-defense.

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So you think it’s wrong to own a gun? To defend yourself?

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Is that what it seems like?

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saved this comment because its so fucking dumb, thanks for a good chuckle

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Guns don't kill people, people kill people. People with bigger guns kill people with smaller guns. Take 3rd countries for example, begging us for tanks and AA missiles.

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Just facts brother. America's rates of gun crime are a fucking disgrace and the answer is so simple it's almost unbelievable

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"Legal gun owners commit the worst of the worst when it comes to gun violence." - that's hilarious.

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You can replace it with any weapon.

But yeah, amercia chill on the guns.

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I agree with you, they tend to blow up on people who has the slightest disagreement with them, tho we should be greatfull to the pro gun people, they kill each other giving us more content for here, it’s a win win situation, one less person who can’t control their feelings weilding a gun

Life is beautiful and brutal, live every day like it’s your last

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What rank is this comment in terms of the most downvoted on the site?

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Pretty sure ragnar holds the record rn. He flipped shit about cubans or something and it was around 250s last i remember.

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Logically and morally, it is permissible to kill people who advocate for gun controls.

(1) Everyone has the right to use deadly force to defend themselves when others try to take away their guns by force (Armed robbery with deadly weapon).

(2) Advocating for gun control = Invoking the state to take away other people's guns.

(3) State = force.

(4) Therefor advocating for gun control = Using force to take away other people's guns.

(5) Therefor it is justified self-defense to use deadly force against people who advocate for gun control.

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Pretty easily mate. 80 percent of these happen in shithole countries with no sense of civility. We're a fucking superpower in the world who is the outlier for school shootings, and mass shootings as a whole. Majority of people getting murdered on this site are either gang affiliated or caught in unfathomable bad luck. Most of the deaths via murder on this site can be fixed by just not being in a cartel or gang.

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Month old comment, mate. Also, generally when someone says "kill yourself" theyre projecting, or they just hate their life in the current state. Been there, done that, get medicated big man. Before you kill yourself

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