grandfather shoots and kills his grandson in self defense (argentina)

A 76-year-old man shot his 29-year-old grandson in Bahía Blanca in the middle of an argument.

Domingo Faustino Berna, 76, was released this Wednesday afternoon after being detained for his grandson's crime , committed last Monday in the Buenos Aires city of Bahía Blanca , although he will continue to be charged with homicide.

The man was subjected to a hearing before the Bahiense Homicide prosecutor, Jorge Viego, who is investigating the death of 29-year-old Brian Berna.

The prosecutor accused the old man of the crime of homicide qualified by the bond and for being committed with a firearm, having exceeded the legitimate defense that he would have exercised. After the defendant refused to testify on the advice of his defense attorneys, he was released.

“Taking into account the penalty provided by law for this crime and the advanced age of the defendant, his release was ordered”

it was indicated from the Public Prosecutor's Office, which will continue with the investigation.

The event occurred in a house at 600 Cobián Street, in Bahía Blanca, where the suspect was with his grandson.

A police chief explained that, apparently, during an argument, the older man shot the young man, who died from his injuries.

After a call to the 911 emergency service, members of the Patrol Command and personnel from the 4th police station came to the scene. , with jurisdiction in the area, who found the body of the Berna minor lying on the floor.

After what happened, medical personnel, the Scientific Police and the prosecutor Viego came to the scene, who gave various instructions to arrest the victim's grandfather as a suspect.

During an inspection at the farm, the detectives found several weapons, including a 32-caliber revolver, apparently used to commit the act, and even a broken broomstick.

It is noteworthy that the autopsy of the corpse revealed that the victim received 5 shots that caused injuries to the abdomen, thorax, neck, cheek, and shoulder. The spokesmen pointed out that the defendant also had abrasions.

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That prosecutor needs to drop those charges. That's clear self-defense.

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He opened the door to shoot him. It's self-defense in the sense that he's not the one who started the altercation, but legally he's not in the clear.

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@lft I’m sorry but you need to watch the video again, because I think you are obviously blind. Do the French typically have trouble with their vision? The grandad is actively trying to close the door but asshat grandson keeps trying to kick the door in! He kicked in one last time and granddad had enough, once he kicks it and the door opens, he is in open season where I’m from. Completely justified.

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Do the French typically have trouble with their vision?

lmao where did that come from

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To me it just seemed like a funny and troll thing to say.

Edit: I thought he was French, based on 2 France related posts he made and him talking about the french police and their brutality and answering other questions I asked almost as if he lived there, and the fact he has the starry night 🌌 as his background photo and the painter of that piece lived a good portion of his life in France. He also downvotes every time I make a joke about a eurocop so I definitely assumed he was French. Excuse me.

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I'm not french (?), but if you freeze-frame at 0:36, the door begins to open right before the foot makes contact and he's thrown off balance by his foot riding a door that is moving away from him. If he was the one who kicked it through, his momentum would be propelling him forward.

The fact that the grandfather opened the door to shoot is confirmed from multiple news stories about the case:

but he comes back and starts kicking the entrance of the house. After that, he was surprised by his grandfather, who left the house with a gun shooting at him.

Subsequently, the boy returned to the place, where after kicking the door he was surprised by his grandfather, who shot him several times at close range.

grandson arrives at the man's house and begins to kick the front door to enter. Having no answer, he continues to hit until his grandfather comes out and makes several shots.

also, fwiw, the daughter of the old man (and the mom of the dead kid) says her dad went inside to look for the gun and then opened it with the intent to kill him

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Lol I thought you were, based on those France related posts you were obviously passionate about (in an admirable way) and you talking about the french police and their brutality almost as if you lived there, and the fact you have the starry night 🌌 as your background photo and the painter of that piece lived a good portion of his life in France. And you always downvote whenever I make fun of a eurocop so as an asshole American it’s my job to make assumptions. Excuse me.

I don’t know how defense laws are written in Argentina but in Texas this would grandfather would basically have an airtight alibi.

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Dude this is creepy

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Nah dude, it's wholesome.

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Why let a dangerous individual destroy your barrier when you're prepared to protect yourself and yours?

Nonsense argument.

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Why open the barrier? The video makes it seem like grandpa had enough of his little grandshit and decided to peekaboo and waste him, not because his pussy kicks were about to do anything.

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Legally, yeah, usually you need to try to run away or get out of the altercation first. Which state though (Stand your ground law)?:marseypeace::marseyhmmm:

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Serves the lil shit right

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He deserved it

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Damn. I'd simply be glad to still have a grandparent at 29, but I guess not everyone works like that, huh. Good riddance.

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and that is how you take out the trash

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Heartbreaking poor grandpa

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Kid deserved it

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Whenever I feel like my own family is fucked up and dysfunctional, I will simply watch this.

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Mann he deserved it:banana:

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that's a 29yo? looks like a waste of diapers and kiddy milk to me. old man had to handle him all these years until he found no hope in him, probably still felt bad after putting an end to it with his own hands

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During an inspection at the farm, the detectives found several weapons, including a 32-caliber revolver, apparently used to commit the act, and even a broken broomstick.

Man those are insainely regulated. Wonder how he managed to get his hands on a broomstick

Really though i wonder if they mean to say shortened barrel shotgun

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29 yo? I thought he was an angry teenager, he should know far far better at this age, not a big loss.

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Love seeing people like this get shot. He loved beating up on the old man because it was easy. God created man, Samuel Colt made them equal or was it Samuel L Jackson.

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Can you leave your Christian beliefs out of this please?

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You’re a RETARD. That comment has nothing to do with his Christian beliefs: the reference he’s making comes from an early slogan from the Colt firearm company. It went, “God created men, Samuel Colt made them equal,” (claiming that any person could, regardless of physical strength, defend themselves with a Colt gun) and it became a popular phrase in American culture.

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Yep. Aggressive men like that need to be put down - like aggresive dogs.

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bring in the new generation, take em out when need be, legend.

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Más pelotudo imposible pegándole a un anciano, bala por cobarde, muy triste que su propio nieto saliera así

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Can’t believe the prosecutor even went after the old man. Obviously his grandson was trying to kill him.

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He opened the door to shoot him, that's not self defence

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The grandson was kicking the door in. Where I’m from that’s enough to justify to shooting him.

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If he had kicked the door in and entered the house, then it would be considered self defence.

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I will repeat this for the last time. Where I am from, Texas the Lone Star State, you do not need to wait for him to completely enter the house. I don’t know how the laws are written in Argentina! At 0:31 seconds he kicks the door and it opens, I personally cannot definitively determine whether grandad opened the door exactly when the grandson kicked it, or if (what I feel is the more likely possibility) the grandson’s kick opened the door. At this point, you can blow his brains out in Texas. That’s just how the law is written. Idk about Argentina but how much does an 75 year old need to get the shit beat out of him before he has the privilege to defend himself? After he’s already dead? It’s obvious the grandson was an immediate threat and that this was self defense despite all this knit picking about the damn door. Is that the only thing that we are to base our opinion on here?

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Maybe where YOU'RE from, but where I am, it's a legal pass to punch the intruder's number. Don't act like that dumbass in the video and you won't have to worry about dying the way he did.

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I just love the waving arms and anger of him now having to explain to the over reacting wife who's most likely screaming why he did it LOL

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Well done pops!

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i seen part of this clip a little while ago but only the part where the old man shot his grandson. i had no idea that it was his grandson though bc people were saying it was a robbery

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I wonder where does OP get so many videos... :marseybowl:

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To fuck around is human.

To find out is divine.

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If it happened in China, it would be intentional homicide

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Probably shot him because his grandson punches like a girl.

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And I thought our laws sucked.

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The old man probably wanted that side of the blood line to end. Best not have children with that swing

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Now he's worm food it's the circle of life

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Red dead redemption ahh ragdoll 💀💀🤦🏻‍♂️

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im sorry for the grandpa probaly was really hard to shoot ur own grandkid

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Haha! A Cappy from his pappy!:marseylaugh:

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Is it even legal? I did the math, and 1,500+ weeks to abort a baby is way past Argentina's 14-week limit for Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy.

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it’s always like this when they don’t get it

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damn, died off camera

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Ended his little shit flame

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He Fell like a gta npc

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Looking at it all I feel well done grandpa

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Retarded family all of them

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That’s tough. I’m not sure I could shoot my own child or grandchild, even in a self defense situation. It’s a lot harder when you’re cutting down your own family tree.

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LOL what a dumbass also would do that

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What a giant pussy. Wahhh! He’s kicking my door! Let me shoot my grandchild!

-ignorant European/Canadian

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it s still a crime he could easely shot his legs instead

or just a fill a case for his agression he has the video of it

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Yes he could of let his grandson beat him to death then file a case for his aggression in the afterlife.

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