
77 Year Old Man Shoots 2 Environmental Activists Blocking Road :marseylaughpoundfist:



Please make this one of the memes on the sidebar lmao


"A 77-year-old man shot dead two environmental protesters on Wednesday in an apparent outburst of rage over a roadblock in Panama.

The gunman was named in local media as Kenneth Franklin Darlington Salas. If he is convicted, Mr Salas could be sentenced to house arrest rather than being sent to jail because of his age.

The protesters, who were opposed to a controversial mining contract, had blocked the Pan-American Highway in Chame, 51 miles from the capital Panama City.

Footage posted on social media showed the motorist walking from his car, demanding the protesters get out of the road.

Initially, Mr Salas removed tyres which were obstructing the road. The protesters, according to witnesses, shouted at the man: “Are you going to kill someone?”

The gunman replied: “You want to be the first?”

He opened fire, first shooting a protester holding a flag and then a second man who went to confront him, before walking off and removing tree trunks that had been blocking the road. He was then arrested.

Local media identified the victims as Abdiel Diaz, a teacher and union activist, and Ivan Mendoza.

The site, in the jungle to the west of the capital, is considered environmentally sensitive.

In an effort to calm tempers, congress last week passed a law that imposes a moratorium on new metal mining contracts and left it up to the Supreme Court to decide on whether to allow the contract with First Quantum Minerals.

Environmentalists have welcomed this decision by lawmakers, saying indeed it is the court that should rule on whether the contract violates the constitution.

But a powerful construction union called Suntracs, teachers unions and other organisations want the contract to be annulled through a law passed by Congress, so they are continuing their protests.

Panama-America said Mr Salas was born in Colon and had been a teacher at several universities.

Mr Salas was previously arrested in 2005 after weapons – including an AK-47 and M-16 - were found in his flat. He was later acquitted after a court accepted his plea that they were merely part of a collection.

He was employed as a spokesman for Marc Harris, a Panamanian accountant who was jailed for 17 years in 2004 after being convicted of money laundering and tax evasion."


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ikr, the amount of losers crying in the comments is priceless

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Yeah it's almost like one side is fighting for the sake of our planet, and the other side is a bunch of braindead morons with such little joy in their lives that they can only feel happy by fantasizing about being violent criminals.

God you people are profound idiots, how do you not see how stupid you are? You're walking talking Dunning Krueger effects.

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"fighting for the planet" by making people spend even longer in their car you smooth brain?

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Oh no are you late for work :(

Protests don't work unless they piss everybody off, silly billy :)

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Actually, the environment is collapsing at an alarming rate. Shits fucked over here in the states now :T

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well theres two fewer retards now, so carbon emissions are reduced

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Population has very little to do with carbon emissions. It's mostly policy.

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more people means more consumption, especially in wealthy nations.

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Can you meme my forest to stop catching on fire?

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if you retards would do controlled burns like the native americans even figured out you needed to HUNDRED OF YEARS AGO you wouldn't have so many out of control wildfires

the ironic thing is you appear to be inferring increased wild fires as a result of climate change when the reality the increase is largely due to the efforts of people like you who think controlled burns are bad for the environment, so don't do them. They would rather feel good about themselves being perceived of as 'environmentalist' than do what's actually necessary to stop the environment from setting itself into an uncontrollable inferno every summer

which if you think about it actually makes them anti-environmentalist

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That's such a weird thing to type.

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God. Reading comments from idiots like you casually being Nazis makes me wish for a nuclear winter. Protesting should not ever, ever, ever be a death sentence. I really really hope you're put into a position where you need to protest one day, you deserve no sympathy

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yeah, something you people dont know much about. you all deserve to be shot

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Hahaha see?

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yeah, i see you are a bunch of jobless cunts with nothing better to do than ruin peoples day

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Am I ruining urs? :3c

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no, because if i see you sitting in the road ill crush your ass with a smile

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When I sit there in my car waiting for retards blocking the road, im wasting gas which causes extra pollution.

Also, who is that gonna bring over to your cause? Making me late for work doesn't get me interested in helping you.

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You aren't who demonstrations like this are for. It truly doesn't matter what your opinion on climate change is. Mostly it's to piss off shipping companies. Nobody cares if your car idles, retard.

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Shipping companies won't be pissed off. They will just raise their prices on their customers to make up for the wages paid to idling drivers. The protestors aren;t convincing anyone by blocking roads.

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You're probably right, which is why the best way to protest is by blowing up an oil pipeline.

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So, regular, hardworking families who are already under budget pressure from inflation should suffer higher fuel costs? How will that get them to support your cause?

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Your opinion on the usefulness of their protest is irrelevant. You can't kill people for being a inconvenience, smooth brain fucking retard

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No point arguing with the people on this site, the content naturally brings dumb fucks like OP. Basically every normal person agrees with you.

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I know, I'm just a dumbass who likes kicking the wpd hornets nest every once and a while. It's fun :)

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I don't know why I expected more from the people on a gore site. My bad I guess.

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They're burning more fuel idling cause those dumbasses are blocking the road. If anything they'd be removing stop signs and trying to get people home faster.

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Street cars idling in a road somewhere are hardly contributing to climate change. Mostly it's deforestation and livestock farming. :marseytexan:

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how does blocking a highway improve that situation? Making me late for work isn;t going to stop people in Brazil from cutting down the rainforest, or get me to stop eating steak. Perhaps these people should find an activity that is actually efficacious.

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Blocking a highway causes a major disruption that gets a fuckton of attention. While I don't necessarily think it's the best way to protest, it clearly gets lots of people to think about climate change. Also it fucks up shipping routes.

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It generates negative attention. The average person will watch this on TV and think "fuck these tree huggers I hope they don;t make me late for work next!"

Or "great, now i can pay more for shipping due to these delays"

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It doesn't matter what you believe regarding climate change or climate change activists. Nobody cares, you have no power to stop it even if you did believe in science.

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That's correct. But causing inconvenience and expense for regular people who aren;t at fault doesn;t help the issue and will only turn people against you.

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There's more trees on earth right now than in any point in history

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What does that have to do with deforestation?

Every time I talk to climate change deniers, it becomes extremely clear your reasoning skills are completely shot. You people say the silliest shit. Guess it makes sense, considering you have to walk around all day denying the existence of what's right in front of you.

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