Russian gets face blown off by Ukrainian drone

Sorry if reposted. Russians and drones don’t seem to mix very well. Seems like the Ukrainians have mastered drone warfare as well. Modern warfare will be fought with drones, robots, etc, and you will be killed by men hiding away in a basement across the world with a button that could destroy your whole village. War is scary.

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Love seeing russian invaders getting fucked up.

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But you hate seeing American invaders getting fucked up, I assume.

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When was the last time America has invaded a county claiming that the people are Americans and the territory is the American motherland?

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Lets not talk about americans in the middle east….

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And yes. Ukraine has was part of Russia for a very lomg time. Ukraine definitly doesnt belong to America on the other side of the world.

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No, it belongs to the Ukrainians who live there. And they can make friends with whomever they want. Even with Americans. That's not for Putin to decide. Or us.

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No. It breaks the agreenment made after WW2. Nato cant expand east of poland.

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lofl cry me a mother fucking river Ruzzian simp.

What about Budapest Memorandum? Go suck Putin gay ass dick.

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U just admitted that you dont care about the very thing that has been preventing WW3 for the past 70 years. In a universe where WW3 is good, you win. In this universe, where WW3 is bad, I win.

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I admitted what? I fucked your mother like a whore?

Why would there be WW3 if Russian aren't such a small dick bitches that can't admit they fucking suck and stupid?

If Russia could have honor the agreement and move on, they could have been one of the best country in the world, yet because they are such small dick bitches that kept one shinning their small dick energy, they failed spectacularly!

Even 100 years from now, you Russian will live with you head down, and what worst is you know you have all the chance to be the greatest, yet because of you pitiful mindset, you end up being one of the worst.

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What agreement made with whom when?

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Not to move past the berlin wall in germany. Nato people stayed on the west side and the combloc people stayed on the east. That was the dividing line. Thats what kept the peace. I know the berlin wall got taken down. But that was still the rule of thumb even after the soviets collapsed. I guaruntee if the US/Nato stops messing with Ukraine then Russia will. They just cant have nukes from Nato set up right on their border. If russia attempted to set up nukes in tijuana, we would go in....

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Why dont you give back your land to the native americans and mexicans?

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if they did, there won't be internet for cucks like you spilling you bs, also there will be no internet porn for you to fap to and no McDonald to fill your fat ass.

Boo fuck hoo you country suck lofl.

btw I from Asia, and even I find people like you digusting.

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Hey man. You apparently enjoy your 3rd world sweatshop lifestyle that American industry has turned your life into. To each their own. I wear a size 11. Make me some shoes.

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lofl, you really running out of you bs aren't you? I am living in one of the highest pay area in Asia, and our women are nice and slim, what do you have? McDonald and overweight woman who is also very demanding or ugly? Really feel sorry for you, what a on9 haha.

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Your thoughts are not consistant. I thought you said you were Asian....

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wtf are you even talking about, did I said otherwise? Are you drinking too much?

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I thought you PREFFERED America. Now youre attacking it just to win an ego battle. I use education and logic. I win.

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What you say is true. Americans are so disgustingly fat. Everyones becomming gay. Our minds are controlled by corporate marketing. America has destroyed itself and most of the world. Yet you ROOT for them. What are you fighting for? You want America to come to your country? Neither does Russia.

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Why are the Russians going to Ukraine and then just lie around sleeping? Slava Ukraini!

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Malnutrition and more than five generations of familial alcoholism really takes the wind out of your sails, ya know?

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Because they're RuZZZZians.

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All that processed food in America really fcked your brains up didn’t it?

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on9 haha

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Why are they just laying there?

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Damn thats horrible. Poor idiot. He probably have no idea why he really went there. He was expecting to fight sissy ukrainian cute twink and just end up in a normal war fighting normal people.

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superior people. They fight the political, economical, technical and historical much advanced enemy. RuSSia cant hope the survive this.

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Trick shot.

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Nice track 🤜🤛🔥🔥

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Wait i thought it was a warcrime to kill sleeping unarmed soldiers

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Nice shot

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Is it me or do these "grenades" seem a little.. underpowered?

This comment section got nuts lol


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Cringe music lol

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Aaaaaand he’s fertilizer!

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Best quality yet, didn’t realize there’s two people per drop.

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Your finally back

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nah im gonna leave again

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You better fucking not leave Snappy and me again :marseyangryexosuit:

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Noooooo :marseycry:

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Rot in god damn hell, and feel every nanosecond of that pain.

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