Ukrainian drone takes out an orc with 2 grenades (zoomed in aftermath included) :marseyflagukraine:

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Get fucked

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Justice and freedom for those who dare defend it. Slava Ukraini!

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ahhh so cute!

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the amount of putin gay cock suckers on this website is amazing. 18 downvotes from orc cock lovers? you orcs sure are touchy

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Orcs must die is a popular game

And an increasingly popular sentiment.

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Isn't that the no.1 download in the app store these days? A game by DJI, right?

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Pretty common for any gore site to be full of basement dwelling incel neo-Nazis so I'm not surprised

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as someone whos bisexual. I wouldnt even touch an ork with a 100 meter pole. Maybe with 7.62 though.

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They're just bored while they are hiding from the war. So while they enjoy great western internet they do what they do best: being pathetic losers.

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A-hem! Pathetic ✨contrarian ✨ losers.

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Considering the fact that some are forcefully conscripted, its not a good idea to purposely letting them to agonize their injuries. Kill your enemy swiftly and honorably.

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Beautiful. 10/10 death vid

Just watching him writhe around on the ground with his face coated in blood is such a potent visual.

Too bad for Ivan though. Maybe next time, don’t embezzle your own counterintelligence budget dummy.


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crushed like a fucking ant

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Oh come on man. You didnt need to hit em with the second one. could have found a better target for the second round. let em enjoy the sights sounds and searing pain of Ukraine. Let em feel it nice and slow

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I wonder if they could just put a layer of mercury around the grenade so it will poison them. A little spasm and damage to the central nervous system goes a long way when the clock is ticking on your open artery and you can't apply your tourniquet.

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The mercury would poison that place for years. They’re trying to protect their country, not make it an uninhabitable wasteland.

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Think of how many more orcs that second bomb could have splattered! Someone’s gotta pay for these things you know!

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Orcs??? Damn why we gotta ruin fantasy

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War is hell.

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Hell is earned. And the Zs have earned it.

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They asked for it. Let them have a taste of their own medicine.

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I think after grinding hundreds of Russian annexing Orc slaves a day for half a year there must be a lot of Ukrainian aces.

Himars crew doesn't count. That's way to easy.

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Ukraine here you go

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fuck. what a slow way to go.

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I like how they let him suffer for a while before finishing him off. Truly wholesome. Fuck Russia and everything it stands for.

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get wrecked ruskybot.

gotta say though.. those SOBs are tough as nails to need 2 at less than a foot away and stuck around for a second one to come in. Living up to that RocknRolla war criminal hype (good movie, watch it). Ukraine is putting up a good fight over there especially considering the russ soldiers are literal walking iron robots

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Must have been his birthday. When do you ever see them waste two on one guy?

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They probably jerked off to the footage later too

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You mean Putin? Yes he does, with the rest of the Ruzzian pigs.

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I don't know about jerking off, but we know orcs are sucking each other off, like in this video:

Truly the gayest army out there.

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I can't even make out what's going on. Isn't he just all by himself?

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There are two orcs. A guy at the top is standing up and holding his hand on the head of the guy below who's sucking his dick.

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PFFT ! WHAT!? LOL never saw that before hahaha

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I think Putin and his accomplices are extracting life energy from the souls of their people or something. Why else would they send them to die and let the rest of the country suffer. It's basically the real-world representation of hell with Putin as Antichrist.

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if you read Jordon Peterson analysis of Hitler, you know Putin is doing the exact same thing, he is serectly very bitter and angry at Russian people, because he think they failed him, and now he just want the whole thing burn.

Putin never care about Russia, even the improvement in the country is just a means to a end to Putin.

Russian has only themselves to blame for supporting this monster for 10+ years, and dying and suffering just so Putin can reach his goal.

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Do you really think Putin filmed this or are you just playing dumb?

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As of today (the day on which ukraine banned ita own religion) I dont support them anymore and wish them the worst

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Annnnd another war crime that ukrainians do.

Fuck ukraine, fuck zelensky, fuck neonazism.

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Stackin’ ul the war crimes, doo-doo!🎶

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Russians killed over 1000 Ukrainian kids by now, and this dumb fuck cries over a lump of shit invader getting exactly what he deserves. Fuck off, kid.

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fuck the fucking ukrainians

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What better site to come out at then WPD when you are a disciple of the devil?!

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Russia will lose, soon, the whole country will be divided into smaller countries lol. Fuck Russia

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I drink to that. And it ain't vodka!

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Only time will tell

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Ok fed

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