Guys, I want to know your opinion about war in Ukraine. Why there is so much people who support Ukrainians, but not support peace?

There was so much times when we could solve this situation peacefully, like in 2015 with Minks agreements, and Minsk 2 agreements, and peace conference in Turkey in 2022. Every time Ukrainian side denied peaceful way to solve problem, and you still support them, it's not understandable for me. Angela Mercel in 2023 said that Minsk agreements is a just a peace of paper, everyone in western understood that the main reason of this document, is to give Ukraine time to build army, and took control over doneck by war. In 2023 Boris Johnson said to Ukrainians to deny negotiations. So war could stop 2 years ago, and who is fucker here?

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Im Russian and I support Ukraine entirely. Unfortunately we are the bad guy in here. Always has been since we annexed crimea illegally decades ago.

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You are not a Russian

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Чёрт, ты серьёзно?

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Да педик ебаный

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Kill all russians like you. Pathetic worthless junk. That dont understand anything at all cause you are so fucking rotted from the propaganda and to stuoid to research once yourself and not russia today. Pls kys

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Nazi war scum, go kill your mom

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Nah rather kill your ugly fat rotted babushka

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I will cut your sisters throat

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Go back sucking putins dick

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Fuck you and your agreements, russians invaded a sovereign country without provocation fuck opinions, kill russians !

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"Without provocation" lol.

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On your opinion, what it is “provocation”?

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like if I stick my rifle up your ass and pull the trigger kind of provocation..

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Yes, exactly this USA and nato did to Russia, where is russain war bases near USA? And now go look how many nato rockets pointed at Moscow on our western border

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We know what happened with the second Minsk agreement, and Boris Johnson told Zelensky not to accept the agreement in 2022, which is a disgrace. It's mostly down to Western leaders why the war is still going on, but that isn't the people of Ukraine's fault. I don't understand the hate against the Ukrainians, these people just want to prosper like all of their neighbours in the EU instead of being a massive shithole like their invader. I also don't understand why people simp over that aggressive shithole called Russia. There's a reason why Finland, the Baltic countries and Eastern Europeans joined NATO (read a history book). Also, all of my Eastern European friends have always hated Russia, and you can tell how real the hate is with Poland's reaction to this war.

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We all do support peace. Get your countrymen out of Ukraine and end the war you guys started.

Until then enjoy the news reports of Belgorod region getting visits from Storm Shadow and friends.

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I support Ukraine bc they're white

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Ahahahahah, what?

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Can't argue with that logic. 🤷

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We all end up dead

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If Russia wants peace they can turn around and go home. Until then we're going to help Ukraine make good Russians... lots of them

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Yep, and after this, half of donbass population will be executed, you can watch interviews of government people of Ukraine to understand this. And people on this territories prefer to live in Russia

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So to make this as simple as possible, for your simple ass. Imagine I beat the fuck out of you, and someone tried to stop me.

Imagine another person stops them from intervention because “what about peace bro” then they both sit back and watch as I beat you to death.

That's what's happening in Ukraine

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Actually no

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we shoud give ukraine nukes so they can threaten to destroy moscow and st.petersburg

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Russians just suck. Stop trying to find a deep meaning.

Who do you want left standing in the world? A nation that invades others once every decade? Or a country that makes tractors and produces food?

If we can destroy the annoying one why not? Ukraine all the way.

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Nation? ordinary people have no idea why they need this war, those who support military conflicts have not actually been to war themselves. this is a hell where there is no morality, where people are forced to kill for the sake of other people's interests. for you it's all so simple “Russians are bad - Ukrainians are good”, but in reality, there are idiots in Ukraine, and in Russia

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No Russia is invading they are retarded and they get everything they asked for.

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I doubt that you lived in Russia and if you have the impression that we are all invaders and militarists, then you have clearly been brainwashed. We have a regular army, and some of the people were forced by the situation to go to war, we do not have the best internal policies, so ordinary citizens also suffer because of this war. but I repeat, both Ukraine and Russia are full of idiots. In general, it's a pity that people are losing relatives, both Ukrainians and Russians, war is a terrible thing.

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Your doubt means nothing. We see the truth with our own eyes. You claim you're not all invaders and militarists, but your actions speak otherwise. Calling us brainwashed is a coward's excuse. Your regular army and forced conscripts make no difference. You march into our lands, you spill our allies' blood, and then cry about your internal policies. Your suffering is deserved. We will bring ruin upon you, making you wish for the peace you shattered. You and other Russians are full of fools, and they will be the first to fall, crushed beneath our relentless fury.

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and a war between the Russian Federation and the United States is simply impossible

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We are at war right now you fucking retard.

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if, in your opinion, we are at war with the United States, and we haven't even announced mobilization, then this is a complete failure

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War isn't just about direct firefights, comrade. Economic sanctions, cyber warfare, and geopolitical strategies are all part of the game. If you think lack of mobilization means no conflict, you're clearly out of touch. Remember, измотать врага перед решающим ударом. We're ready. Are you?

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Personally, being Russian, I have friends and acquaintances in Ukraine. and I am very glad that this war did not affect our relations. because we understand that it is not our fault

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You think it's not your fault? That's laughable. You invade our territories and claim innocence. You are the destroyers. Don't pretend your hands are clean when they're drenched in blood. We Americans eagerly await the moment we tear you apart limb by limb, savoring each scream of agony as we cast you into the oblivion where you belong. We will crush you beneath our boots, flay the flesh from your bones, and burn your cities to ash. You wanted war, and now you will face its wrath.

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So USA should be destroyed?

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No USA produces so much useful stuff unlike Russia. Hollywood films and TV shows, video games, tech, cars, planes, . It's just unbelievable how much shit is American. Russia is just useless and annoying, they are a gas station at best they need to go.

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Bruh, Russia made so much to the world, you so stupid and pathetic burger enjoyer if you don't know it.

And where are you from, interesting to know where live such stupid motherfuckers

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Russia made so much to the world,

Did you take your history lesson with your vodka? Thanks for the laugh. I'll enjoy my burger while you try to rewrite history. Cheers from the land of the free.

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Ahahahhahahaha you are American?????? Ahahahahah and you tell me how I should behave? World policeman, shut you filthy mouth. I don't give a shit about you, your nation, you are pathetic, you think that you are better than us only because of your nation or country, the idea of great nation is so Nazi.

Go kill your self

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Your envy is showing, comrade. You're just a gas station pretending to be a country. Try creating something of value for once.

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Russia made much more to world history than your pathetic country, we have 2000 years history

Honestly, I don't give a fuck about you, and with such a shit as you, I will stop talking on English, to show how stupid you are.

Russian language is a international language, so go learn it, bitch

Такая тупая обезьяна, я ебал твой рот

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Kievan Rus was established around the 9th century, so that's about 1,100 years, not 2,000. Nice try. And Russian as an international language? That's cute. Meanwhile, English is spoken worldwide.

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Ahahahhaahha, my envy? If Russia is a gas station, so why your aircraft industry is struggling right now?

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Your envy is showing again. Russia doesn't even have a real aircraft industry to speak of. Meanwhile, we lead in tech, entertainment, medicine, and space exploration. Keep pretending your gas station is a superpower.

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Ok then, you're so stupid that I don't see point to continue talk with you.

Learn history bitch

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Oh my gosh, I'm sorry, please don't go! Who else will lecture me on history? Tell me, do you still celebrate Maslenitsa with blini and sleigh rides?

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Yas, so what?

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