To all Pro Russians: Why is it that the only suicides we see are Russians ?

:marseymacarthur:Warheads On Foreheads :marseymacarthur:

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I'm not pro-Russian, nor pro-Ukrainian, but I think that people commit suicide much more easily when they are far from home. Add to that the horrors of war and a painful wound. and you have your answer. but above all it is still propaganda. there are perhaps as many Ukrainians who take this path but we do not see it.

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Yes it can be. Unfortunately, most information from the war is slightly colored to suit a given side of the conflict

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Bait or mental retardation

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Neither a legit question, in all seriousness why have i not seen one Ukrainian suicide on this site and i live in slavshit. Ive posted at least 15- 20 russian myself along with the ones posted that i watches.

:marseymacarthur:Warheads On Foreheads :marseymacarthur:

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There seems to be less footage from the Russian perspective in general. Surprising really.

The video of the Orc cutting the UA soldiers cock and balls off was some of the worst footage I've seen from this conflict so far though.

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I remember that one and where they beheaded a Ukrainian, had another where they cut hands and head iff and stuck them on fence posts

:marseymacarthur:Warheads On Foreheads :marseymacarthur:

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War crimes dont get much more depraved man....fuck the Orcs

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Tbf, iirc, that last one was Wagner. Not just normal Russian troops. So that level of barbarism is to be expected. Don't forget what they did to the Syrian deserter..

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because at some point they finally realize they are useless fucks

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Probably a rumor but being forced to go into a bloody war that has no view of ending and seeing that you are loosing is a huge hit to morale

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The media coverage of this whole thing is pretty one sided so i'm just an observer with no opinion. I couldn't form an accurate opinion without actually being there.

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I dont care who wins all i know is when its over there are going to be so many Ukrainian and russian hoes needing some dick to ride on and im here for it

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Thinking outside the box

:marseymacarthur:Warheads On Foreheads :marseymacarthur:

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Total Population 2023:

Russia 144 million

Ukraine 38 million

they have almost the same culture, the same language. The world hardly knows Ukraine, so sometimes Ukrainians are said to be Russians.

If you live in the USA and its allies, then you will be presented with news from the media about how evil Putin (Russia) is and how much Ukraine is suffering. That's why various American and allied websites are always asking for donations. donations for children? Well no, the donation was to buy weapons from America. money money money its all about money

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Because they know there will be little help for them when they return home and their life will be more miserable than normal

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I don't know if this is bait or not, but I will just assume that you're being serious. There have been instances of where Ukrainian soldiers commit suicide, but the reason why we only see Russian soldiers committing suicide in videos is because Ukrainians tend to be a lot more sadistic in their videos(idc if you disagree with me it's true). Ukrainian drones will circle around Russian troops mocking them before they die and do a bunch of other crazy shit.

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Russian drones are no different or less threatening…

Russia's military is the only in the world right now that has a compilation of monthly suicide 60+ and counting. That's just what gets recorded and posted. It's certainly a much larger number. You'll notice the trend is that all these Russians are left behind, ill equipped, with no support. It's Insane that's how they choose to fight this war.

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No it wasnt bait it was serious, as for being sadistic russians do the same thing and tbh i would be fuckin with them to. How many videos of russians killing unarmed, civilians, beheading, cutting balls off, stickin cut off heads and hands on fence posts.

:marseymacarthur:Warheads On Foreheads :marseymacarthur:

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Tbf, it's not a necessarily a bad thing to be a bit sadistic to them with drones. Maybe the message of 'GO THE FUCK HOME' will finally get through their thick fucking skulls..

If the bomb doesn't first ;)

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I seriously cannot tell if this is bait or not

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