photos of dead russains in ukraine :wolfdead: :marseyzombie:

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great find :marseylaughpoundfist: :marseylaughpoundfist:

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The picture of the soldier's paper with his family's phone numbers made me sad. Sometimes I forget that these troops are humans too with families that love them. War is such a shame

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War is hell

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This is not war though, this is Very Special Military Operation! The Great Magnificent Beautiful President Putin said that, and He is always right. This is to bring peace and happiness to people, from the Heart of the Generous President Putin, and from the endless depth of His Balls, via His Massive Penis.

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The family is very happy, because the invading soldier died for the most noble of causes - for the everlasting glory and honor of the Beloved Father of the Nation, the Strong as a Bear President Vladimir Putin the Magnificent, peace be upon Him, and for the glory of His Massive Penis, peace be upon It. Plus they will receive AT LEAST two weeks supply of vodka as compensation for his death.

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The guy you're getting so whiny about is just an another contractor from Dagestan, who travelled thousands of kilometers just to kill for money.

So sweet of you! :marseyfacepalm:

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Lol he found out. Now his family must suffer.

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No one asked them to go invade foreign country and kill civilians. They're not the ones you should feel sad and sorry about, be a decent human being.

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Yeah like nobody asked those ukrainians to defend such a shithole like Ukraine

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Its true not weak.

WE are not having a fucking competition here. The fuck?

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Yes, but the Great, Handsome, Friendly and Adorable President Vladimir Putin the Magnificent, peace be upon Him, will turn Ukreein into a place of happiness and prosperity, just like Russia! There will be singing and dancing on the streets, free vodka, and lots of love! The happy Ukreenian people under the Fabulous President Putin's rule will praise Him, and build statues of Him and of His Massive Presidential Penis!

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this one looks lowkey scary

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Almost looks like it was from outta a horror movie

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this one also caught my attention.

Looks almost like something took a huge bite out of his upper chest and lower jaw.

I always wish there was more info on what exactly happened

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So, not all Russians are disgusting dogs or even agree with the war. But they are forced to go to war. So that makes it extra sad to be honest, I think most people just wanted to be at home with their families

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and worst 60% of them die due to suicide

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war is hell.

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What sucks is a vast majority if this men would rather be at home. They are forced to either fight or freeze to death or be worked to death in Siberia.

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Nah. Fuck 'em

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nobody in russia is forced to go to war 😭

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are you slow?

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U are slow if u believe that russians are forced to go to war nigga. Like they are there by THEIR choice

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What the fuck are you talking about

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I hate war, coming back from war is no different from being a corpse.

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hard agree on this one, people coming back from war are just shells of the people they used to be :marseytears: war sucks

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half agree. If you come back you can still drink or do drugs and eventualy start therapy. It's a slight better than being an actual corpse...

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Why do they look like dolls?

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3d one looks so young 💔

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Reminds me of AoT. Just how indispensable their lives are.

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Good , that's what you get when you invade another country 🇺🇦

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When Russia brings nukes and military bases at the US doorstep, I'm sure you wouldn't invade.

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It wasn't against international law though. Invading was

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Incorrect. The Warsaw pact clearly stated that NATO cannot expand east of Germany.

US ignored the pact and provoked the bear.

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Did the US sign the pact? How do you ignore an agreement you never even agreed to? Lol

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They still had agreements with russia which they broke tho

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Like what? Point to one

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when did you join the international legion?

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Worth it to get a free as val

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Thats right for russians! Im from finland, russias neighbour country! Take putin and soldiers down from that country! PLS! I want to see putin die.... :mersya: :marseybrainlet: :marseyderp: :marseythanks: :marseyattentionseeker:

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w comp gng 💯

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I guess them Russian bitches will have to seek men abroad :marseythumbsup:

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Cant wait for the N. Korean dead comp.

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Good job! Keep it up guys, witch each dead russian, this world becomes a bit better place to live.

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No civilians

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Thats alot of russian

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Send each of their families a fine for littering

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don't worry, they'll decompose and make a great fertilizer for our fertile soil

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u are truly disgusting

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The Last Video is showing dead Unrainian soldiers, just for clearance.

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Russians and Ukrainians killing each other for their western overlords... both losers.

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Yep young people killing each other for war industry to profit

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those are from telegram. my ones are from gorecenter, plus i have more pics

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Just look how happy and peaceful they look, it's clear that they knew they died for a reason and not in a senseless way, no sir, that reason being spreading the glory and honor of the Great Father of the Motherland, Mother of the Fatherland, Handsomest Man on the Planet and Beyond, President Vladimir Putin the Merciful, peace be upon Him. Their families are so proud of them, plus they will all receive AT LEAST two weeks supply of vodka as compensation. Praise be to President for Life and Afterlife, Vladimir Putin! Putin akbar!

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Putin is a disease and needs to be killed asap

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How dare you! Mr President for Life and Afterlife, Vladimir Putin the Great, peace be upon Him, is the greatest and most handsome human being in the history of mankind, maybe even longer. I wish him a long prosperous life, many many days, maybe even weeks! Putin akbar!

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Sometimes You Must Hurt In Order To Know,

Fall In Order To Grow,

Lose In Order To Gain,

Because Life's Greatest Lessons Are Learned Through DEAD.

just let that SLAV kill each other. cause no 1 won between them

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War is horrific. I was especially saddened by the death of The Fantastic Mr. Fox in #5.

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