:marseycrusader: The Templar Knights Crusade for Pussy on WPD :marseyuterus:

This is the story of a man with herculean levels of horniness, a patience as short as a Chinese man's chubby little cock, and a large appetite for of sex-offender rizz. I refer to him as a templar knight cause that's what he had in his profile picture and I don't wanna use any names. I believe this post serves as an important example of what happens to a nigga when he gets zero pussy, and it all starts with this DM:


Ah yes, getting fooled by the queen award! never gets old :marseytroublemaker!:. I didn't reply to this message so he tried leaving a comment.


At this point I wasn't sure if he was serious or joking, but I'd never pass up an opportunity to do a lil trolling :troll:


I didn't reply to his comment for some time, and during that time the admins add a group chat feature, which he immediately uses to add me to his own group chat so he can message me there. (My name displayed as KittygurlXO here cause I was namelocked by clitnigga, but it might have helped convince this guy further that I was a girl)



I didn't reply for some time so he hit me with the septuple text. God damn, I thought triple texting was bad enough. Notice the change in colours here btw, it's cause I changed my css and theme. That should give you some perspective of how long this went on for. I have never seen somebody this persistent my whole life, and it's just to see some e-girl titties too like wth is this what you guys have to deal with? :marseycry:


I show him some tiddies (thanks to the generous donation of another user who consented to me also sending them to this guy, your sacrifice will not be forgotten) and got this reply which was quite pedophilic regarding his way of approaching age.


I told him I didn't wanna disclose my age to see how he would react, and sure enough, he completely ignored it which is problematic to say the least.


The line "Pookie, can you pwease let me look at your body and i'll be your servant" goes so fucking hard. This is what having W rizz is all about. I checked his account and saw that he only followed female users (and me but that's only because he thought I was a girl). I looked at his comments and found him harassing random girls in their comment sections.





At this point I reported him to the admins, which they responded to pretty swiftly and shadowbanned him. End of story, right? No. The knights of the templar were known for their resiliance. It turned out that this newly implemented group chat feature had an oversight. It didn't restrict shadowbanned users, only regularly banned users from typing in them. This meant that he could continue to message me there. This was later reported and fixed.


Notice the change in colours yet again. I had gone through my 3rd CSS theme while talking to this nigga. That's how much time and energy he was willing to put in to just see some ass. I mean you really gotta respect the dedication here. At this point I got kinda tired of having him pestering me so I try to troll stick a lil by redirecting him to her :marseytroublemaker: but unfortunately he doesn't take the bait :c


I fucking love the "Your choice by the way" and "It's optional". Isn't he just so dreamy? I absolutely LOVE his confidence! :marseyhearts: The admins fixed the issue with group chats displaying messages from shadowbanned users, but I'm still receiving notifications from the group chat he made with me from time to time, so he's still going till this day, I just can't see what the messages say. So this is where the story ends unfortunately. A pretty natural conclusion anyways since he said he was gonna distance himself from this site and try to live "a better life", whatever that means for him. Seems like he didn't succeed though since he's still trying to message me. Farewell horny crusader, you will not be missed. May your legacy live on forever in this garbage post where you will be remembered as nothing but a horny retard. God have mercy on us all.

All in all I counted a total of 31 messages/comments from him (not including the invisible ones), and I didn't take screenshots of all of my own messages but I remember it being something like 5 or so in total, which is a ratio of roughly 6:1. Imagine having someone like this as your boyfriend. If you see users like this, do not send them nudes. It will only validate their strategy and prove to them that it works, which will just make them continue and harass other users in the same creepy way. If you have any stories similar to this, please leave them in the comments cause I would LOVE to read them, but in his words: "your choice by the way, it's optional"

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Pff the fuck - boobie milk? :marseyxd: :picard: You sure this guy isn't under 15? This fucking generation, good lord. :marseyemojirofl:

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:marseybittermoss#: :ma#rseymommymilkers:

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