
10 Facts about Death


57 Million people die every year. 2/3 die to the mysterious and incurable disease called ‘Aging'. It is speculated that calories accelerate aging. So eating less might lengthen your life.



Male hanging victims often die with an erection. Non lethal strangulation has the same effect, which in tern resulted in erotic asphyxiation. The precise cause is not entirely clear but pressure or injury to the brain or spinal cord seems to be responsible.

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The fear of death is known as Thanatophobia and leads many to believe in some sort of afterlife. Scientifically death is the cessation of brain activity followed by decomposition. Between 10-20% of cardiac arrest survivors recall near death experiences. They often report similar things such as a strong sense of peace, love, happiness and seeing their dead body from an outside perspective. The review of life experiences and seeing a light at the end of a dark tunnel are also common. Those experiences are often influenced by cultural believes. No one has been revived after being declared brain dead.


Some animals exhibit biological immortality. For example the Hydra. They are tiny water inhabitants, that show no signs of aging. The hopes are that they might help to aid in human immortality. Other species with biological immortality are jellyfish, lobsters and flatworms.



The term ‘Micro-Mortality' measures the probability of sudden death in any given context. 1 µmt means the probability of death is 1 in 1,000,000. The deadliest job is being a president at 186,000 µmt. So 18.6% of all presidents die in their service.


The Black Death may have reduces European population by as much as 60%. 75 to 200 Million people might have died to the plague.

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There is a rare mental disorder known as Cotard syndrome, where the person denys the existence of one or more body parts, in some cases they deny that they themselves exist and think they are dead. Victims strangely often believe that they are immortal because they can't die if they are already dead.


The fear of dying alone is very strong and common. There is a company in the UK you can hire so strangers attend your funeral and pretend they mourn your passing.


More than 700,000 people die to suicide a year, which is about 1 in every 100 deaths.


Some people have the hope that even after they are declared brain dead there is some hope of resuscitation. They let their bodies be frozen in hopes to be revived at some point in the future. Over 250 people had their bodies frozen. Science has shown that this method of preservation on animals actually works. It has yet to work on bigger mammals though.


Bonus 11.

There will be a point in history when a person thinks of you for the last time. And that is extremely scary.

Death is certain but I hope you enjoyed the read.


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The fear of dying alone is very strong and common. There is a company in the UK you can hire so strangers attend your funeral and pretend they mourn your passing.

I would hire a mysterious man to stand behind a tree from a distance during the burial (I want my family to think I was up to mysterious things in my life)

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others:wtf was he once the man in black?

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We're here and gone in the blink of an eye. Love and live your life.


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2/3 die to the mysterious and incurable disease called ‘Aging'


Wowie. Never heard that one before. What a zinger.

Quick, now do the one about airline food!

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sorry for disappointing you. hope I didn't ruin your day

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Do better.

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aye aye captain, hope i will not disappoint you in the future

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It's the fact that it's 2/3 of the population that succumb to age that made the point interesting.

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One day, you and everyone you know, will be dead...

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everyone will be dead at some point

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Warum sehe ich das erst jetzt? Gute Arbeit!

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danke <3 ... keine ahnung warum du erst 2 wochen später siehst xd

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That's a good looking cock


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Lol and it's huge

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So if I choked on a jaw breaker and started suffocating to death will I get a boner afterwards?

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No, but I would.

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Had a hydra infection h in n my shrimp tank once and it was so freaky

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I didn't know the term for fear of death. I think I have it kinda severe, especially since I'm not religious at all.

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I hate these moments when you realize you'll die one day

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"We are going to die, and that makes us the lucky ones. Most people are never going to die because they are never going to be born. The potential people who could have been here in my place but who will in fact never see the light of day outnumber the sand grains of Arabia. Certainly those unborn ghosts include greater poets than Keats, scientists greater than Newton. We know this because the set of possible people allowed by our DNA so massively exceeds the set of actual people. In the teeth of these stupefying odds it is you and I, in our ordinariness, that are here.We privileged few, who won the lottery of birth against all odds, how dare we whine at our inevitable return to that prior state from which the vast majority have never stirred?"

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Sorry... But Nah. There is absolutely nothing special about being born.

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12. its gay

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The erect penis caught me by surprise as I slowly scrolled.

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Sehr interessant. Danke schön 👍

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Very deep, a good realistic fact write up in my a opinion thank you

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What words can describe a person who embraces death?

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Did you copy all your post from Lemino's video script about death?

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pretty much yes

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good post like always!! :marseyupvote2:

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naww haha thanks :marseyembrace:

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Loved this ❤️❤️

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That bonus definitely hit indeed..oof! Great post :marseyclapping:

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Another bonus: There is no afterlife

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gonna regret saying this after seeing those pearly gates

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pearly gates means I'm in heaven right?

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no, only seeing the gates not entering im afraid

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