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:marseyflushzoom:Controversial Topics Thread:marseyflushzoom:

Im just curious about people on this site and their views. Im trying to conduct a survey to find different controversial opinions and how popular some of them are.


Is there any topic/“hot take” you believe strongly but other peopel may not? What is it?


Try to take it semi-serious, it's for a post I'm writing. But of course have your fun in the comments replying yo other opinions

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Most people who call others sheep are in fact the real sheep.

Simplification and group thinking: People often prefer simplified narratives and group categorizations over nuanced understanding. This is generally driven by cognitive biases, such as confirmation bias and the ease at which you can find conformation because of the internet. This makes it easier for people to rely on familiar categories rather than take the time to understand individual differences.

Power dynamics and social norms: Unconscious biases and prejudices can also be shaped by social norms, cultural values, and power structures. For instance, in some societies, anti-(add whatever here) sentiment might be fueled by political agendas, media coverage, or historical conflicts. We have a tendency to justify our own biases and prejudices, often through rationalizations or the "us versus them" mentality. Truth is, both are "sheep".

Thinking in groups is easy because 99% of the time you don't have think for yourself. It's much easier to repeat what other people say because it sounds good. Allot of people blame the media for this one and while that's true it's also very much human nature as stated above. Our species has had a horrible lack of critical thinking skills and many will easily dismiss fact-based information because it may contradict what they have already convinced themselves as fact.

Until you can truly embrace the idea that it's okay to have differing opinions and beliefs. Foster an environment where people feel comfortable expressing themselves without fear of judgment or persecution. Encourage fact based conversations with an open mind and most importantly admit when you're wrong. If you cannot learn to accept facts that are not fabricated then you will continue to believe you are right when your understandings may be skewed.

What comments will generally follow in response to what I have said:

Too long didn't read.

Many who agree with me will themselves be complete victims of everything I just outlined by being convinced that they are correct and everyone else is wrong.

Some will tell me I have no right to say this and I am just "liberal trash", "Part of the problem" or whatever infinitely repeated insult they have read somewhere else in the past 24 hours.

Some will think I am standing on a pedestal and think I am better than them. I never said or insinuated that and those people are often very one track minded and insecure about their own intelligence.

Those who admit they have things to work on and should work harder to think for themselves and stop letting others think for them. - I am right there with you. I stated that it's easier to follow because you don't have to do any work. This is were I admit I am wrong because in my option I still have to stop myself too often from doing everything I said above. NO ONE is innocent here. All we can do it work within ourselves to push back against the easy way out.

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Sir, ma'am, TI-84+ Calculator, I don't give a fuck what you are. That had to have been one of the most beautiful things I have ever read. I actually honest to god shed a tear just then. (Seriously, on god I did 😭) That was the most well said thing and it is so relevant and applicable to EVERYTHING. All due respect, I don't think you are better than anyone, I don't think you are worse than anyone. You are just someone. Someone with a view, and a dream to help the world. And for that, you should be proud. And your parents, and everyone in your life.


Thank you so much for being here today. If it's okay, I'll be pinning this comment so everyone can take a look at it. :)

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Thanks. The fact I was able to positively engage a single person made it worth writing.

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And hey. Me and @LiarLiar are trying to set up a little group. We added on snap with hopes to start a community of people who aren't afraid to share their opinions, and likewise, not scared to listen to others and be kind about it all. If it was something you were maybe interested in- we would LOVE to have you

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You just wait. Even if it takes years, those words were beautiful 🫶

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you have many long words here, it took me a few hours to commit to reading this whole thing, but i'm glad i did because this is very inspiring and honestly more people should sit down and read this. 10/10 would recommend this speech (/hj)

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Before I give you my personal answer, why don't you share a controversial opinion that you might have, OP? That way, we can establish some trust and attempt a conversation, instead of me talking to a wall.

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Male circumcision should not be legal unless it's for a true medical intervention/correction. Male infant/female infant circumcision is genital mutilation and is a human rights violation.

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I personally enjoy picking lint, dirt, and the occasional remote control from my foreskin.

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This destroyed me 😂

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FR 😭 I told ppl to take it serious. And here we are, the occasional joke. This got me. Well done ahahaha

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😂 fr

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You don't have your foreskin anymore

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Well, thanks for telling everyone and embarrassing snappy in the process.

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It's not personal, dry dick, it's your parents fault after all !

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that's pretty idiotic. male circumcisions are medical procedures done to prevent STIs and other forms of bacteria later down the line. thus uncircumcised men have dirty penises. i can agree that FEMALE circumcisions are genital mutilation, because that does absolutely nothing positive for the female genitalia, however it cannot be said the same for males.

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Male babies aren't born broken. Washing your privates like a normal person prevents a dirty genitalia. Circumcision started because of religion. Circumcision does not prevent STDS, that is outdated information based off of a study done in Africa. Cope and seethe, crust cock.

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Ooooo yk… I like this one. I haven't heard it before. I'm excited to see how people react/reply (not saying I agree or disagree) but it is a very good thing to think about. 👏👏

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It pisses off Americans

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As an American, I can see the argument for this. While parents have medical and legal rights on their child's behalf, something like this won't hurt the child to just leave it on. That way, the child can choose what to do with it when they grow older.

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Err...um...how about accepting Christ as your personal savior?

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