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Mods please don't ban anyone NO MATTER WHAT THEY SAY :marseyyes:


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aww nooooo thats the worst one

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pshh u need to be my supporter!

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How many dead babies does it take to paint a house???

Depends on how hard you throw them..

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You have your comment pinned as it the first one

who can beat that

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The pinnacle of high brow humor, dead baby jokes are appropriate at charity events, dinner parties, bar mitzvahs, weddings, circumcisions, and perhaps most appropriately, funerals for dead babies.

Q:Whats funnier than a baby in a trash can?

A:One baby in six trash cans.

Q: What is red, bubbly, and scratches at the window before exploding?

A: baby in a microwave.

Q: How do you get 1000 babies in a phone booth?

A: Liquify them in a blender.

Q: How do you get them out?

A: Nachos.

Q: What is red and creeping up your legs?

A: A homesick abortion!

Q: What's funnier than a dead baby?

A: Juliana Wetmore

Q: What is this vessel that I'm putting your baby into?

A: A blender

Q: What should you do when your baby is stuck in a blender?

A: Use a straw.

Q: What's the difference between a truck full of bowling balls and a truck full of babies?

A: You can't unload bowling balls with a pitch fork

Q: How long does it take to paint a room with dead babies?

A: Depends how hard you throw em.

Q: What is funnier than a dead baby?

A: A dead baby next to a kid with down syndrome

Q: What's the difference between a pile of dead babies and a porsche?

A: I don't have a porsche in my garage.

Q: What's funnier than a dead baby?

A: A dead baby in a clown suit!

Q: What's grosser than gross?

A: A pile of 100 dead babies.

Q: What's even grosser than that?

A: The live one at the bottom trying to eat it's way out.

Q: What's even grosser than that?

A: When it goes back for seconds.

Q: Why do they boil water when a woman is giving birth?

A: If it's born dead they can make soup.

New mother: Doctor, doctor, is my baby alright?

Doctor: I have some good news, and I have some bad news.

New mother: Tell me the bad news first.

Doctor: The bad news is, it's a ginger.

New mother: Oh my God, no!

Doctor: Calm down, miss. The good news is, it's dead.

Q: What's the difference between peanut butter and a dead baby?

A: Dead baby doesn't stick to the roof of your mouth.

Q: What goes plop, plop, fizz, fizz?

A: Twins in an acid bath

"You've got to see what your baby is doing!" shouted the doctor as he burst out of the delivery room and into the waiting room. "What?!" yelled the child's father as he leapt to his feet. "He's literally FLYING around the delivery room! Here, I'll show you!" replied the doctor as he shot back into the delivery room. A few seconds later, he emerged with the baby in his arms. "Watch!" he shouted and tossed the baby into the air. The baby landed on the tile with a thud. "What the Hell?!" the guy started to shout, but the doctor interrupted with, "No, wait, watch this!" and he scooped the baby up and threw him harder. WHAM! The baby bounced off the wall and plopped to the floor, again. "Oh, my God!" shouted the man, and started to grab at the doctor. "No! He was doing it earlier," protested the doctor, "Watch this!" He again scooped the baby up, flung open the waiting room window and hurled the baby four stories down where it splattered onto the sidewalk. Enraged, the man clutched at the doctor's throat and pinned him against the wall. "WHAT IN THE HELL DID YOU JUST DO TO MY BABY!?" He screamed. "Relax," laughed the doctor, "It was a stillborn."

https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/17175224887484417.webp https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/17175224899600086.webp

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hey thats quality funny right there s

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My girlfriend called me a pedophile, I said, that's a big word for a 10 year old.

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you gone fucked up the joke it was a 9 yr old

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A seal pup walks into a club

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What's long and hard on a black guy?

1st grade

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ohhhh damn

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Lmao I know it's terrible. I swear I'm not mean.

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where my coins at

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Give it 24 hrs but that shit was soo funny yo can have 200

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gay guys are justl ike parakeets.. shit on their stick and seeds in their beak

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Boy comes home from school all smiles. Dad notices and asks his son why he looks so happy. Hey dad, I had my first blowjob today. How was it son? I didn't like the taste.

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Why do black people hate aspirin?

It's white and they have to pick the cotton out.

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3 thing blacks can't have fat lip....black eye.....and a job

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i think the prize might be of @Dickfart took all my coins he took over 1300

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Aint on me. Ain't my fault you make shit posts

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A guy is about to get married and is talking to his friend about the upcoming honeymoon vacation with his new wife.

The friend asks if he is looking forward to having sex, the guy says no she has gonorrhea so I am just going to go fishing.

The friend asks if he is looking forward to her giving him a blowjob instead, the guy says no she has pyorrhea so I am just going to go fishing.

The friend asks if he is going to try for anal sex instead, they guy says no she has diarrhea so I am just going to go fishing.

The friend asks good god why would you marry a woman that disgusting? The guys says because she has worms.

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😄 🤣

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aahhh thats rank

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Why can't Ray Charles read? Because he's black.

What's 12 inches and white? Nothing

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what has a million legs and can't walk?....................jerrys kids

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quick reply to my other post about the winner you won if u comment u get the coins

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Wow another shit post from you. You may as well keep the coins yourself because you're a fucking joke. Fuck you

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you want the coins so i can prove to u i actually don't care about coins

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you know what to prove i not coin farming how about i give you ALL THE FUCKING COINS I AI'NT BEING BULLIED ON THIS SITE MATE

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Na. I don't want your coins, I just want you to stop acting like a 14 year old and stop making shit posts.

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well thats fucking impossible cuase 1 i'm not 14 and the thing is my file selection broken I not aiming to make gore posts i making other posts thats why they in social just please try be less stressed around me cuase i got problems and you wouldn't understand buddy, so please just let me be me I ain't harming anyone

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my 6 yr old brother has started asking me questions about sex

the other night he asked

"why did you finish so quick"

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What's the difference between Jam and Marmalade? You can't Marmalade your dick in a girls ass.

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dark humor is justl ike kids with cancer.. it never gets old

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What do you call a black woman who had 7 abortions?

  -A crime fighter
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How do we know George Floyd was a liar?

Anyone who can say they couldn't breathe with a nose and lips big enough to end world hunger is full of shit.

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Those who think the sound of cracking a lobster is satisfying have never heard a three year old's hips before.

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What was the worst thing Hitler did in the Holocaust?


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I spent £120 on shopping walking out i seen a homless person who said,

"iv not eaten in days

" i said

" i wish i had your will power"

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https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/17171201233700962.webp https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/1717120123523246.webp

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Ok I just checked out that sub. It appears to be a den of snakes, trolls, and alt right Nazis. I saw several clear violations of Reddit law. We're are smarter than the average cookies, they had to know we'd be on to them. Sad.

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