How our body reacts to extreme stress: Dances with Wolves movie clip

Someone recently posted a clip about someone "pissing their pants in fear" as they were about to be executed - and I thought this was unfair to say - because NONE of us really know how we'd respond in this awful stressful situation.

MOST of us are the superheroes of the story in our imaginations as we daydream and think about how wonderful we'd be if we lived out the action movie sequences we see in big hollyweird movies we spend too much time watching.

We all THINK we'd be super brave and heroic and studly.

But if you lived through a few big bad guys getting in your face, for real - you learn a few things about yourself.

It made me think how our bodies REALLY respond to extreme stress.

Some of you have experienced this.

Some of you KNOW the aftereffects of an adrenaline rush and how this physically impacts your body.

It isn't pretty.

You body melts down.

You can't help it.

You'll know what I mean if it's happened to you.

And it reminded me of the perfect portrayal of how our bodies betray us - after a stress jolt to our system.

The character Kevin Costner played demonstrated this perfectly after he first met one of the injun's in Dances with Wolves.

Ignore after 2:10 in the clip - just an ad from that point on.

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You could post actual videos of cops having panic attacks after shootings and going into vapor lock

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But the better part of the video starts here: when a PTSD cop thinks an accorn falling a car roof is him being shot at - and he UNLOADS his gun into the back of his own cop car which contains a handcuffed suspect:

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Now that's the stuff! Cant remember which agency the guy was with but the best one is the guy going into full panic and luckily there was a firefighter there. He sounded like he was about to have a stroke.

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Link? Or description to find it? Place, etc.

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Found it.

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Yes, I recall this now just from looking at the first image that shows before the video plays.

There is also a phenomenon where newbie cops are scared of their own gun. They are often afraid the bad guy will get their gun and use it on them.

The worst example of this is a newbie female cop who started to get into a fight with a suspect, and she took out her gun JUST for the purpose of throwing it away - which she then proceeded to do.

Unbelievable. But true.

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whats the point of this post?

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Didn't I explain it in what I wrote?

Did you READ what I wrote?

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