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how to stop being afraid of death?

i was born to fail. if i dont kill myself now i will have to do it in the future anyway cuz i have multiple reasons why i know i wont be able to cope in life. i cant even imagine living to the avarge age at which people usually die… its definitely too long for me. i know i want to die but for some reasons im still terribly afraid of death. most often i think about it what will happen after death and ofc the most logical thing is that there will be nothing and its gonna be the same before i was born but im still terrified. i also have visions in which i fail my attempt and i become a disabled person for the rest of my life. can someone please help me and convince me that death isnt so scary after all? i need some good arguments that will finally make me realize that there is nothing to be afraid of

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I'm kind of in the same situation, but I convinced myself I'd rather live my miserable life to the fullest, in hopes that maybe, just maybe things will turn out in my favor. Just hang in there (no pun intended). There are people who care.

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1. Go out into a forest/ wilderness away from everyone else and just sit there for ~3-4 hours, don't let yourself get up and walk away. Think about life and figure it out for yourself.

2. Try some opiates and/or benzos. You will feel much better and you might do it accidentally.

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Hey. It sounds like you are in pain and you have nothing to lose at this point. Why not just go for it and get yourself on an antidepressant? I had no idea that constant fear wasn't normal, I thought it helped me live my life correctly. Now I see that I was living in Hell, because my brain was wired a bit wrong. I live HAPPILY now, and my family is happy for me, tell your family that you're at the end of your rope and get help. The situation could change so drastically that you will appreciate how different and interesting life can be from what it is right now. Please consider it.

I have one more thing to add and it may not apply to you, so if it doesn't, please do not even listen to me right now, BUT: If you are someone that is considering killing others, such as a mass shooting or something of the sort, please do the right thing and end your own life rather than ruin others' lives. There are really good people out there who truly do not deserve to lose their children, their parents, their loved ones, etc. I assure you this, it's never the right choice. You can take your own life instead.

But with THAT out of the way, if you are just a person in pain, PLEASE raise the alarm, it's time. Your mind is very likely functioning temporarily in a way it shouldn't. The thing about people that are young is they really can't SEE that their situation is temporary. So many lives are lost because young people really can't imagine anything beyond right now. Time heals, and time gives gifts, stuff you never even thought of. There is a whole life for you, do something interesting with it if you're this upset with how it's going. Tell people. Switch things up. Make things change just by speaking up.

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Have fun. When you do what you like, time passes faster and you find yourself old without even realizing it.

Kill time, and time will return the favor.

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The weak breeze whispers nothing

the water screams sublime.

His feet shift, teeter-totter

deep breaths, stand back, it's time.

Toes untouch the overpass

soon he's water-bound.

Eyes locked shut but peek to see

the view from halfway down.

A little wind, a summer sun

a river rich and regal.

A flood of fond endorphins

brings a calm that knows no equal.

You're flying now, you see things

much more clear than from the ground.

It's all okay, or it would be

were you not now halfway down.

Thrash to break from gravity

what now could slow the drop?

All I'd give for toes to touch

the safety back at top.

But this is it, the deed is done

silence drowns the sound.

Before I leaped I should've seen

the view from halfway down.

I really should've thought about

the view from halfway down.

I wish I could've known about

the view from halfway down—

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Wait, are you Polish?

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Death is nature. Its a part of our lives, we are all scared of new things that we dont know anything about. All of us will die, but not everyone of us is really alive. If you really wanna be alive, you need to understand that no matters what you do, you will end up as a rotting food for worms and nobody will remember you. Just do what makes you fell good. But can i Ask you why do you think that you wont be able to cope in the future?

Sorry i'm not good at talking

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Daj ig to opowiem ci co sie dzieje po tym jak sie zabijesz (prawnie)

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Pisses me right off!..

Especially when a guy

(who used to basically be my step dad.... not joking.)

GOT 40 YEARS!!!!!!!!!! 😡


What did he do you ask?...

He drove...

(under the threat of his girlfriend..

[being my mum..at the time]

and his family..

[being me and his own mum]

being shot)

a close friend of his around a bit........

Who critically injured his ex partner with a sawed off shotgun,

Then shot her new boyfriend..who later died,

Then went on to shoot a police officer in the face through the officers side window.. resulting in the officer being permanently blinded in both eyes.

My (basically) step-dad didn't pull a trigger at all............


So if what you're saying about this bitch is true.......

Only getting......

8 years..........

In a place where the death penalty is. 😐😕 Wow!

(The crime I'm referring to happened in United Kingdom)

Sorry about the rant. You're comment about 8 years got me riled up about the justice system.

P.S...... Yes i like putting lots of full stops and starting new lines 😂.

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man, try to become a member of the Heaven's Gate sect! just don't forget to buy a plastic bag

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