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I'd have no problem with my kid being around someone who's LGBTQ. But I'd never leave them alone with a priest or youth pastor

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Sex ed won't be needed by the time they're done with that shemale cock.

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Yikes, projecting much? Sounds like you're obsessed with shemale cock.

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Shemale cock lives rent free in your head. That's sad that Fox News has penetrated your brain so thoroughly.

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What's wrong with fox news?

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It means you're a fucking moron if you buy into any of that shit. Same with CNN for Democrats or any other political leaning news station for either side. The fact you had to ask that shows how blind you are to the issue at hand. You're clearly lacking in critical thinking and are just a dull minded follower. Congratulations, you're an idiot.

I'm a centrist that calls out the bullshit both sides put out as "news". Both sides hate me for it because I can think for myself. You however can't form opinions of your own and follow things like Fox news and peddle and parrot whatever they focus on. If you want to be an actual free thinker, you need to realize how corrupt both sides are.

The sad fact of the matter is though that there's so many idiots with a room temperature IQ that they'll never realize how stupid they really are. People like you make me think of Patrick Star from SpongeBob. You're so stupid I don't believe you even have the capacity to realize how dumb you really are.

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thank you for your insight. could you tell me more on how nothing's really "news"?

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I never said things aren't news, my point I'm trying to make is all you hear from sources like that is the extremely vocal minority. I.E. Political extremists. News networks are so stuck up their own parties ass that they will tow the party line no matter how ridiculous the claims are. Even if they can think for themselves, they convince themselves that this is the way to make things better. Those people who realize this that are on one side or the other are eventually ostracized if they go against the grain. No one fights for a cause they know is wrong. They all believe they're in the right, without the abilty to realize how much damage they're really doing to not only their reputation, but also to the gullible followers that watch their media.

They all try to make it black and white like it's such an easy choice to be for, or against something. All while failing to acknowledge there's nuance and countless variables that actually come into play. They just try to simplify everything in a way that will get followers to side with their cause.

It's like how you're trying to say all LGBTQ people are pedophiles, you're doing the exact same thing. When in reality they're all just people like us.

Long reply, I know, but I feel this is a good summary

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Nick Fuentes wont let you hit lil bro

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It's very common for pedophiles to flock to religious institutions. The Pope even protects them by sending them to different communities instead of them being punished and held accountable. It's pretty messed up

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The priesthood attracts messed up men who are deeply in denial about their sexual desires, and I think they think if they go into the priesthood, they can get away from their desires, and deny them and turn them off.

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I could see some people turning to it for that. People who really have good intentions that are part of it should be applauded for trying to turn things around. But there's also no denying it's attracted many creeps* as well. There's been too many incidents for it to be ignored when the subject is brought up. The pedophiles that do go into it with ill intent ruins it for all the legitimate people trying to do good. It's unfortunate that those who don't do anything bad get caught up in the stereotype as well, but sadly that's human nature when people see a pattern repeat itself. We're constantly looking for patterns even if we're not consciously aware of it. That's one that has been noticed and noted.

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