I got bit by a squirrel lmfao :marseychipmunk: :supersquirrel:

https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/171925230829509.webp https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/17192523121366.webp https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/17192523164697955.webp https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/17192523178464084.webp https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/17192523190727146.webp

Dosent look like much, but it was bleeding a lot when it happened


My friend and I started our morning with Dunkin Donuts, specifically I got a larched caramel iced coffee with cold foam and she got a strawberry coolata with whipped cream. We walk over to the park to enjoy our drinks when suddenly what I thought was a piece of tree bark fell from the tree above us which hit my friend. Startled, she got up and jumped away. Apon me looking down at what had fell, it was a squirrel who was scrambling around on the floor, he had some sort of injury from the fall and he was bleeding from his nose a little bit.

As stupid as it sounds, I picked him up. He squirmed a little bit but I was able to get him to relax a little bit by holding him close to my chest securely so he wasn't scratching me. My house was right down the street, I had a similar experience with another squirrel who kept coming to my porch for food. He was a baby and idk where his mom was. I was eventually able to get him to trust me where I was able to pick him up and he would crawl on me and try to go into my shirt sleeves. I got unsalted almonds from the store and made him a little shoebox bed with some little hand towels where he would sleep the whole night, go out and do squirrel stuff, then come back to hang out. He eventually stopped coming around tho but I left the shoebox there for him if he ever did come back. Needless to say I had all the things ready for this injured squirrel.

As I was carrying him home, he was sniffling so there was little bits of squirrel blood on me. I got him to the porch and put him in the box where he layed down for about 10 minutes. I went inside to grab the almonds and heard my friend calling my name so I went back to the porch and he was trying to leave but was having a hard time, then proceeded to throw up a shit ton of berries he had eaten before. I picked him up again and he started squirming, I was like "it's ok it's ok you're safe" and tried to calm him down like I did previously but he decided to bite me really fucking hard while scratching me at the same time. I let go, he ran to hide on another side of my porch, my friend was screaming "IT FUCKING BIT YOU IT FUCKING BIT YOU" As my finger was bleeding profusely. I cleaned it up right away, washed it and covered it. I don't think it had rabies or anything because it would've been more violent. I think he bit me because he was scared and I bothered him which makes total sense and I'm not even mad at him. Little bro stayed on my porch hiding the whole time we were there and I think he might still be on the porch, I'm not sure because I'm not home rn but he was still there when I left.

It hurts to move my finger now, idk I'll probably be fine.

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I'm praying for u rn that I hope It didn't have rabies

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You are now part of the secret squirrel club.

Also glad you are ok!

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How dumb to not seek treatment. You dont know why it initially fell out of the tree. How dumb to even pick it up to begin with. 0 sympathy.

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Fair nuff

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I know dozens of people are telling you, but it's no joke. Go get them now. It's multiple shots over the span of some time. PLEASEEE rabies is rare, but a horrible way to go

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omg LOL! Make sure to get a vaccination tho hun! :marseyagreefast:

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when you get rabies and die, make sure someone is recording the foaming pls

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I'll try my friend

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This is actually a real danger. I don't know how common it is for squirrels to carry rabies but I imagine it can manifest in most, if not all, mammals.

Was it acting strangely? I know you said it was injured but this is really not something to ignore. Rabies is terrifying, there's even a recording of a doctor trying to treat a rabies patient. It's a black and white video and it shows the terrible stages of the disease. It's essentially always fatal. The only reason that one girl recently survived it was because she was placed in a medical coma. Everyone else that started showing symptoms of it has died. When you start showing symptoms, it's too late.

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I've actually done a lot of research on this because it's worried me. Google says Rabies is not very common in squirrels although it can happen very rarely. It also said healthy squirrels will not bite Unprovoked. Rabid squirrels however will just come up and attack you without stoping. He wasn't acting overly aggressive towards me or my friend whatsoever. The picnic table he landed on was made out of a metal material which made a loud crashing sound. I believe that is why he was bleeding a little and I think he hurt his arm/leg due to the way he was squirming around after he hit, and maybe even hit his head which caused some confusion. I picked him up without issue, all he did was squirm a little bit and sniffle a tiny bit of blood on my arm since he was bleeding from his nose. Even when he bit me, it was only for a few seconds and as soon as I put him down he was fine and went back to laying down on the floor of my porch. Which he is still out there btw lol. He's hiding behind this box I have out there. I was told that if he was rabid, he would've kept attacking me even more and I probably would've had to kill him to make him stop, but he only bit me when I picked him up and was fine afterwards. I am very nervous still because you never know with wild animals but with what it looks like to me he didn't want to be bothered, which I bothered him and he bit me. Which was provoked. If he just came up and started clawing my eyes out I'd be running my ass over to the ER lmao.

And I keep cleaning the bite regularly, it doesn't look infected or anything it just hurts a little.

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I'm glad you're looking into it a bit, from your story it doesn't sound like it was rabid, but it's always a possibility. The best thing to do if you were more concerned is to contain the animal and medical professionals can run tests on it to make sure it's not rabies.

I enjoy your presence on here, and rabies is one of the worst ways to go. If I knew I had gotten infected with rabies, I'd be begging for a gun or to OD on my drug of choice before the rabies runs its course. I'll see if I can find the video I mentioned. It's not easy for everyone to watch and it shows how it effects humans. The hydrophobia it causes is horrible. You'll feel thirsty and try to quench it but you body violently rejects it if you try to drink any. A minor symptom that's easy to miss and doesn't manifest itself in all victims is spasms where you were bitten. Since the disease travels along your nervous system, as it climbs whatever part between the bite and on the way to the brain might have unusual and more frequent muscle spasms and the likes. Since that doesn't always show though, it's not always mentioned as something to look for. I'd still call a local hospital and explain to a professional if you can get any on the phone. They'll be able to reassure you with a more well informed opinion, since I'm assuming none of us here are doctors.

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And I've seen the process of someone dying due to rabies, it's not something I want to experience. I am nervous but I really hope everything turns out fine.

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Get a rabies vaccine just in case i'd hate for you to die for helping the little guy out.

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If it gets bad I'll probably go to the ER since it's right around the corner, so far I feel fine and it just kinda hurts a little bit I'm not feeling sick or anything. I looked up what I should do and it said squirrel bites are very rarely fatal

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Yeah you're probably good that squirrel doesn't seem rabid anyway. Rabies is just a scary one so its better safe than sorry.

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I plan on going tomorrow night, I have plans tomorrow during the day I've been looking forward to and I don't want to spend all of tonight in the hospital because of that but I am prepared to do that tomorrow night instead. I am going to get checked out tho.

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yea, but as soon as you start feeling symptoms at all, you're already dead you should really go to the ER

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Texted my mother asking for a ride to the ER

She said why

I say because I got bit by a squirrel

She says let me see

So I sent her a pic

And a video of the squirrel

And you know what she said :marseyexcited:


Love that for me, also she was my only ride so that's fun. I don't drive and she won't come pick me up from my apartment lmao. If I die it's on her.

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By the time the symptoms of rabies present themselves, you are going to die. Be careful.

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Fair enough, idrk what to do now cuz I'm paranoid about it now but I don't want to spend all night in the ER for playing with a squirrel 😭😂

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I dont think it had rabies, don't go to the doctor and just relax.

Send us status updates of the symptoms !

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I dont think it did either. If it did I think it would've kept attacking me. He stopped when I put him down and wasn't super violent. It's been a good 2 hours since it happened and my finger just hurts a bit and it's a little bruised. Little guy was just shaken up from the fall and I should've expected to be bitten. The ER is a 5 minute drive from my house so there's always that if i absolutely need to. Like I said I immediately went inside and washed it and she scratches with dawn dish soap really well and put antibacterial cream on it with a bandage. I think it will be fine.

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I've been trying to feed the squirrels in my garden for months now. I almost got one to take a nut out of my hand, but it ran away.

How did you manage to touch 2 squirrels ?!

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I have no idea bro. With the first one after a few I approached him very slowly with my hand out while holding an almond. He took it from my hand, started nibbling on it. So I lightly pet him with my finger and he didn't do anything so I just kept petting him and he eventually let me hold him. He also bit me but not to the point where it broke skin, he would just nibble my finger a little bit. Be careful don't get bit by a squirrel.

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Lucky motherfucker, It's my dream to have a fucking pet squirrel. Each time I think they are starting to like me, they're gone for 2-3 weeks and then I have to gain their trust again from zero...

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Eehh I mean send us updates on how you're doing !

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The squirrel was like, "This is nuts!" Then you were bitten.

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I used to have a 4 pound black dog that looked SO MUCH like a squirrel - and she loved to chase them - and one time, she went after one, and it stopped - with my dog sitting still staring at it, sitting between the tree and the squirrel - until the squirrel jumped right over my dog makeing it to the tree.

Another time she caught a squirrel - and it bit her paw bad enough that it bled A LOT.

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You should ask a medical professional whether a rabies shot(s) is advisable.

If you DO catch rabies - it's FATAL 99.99% of the time.

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MF Its called watch people die not watch people playing with rats

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Then don't click on the post pookie bear

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are emos still existing? i thought they all killed themselfes back in 2007

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Not all of us

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Bro is going to get rabies LOL

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Man that would suck

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once in a lifetime experience lol

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To be posted in the /animal hole, someone would need to die in the video.

Squirrley hopefully didn't give you rabies.

So this post was moved to /social

Please read this to familiarize yourself with what post goes in what hole:


Thank you.

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My bad, I thought that fit the animal catagory

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For MOST categories, someone needs to DIE in the video.

Please study:


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Yea that's fully on me considering I've read it multiple times lol, I'll make sure next time tho

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I've only invested 15 hours in trying to figure out what goes where - and I'm still learning.

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I think you're doing a pretty good job, congratulations on becoming an admin btw!

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Thank you.

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get well soon brother...

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