gay constipated chinese pedo attempts to meet up with 13 year old boy while high on meth, ends up shitting himself instead

yes it did happen. and he got arrested in the end :marseyclapping:

some more texts

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"What is happening" -🤓☝️

deserved btw

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That Chinaman is a little light in the loafers.

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What a bender

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-I'm 13

*You wanna do meth ???

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These people are scum of the earth but every bitchass streamer wants to be the next Chris Hanson. They aren't doing it for justice they do this because they are attention whore pieces of shit that don't have jobs. Seriously why would you want to engage online with an unstable meth head showing you his asshole? And for you to get your minor brother involved in this makes me think the cameraman is just a guilty and disgusting to expose his brother to this using him as bait. He should have immediately alerted the police and let them arrest him instead of running around Walgreens following this sick person. I was hoping for the pedo to run the streamer over in his car and then the pedo kills himself. It would have been a win-win situation for everyone.

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These streamers only care about views and not actually getting a pedo locked up. They don't work with law enforcement

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Hes Not even on Youtube and He still uploads on rumble. I dont think you get a lot of money on rumble with like 7k - 10k views and He doesnt livestream for like over 1.5 years now.

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Isn't rumble that platform almost entirely filled up with extremist conspiracy theorists?

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Dont know I only watched his Videos on there lol.

But I think rumble is more relaxed when it comes to Videos.

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your only angry at this streamer because you know you will be in this meth heads position one day. cope :marseyflirt:

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Coming from a guy whose fantasy is to go dig up Hitler and be his power bottom. You better go get your shit pills beforehand.

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Yeah they only do it for money. They monetize their YouTube channel and then expose preds for money and attention. Actually most of the guys who get arrested thanks to these guys end up getting released. Only a handful few actually go to jail. It's all for entertainment.

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That may be true for some but I feel it's a case by case basis when it comes to pedo catchers. Dad's Against Predators would send all their messages and* communication to police detectives and they've certainly gotten many convicted because of that. Some just want clout, some people really feel the need to try to protect children like this. Don't paint them all as superficial.

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Good points and I understand. But in the case of this guy he involved his 13 year old brother by getting him on a gay dating app you lure in pedophiles and expose him to disgusting images from this meth addict. I don't agree with using a family member who happens to be a minor to do that. To me the streamer should be held accountable as well since he didn't involve law enforcement.

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That's one thing I don't like is when you're actually using a real child to lure them. I feel it complicates things morally and could also put them at risk in ways people don't realize. DAP would never use actual minors for their stings, they use things like Snapchat filters to alter their own appearance into looking like a young child and lure pedophiles that way.

However depending on the jurisdiction and the laws wherever they do it, sometimes law enforcement gladly accepts all the evidence they(DAP) gathered and will follow up on them. Other times in different places it's written in the law that it has to be an actual minor, or that the police department had to be part of the situation from the beginning to be able to accept the evidence the pedo catcher group had gotten.

Sometimes it's a lot of red tape in certain places and that hinders the effectiveness of certain groups ability to carry out their goals.

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They do it to sell merch so they don't have to get a job and get to say “Look at my halo”

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Who would buy a t-shirt from that fuckface streamer?

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Tons of people. Kids watch people play Minecraft instead of playing it themselves. Streaming is wildly popular for lots of people. I never really understood the hype over it.

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Well its funny asf

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feckin idiotic security

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“Why do I have a picture of his asshole if i'm a weirdo?” well…

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Glad I wasn't the only one who thought that 💀

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"Does that look like him?"

shows picture of his butthole

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"Why do I have a picture of his asshole if I'm a weirdo?"

If I had a dollar for every time I've said that, I could pay for my pooping pills.

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Mother fucker I just watched the god damn thing and he never shot himself

Why that is pissing me off, is beyond me lol

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It wasn't clearly stated in the video, but from what I can remember he did rip his ass at some point during one of his panic attacks

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Ahhh I got ya.

I'm not talking down to you, you put the effort into posting it for other's entertainment and to be quite honest, it was very entertaining… shit in pants or no shit in pants lol


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Shit himself^*

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My bad cuh, I don't have respect for this language

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I'm starting to think he's a practicing homosexual

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He's getting ready for prison.

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He's gonna get all the breeding he wanted in prison now ;)

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True that, as the pic shows above, he's already assuming position. He'll be ready to become someone's prison bitch.

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May God spare humanity

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This is the guy who tells you you're a Nazi online because you don't think doctors should perform sex change surgery and hormone chemical therapy on minors

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Sex change surgery and hormone chemical therapy isnt done on minors

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Yes it is? Have you been under a rock?

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Its a really simple request, just one reliable source

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Alright give me a source

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It's honestly not nearly as big of an issue as the right wing media wants you to think it is. It's not happening on the scale they claim it is. I don't believe it should happen to any kids, but it has happened to a couple. Not nearly as much as the right screams about it though.

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The media labels everything opposed to it as "right wing". There is no left or right, its a made up paradigm. Both are two wings of the same bird.

Saying its wrong to have children on puberty blockers or have gender reassignment surgery isn't a partisan issue.

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It shouldn't be but it's something both sides have a different view on. Making it a partisan issue. It's steeped too heavily in pop culture that one side for and one side is against to say it isn't a partisan issue. I understand your point but ultimately it's the people who make up these sides that feel a certain way about the problem that shine a spotlight on it.

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this video was the dumbest conversation ive ever saw 😭

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"Why do I have a picture of your asshole?" "Why do I have a picture of his ass?"

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That shit was kinda funny, “if I'm weirdo why do I have pictures of your asshole?”

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Right!? Didn't sound good at all! 🤣

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Oh, I hate people so much.

I shouldn't have read the texts...

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the way he tried to act like he was the victim😭

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I mean isn't this what the LGBTQ does? They act like they're victims under the guise of seeking freedom to exist while attempting to take away the freedom others who disagree. Hypocrites. Truth is nobody cares they exist.

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I THOUGHT THIS WAS WAY TOO FUNNY TO BE REAL😭😭Thank you for showing the proof :marseythumbsup:

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heyoo almost same pfp bruh :marseyblowkiss:

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Dude wearing ugg boots at the end

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Lock'em both up

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The manager is a fucking weirdo 🤣 good job sir keep it up

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Why can't some people keep their hands off little children, if you want to have sex then find someone your age and not a 13 year old boy :emukys:

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This is worse than any scars he could have taken from a beating. It's mental revenge, and I like it.

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Person who filmed is equally retarded as the junkie pedo :marseyfacepalm: :marseyfacepalm:

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Lol tweak tweek is a character in South Park

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Me: Yep dude is definitely gay

Random guy off camera asking in an overly gentle manner "okay what's happeniiiiiing"

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none of this will be admissible in court. And if the police were investigating him, their investigation has now been disrupted. At least he got smacked around a little bit.

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His face is out there and he will definitely get noticed

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"So you can't say that I hurt you, and you can't say that I hurt you"

lol some catches are as stupid as their pedros.

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That's so incredibly crazy to me but also funny and interesting

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"Why are you here?"

"To find my pooping pills!"

lmao 1:30

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