Realistic animation of Titan Submersible implosion with actual implosion sound (better version of animation added in thread)

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I keep thinking about that 19 year old kid and what James Cameron said...that there’s a good chance they heard the sub failing before the implosion. Imagine being that young, not wanting to go in the first place, and then learning “hey those are very bad sounds and we are all about to die, and by the way we have no way back up or out because this isn’t a submarine it’s a deep sea death cylinder”

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they had audio sensors installed in the mesh that would have picked up anything before you could hear it and alert them to abort the descent . It failed without warning based on all the available information and no one on board had any idea before they were basically vaporized

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Yeah it happened in a fraction of a second. They had no idea

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U sure? Didn't they even drop the sub weights basically immediately stoping descent? They only do that because they must have known something is terribly wrong

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Indeed, that's what the latest news is saying anyway. A morbid part of me finds it somewhat...fascinating? If they did have a short period of fear and panic, but the better part of me is glad they died instantly and painlessly.

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That could’ve happened because of the implosion.

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Just under one millisecond, thats shorter than popping a balloon, 13 times faster than the human eye can process vision, just about 50-150 times faster than the human brain can process pain or even feel anything.

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If you seriously believe that the game controller submarine had advanced audio sensors to detect failures in the hull then you might want to put down the kool aid

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I hate to break it to you, but using a game controller isn't that crazy of an idea. It's intuitive and everyone knows how to use it already. The US military uses them

The game controller gets all the attention meanwhile the submarine was built with plumbing parts from Home Depot and pre-used/expired metals

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Difference is the US Military uses them on UNMANNED DRONES. Otherwise they are used in roles where their use does not directly involve being responisble for human lives. They use them on stuff like submarine photonics masts.

honestly incredible you dont understand the difference between a pilotless piece of tech and a vessel carrying 5 human lives.

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Are you brain damaged? Read the link before you make yourself look even dumber.

Mounted on the Army’s Stryker armored fighting vehicles

Does this look like an unmanned drone to you??

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No but it looks like an unmanned weapon

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Does it control the entire vehicle at present? No. It controls the Unmanned weapon station smh...

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Have you not seen the Ukraine kamikaze drones, they pilot then with game controls

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Unmanned drone.

this is a manned sub meant to keep 5 people safe at depth.

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I think by meant you mean *unfit

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In retrospect, yes. Regardless, having a video game controller be your one and only method of locomotion on the seafloor is buttfuck stupid.

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Especially a Logitech, I wouldn't even trust a Logitech with playing Diablo IV nor controlling a carbon fibre cheaply made submersible, 13,000 feet below the surface and being produced by a rich under-qualified 61 year old.

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A 61 year old who had grad students design his sub without any experienced people involved in the process, as they were all left on read after they raised any kind of concerns.

Young minds have their place, ideally as part of a team that includes experienced ones to balance innovation and safety.

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wait the submarine actually used a game controller?

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Lmfao yes

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Is it me or does Stockton Rush look and sound like an older Ben Shapiro

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%100, dude drank his own kool aid just like ben.

Only difference is Stockon claimed he wanted a diverse team, not just "old white men" his solution was grad students, and nothing against them, but uh, they were cheap hires. All of them. Thats the real reason he hired graduates, he paid the full price in the end though.

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Thats what happens when you fill your team with teenagers

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Young fresh minds absolutely have their place on a team - but that team should also have actual experienced people on it as well as to maintain a healthy balance between innovation and safety. These guys did not - they consulted a few people and then left them on read after they eventually raised concerns.

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oh my fucking god i thought it was just a joke.....I REFUSE TO BELIEVE THIS IS REAL WHAT

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One of the criticisms of that acoustic warning device is that it might only detect a flaw milliseconds before a catastrophic loss of pressure. It is so harrowing. I’m just astonished by the hubris of this fucking CEO

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Whether he did bad things or not, I feel bad for all 5 people onboard who had to die.

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But if you listen to the implosion audio, there is a loud crack of the hull buckling or deforming, followed by the actual implosion 2-3 seconds later. They definitely had a moment to realize how fucked they were

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just watch this till the implosion

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It would be waaaaayyyy faster than that.

You wouldn’t even know. First off The surrounding water flash-boiled hotter than the surface of the sun, it compressed in HALF a millisecond. The people inside were absolutely eviscerated. It’s faster than the electrical impulses in their body could reach their brain, and or faster than it takes light to reach your eyes.

You aren’t even biology anymore you are physics now. your individual cells don’t even survive that. You’re just particles.

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Turned into molecular cherry flavoured yogurt

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Way to go :marscientist::marseyakbar::marseydisintegrate:

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This doesn't feature the massive pop prior to the actual implosion, 0/10

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fake straggotry

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the fact that the kid didn't wanna go but because his dad was so excited and also "its fathers day" or whatever, he ended up going anyway.. its sad, really. he's not that much younger than me and he died a death that not a whole lot of people die.

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It made him internationally known. The price of fame :motherfucker:

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Also the cost of being remembered as the Willy Wonka of Ocean Exploration, endangering people since 2009

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He still could have refused to go

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someone actually made an animation exactly of what you just described but imo didn't seem realistic.


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He wanted to go, according to his mom

e: being the reason why his mom didn't go with his dad

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:marseydisintegrate:Why did that kid take a rubiks cube to solve and buy a special camera to film it and get into the guinness book of records then. I don't believe that spin on the story. He went and was turned into toothpaste like the rest of those idiots trying to be better than everyone else :marseysubmarine:l:. :marseysquished: :marseydisintegrate::marseybloodpuddle:

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Yeah, still, its best to just remember them for what they did for the earth positively, Stockton Rush, Hamish Harding (one who I exceptionally was a fan of prior to his death) Suleman and his dad Shahzada Dawood along with Paul-Henri Nargeolet were all great people in the end.

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Nah they were all about themselves.

They were greedy and thought that they were better than everyone else and that was their demise, they thought that they were invincible.

Good riddance to them.

James Cameron on the other hand is exceptional .

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Hamish Harding was also exceptional, dude was an idol for me when I was younger.

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Nah - creepy looking fucker glad he's dead .

Privileged twat . I guess you're a private/public school runt with delusions of grandeur holding onto the values of an old world that is dying.

Boyan Slat should be your role model - not some snooty daredevil.

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*was, In his later years he just lost his soul and became a fucking loser.

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OK I understand now I was second guessing . Just remember the pilot picture of him with really crazy eyes almost suggesting that he was unhinged !


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Unhinged man, truly

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Fucking idiots. Let’s go look at some shitty rusted metal. I wanna see where Leonardo DiCaprio stood on the bow.

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also the way the CEO was boasting about "its all about breaking rules 🥴" like NO you dumbfuck you're just cheap and refuse to pay a manufacturer to put the proper safety precautions in and build your death trap properly

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"Everyone told me you can't mix Titanium and Carbon Fibre, but I did it anyways!" - Actual quote.

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lol and here we are. It's a shame when one persons hubris takes out other people around them.

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Oh, it get's worse. The carbon fibre he bought was expired carbon fibre for cheap from Boeing. Expired meaning it was already used before and it has lost it's structural integrity and is no longer useful for building purposes. It's a feat how they managed to be as cheap as possible in every aspect of construction and operation.

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jesus christ that's fucked

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ULTIMATE darwin award winner right here

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@potatossssssalad care to explain yourself at all? or would you just prefer to remain existing as a soft bag of shit? Ran off without realizing you were attempting to block THE UNBLOCK ABLE!!! Eat sit


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horrifyingly accurate

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Ight I’m just going to say this, cuz I notice a lot of people don’t comprehend how crazy/how fast this was. People think they were crushed like you get crushed in a car accident no.

You wouldn’t even know. First off The surrounding water flash-boiled hotter than the surface of the sun, it compressed in HALF a millisecond. The people inside were absolutely eviscerated. It’s faster than the electrical impulses in their body could reach their brain, and or faster than it takes light to reach your eyes.

You aren’t even biology anymore you are physics now. your individual cells don’t even survive that. You’re just particles.

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so is it a nice way to die voluntarily? cuz no pain

also what happens to the body? Is the blood 'squeezed' out?

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Yes exactly, no pain. you don’t even know what happened. you can’t register it.

And for the body, there isn’t a body anymore. You are just a soup.

you are not biology, anymore you are physics your individual cells do not survive that.

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Bad ass. Now describe spaghettification

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ive been reading articles of this literally for the past hour but i could not, for the life of me, picture what an implosion of the sub would actually look like. so thanks!

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here is another interpretation of the implosion someone made

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i mean, SHIT, both are fucking horrifying either way!! NOT a fun way to die :marseydeadinside3:

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Here is an oil tanker imploding:

That's with 1 earth atmosphere. Imagine that, but 400x more powerful, and also more violent cause carbon fibre shatters and shears instead of deforms like steel

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jesus christ! would they feel that pressure on their bodies prior before the implosion itself, like would there be any noticeable changes in how they feel?

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was the view worth it

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me trying to uphold a normal life and daily routines

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And poof, they’re gone

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people turn instantly in a red blob

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Thinking about the 19 year old kid just made me sad, even nowadays when Im in my 140s I still tear up at the thought of someone dying against their will at a young age and having nothing they can do about it.

I've seen the families of these people get harassed online and sent simulation videos of the implosion, its sad and miserable to see how they just dealt with the death of 5 great people with thoughts and aspirations.

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That isn't actually the sound of the implosion, I found the sound on a YouTube video from 2013.

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Fyi the implosion sound featured is NOT titan, it's glass flotation spheres from an ROV platform from 9yrs ago and was recorded by OceanNetworks Canada:

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I give two shits about this situation tbh but I gotta admit the animation + sound are awesome

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hopefully these douches keep going on these kinds of trips. blast a few more into space. We need MORE farsighted entrepreneurs like Stockton Rush!

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I like the part where it imploded

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My wallet when I discovered gambling

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Bro this is just someone filming a coke can filled with ketchup

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