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I always wondered if many women watch this shit?

I mean every dude loves combat footage because as boys we all played soldier with our nerf guns and played violent video games, being more predisposed to violence probably makes us more curious about watching people die.

Ladies, can you explain why you watch this horrible stuff? Just good ol’ morbid curiosity? Its hard for me to guess with you being the more loving, gentler half of the human race. Where did your curiosity originate?

Mods: do you know the male to female ratio for here?

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I watch for the sake of reality of life. Things like this HAPPEN and the media doesn't show us any of it. There is a major harsh side of life that everyone has to be aware of and accept.

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i watch this bcs i like to learn things, maybe its weird but its amazing how this kind of things happen

and i want to study medicine (´▽`)ノ

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Idk man i was also playing violent video games and nerf when i was young. Maybe we all aren't so different. Perhaps watching gore doesn't correlate with what gender you are at all.

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Maybe because it makes me feel something, whatever that is. I have autism and am a bit of a misanthrope, so it tends to vary between disgust and satisfaction.

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Tbh I use it as a coping mechanism 🥸 with my depression, anxiety and PTSD acting up, sometimes watching gore or accidents reminds me how precious life is or that it will get better, or the ole "at least that isnt me yet."

Also makes me more aware of my surroundings (i drive more carefully now, wary of electrical shit etc),we are just delicate meat bags in the end. as much as dying does scare me, also brings me some peace i guess seeing that its inevitable for everybody, and i can only hope I die peacefully in my sleep; or end up on this site in an epic, closed casket, fuckery of a dead.

Soz for long rant; am high

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My mom basically got me into all the morbid stuff. We used to snuggle on the couch when I was super young and watch forensic shows, dr G medical examiner, shows about serial killers. It's a nice memory especially when we would figure out how people were murdered ahead of time. But yeah she kinda got that started in me and it took off from there 🤷🏻‍♀️ watching how much the human body can handle is fascinating

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That's pretty fascinating actually.

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I have notice that there are a lot more women into necrophilia than I could have imagined. I guess it's like a feeling safe thing. "Can't hurt me if you're dead" from waht I understand.

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Dude...... where or how have you noticed this? Do you hang out in a morge with some freaky chicks or something?

𝕽𝖆𝖎𝖓 𝕺𝖓 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕾𝖈𝖆𝖗𝖊𝖈𝖗𝖔𝖜

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I ask them.

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I see....... please bear with me here, i have a few more questions.

These women develop this after being abused my some asshole they were once with or abused as children by some asshole?

Are they homicidal like ted bundy or do they go looking for men already dead or is it just a fantasy which they never act upon?

Last question... do you think we can use this angle to thin out the poorcel population?

𝕽𝖆𝖎𝖓 𝕺𝖓 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕾𝖈𝖆𝖗𝖊𝖈𝖗𝖔𝖜

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I have seen a trend in women who were abused thus only feeling safe with a person that is no longer living also I'm guess its a power thing that sometimes happens after someone's been abused. Not homicidal more like "comforted". I'm not sure what the last question means.

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Interesting stuff.....

The last question was a joke.. or more precisely the last question was trying to be a joke... telling people if they want to get laid they should kill themselves, but now that I've had time to think about it.. it was a horrible joke in bad taste....

𝕽𝖆𝖎𝖓 𝕺𝖓 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕾𝖈𝖆𝖗𝖊𝖈𝖗𝖔𝖜

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Now that I get it its a great joke, like "the only way YOU could get laid is if you alt+f4" pretty good.

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Gosh i wish my imagination was less graphic sometimes

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Reality. Morbid curiosity. I also have a terminal illness at 19 and I’ve had it since I was 4, so it helps me come to terms with death easier. It makes it less scary… well, sometimes haha.

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Hey there, erm, if you are okay explaining it a bit I would appreciate it. I am curious by nature. Hope you are well, or as well as you can be!

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Of course! It’s called pulmonary hypertension. It constricts the arteries in your lungs. Mines due to heart problems I’ve had since I was 3. It’s completely incurable and progressive, so it’ll just get worse and worse until it kills me. I’m on a medication right now that’s connected a pump and a line in my chest, and the line goes right to my heart to get medication right there. Pulmonary hypertension has also caused me to go into heart failure. I almost passed away in April and my mom signed a DNR for me because we’ve talked multiple times about what I want done, and I do not want to be intubated because waking up intubated is awful. If you have any questions you can ask them, I love explaining!

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I was having a pretty okay day up until I read your reply. I love that you responded and thank you for that, and I also knew what the word terminal meant, but secretly I was hoping that just maybe it's not the case and you will get to live for as long as anyone else. When I read things like these, my mind immediately goes into the 'I want to do something about it to help' mentality even if I know it's futile. I would very much like to keep in contact if that is something you'd be okay with. I'm interested in people's life story in general, having had a wild journey myself. Do personal messages exist here or would you like to prefer to speak elsewhere, if at all? I hope you'll have an amazing day!

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if you wake up intubated, your doc is doing something wrong! Thank you for sharing, I love hearing other people's stories especially what draws them here.

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it was so scary!!! and i was only 9 so it ruined it completely for me, ever being intubated again. and of course, i love sharing my story!

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I watch it because I had some fucked up shit happen to me and this is kinda my drug, it's comforting and familiar almost and helps me dissociate.

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I can't even answer that one.

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I always wondered why ANYONE watches this shit. I don't think it has to do with gender.

I can just echo what some of the other women (and others) have said: it's comforting, that I'm gonna die, also that I'm not there yet. Reminds me how fragile life is, and how unexpectedly strange events can occur and change everything forever. I drive a little more carefully, too. Those cars coming out of nowhere and mangling a human like a fly on one's windscreen make an impression.

I started when I ran across an animal attack video (which I now believe is fake; it's from Savage Man Savage Beast, you've probably seen it,) and I still love animal attack vids. I like to feel how small and insignificant humans are in the big world.

Gore, ok. Violence, however, is tougher. Mostly what bothers me is all the apathy, indifference, and desensitization we see here. Some of these vids I just think what kind of life did they have, to be able to do that to another human?? Really awful.

I've never been sexually or physically abused and I definitely don't have necrophiliac impulses at all.

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Helps with my anxiety.

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idk tbh, just entertaining. :marseyakbar:

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Morbid curiosity and mental illness lmao

Also I have synesthesia and I used to self harm so I watch this to distract myself and kinda hurt myself without doing anything physically from time to time

Don't know why sex or gender would play into watching gore we aren't kids (we being females)

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I guess it gives me some sort of comfort knowing I'm not ignorant to the truly awful shit that goes on. I also think it helps keep me vigilant for all types of possible fucked up shit and helps keep my trust of other humans in check.

That or I'm a fucked up human bc my boyfriend damn near throws up if I show him even the mild stuff on here. I think I know of one other person in my general circle of friends that can watch gore, and she's also a woman. 🤷🏼‍♀️

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I'm just morbid I guess? Seen a lot of fucked up stuff irl and it's interesting to see what goes on in other areas of the world. Glad to have only seen one or two videos from the country I'm in. Reminds me I'm very fortunate.

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