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How will you die?

Humans are fragile. Nothing more than some bones and organs held together by muscles and connective tissue. Everything is temporary. What is your way out?

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I feel like I will just get cancer like my dad. It's something which runs in my family. I have a feeling deep down in my gut that it will also hunt me down on day...

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I want to be cock-slapped into oblivion by the walking Optimus Prime at Universal Studios Florida. It will have to be a full chrome-plated cock-clobbering combo: 24 hits, at least.

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FUCK man I gotta review my plan, I think you got the best idea here 👀

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Shotgun suicide :marseyexcited:

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Thinking about this, or overdose ( unintentionally unless u kno).But most likely due to health reasons like cancer or alzheimers

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uwu sorry friend I hope u get better but if u don’t it’s ok:marseyblowkiss:

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i feel like will go out killing cops to be clear cops are the bain of are existest but that wont happen in a long long long long long ass time dont want to upset my mum but anyway yeah thats how i die

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I refuse to die unless it’s in an interesting and exciting way

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solid plan

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Yes! I will only die if executed by Euthanasia Coaster.

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If I'm lucky it will be quick and painless with no time to think about what's happening.. if I'm unlucky then it will slow and painful with time to think about...

If I die from an accident it will more than likely be drowning since I spend alot of time in and under water or a car accident because I do spend alot of time traveling on the highways. I doubt I'll die by gun shot because I don't put myself in situations where that would be likely to happen and I'm aways aware of what's going on around me and who's around me, the chance of suicide is highly unlikely, stabbing is unlikely, fire is a possibility since I live in an area prone to hellacious wildfires... At the end of the day it could be anything...

𝕽𝖆𝖎𝖓 𝕺𝖓 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕾𝖈𝖆𝖗𝖊𝖈𝖗𝖔𝖜

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Years of cigarettes, alcohol, and drugs coupled with inhaling double quarter pounders probably means my heart is on borrowed time.

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Who knows

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God knows

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man shut the fuck up

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Heheh did I annoy you

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Aloha snackbar!

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Peepee poopoo

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That some people believe in god does not make the existence a fact.

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in a fucking uber car or a house is gonna fall on me.

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Ideally, my body will be so powerful that I can no longer die; but I can see myself losing the will to live after being alive and alone for however many thousands to millions of years and thus going into a sort of stasis in a pocket dimension of unreality until I decide I'm bored of sleeping forever and inevitably come back to once again wreak destruction throughout the omniverse, or beyond that, even.

snort :marseyclueless:

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I'm going to survive getting stabbed 37 times only to die of mono.

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i wanna die in my sleep, or god forbid at least shot and immediately be killed. that or i go on my own terms, not overdose i tried like 3 years ago, woke up w chipped teeth and a bitten tongue. but i'm slowly having faith in myself making it in to my 80s

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Assuming I die ( no proof yet) then my life will probably be taken from me. I think it’ll be something like a shootout or fighting leading to some head trauma, but statistics show I’ll probably die from a vehicle accident or heart complications.

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I kinda wanna go for carbon monoxide poisoning or maybe freezing to death but in reality my fat coated heart can give out whenever it wants 🤷🏻‍♀️

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Heart attack. My lifestyle of playing games, drinking and eating shit is propably not good

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Statistically speaking? Most likely for me (in descending order) is cancer, heart disease, suicide, and a motorcycle accident.

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idk but I'll haunt your asses if i end up on this website

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Spontaneous combustion :marseydisintegrate:

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suicide probably lmao

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Probably from bulimia :marseyprisma:

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Hopefully quick, if i dont die in an accident of some sort before im like 60, im gonna go off into the woods and off my self so nobody has to find my body or anything

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why 60?

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60 might be just a little to young tbh but i dont want to have too be taken care of, so when i start getting to the age where my body starts to break down and i cant do everything myself, im gonna take myself out so i dont go through all that pain and suffering

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what if by then you have others to take care of like kids maybe?

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Fair question, i have no want to be in a long lasting relationship and I've thought about kids and i dont want any, i dont think id be a great parent and i also dont want to bring another life onto this shitty planet. But i mean i got a whole life ahead of me so you never know

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I would like to think I'd die "peacefully" of old age but since my father and his father both died in their late 50s of cancer thats most likely the way I'll go.

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You mean like suicide?

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How do I want to die? in some memorable way involving a fursuit I’d say. How will I die? Idk probably from some boring shit like high cholesterol or somethin

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Either drugs or suicide

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I'll run out of insulin when society collapses

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