How do you feel about the afterlife?

Are you scared of what's to come? Do you fear that once you leave this world you turn into Nothing. No ones cares or remembers you after 100s of years. Or do you think some magical god is saving you, And the rest of the world from the nothingness we call Death.

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Not gonna power level too much but I know death will be peaceful whether there's an afterlife or not. If there is nothing, it's going to be like before we were born. Or when you're put under for surgery. Time goes on and you're completely gone

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I believe in reincarnation. In my opinion, the concept of karma and multiple lives makes more sense than the concept of hell/heaven.

But there are times (especially when I feel suicidal) I believe there is no afterlife and nothing happens after we die.

Either way, I'm not afraid of dying as it's just another part of life and it will happen anyway.

(sorry for any grammar/spelling mistakes, english is not my first lenguage)

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i am not sure anymore, growing up my mum (her cult) drilled god into my head n made me fear all sorts, especially death. it's nice to see this post n be able to think about what I BELIEVE not what i was told.

i guess i am more bothered about getting old? not seeing where this world goes, new inventions, discoveries! i wanna be young always aha, i wanna see it all happen. but afterlife.. i am not scared anymore, i am more excited to finally know if there's anything.

thanksss for asking!! <3

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I couldn't agree more about the getting old and not seeing new inventions and discoveries. Empires built and collapsed. etc. We're just dust in the wind.

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exactly! nothing but a spec

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it really depends on your perspective of how life is organized. some view humans and animals as independent beings. others view us as a cohesive society of micro-organisms that stay alive through mutual benefit. this wholistic mindset can scale to any size in the universe, from atomic levels to ecosystems, human societies to celestial orbits. where one individual 'dies', millions of other individuals benefit and make sure nothing goes to waste. humans and animals don't die; we collapse, much in the same way ancient societies collapse. to the individual, death is final and negative; to the collective, death is beneficial for the continuation of life. where one society collapses, hundreds form from its ashes with their own new and unique cultural identities, arts and sciences.

the illusion of consciousness is broken, but the body persists indefinitely. you break down into the soil and spread around the planet. eventually you, me, and everyone we've ever known will be incinerated by the sun, and eventually end up in the same black hole. in that sense, there is nothing to fear. we've been in existence since the dawn of the universe and we'll be here until its demise. we're all just lucky enough to be a conscious organism for this brief period of time, a time we tend to take for granted in the moment. what happens to consciousness after death isn't fully known, nor is it important. our existence (as far as we can tell) is purely physical, and death never was and never will be the end. our life was never the beginning of anything, rather a continuation of an endless cycle.

'reincarnation' is the world that comes to mind, but i prefer 'recycle.' reincarnation implies you will die and become another specific organism. recycling implies that you die and parts of you end up in thousands or millions of other organisms or ecosystems. over many thousand years, molecules of our bodies could travel across the entire planet and end up in so many different creatures. given billions of years, our molecules could reach other planets or galaxies and be scattered among the far corners of the universe. its very difficult to visualize or grasp because it requires thinking of scales bigger than ourselves. however, it brings me personal joy knowing that parts of me will one day compose the bodies of countless other beings.

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I'd like to think we get reincarnated. It's a comforting thought , especially after losing someone. I'd like to be reincarnated as a funky little animal like an anteater or something

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i feel good

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I believe there is nothing god wise but I am not so sure universe wise. We know that the universe is expanding, came to being from a singular point. So there was some beginning to life and the history of the universe but it is beyond our understanding. In that sense maybe the universe resets or something and another big bang occurs.

Whatever the case regarding the universe I think death is the ultimate peace. Just as you did not experience the billions of years passing before you were not yet born so will you not experience the years until the universe decays.

So, if I believe that there is nothing after death what do I do. I focus on my own life and try to enjoy it while also bettering the people around me and society as much as an individual can, in the end that is all I can do.

If there is a god, he surely is nothing like the gods we have in our ancient books, and even if he was I will not follow the senseless rules put forth in the books, rather I go by the famous quote by Marcus Aurelius - “Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.”

I do think reincarnation would be cool, especially if it was based on how good you were as a human being.

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We will meet our creator and get judged accordingly God have mercy on all of us

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Im not scared

What comes will come

There might be God

There might be nothing

All we can do is stay ignorant in our little world

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I have a legitimate fear of rebirth/reincarnation. Like, once I've survived as far as I can in this life, I gotta do it ALL fucking again?? Sounds like a joke but it genuinely plays on my mind.

Being someone that doesn't come from a particular faith in my upbringing, and I consider myself agnostic, it seems silly for me to think about this stuff when idk if it's even legit. But the thought of it honestly terrifies me, somehow I get the feeling it's right, but I desperately hope it's wrong.

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It's whatever, but if Heaven exists my dog better fucking be there (he died Friday morning)

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RIP doggo :#heart:

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I'm more laid back, the only thing I want it should be painless, and parents should not witness it as I have seen how children's death affect parents, once parents gone I don't care what happens

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I more or less believe that it's nothing, same as you weren't before you were.

The closest thing that I'd entertain to the idea of an "afterlife" or reincarnation is a hope that our universe (or universes ) are cyclical by nature and go through periods of expansion and compression looped infinitely. If it truly were infinite, statistically you'll be the same stardust you were once and rearrange in a way that your own lights (or whatever makes you, you) would turn back on. Just by purely playing a numbers game.

I don't go out making this a defining part of my life of it other than musing it from time to time to bring me some sort of comfort. That'd be best case scenario, but the skeptic in me says the lights turn off and they stay off.

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I don’t think any of the religions are correct. I think they have been tainted by man and man’s desires. I’m okay with Death and living my life without the pressure of a god. I hope when I die I can just roam the world free and see everything I never got too in my lifetime and just experience surreal things not possible. One quote that I like that was asked at a religious debate was, “Would you rather live your entire life believing there is a god to die and find out there is no go or believe in no god and find out one exist” I sometimes think about that and to be honest. I would live to think there is no god and find out there is one because so many people restrict themselves with religion and just ever get the full experience out of their life. I would rather enjoy what I have now knowing it is mine.

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I don't think there's an afterlife that's why I look forward to death, I want to just stop existing

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I think I’m just one living organism. I feel like I’ll simply die and that’s that for me. Fade to black. No extra stuff after the credits roll.

My brain is simply going to shut off and I’ll no longer have worry about anything ever again. I look forward to the black void of oblivion.

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I dont think about it too much. Ive never been the religious type but because of those I care about while im alive, part of me honestly hopes there is one so we meet again after I pass.

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Life’s a bitch and then you die.

Pretty much sums it up for me.

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Why am I dying to live when I’m just living to die

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I have multiple theories, but the one I probably believe the most is reincarnation. That energy has to go somewhere right?

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The energy just stops being produced by the body. It's like a candle: When the flame goes out, it doesn't "go" anywhere, it just stops.

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T r u e

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I just hope bad things happen to bad people after they die. But personally, i just wanna enjoy life. What ever happens after will just happen

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I believe it's better to believe and be wrong rather to not believe and be wrong....

𝕽𝖆𝖎𝖓 𝕺𝖓 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕾𝖈𝖆𝖗𝖊𝖈𝖗𝖔𝖜

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What if you die and meet Dudley, the 17-headed cosmic hedgehog demon, and he's pissed off because you didn't believe in him?

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Thats my point... its better to believe and be wrong then not believe and be punished....

𝕽𝖆𝖎𝖓 𝕺𝖓 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕾𝖈𝖆𝖗𝖊𝖈𝖗𝖔𝖜

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Maybe he doesn't care about people who didn't believe at all. Maybe he'll punish only those who believed in something else than him specifically.

Then it's better to not believe and be wrong than believe and be punished.

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At this point, I don't think there's anything out there. For those afraid of that, is it really that bad to just not have any more worries, troubles, anything?

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Wow. Never thought of it like this, and that’s a good point. I think I’m afraid of the grief that like..3 people would go through if I passed before them. That is an unbearable pain.

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Yeah, thats the only thing im genuinely worried about when i die

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i think the brain releases DMT when you die right? so my theory is your perception of time slows down to the point you're experiencing infinity inside your own mind but for everyone else time has passed and you've ceased to exist. logically you can't experience oblivion so the only alternative is the moment right before that

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