lady takes a tumble down an escalator

horrible or hilarious?

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Lol this was the hardest laugh I've ever gotten on here

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I don't understand if she's too old/frail or if it's genuinely difficult to get up, I've never fallen like that and I'm not into experimenting

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I used to Ive in China and people there are surprisingly bad at using their bodies. Like for some reason people think China is full of people who are martial artists and brilliant acrobats, but that is an incredibly small percent of the population. I mean you've seen countless videos on gore sites I'm sure, but the complete and utter lack of awareness for themselves and their surroundings cause thousands of accidents a day. Like this woman is obviously old, but I guarantee you won't see some old lady from Germany or Brazil being so criminally incapable of moving her own two fucking feet.

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I think I have an idea of what you mean.

I used to live in Brooklyn, and every time I’d go into the city (Chinatown specifically) to buy certain Asian groceries, I’d notice an egregious lack of spatial awareness amongst a strong degree of the Chinese in that area, almost to the point that I’d swear they were actually just dumb NPCs programmed to keep softly moving in any one specific direction until they bump into something, only to momentarily stop and begin the cycle all over in a different direction.

I too came to that realization on my own, that these people at large are likely of average IQ at best. I remember frequently questioning ‘Asian brilliance’ in general, often wondering if it’s far more of a Japanese and/Korean thing, because I didn’t see it at all in so many of those Chinese folk I came across.

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Chinese people cant even walk around in hallways. Theyre either on the wrong side, randomly stopping right infront of you or standing in a row blocking the hall. They will actually walk directly into you like they had no idea you were there.

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Fucking cringe lol. Somehow managed to squeeze anti-Asian racism AND korean-weeb fanboy into a single idea.

It’s named Chinatown so all Asians are automatically Chinese!

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"Incapable of using their bodies" 😂

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This comment is almost as funny as the vid itself

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China developing too fast and most of the people there (especially old people) never seen/used anything in their entire life , so it doesn’t surprise me to see an old people don’t know how to use escalator .

What surprised me is my father once told me he had a friend who married a Chinese women who never saw a toilet bowl . 🤦🏽🤦🏽🤦🏽

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One of the most stupid comments I've read. This could happen in any country in the world.

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I can’t believe this is so highly upvoted. All old people loose their sense of balance. It becomes natural reaction to grab on to things, to try to become stable. ALL old people do this.

If you worked with any 90+ year olds, you have experience dealing with this. They don’t like being picked up to be moved, they feel like they are faking. They freak out and grip the nearest thing they can. You have to tel them “I’m picking you up”, “if you grab in to things I won’t be able to pick you up”, “if you do not listen I have to leave you here for 10 mins”.

Here you have an old lady who has lost her balance, but not her walking quite yet. She falls, as to be expected, and she starts gripping everything in sight, which happens to be a non Moving part of the escalator. It keeps flipping her. Yes it’s her fault. She’s old and that’s how old people behave.

Chinese may be total idiots. I’m not arguing that. But this is due to being old, I have worked with lost of people where the same thing would happen if they were allowed out of the house

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do it for me

youll get coins

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Shut up

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She's doing it to herself after a certain point.

There's absolutely moments where if she had just stayed still it would've carried her to the top where someone could've helped her or she could've righted herself once things even out. I realize it's scary to think about "getting eaten" by the escalator, especially in China where all the bad shit is prone to happening, but as long as it didn't grab her hair at the top she would've been fine. All the scary mechanically shit isn't until you hit the metal platform at the top when you step off anyways.

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she probably has dementia, and it make people annoying as fk, especially when they are already kind of stupid when they are young.

Should have just die.

edit: dllm (fuck you mother) leftist pc asshole please go back to reddit, I am taking care a dementia person now you fucking pc asshole, read the rest of the comment before you judge me dllm!!!!!!

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I can deduct 3 things from this comment. 1: you don't know about the effects of dementia. 2: you don't know about how weak and uncoordinated old people become 3: you're mentally retarded.

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mine listing out the symptoms of dementia ?

fucking genius think he know shit when I am taking care one now, you piece of shit asshole.

here is one: Impaired judgement.

that's exactly what she doing at the the time, where she can just lie there and get to safety.

weak and uncoordinated = you still try to stand up just to roll back down again? who is being retard here? (hints: both you and that old woman)

go fucking suck a dick piece of shit.

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Sir, I'm gonna have to ask you to lower your tone

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very funny, I am expecting apology and some upvote, otherwise I will be continue talking in my NORMAL TONE.

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Lmfao! I wonder how long that would have went on if they didn't stop escalator

𝕽𝖆𝖎𝖓 𝕺𝖓 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕾𝖈𝖆𝖗𝖊𝖈𝖗𝖔𝖜

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This is either fake or some fucked up family member should have put that lady in a home already.

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They see me rollin'

They hatin'

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I've never seen anyone fall up before

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Never laughed on WPD before this video.

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Thank you. It has been a trying day and this is exactly what I needed to put a smile on my face.

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Reminds me of the Simpsons episode when Bart writes "insert brain here" on the back of Homer's head and the whole family is laughing hysterically at his attempts to twist around fast enough to read the back of his own head. This is followed by progressively slower laughter until they're all staring at his ongoing efforts with a mixture of depression and embarrassment on their faces.

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I'm damn near tearing up laughing so hard. I'm definitely going to hell.

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just like mari from omori

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Felt like I was watching a cartoon 😅

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of course the stupid shit happens in asia

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Shut up

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If this is real she has to be the most stupid old lady I have ever seen

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The lady is going trough some ups and downs, it hurts sometimes.

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she probably has dementia, and it make people annoying as fk, especially when they are already kind of stupid when they are young.

Should have just die.

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Shut up

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Ok this is funny but since us chinese people look all the same i feel like i'm watching my grandma tumble and that's unsettling.

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I feel so bad for laughing so hard omg 😆😆😆

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Jesus Christ boomers never seem to fail when it comes to not being able to be functional in the easiest of situations then bash the younger generation for stupid shit.

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How has she survived this far into life?

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This is the longest case of deja vu i have ever seen. Should be a GIF describing Mondays.

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She might be doing it on purpose for insurance money or something like that

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I genuinely laughed the entire time

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Was she drunk?? What the fuck?

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You could play goofy cartoon music over this video this is funny as hell

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What the fuck is wrong with you grandma

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And the retard award goes to:

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When hermits who live underground try to reach the front door

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shit's straight out of cartoon

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She's had a bit of a tumble...

Someone should call 01189998819991197253

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Im sorry but this was the funniest thing I have ever seen in my life.

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Scarlet takes a tumble... and keeps tumbling.

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Grandma Mildred takes a tumble...

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That was hilarious to watch but I wonder if she has some medical issues that disoriented her. Poor lady.

Laughed really hard regardless. Then laughed again from thinking about it.

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why did i laughed at this?

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It’s ok, we all did.

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Who else was thinking "they see me rollin, they hatin"

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This is clearly a result of public schooling.

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insurance scam, same as falling in front of slow cars. At a certain point she's TRYING to fall and get hurt

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BRUH I'm sorry but unless she was an old lady she deserved every bit of that 😂

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I wonder why the video suddenly stopped??? As she tumbled down, over + over, I couldn't help but think that "she's gonna end up getting her hair vs caught in the escalator

  • end up getting scalped. Good thing that a "good Samaritan" came along!!!
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All she need to do is be still lol

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Lmao, poor lady

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Benny hill vibes

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brains got knocked around in the shell abit there

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there's no fucking way... it's like a stuntman falling down on purpose almost... how are you THAT fucking lumpant and useless that you can't stay stationary

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Lumpant is my new favorite word lol.

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i learned it from Jeremy Clarkson on their Thailand special

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this is 1 of my fav vid's :D

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