What should be general rules for /h/social

Say some of your opinions on some rules that should be added for /h/social, I dunno if they will be added tho.

The small cock Janny (@ATG x @drownedcarcass) fanfic


@ATG was all alone, mopping up the piss and cum that lined the floor of the brothel. He wished so badly that he could join in the hot fun of men fucking men, and he spent all day listening to their moans as they gangbanged and filled each other with cum. @ATG had never had hot passionate sex in his life as he had an uncircumcised micro penis and erectile dysfunction. He would spend all night alone eating the cheese that came from under his foreskin and wishing he had a monsterous cock. But this all changed when his old friend @drownedcarcass walked into the brothel. Even without taking his dick pills, @ATG ‘s cock stretched erect to a full 1.5 inches. @drownedcarcass used his tiny-cock x-ray vision to see through @ATGs panties. Drowned whispered into his ear “I’ll show you what a real cock looks like.” He unzipped his pants to reveal his giant bulging horse cock. @ATG fell to his knees in awe at the magnificent sight and his clothes magically disappeared. @ATG began to cum prematurely and drowned pounded his cock in @ATG’s sweet virgin ass. It tore open immediately sending blood flying everywhere and @ATG moaned in extreme pleasure at the feeling of a real dick inside him. Drowned slathered his dick in atgs blood and forced it down @ATGs throat. @ATG had never had something so big in his mouth and began to gag. “Puke on my raging Drowned cock” drowned demanded as atg began to vomit up his own dick cheese. Drowned tried to jerk off atgs cock but it was too small to even get a hold of. “Looks like it’s time for me to make you into my femboy slave.” said drowned as he pulled out a knife from his succulent asshole. He grabbed @ATG with his big manly arms and began to cut his foreskin with the knife. tears were steaming down atgs cute twink face as he realized he would never be able to eat his sweet dick cheese ever again. Drowned popped atgs tiny testicles like bubble wrap, and removed all the skin from atgs cock. @ATG s cum turned to blood and his moans turned to screams as his cock and balls were being completely removed. @drownedcarcass finally began feeling pleasure in atgs pain and sprayed his cumshot all over atgs cute face. Drowned finished removing atgs tiny cock and @ATG was now in his true feminine slave form forever…

This is my first time writing a fanfic lol if u liked it upvote if u hated it downvote and send me a rude message and I’ll never post another abomination like this again

Delicious milk. (Coldtwinge X Clitpeeler) FANFIC!?!? + SECRET GUEST!?

Today @CLiTPEELER and @coldtwinge were talking home together. @CLiTPEELER was holding tightly onto @coldtwinge's arm. Soon snow started to fall, and it started to get darker and darker, so they hurried home. They took a path down an allay was in hopes of it being a shortcut. But instead halfway through they were jumped by @DarrynDevil123. @coldtwinge being the badass he is punched @DarrynDevil123 to death as @CLiTPEELER jerked off and pissed on his cold body. Soon @CLiTPEELER got horny and undid @coldtwinge's pants and began sucking on his massive huge giant blimp dick. @coldtwinge let out a moan and began thrusting into @CLiTPEELER's mouth. Soon he came allowing @CLiTPEELER to have some of his delicious milk.

Hope y'all enjoyed <3 This is part 2 of my daily fanfic. Any suggestions or wanna be in one? Comment below your ideas!

Gasoline Prices Are Too High

Footage of a WPD user eating their daily meal :marseyramen:

THIS is REAL footage.


First post:marseywave:

just a message

hey all wpd users, mods, retards, autistic. whomever. just wanna say even with a user base of 40k, and most of us being unstable peices of shit, I love yall ❤️ after being gone for a few days I come back to this wonderful update to make this community feel even more like a community. to those I actively talk to and to those I don't. keep it up! we may be far away but while we watch people die together, we are closer than some we know in real life.


This is probably going to be the only time I ever post something like this on here so don't worry about me clogging up yalls feed with low level memes lmao

A night of **plasure and pain** (FAN FIC @ATG X @TEDBAX)

It was a normal day. The birds were singing. The flowers blooming. Kids playing. @ATG had just finished fingering himself to practice for what came later. He was preparing his ass for @TedBax. Just the thought of him being tied up and railed in the ass made him cum. All day he was fingering himself until. knock knock knock. The door opened and @TedBax stood there fully erect and ready. @ATG got onto all fours and began to spread his ass. @TedBax smiled and rammed his cock into @ATG's tight ass. @ATG moaned with pleasure cumming instantly. @TedBax smiled and began to thrust deep inside his soft wet ass while pulling his hair. At some points even jacking @ATG off. It was a night of pleasure and pain.

If y'all liked that comment what else I should make and with who or what. I'm good at lore, fanfics, and horror stories uwu. Luv yall<3


3000 Rounds Per Minute

hey /h/social

real happy with how this community is and the direction the mods/devs are going. cheers to me for being one of the first on this flair because im just so swag and epic. UNDISPUTED.





Today, for all readers, I will teach you a forbidden dark art. An art so dark, I literally learnt it off an anprim nazi dude. This is the dark art of how to make farting noises with your foreskin.

BEFORE YOU READ: Check to see if you have a foreskin, check for any potential foreskin stealers. Do not circumcise yourself before this guide, you will never want to after.

Now, we will begin. The first step is to pull your foreskin away from the penis, so it sufficiently forms a hole and space for air to fill.

After this is done, pinch the end of the foreskin and push the air bubble down, until it slides under the remainder of the foreskin.

Finally, retract the foreskin fully and listen to the farting noises it produces.

You can do this infinitely, you can do this anywhere. You can do it in public, at your wedding, in the light, in the dark. The only thing stopping you is a lack of foreskin.

So teach the world my friends, the dark art of the fourfartforeskin...

Good Morning /h/social!

This is the first post of /h/social, This hole is discussion on anything, to gore to cats to porn this hole is for everything!

Comment under this post for anything I guess.

Plagued Moth :wolfmeditate:

A commentary channel that discusses many of the most controversial and disgusting things in society, including much of the gore community. He's previously reviewed and brought attention to, among other things, Funky Town Gore, Amber Alert and the Torture of Junko Furata, among other things. In fact, he was what basically introduced me to this dark world. Several of his videoes should be required viewing for this community; and if by spreading his name I can encourage others to view his content, then I'll happily do so.

:marseykneel::marseypainter:Hey WPD! Wanna make some... EMOTES?? If so KEEP ON READING YALL <333 :onfire:(WPD ART THREAD!):onfire::!marseypainter::!marseykneel:

Emotes!!? Yes my friends welcome to the WPD ART THREAD! Sure we had the other one for sidebar art but you can't really use it. So why not make more WPD exclusive emotes! Marseys, Wojaks, anything your :!heartbeat:hearts desire! Submit all your art! Doesn't have to be WPD related it can be your best or worse everything goes! OFC we'd love more WPD related art but... well you know we love all the artists here and how good you guys are! Take our very own amazing artist... @Kitti!!!!! Made these emotes :!marseyfacepeel::!marseykitti:. awesome Am I right? You want your very own emote? Submit it here!!! Y'all got this.

Now you might have concerns… such as “I'm bad at art”: We want all your arts! Doesn't matter if it's hand drawn or digital, a painting or a bowl! hell even stick figures would do! If it's art get it in here! Ofc the staff would like digital art mostly but I wanna see all your beautiful arts and skills! :marseypainter:

How do I post my art? Well it's a bit complex but simple! Go to this site: Upload your art and click Website Hotlink and post it in chat! I've used it thousands of times to get my cool pictures in chat!! Or you can use your own image hosting site or if you're good with code just do it yourself! Y'all super smart uwu!!!

What do I get if I post my art? Well besides the artist badge you also get immortalized in WPD and ofc become known as one of the cool people with their own emote!

If you have any questions about the submission process or the creation process you can always ask our dear artist friend :onfire:@Kitti!:onfire: But be nice!

Anyways WPD have an amzing day and have fun!!!! Don't forget to drink water<3 luv yall!

Submit your art here in the comments!!

:snooblowkiss:We want all art! Get it in here loves!:snooblowkiss:

Luna again
WATCH PEOPLE’S DOGS Take a minute to see Luna (my dog)

Luna :marseyhearts:

Clockwork Skinhead

Livegore (Read this post)

A website called Livegore is pretty interesting. Most of the users there, most of the accounts, most of the comments made, are made by the same person, that is after the first month of 2022. It all started when a couple users posted memes dissing each other, then a user called Redstir has appeared and began shitposting on the website. Mods banned him couple of times and kept quiet for some time. A user called him out for being annoying because of his anime pfp and clickbait gore videos, then both began dissing each other and started an inside joke.

Then, an anonymous user began downvoting and flagging every videos from users that associate with Redstir and some users began complaining to the mods. A user exposed Redstir's 100+ accounts he made from the same network, talking to himself in the comments and uploading videos pretending to be different users. It still goes on to this day. This post serves as an awareness if you ever join that fucked up community. This also explains why the dislike button is disabled there.


No idea why he just said, nah, I'm going.


CHILD WARNING Сhinese boy and firecracker



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