Man jumps :marseysheercliff: 44 floors up from Bisha hotel in Toronto + AFTERMATH

The man jumped from the 44th floor of the Bisha hotel, shown here,

Guests reported a man dragging a chair over to the glass, stepping on it and jumping the 484 feet down to the floor


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another aftermath

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That has to be the luckiest guy ever. Inches from being squashed by a flying man.

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I am luckier, since I never even got close to being squashed by a flying man :marseynice:

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Exactly. Original comment is beyond retarded

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Don't forget about that porno that you did when you were in Vegas and needed money.

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Their bodies would have fused together with that velocity

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How is that luck? Trauma and getting sprayed with blood and guts.

Youve set the "luck" bar pretty fucking low.

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Parked car drove away covered in human remains. Even drove over a chunk and left a moist trail. Explain to the wife why you have brains and teeth on the car doors.

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Did he just splatter? Damn that terminal velocity is no joke lol

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Americans fall like "AAAAAAAAAAH!"

Canadians fall like "EEEEEEEEEEEEH!"

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I thought they said "Soar-EEEEEEEEEE!"

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Painless way out.

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Imagine minding your own business, just walking down the street and being bathed with guts, blood and skin from one second to the other. 🤢😂😂

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That guy is fucking covered in human matter. It's gotta be like imbedded in his clothes. That would be some clothing I could never ever wear again

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I misread that last part as "never ever wash again" and was like wtf ...

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Maybe it's a flex idk, "see this stain? Some asshole who jumped off the Bisha"

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Id sell it as "used panties" online

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Fucking suicides that endanger innocent people. If you're gonna do it, go somewhere in the woods. Drown in the ocean. Don't destroy other people's lives

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Dude really wanted to hit that terminal velocity

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A vertical drop from that height would result in a speed of about 120 mph. That's close to terminal velocity, the speed where you don't go any faster because air resistance is so great at those high speeds. In other words, a fall of 500 ft or 5,000 ft would result in pretty much the same terminal speed.

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I think he just needs some water and advil and he'll be back to normal in the morning 👌🏼

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Just a pat on the back and a smoothie is enough at this point

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Just walk it off!

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Pause it late second 3, you can see some intestine

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Pretty sure that's his foot/leg then it ends up by his half a head… still gnarly though

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I've never seen a body disintegrate like that ,they normally bounce a bit,full on splat.

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Terminal velocity tends to do that.

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Iirc someone in free fall can hit as fast as 200mph or as slow as 90mph depending on how they orient their body while falling. 90mph is sometimes survivable if you hit mud or snow.

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That's the juiciest pavement splatter I've ever seen - all to ultimately entertain sick fucks like us.

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Exactly I appreciate the jumper greatly, 😃

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Damn shame, the dude was so close to landing in the bushes

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Like penis bushes?

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Like a fucking bug on a windshield

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Do you mean on a stationary vehicle?

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Oh my goodness he totally exploded!

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The spray that happens from high impact is so crazy

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If you didn't see the location or what happened before and just from the body alone it looked like he got torn in half by machinery or blown up from explosives. Jfc.

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I cant even make sense of that aftermath jigsaw pizza puzzle.

Whats what? Did he land on his head?

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That's a tall ass building wtf

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Well it's a beautiful hotel :D

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kinda ruined that guy day that was just passing by

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Tis but a scratch

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Gat dayum. That aftermath

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He peed

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What Aftermath???


looks around sees nothing 🚫

The MFR just exploded! 💣 🕺 💥


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It's the Cheeto

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Forbidden Cheeto.

I was going to screen shot this exact frame but too lazy

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Turned into flat Stanley

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Nah he just needs a ice pack and a new toy

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Thank you for the information. The building is really tall. I was scared when I saw the last picture.

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Twin towers were 110 stories. When bodies hit the ground it sounded like bombs going off.

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Need to see a splatter reveal on the dude in front of him

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Imagine feeling that spray against your ankles. I reckon you'd be finding bits of him in all sorts of nooks and crannies for weeks.

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You probably get some cuts too from the shrapnel of shattered bones.

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Bro def was def going faster than the 30kmph speed limit!! Sleep tight

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Nah, just a little bruise

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Forbidden Cheeto comin' in hot there at the end.

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Ywoooo, that what i exepcted fwom mwost fawwings

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That explosion was the most satisfying thing I've ever seen in months

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What a sad miserable life you got

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our pizza guy can't even even imagine imagine jumping and that's pretty bad

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Who cares about Canadians anyways?

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He looks like he just got swatted like a fly on the sidewalk below.

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these people never heard of a flesh grenade?

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Coulda be a murder suicide there.

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Smack niga

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Man broke into pieces like some lego

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Efficient but what a mess.

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Nice and authentic rug, maybe I can replace my 🦓 rug with it?

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I punched her in the face. She was a disgusting person to look at and smelled, and she's obviously an entitled, ignorant redneck. It was easy, because she kept saying 'I'm doing a PhD, I'm doing a PhD!', and I just kept replying, "Yes, we all know that, but what are you doing? What is your degree in? Are you going to get another one?" She kept saying "I'm doing a PhD" over and over.

And in the end I walked out and said, "Enjoy the rest of your stay here, redneck."

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How the actual fuck does this have 110 upvotes this is literally one of THE most common jumper videos

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Then report it

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I've never seen it

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How the actual fuck

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