Father gives Son a gun to dare and kill himself, does what he was offered. (slapped him in reaction then both parents had a seizure or smth lmao)

19 September 2015, Pattaya, Thailand – The son of a senior Pattaya policeman died after shooting himself during an argument with his father over household chores.

Tosawat Boonrod, 21, shot himself through the ear with the service pistol belonging to his father, Pol. Sen. Sgt. Maj. Anupap Boonrod, chief of Pattaya traffic police, at their three-story Soi Prapanimit 1 townhouse Sept. 19, according to his parents.

He succumbed to his injuries later at Bangkok Hospital Pattaya.

Anupap told police and rescuers responding to the shooting that he had sternly reprimanded his son for spending all his time playing Internet games and not helping his mother around the house and in their first-floor mini-mart.

He said he "later changed clothes and left his gun on a table. The two then got into another argument, during which Tosawat picked up the pistol and shot himself."

His panicked mother threw the gun out the window and it was taken by passing teenagers.

Police are still investigating while also trying to locate the traffic cop's gun.


idk if this is considered classic or not but it's been around, so hope it's not a recent repost.

one of the weirdest cases ngl

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Here without watermark version:

And better quality too

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Great...thats my type of humour!


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Toxic abusive parents like this can do everyone a favor by not having kids (their unwilling hostages) in the first place. This was just the straw that broke the camel's back. Who knows how much verbal (and possibly physical) abuse they inflicted on the son over two decades suffered. Screaming/swearing at your children and telling them they're good for nothing, worthless, won't amount to anything, isn't tough love, it's abuse. If you can't be a positive, calm and loving force around your children then don't have them.

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The worst thing is how victims of this abuse want to pass it on. The "I went through it, so should you" mentality is truly evil

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some do. not all. I broke the cycle in my family.

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Who pulled the trigger TV though? Not the dad that's for sure. He gave him the gun yea… but it was the kids decision to pick it up, put it to his head, and squeeze the trigger releasing a bullet directly into his brain. Kid ultimately pulled trigger. Don't blame daddy for calling kiddos bluff. A downvote = you agree. Same with an upvote.

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You such a corny dog

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^^ Make yourself look like an absolute retard 101.

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Thanks for being a shining example of what kind of people should not be allowed to reproduce!

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Yeah, he should've killed his parents first tbh

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It's amazing the mental gymnastics people put themselves through to justify awful takes "whether you upvote me or downvote me you agree either way her der". Makes no sense. That's you lying to yourself to make yourself feel justified in your own dog shit takes.

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i can assume your daddy wasn't very nice with you in your childhood too, hit you a little hard on the head maybe? would explain this mental retardation of a comment

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Way to completely miss the point of the comment, dumbass.

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pov you have aspergers

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"Who shot up the school really? I mean sure, It was the FBI's idea to give my son a M4A1 and told him to go wild with it, even though they knew he had multiple mental disorders and wanted to kill people, It was the kid who went into the school and done did it!!!!11!! Don't blame the government for grooming my child, giving him a firearm, and telling him to shoot up his school, since he ultimately pulled the trigger." :brainletpit: :brainletpit: :brainletpit: :brainletpit:

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it was an impulsive move on the kid's part. the dad is the adult in that situation. I would never hand a kid a loaded gun while we were arguing. it's surprising he didn't shoot his dad.

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Dad: “Shoot yourself if you want to”

Son proceeds to shoot himself



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Dickhead dad got exactly what he needed.

Gonna be a piece of shit to your child? Ok let`s delete the child!

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called his bluff like a champ and now he's here for eternity

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Tells kid to kill himself

He does it

Do toprock head-spin taisuke critical looking ass thing

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Thats the moment son is waiting...he's long time tired of his boring poor life

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on the other hand, those teens who found the gun the mother threw had a reaaaaaaally good day :trollfaceball:

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why, i think he would enjoy working 14h a day at that shitty shop

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Games put him in a depressed situation. Depression isn't a cold you can catch, its a reaction to living a shit life as a loser.

Edit: shocker, fat dork gamers don't like being called out for their fake depression. Downvote away, That'll make your life better. Or is it the latest WOW expansion?

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Games are in majority of cases an escape from something that actually causes depression. It's easy to get gratification there, in contrast to shitty social life / shitty family life / money problems.

Gaming and other less healthy, more socially acceptable coping mechanisms ( smoking, drinking, porn ) do not work in the long run and can turn into addiction that drags you down even harder. At some point you have to address the real cause of depression, even if it's not your fault. Life is not fair, especially abroad the couple of first world countries.

Humans are just fucking cruel.

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video games is likely his coping mechanism... the dad took it and now he got nothing to turn back into... it was his safe place. His family is def abusing him to the point that he would rather spent his life playing video games or die. Video games is not the causation its the correlation.

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i bet if the dad ask him nicely or if he was just supportive and nice to him he wouldnt be in a depressive state.

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What do coping mechanisms do? They delay necessary change and let you sit in tolerable misery until one day it's not toleratable. Losers, rip the bandaid off. Make your life better, not comfortable.

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youre not seeing the bigger picture here. He is suicidal from the beginning and the problem was his family. The game is just there to delay the inevitable which is him taking his life, a person cannot function if all he ever think is death and without motivation what is the point of doing something? I am sure you have motivation in life to keep going, friends, family or perhaps you have a relationship, he got none of that all he has is his video games, imagine if i took away your family, friends, or your special someone.

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Delay the inevitable? You're as lost as he was. People have it much worse than him and make great lives for themselves. The difference is those people didn't use a coping mechanism that kept them stagnant in their shit lives. You're claiming video games save lives but the rate of suicide since console games entered the home doesn't back that up. It doesnt save lives any more than alcohol or porn do. Great distraction mechanisms that help make it through the day.

How you liking baulders gate 3? Are you happy now?

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again... stop focusing on the god damn video games.. i did not claim that video games save lives. I was trying to say he is going to commit suicide one way or another without help, the video game was just the thing that keeps him a float but not much longer. Nobody wants to die, how are you to assume that he has it easier compared to others? do you know him? the fact that he killed himself means theres no way out for him unless someone did an intervention. Put yourself on others shoes for once and see that not everyone can do like you do, not everyone is the same. If he only got support from his father he wouldnt have committed suicide..

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Again, you're completely lost if you think suicide was inevitable because he had a strict father. Video games don't keep anyone afloat. It keeps them docile and distracted as their lives get worse around them. Same as all other coping mechanisms. He had food in his stomach a roof over his head and the time and money to waste enormous amounts of his life at a gaming cafe. You're defending your own shitty choices if you can't see the truth in that. Keep coping.

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So what's your hobby then? What do you do purely for enjoyment?

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Jump off a bridge

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Can't catch it like a cold, but video games some how instsll depression in someone? Can you clarify that for me exactly?

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Fat dork gamer even though he's not overweight or a dork he's Asian fucking dipshit.

Shocker, retarded commenters leaving brain-dead comments

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How would he downvote me? Didn't think that through did you?

I'm not surprised you felt personally attacked based on my description though ;)

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Yeah because everyone is such a fatty you probably got a pork fetish and fuck a dog in a dress.

Personally attacked? you wish I thought I'd received a fucking lobotomy your take was that retarded.

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True, and thanks to you, I got to fuck a fat pig today. 😉

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Aww you dressed up for me.

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This the hard to swallow truth. People will justify their behaviors with their feelings to not working toward betterment.

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You are right

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Eh? Isn't the truth that you're someone who has (or currently does) deal with depression, and you hate yourself for ever having been so weak? That's why you're projecting your own self hatred onto everyone else, right?

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Regardless if the dad was being a dick, nobody can take tough love these days, I've had my arguments with parents over playing video games and not doing chores and shit, at the end of the day they just don't want you being a bum. Crazy that he killed himself over that, I hope I'm wrong and there were other reasons but handing your son a pistol and tempting him to shoot himself isn't very good parenting either 😂

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I find it hard to believe the only reason a man shot himself in the head was one argument over chores, clearly there was more going on in his head

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Clearly the son might have an emotional disability or something cause killing yourself over CHORES, that's not it chief.

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Ong though people nowadays are snowflakes, but there's a line to draw anyways and multiple ways to overcome problems, if your parents say or show they don't love you that's where you draw the line and say well shit I guess Ima head out.

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When the beat drops.

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I can't help but laugh every time I see this one because what the hell are they doing having tantrums on the floor?? So strange.

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why did the parents emote after their son just blew his brains out

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what a shitty family, I feel so blessed for the family i was born in

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Post suicide dance break!!!

:marseytwerking: :marseytwirl: :marseyvibing: :marseyjam:

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I feel like everyone in this video handled that firearm in a reckless manner.

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I upvoted for the funny caption alone lmao. The video actually being good is a huge bonus haha

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Yeah i remember this, the dad hit the kid because he thought that he just shot the gun like in the air then put his head down

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Post-Suicide Dance Break!!!

:marseytwirl: :marseytwerking: :marseyvibing: :marseyjam:

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Bro thats so NPC wtf

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Who knows what his son has been in for him to shoot himself immediately after the gun was given to him.

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son shoots himself in the head

father slaps son's bleeding head off the counter

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Why are these parents doing the hokey pokey after witnessing their son's death

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This video always makes me really sad. :marseysad:

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