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Absolutely horrible way to go.

A guy in my street accidentally did this to himself by welding next to a propane cylinder in his garage. He blew the garage apart. Ran down the street on fire. Fell to the floor. Someone threw a blanket over him. It melted to his face. Someone else saw he couldn't breathe and pulled the blanket away. Which too his face with it.

He got rushed to hospital and was kept alive long enough for his parents to arrive and say their goodbyes. Completely accidental, but still horrendous. Worst part of it for the family was that he was doing welding work on the side to help support his wife and 3 month old baby.

Ex wife saw it happen and had PTSD as a result.

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I respect the guy that immediately took off his shirt and tried to put her out.

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So I guess open flames at gas stations do not make them explode like the movies. Interesting.

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You can tell it's the UK or USA or CAN because a dude rushes in and sacrifices his own shirt trying to put her out. In India or China, they'd all have their phones out for POV vids that'd be uploaded here.

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If she wanted to commit suicide... why in this horrible and painful way ?

Cant wait to slit my own wrist but dying by fire ? hell nah

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I only hope she didn't pay for supreme


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That's hot.

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I wonder how quickly she regretted that

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At the point she caught flame id assume. Brutal way to leave the world.

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Was that Billy Dee Williams walking into the frame at 2:15 with a light saber?

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I was fully expecting her to be Indian or something. It's rare to see a white person chose self immolation as a method of suicide.

She's certainly black now, regardless.

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I live in Portsmouth, UK and can confirm that it's a shithole full of chavvy wankers. Still better than Southampton though

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anythings better than southampton mate. portsmouth is still shit tho yeah 😂

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I'm guessing Southampton slags Portsmouth too😂✅

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The selfish part of this is that all of those people, but especially that first man, will see this in their dreams and doubtless during awake flashbacks for the rest of their life. Imagine what seeing, hearing, and smelling someone burning to death in front of you does to you mentally. Especially when you're not prepared for it.

I know everyone will say mEnTaL hEaLtH but this was a shitty thing for her to do. Also, massively risky - could have taken plenty of people with her via explosion.

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Fair comment.

But I think all of them wanted to help her so did their best.

Nice to know that there are people who care .

Only one guy with a fire extinguisher realised she was toast .

You are right though, she was pretty fucked up for doing this.

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I'd likely do this if I had to live in Portsmouth. Not often we see videos from here in the UK!

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She didn't want to go into the afterlife with any Portsmouth on her skin. Small price to pay,

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That would have to be top 3 worst ways to die

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All those people running to help and more than one person turning up with a fire extinguisher. That's not a bad turnout considering some videos people just stop and watch.

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over it all . very good

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I've had an on-and-off desire to set myself on fire due to self-hatred but the unbearable pain of it always makes me too nervous in acting those thoughts out

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Rub Deep Heat on yourself instead.

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Please don't do that. If someone were to able to out the fire out you would be facing hospital treatments for the rest of your life. I was clinically diagnosed with depression at age 15 and have been on various antidepressants for 20 years, tried to kill myself a few times. If you ever need to chat then just message me <3

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I got diagnosed with clinical depression at 15 too. I think it might have been a slight misdiagnosis because I'm pretty sure I got psychotic symptoms. My sanity left me a long time ago. Every waking second is awful.

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Woah, 15 years old as well? I've never ever spoken to someone that was also diagnosed at the same age as me. Yeah, I think general doctors can make mistakes when diagnosing someone so young which is why I've always believed people of that age should be seen by a mental health specialist for a more accurate diagnosis. I know exactly how you feel- I just take each day at a time. They always say tomorrow could be the day that changes your life. I'm not holding on to that bullshit I'm just trying to be strong enough for my partner of 11 years and our cat. Suicidal tendencies are one of the worst things a human being can suffer from, it feels absolutely insane as though your brain is conspiring against your very body and the will to live. I'd love to know exactly what went wrong in my brain, misfiring or crossed wires or some shit.

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I feel like depression is suspiciously everywhere you look. Practically one out of three people seem to have it nowadays. It's called the common cold of mental illness for a reason. It makes me wonder how many people have been misdiagnosed with depression because they felt suicidal.

Also a person who's suicidal doesn't necessarily mean they have depression. Someone can be diagnosed with depression (albeit a milder form) and never suffer through suicidal thoughts in their life. Plenty of other mental illnesses exhibit self-destructive behaviour too.

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I think that too. For people that don't understand being suicidal along with clinical depression can't understand it. It's horrible. Luckily society has started taking mental health a little more seriously than they used to, still a long way to go but there are lots of signposts that recommend how to get help. Depression runs in my family sadly and my upbringing and traumas at a young age left me completely open to it taking over. I hope you take care of yourself, you sound like a great person and would be such a loss to the world if you were to go. Stay strong buddy.

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We might as well be twins because depression also runs in my family! I've been through a rough childhood which definitely hasn't helped.

I live in Canada and they passed this new law which allows medically assisted suicide to pretty much anyone who signs up for it. This applies to people who have depression and even the homeless! They already taken the lives of the financially struggling people and it sickens me.

Also I appreciate it. I wish you the best too. I've been getting deeper into Christianity and I truly believe God exists. Also my belief in hell prevents me from killing myself.

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Psychiatric and psychological help is difficult to ask for but most often easy to find and effective. You can always turn things for the better.

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I'm hesitant using medication because what if it makes me even more sick than I already am? I didn't have a pleasant experience with drugs and it's haunted me ever since. The same sentiment applies to alcohol. Any mind-altering substance terrifies me.

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Im so sorry to hear that. I hope you are able to find peace 🙏

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Thank you. I haven't done anything too crazy. I'm afraid of seeking treatment because of side effects by medications or involuntary admission to a mental hospital.

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Yeah, I know where your coming from like. Im currently on Sertraline for Depression and PTSD after I attempted suicide 2 weeks ago. The medication is properly fucking with my body.

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I have depression too. I think there's psychotic features with my depression, because of all the false beliefs I have about myself. I had a weird reaction to edibles which made me so damn crazy. I heard weed gives psychosis to people who are predisposed to such things, so that probably happened with me.

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Honestlt, mental health is wild. My ex has Disassociative Identity Disorder mixed with hugh-functioning autism, depression, sleep insomnia... yeah, I couldnt put myself in her or your shoes like.

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I think it's mainly a genetic trait because a lot of family members from my dad's side also have extreme depressive disorders, including bipolar.

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That old white dude is a good man

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Agreed, along with the bystanders that ran over later, but that first guy took a big risk and is a hero!

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That man attempting to quell the flames is a hero! :marseystreaky:


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Ay, at least he attempted to help her like. Will never understand though why she was willing to put others in danger as well though

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I always default to severe mental illness, rather than selfishness/narcissism, since the person is no longer around to explain their choices.

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Agreed. If he wasn't watching when she dumped it on herself maybe he thought it was an accident. But if I saw someone dump it on themselves and set themselves on fire I have to question if I should risk burns, lost work, etc to help put her out.

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The ideal place to set yourself on fire👍

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