NASCAR Champion Tony Stewart kills 20-year-old Kevin Ward Jr.

Did Tony Stewart do it on purpose?

Parents of Kevin Ward Jr: "Tony killed him"

Tony's recollection of the events: "I had no idea he was out of his race car"

One of the other drivers from that night said he could clearly see Kevin on the track and intentionally avoided him. So how did Tony not see him?

Even the crowd reacts immediately. If the crowd could see Kevin, why couldn't Tony?

4 years later in 2018, Tony Stewart settled a wrongful death lawsuit brought by Ward's parents for an undisclosed amount.

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The single dumbest person in racing; no possible way that you would not get out of your fucking car on an ACTIVE race track, walk down INTO traffic and stand IN the way of others like, "Haha, I intimidate u," then get hit like an idiot.

It's 100% his fault, not this tony guy's fault.

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Its his fault but also the tony fault. Others racers avoid him. He was visible. Sure not intend to kill but hurt

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They were racing cars with no headlights, and Kevin was wearing all black. Should have at least seen part of him with the overhead lights though.

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"i had no idea he was out of his raceca-" SHUT THE FUCK UP. SHUT. THE. FUCK. UP.

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You cant stand on the track of an active speedway and argue you had a reasonable expectation of safety.

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In Tony's defense, you wouldn't expect someone to be retarded enough to step onto a active race track at night wearing all black.

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The guy was a moron for getting out and start walking around a active race track. But other drivers avoided him. Tony didn't. Even if he didn't mean to hit him, he clearly wasn't paying proper attention

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Can we do an Darwin Awards section for this page?

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Most thing's here can be a Darwin award if you look for it.

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dumb Fuck... who gets out and walks into the Middle of a Active Race.

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why is it that all the people who get hit at night are wearing all black? oh yeah it's because some people in cars cannot see the fucker in time. Stop wearing all black at night, you're not catwoman or batman so just let it be

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It doesnt even look like they made contact in the corner dude was just mad he got blocked and spun out ended up paying with his life

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Either way he has to live with himself for the rest of his life knowing he killed someone, by accident or not. Guilty conscience if he intended to hit him on purpose, that eating him up inside is enough of a punishment, he'll be held accountable in his own mental prison. But also the man should have not got out of his car on an active track, both are accountable for their actions.

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Second thought, definitely did it on purpose. Mf was the reason he crashed out and was also the only one that managed to hit him, isn't that ironic.

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Running into the middle of a race circuit during an on going race, thats smart

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4 years later in 2018, Tony Stewart settled a wrongful death lawsuit brought by Ward's parents for an undisclosed amount.

so what did they do this for again? Justice? right...

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So this guy high as fuck, decides to get out of the safety of his car and walks to the middle of an active race track expecting to people notice him and stop what they are doing while wearing all black at night! Sounds like a Darwin Award to me. The guy would be alive if he just stayed put that night, his parents are too emotional and wrongly blame Tony. Tony probably was just trying to catch up and just happened that Kevin was there.

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High as fuck? How do u know?

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In one of the videos they mentioned the coroner found traces of marihuana in his system, it explains his stupid behavior. I bet 100 $ they teach in racing 101 to never get out into the middle of the track.

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Traces of marihuana wouldnt be enough to link it to any behavior at all.

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You race for years and one day you crash your car, because lets face it Tony didn't touch him when he crashed and you go forth against every sense of logic along with ignoring the protocols that every racer knows like a bible just to rage at a guy, what was he expecting? Everyone will just stop, repair his car and disqualify Tony for something he didn't do? the guy either was high or was plain stupid, I feel for the parents thought no one deserves to bury their son.

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Yeah i totally agree that what he did was incredibly dumb. Still not sure if Tony didnt have time to react.

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Tony said he was looking at the Kevin's car when he hit him, Tony expected Kevin to be in his car because by common sense if the car ain't on fire then he has to stay in the car until rescued or move away from the race-track, he was wearing all black at night too making even harder to see him.

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Fair enough

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The toxicology report showed he had "trace amounts". He was not high as fuck lol

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He's clearly lying -_- should have went to jail for manslaughter

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Its sad that kevins parents could sue tony for that. Kevin got what he deserved.

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You shouldn't judge somebody by their looks, but he still looks like the kind of guy who would run on to a active racetrack

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That looked really fun until the jackass ran out and got creamed.

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Also Kevin was high while he was racing. He wasn't 10/10 stoned but he did smoke weed before the race. Shouldn't have even been allowed on the track that day.

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Funny how this happens in Nascar where wrecking other people is seen as part of the game.

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I simply will never understand how any GROWN man possessing even the tiniest SHRED of self respect would be caught DEAD driving one of those tiny, toy, weenie, clown cars on a race track to begin with!!! Those soap box derby go cart rejects don't even make proper racing car sounds!!! They're an embarrassment to real combustion engines everywhere!!!


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Those are combustion engines, young tardo.

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No email address required. Now HERE'S some PROPER combustion engines making PROPER sounds unlike your clown cars that sound like Flatulent Mosquitoes having temper tantrums!


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No email address required. . I alwaze cum hardest when I hear the ROAR of a MOPAR!!!


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