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A bunch of people just spawned immediately after the kid was crushed, kind of irresponsible to let two KIDS to play in a driveway where cars can pass through. Rest In Peace to that kid, and parents, make sure to watch your kids when they're playing.

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Honestly though that's just an american thing to not ket kids out

I grew up in Australia & by the age of about 9 or 10 i was cycling through the suburbs

At like age 6 I was in the ocean unsupervised n shit

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I wouldn't say you being left unsupervised at the beach at age 6 is a normal Australian thing for parents to do- not in my lifetime anyhow.

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Sure, now, but it wasn't always that way. Between 1970 and 1998, most American children were pretty much feral, myself included.

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Huge difference between 6 and 2 numbnuts

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you cannot watch them h24 sadly, drivers have to be careful too, and hes the one going to jail

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Also, keep in mind he would have totally seen the child if he wasn't driving a dumb-fucking-SUV.

It took 2 unwise decisions for such motherfuckery to happen.

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What should he be driving instead? Would a moped be more to your liking? And in the next video where a scooter rider gets robbed you'll say, He should have been in an SUV. Yes, you're that guy.

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SUVs are waste of space, gas and are dangerous for both the driver and everything around him. They were made for trip use and surfaces where it would be impossible for a normal car to drive, not to be on the civilian common street just ruining everything.

They're large, useless pieces of junk meant to compensate for the customer's insecurity by driving what can sometimes be comparable to the size of ww2 tanks.


No, having an SUV won't stop you from being robbed. No, having an SUV ain't gonna help you with anything. You just barely got testosterone running in your body and have a small dick so you need to compensate for it by having a big car to give you a false sense of masculinity.

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My brother has an SUV, feels good on long rides, much spacious, very comfy, many miles.

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And you could have had that with a normal car, with less gas wasted, less space taking the road, and less risk of both you and whoever is on the street getting in a fatal accident.

SUVs are generally much heavier, and they're way higher than a car. If you hit someone with an SUV, the damage would be incredible compared to a normal car. Thanks to their fronts being almost designed specifically to crush a whole group of people or even brute through a store at that.


Now, back to the context of this video, he would have indeed seen the child if he was driving a normal car, and for the same reasons too. The blindzone of an SUV is retarded.


SUVs are a pushed market by car companies made to manipulate Americans into picking a bigger, impractical vehicle by marketing them as "masculine" or "necessary for families" or any other shiny crap they throw at your face to convince you into getting one. They do not only make roads a hell for people, but other cars as well, by taking way much more space than needed and granting a serious risk that kills motherfuckers every day, and they will only get bigger with the years.

Meanwhile in Europe (or any other place where vehicles are regulated properly) vehicles are compact, practical, and small. They serve their purpose and save the hell lotta of headaches you guys may be experiencing over there. Stop making walking outside or driving a normal car a goddamn hazard and only get an SUV for their intended purpose.

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Finally someone said it, station wagons can do everything that an SUV can without being a dangerous tank

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i fucking love you for having a brain

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We will drive in SUV all we want, the tiny streets of Europe aren't made for such beasts, deal with it.

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such beasts


The tiny streets of europe all are full of suvs because people are retarded and keep buying them but theyre also full of full-sized vans that are restocking shops bc we have logical city planning and dont put our shops 2 hours away from the city, only reachable by highway, you think youre so cool because you got a big car huh. The tiny streets of europe are way safer than any road in america, yall got 8 lane highways and still manage to have deadly accidents every day and way worse traffic jams than on our small streets, yall cant even use a fucking roundabout properly.

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Sounds like you got beef with someone who has a SUV and it looks like it is extremely personal beef.

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I get so fucking pissed off when someone runs over someone THEN BACKS THIER FUCKING CAR RIGHT BACK ON THEM, like holy shit you cant feel the slight change in elevation???😭

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ikr like ur only making it worse LMAO

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Oh my God....my kid! Whatever will I do now? I was planning on leaving him unattended in the pool later! Fucking people.

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They're going to live with the guilt all their lives of leaving children alone in a place where cars pass by

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that poor child, that poor dad 😭 gosh I hope this doesn't happen to anyone I know losing a child must be so heart breaking

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certified GTA moment

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poor baby💔

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Wtf that's so ducking sad

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wish i was him. but no i had to live like this

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The parents fault if they know there can pass by cars

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the can moving on its own was probably his ghost :marseyhugboo:

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So sad…RIP

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Retard parents

Retard driver

Retard kids

Retard country


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Driving over children seems to be an increasingly popular pastime activity in China.

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Selección natural

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:!marseysteer: the driver received the argument

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I used to play in the streets as a kid with my friends and im amazed i never got hit by a car. Almost did a bunch of times though. I feel for those drivers, i must've gave them extreme anxiety with the amount of near misses 😅

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My god Chinese music is so bad.

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And this is why you don't let your kids out on the road in dark

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Anyone else notice the soda can roll as soon as the kid's soul left his body? Crazy stuff, rip to that child.

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it triggers me so fucking much when i see in a video theres more kids looking at a tragedy unfold and their family doesnt take them away from the place and they take part on the trauma that person will get fucked up in the future. that poor girl from being happy dancing around to watching someone die in her mind for the rest of her life, so sad man.

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poor kid :(

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Oh they care now because the car hit them? Acting like they werent at fault fucking stupid

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from what i see this took place in china... so here's the thing about these sort of accident

when these kind of accident happens there's 2 outcomes

the offender is either forced to pay medical treatment for a lifetime or a funeral

it doesnt take many braincells to know which one ppl rather pay sadly

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population control :marseyxi:

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Picking a child with fractured bones and possible internal bleeding can be fucking fatal, do they not have any common medical education over there?

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Hey always park ontop lol never fails https://media.giphy.com/media/in6mnJNYjGKpq/giphy.webp

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