Car slams into two protestors blocking the road in Seattle (2020)


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I never understood the rationale behind blocking roads as a form of protest. It’s one thing if it’s in conjunction with a general strike, but just blocking roads is likely to annoy people and make them antipathetic towards you.

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Because their logic is that anyone in those cars must be careless and ignorant to the plight of whatever they're protesting/rioting for at the time, or they just like causing disruption where they can because they think fucking with any Joe/Jane Average is getting a point across because they'll seldom ever be able to reach who they really want/need to reach because those folks are chillin in gated communities watchingbthe shit burn and laughing.

A lot of these goofs wouldn't know what it's like to put in a hard days work, pay bills, have to taje care of a family, so they don't care if they disrupt people who just trying to make it to work to make a living who's livelihood is probably teetering on rather they make it in to the work on time todaynand don't have the time to luxury to be a proffessional activist. It's overgrown whining children living in fantasy land where people should just uproot their lives and go fuck around in the streets like they do.

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But…they’re just overlooking or totally ignoring the fact that while they’re generating attention for their cause, people are going to get mad at them, not at whatever the injustice in question is. If I’m trying to drive home and you’re blocking the road too, I dunno, save the trees or some shit, it might get my attention, but I’m just as likely, if not more likely to think, “fucking assholes, fuck you guys.”

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I’m with you. It’s one of the most selfish ways to protest anything. Think about any emergency vehicles that need to get though, and we’ve got a bunch of ignorant fuckfaces up ahead blocking a highway. So dangerous, so stupid, and so very selfish.

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And yet they keep doing it.

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It’s so foreign to me. It’s the same thing as being down-range, just stubbornly standing there like WHATTYAGONNADO?! — and then you — as well as your whole “cause” — blowing a gasket when someone accidentally shoots you. Like, fucking WHAT? In what universe do you exist where you think that the best way to support a cause is by standing in the middle of a freeway? It’s like stowing away aboard the Space Shuttle, and then getting mad at other people over the fact that you’re now in space! This mindset is so fucking unreal to me.

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