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My brother was killed in a similar way, except there was also a huge explosion and fire that took two hours to put out before anyone could even get to him. The car was completely destroyed, of course, squashed flat, but his charred remains were still strapped into the seatbelt. They were able to preliminarily ID him because his window had been open and his wallet flew out during impact and landed on the road far enough away from the crash to not burn up. The whole time his kids were waiting in the front yard to get home because they were supposed to attend the oldest one’s “graduation” ceremony from kindergarten. As their neighbors came home, they stopped to tell his wife that my brother must still be caught in the traffic behind a horrible wreck just outside their neighborhood. By 5:00 pm we all had heard what happened. The woman responsible for the whole thing was unharmed and suffered no consequences whatsoever, except for a ticket for following too closely and causing an accident. The truck driver’s company paid over a million in damages because it turned out he had meth in his system, even though his part in the crash was unavoidable and not due to his actions in any way except wrong place, wrong time. My evil sister in law from hell went on to blow through the money with nothing to show for it, ruined the rest of their boys’ childhoods with her selfish, reckless and terrible decisions, what money they did get upon turning 18 ultimately made things worse - one got hooked on meth and cocaine, got arrested a few times, blew all the $ on bullshit and is now completely broke with two sons he can’t support, while the other one bought a house in the woods and hides from the world playing video games and letting his hair grow past his butt, just ticking away his 20’s with no real human interaction or purpose. No one has seen him in years. The End.

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That's sad man, I hope you are doing better.

Anyway, may your brother rest in peace.

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Thank you ♥️

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Your 2nd nephew seems chill.

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He’s chill in the same way total recluses are chill. He doesn’t bother anybody, but he was such a sweet, social, active kid, and I’m sad that he went into full isolation before he experienced any life as an adult. I worry that he’s lonely or battling depression, and that it could lead to another tragedy. The ripple effects of his Dad’s death have never stopped.

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beats turning into a school shooter you can get out of being a recluse

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I hope he does. The last thing his father would have wanted for his boys to be alone and not living their lives fully. I was thinking more like suicide than school shootings … I can’t imagine he would leave the house to go hurt someone else if he doesn’t even leave to go get food. But if something happened to him it could be a while before anyone found out, and he could end up here as one of the posts. I wish I could fix their lives somehow, it sure hurts to watch people you live suffer and make choices that hurt themselves so much in the grand scheme. Even if he woke up tomorrow and decided to get a job…he’s 24 and dropped out of high school and has never worked in his life. It’s going to be hard to pull it together after so much dormancy, if he ever wants to. Meanwhile we give him money to pay his property taxes and other expenses so he doesn’t lose his house, but that kind of help also makes things worse. I JUST WANT EVERYONE TO BE OKAY DAMMIT. The whole world. Starting with these guys.

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I read all this and damn I really feel for you! You’re a good person in a very tough situation

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Thank you so much. ♥️

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I am confused about the details in the story. Was the woman who caused the crush also a truck driver (rammed into him from behind)? Or was she a car driver traveling at high speed and hence there was enough force generated to crush him against the truck in front? Do I have that detail correct? [lady driving either a truck or a speeding car] - [your late bro] - [trucker with a trace of meth (not at fault)]

The second son (house in the woods) is winning at life. He's avoided many of the pitfalls that society lays to screw men over (toxic wives and marriages, woman-favoring divorce courts, children that can be taken away/turn against dad at any time, child support extortion). I'd say he's the smarter of the two boys; now men. Give him a couple years to meditate and play video games and he will come out in his 30s and 40s with an unstoppable drive to succeed (with money saved up to start a business since he has no female and kids).

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My brother was stopped still on a 2-lane road, waiting for someone ahead of him to turn left. A woman came up behind him at a high rate of speed and was turned around backward doing something with her kids in the back seat, not seeing that the cars ahead had stopped. She had drifted to the right just enough that when she hit the rear of my brother’s car it was on the corner and forced him forward-left, into the oncoming lane. At the same time, a tractor-trailer full of gravel was coming the other way - my brother was pushed directly in front of it, there was no time for the truck driver to react, just had to plow right over him, and was lucky to get out of his rig before he died in the fire himself.

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Omg fuck that!

https://media.giphy.com/media/W5YVAfSttCqre/giphy.webp and that's why I hate driving absolutely anywhere near trucks....

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yup im never driving near trucks again

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No waking up from that one

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happened to one of my friends before, tho luckily it wasn't as violent and they weren't big trucks so he wasn't injured

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Woah, got meteorited.

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its really hard to see when the car enters the road, i think there´s an intersection and the shack blocks our view. You could it was the first car 0:05 but it couldnt turn around that fast, the destroyed car enters too slowly in camera 0:10

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Driving skills are very bad in Brazil.

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see how the truck's window view is so high? they can't see close cars just like how SUV owners can't see children on the road.

regardless, that idiot could have seen it from a mile away and had all the time to slow down. like hell my own reaction time can be horrendous as well but not this extent

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Indeed - a lot of this is preventable, maybe they just zone out listening to the radio idk

Car steering wheels and rear view mirrors are useful too . Far too many drivers just slam on the brakes.

These videos actually help me try to be a better driver.

No way would I drive between two lorries like that.

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That's true but as fast as that trucker was moving he was going to slam into the ass end of that other truck even if there wasn't a car between them.

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Oh my god... normally drivers has to fear that at the end of a traffic jam...

I wont make a joke... but there is one positive thing about those crashes. In this one second.. you will feel no pain!

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totally sandwiched :wow:

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trucks fuck, fuck trucks

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Trucker skills.

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