CHILD WARNING [cw] bus driver forgets to put on hand brake as he steps off, then the bus collides into group of people + aftermath (kazakhstan, story in post)

Aftermath clip

A bus without driver rolled down the slope and ran into pedestrians in the city of Shymkent in southern Kazakhstan: four people died, two more were hospitalized with injuries. without the driver's control, having driven into the oncoming lane, he hit six pedestrians who were on the sidewalk, “the press release of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the republic says.

In an accident, two women and a teenager died on the spot, the girl died in intensive care department. Two more people are in the hospital.

The investigators found that the driver got off the bus at the final stop of the route and left it on the handbrake. At that moment, the bus rolled down the slope and ran into pedestrians. The driver was placed in a temporary detention facility.

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im just not sure how they didn't see this giant bus coming towards them. Wouldn't it of created some kind of noise too?

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A vehicle freely running down a slope is not being propulsed by its engine, its moving due to gravity. The only noise it can make is when it hits something.

The gearbox must have been in neutral (disengaged from the engine) and / or the parking brake faulty. Also, that hump on the roof might indicate the bus is electric, if that's the case then it's less noise it can make when moving.

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ooooh okie! Thats makes sense cause you can never hear those electrical vehicles.

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I understand the engine's not on and it's just rolling, but there's NO WAY i wouldn't have the spacial awareness to see that behemoth barrelling towards me...

Holy fuck.

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are they blind? there's no fucking way they didn't see that big ass bus coming straight towards them

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So not one of them seen the white & lime green bus, in broad daylight, barreling through traffic, at a steady pace, from all the way down the street, coming towards them?

Did they think it was coming to pick them up, as opposed to putting them down?

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I'm sorry for them, life is unfair

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Youre right life is unfair. If only they were gifted with a couple functioning brain cells they would have moved out the way

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You're right but they were paralyzed by fear. Is not that easy doing the right thing in that situation and just in one sec.

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I dont think its fear but rather humans believing everyone acts according to rationale. They think “oh surely hell swerve to avoid hitting us” or, “hell brake before hitting us”. Its the same concept as pedestrians having the right of way so they look at their phones while crossing the street cause they believe people will follow law rather than thinking logically. Like, wow there is a hunk of metal that weighs multiple tons in motion towards me, i should probably wait for them to pass.

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It's really a good argument and totally agree. Thanks for sharing 😊

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Are these people fucking retarded or what? A whole ass bus hauling ass right for them and they just standing there like its just another day

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MFrs looked like bowling pins.

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How the hell did they not see the bus

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Bus was just aimed perfectly for no reason

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Everybody saying how they didn't see the bus coming sounds retarded af

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They literally had 10 seconds to react and had nowhere to run to jfc

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It's a shame that this is the community that is being cultivated. People should know not to be a dick in a community, in real life, you get fined, or jailed, publicly shamed, “canceled”, and rightfully so. You shouldn't be an asshole, and if you are, you deserve every negative thing that occurs to you as a consequence of your actions. It's part of learning (for slow learners) how to be a decent human being.

This is analogous to social media bullying, which has driven many people into depression, self harm, and worse. Yet again, given any opportunity, people are going out of their way to both be complete degenerate humans, justifying their own behavior and justifying other people's behavior.

It's as if people don't understand the basic premise of not being complete asshats to those around them by default. If you sexually harass people via text message, instant message, email, etc. you will still be rightfully open to legal punishment. The rationale is because it's still your behavior towards another human being, which surprise, isn't all that different from VR.

VR, for those who are piling on without actually using it, are probably unaware of a concept called presence. This is the feeling of actually being in VR, it would likely be equivalent of someone writing an inappropriate text message, printing it out on a poster, shoving it into your face and laughing about it in front of everyone. People that would willingly do this in real life would be judged for their actions, VR should be no different.


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