Teenager Riding Scooter in Manhattan Was Killed In Crash


A teenage boy was killed in a crash while riding a scooter in Manhattan (seems to be up in Harlem, due to the native speakers.) on Thursday, police said. The teenager collided with a Jeep and suffered a fatal head injury. The driver of the Jeep remained at the scene after the crash, according to police. Investigators do not suspect any criminality.

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People were crossing the street the same way the SUV was going, so it looks like the kid ran a red and payed for it. Eyes up and open when you ride!

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CPR the blood right out of his head lmao

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Well duh wanna make sure this idiot doesn't survive

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I'm surprised more people don't die like that. People on motorbikes and scooters just race through red lights and drive up behind you on sidewalks, and then get mad at you of course, for being on the sidewalk

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BE safe out there riders!

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he needs some milk

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Such a huge loss. I'm devastated.

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