5 DUMB WAYS TO DIE - Crazyshit


1 minute of chaos, a compilation of torture, self mutilation and death

Dad and Mother try protect son from getting shot but fail...

Man shredded with helicopter blades

im sure i gave this one the correct flair


More unsettling and disturbing photographs and the info about them - WPD EXCLUSIVE - slowed this one down to give more time to read the info -

Let me know if you think the text lingers for too long... I'm trying to get the timing down where most people can read it without having to pause the video


Drifting Away by Hayden Folker |

Music promoted by

Creative Commons / Attribution 3.0 Unported License (CC BY 3.0)

Epic Sport Racing Car | DRIVE by Alex-Productions |

Music promoted by

Creative Commons / Attribution 3.0 Unported License (CC BY 3.0)


debate turns physical after man calls girl fat



Very important request

(Sorry if I'm being illiterate English isn't my first language)

Hey i was hoping if any of you guys could help me find a video. It was actually the first gore video I've ever watched and it means alot to me ive been meaning to do this post for a while but Here's what i can remember.

The video had a man he was black and im pretty sure he was Jamaican. He was crawling through the streets and I think his legs/body was tangled in barbed wires because he tried to climb someones fence and failed miserably. There was alot of people yelling and shouting and then everyone just started throwing straight up concrete blocks on this guys head it was BRUTAL he was screaming and crawling in absolute agony the entire time. Ngl this one traumatized me alot and I've been pretty scared to watch it again even to this day. Anyway i hope someone on here can find it for me please. I need to face this fear

Just a couple hanging themselves

A news was reported that a young couple committed suicide by hanging themselves at a Tangalle hotel yesterday (23rd). The police say that the way this young couple committed suicide was recorded on a nearby CCTV camera.

Also, it has been revealed that the death of the young couple was a suicide from the post-mortem investigations conducted in this incident. It is stated that the dead young man is 22 years old and the girl is 17 years old.

It is said that there was a love relationship between this young couple and they had stayed in the hotel room the night before. It is reported that a letter written before death was found in the room.

It had been mentioned in the letter that this suicide was done by the consent of the two as their marriage was hindered due to the lack of birth certificate of the deceased young man.

Execution :marseychristmasbeheadsnoo: of Nazis

Murder and Mutilation

264MB post. 40 minutes long. The man who made this (the friendly psychopath) is crazy for the information gathered as well as the editing he did on the video. HUGE props to him. :marseyshook:

I considered adding a CW on the video because of the presence of a child in the first clip, but I didn't see any other children after that so I had left it out. :marseyshrug:

Very well made video. :marseybeanwink:

Please feel free to move this if it's in the wrong flair or reposted :marseyhearts:

Project sanitater-88 ALL VIDEOS

Ronnie :marseyboar: Mcnutt's Suicide :marseymaid4: (6 Minutes, no watermark, and maybe hq)

That version is actually :marseyakshually: cropped and this is the uncropped one.

And this is the live Facebook chat during his suicide.

Ronnie Mcnutt's Facebook account:

Ronnie Mcnutt's Twitter :marseyx: account:

Tell me if i repost :marseyrepostsign:

Reported by:
  • HicNoenumPax : No gore
  • shootergirl : to the person above: it's on social for a reason, retard
  • Vaporeon : to shootergirl: you are 100% right, awesome too! <3
  • Big-Draco : person reporting is retarded give 10 day ban

Tags: kid, headshot, pistol, water, drink, shitpost, fake, scream, oh, shit

The Brutal Murder Of Débora Bessa

Nineteen-year-old Débora Bessa had been missing since January 9th, until her and was eventually found by her family on January 13th in a wooded area in the Caladinho neighborhood, in Rio Branco. Her body had been hacked up, and left in pieces. Shortly after, a video went viral, showcasing her brutal demise. According to her sister Sarah Bessa, Débora was a member of a drug cartel but decided to leave them because she wanted a better life for her 5-year-old daughter. Some sources state that Debora was supposed to be hiding from the gang in a church. The police launched an intensive investigation because the case received quite a bit of media attention. They managed to catch one of the men in the video, André de Souza Martins, the one with the machete. And then one woman, Lucille Souza do Nascimento, who was also supposed to participate in the execution. Both were sentenced by the court to 60 years in prison. After the appeal, however, he managed to reduce the sentence “only” to 36 and a half years. According to some sources, the two were supposed to be members of the well-known Brazilian cartel Commando Vermelho (CV).

Débora Bessa:

André de Souza Martins:

Lucille Souza do Nascimento:

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