ZOMBIE :marseyscalped: WOLF PAPERCRAFT!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wolfheart: :wolfheart:

HUGE CREDITS TO @Lexus !!!!!!!! You're awesome :marseymirror: dude!!! And Credits to @kittyxxxooO for original template!!!!

Colored version

uncolored version

Here's a finished :marseysunglasseson: one I made :3

Post it in the comments and I'll rank it from 1st to 3rd in best in a couple :marsey2commies: days once this gets seen more!! Your prize :marseywinner: is ill put my pfp as whatever :marseyjerkoffsmile: you want ;3


Don't fuck it pls :3 :wombiezolf: :pepepickle:

Cute cats

EFFORTPOST What exactly happened to Lacey Fletcher?


Lacey Fletcher lived in Slaughter, Louisiana, U.S. At a young age, she was diagnosed with autism. Her friends described her as an open person - smart but immature. She loved Disney and once invited friends over to watch Disney movie with her when they were 18. Her parents suddenly took her from highschool when she was 16 to homeschool her. They claimed they did this because her autism got worse. Lacey's friends claimed that they haven't noticed any negative changes in her behaviour. It is also said she used to get bullied for her autism, I don't know if this is true. She was also an active person, going for a jog around 2-3 times a day, playing volleyball, bowling. Many people remember her to be a very friendly girl with many interests.


On Janurary 4, 2022, Lacey's parents called 911 to report that her 36 year old daughter is dead. Dr. Ewell Bickham was responsible for examining the Corpse of Lacey. He described the smell:

'When I walked in, the house smelled of a stench of, it smelled like a sewer, or septic tank and also a smell of death. I've never smelled that in my life.'

He also said it stunk of feces and rotten flesh. He explained how he has never seen a case like this and that he was used to decomposing bodies. But Lacey didn't just decompose, she was rotting in her own body. He described the house to be well organized, except the couch in the center of the living room. He described how Lacey's father was just standing there, emotionless, while her mother Sheila had her head between her knees, crying a bit.

Lacey's corpse was laying in the couch. Her top was pulled over her chest and she was wearing no pants. She was found in a position where her legs were crossed. She was covered in feces. There were maggots all over her, in her body, in her hair, eating away the rotten flesh from her body. At some parts, her bones were visible. She was really skinny and her skin was yellow due to malnutrition. The parts of her skin that weren't yellow, were strongly infected, eaten by maggots or rotting. Her teeth were in a relatively good condition, unlike the rest of her body. It is assumed that she was on that couch, in that exact position for around 12 years. In her mouth was found feces. In her stomach was found yellow foam from the sofa and feces. Her corpse was said to be around 69 pounds, which is severly underweight.

The state of her body and the sofa show that she was alive for 12 years, on that sofa without moving, while her body was rotting, while maggots were literally eating her skin and flesh up to her bones. Imagine that. Sick.

The couch looked like it was melting. It was soaked with human urin and feces, which were also already on the floor underneath. The wall behind the couch was also very moist.

How did her flesh start rotting when she was still alive?

Diaper Rash: This is usually found in infants and young children when they skin is exposed to their wet or soaked diapers for too long.

Diaper rash is a form of dermatitis that looks like patches of inflamed skin on the buttocks, thighs and genitals.

This probably happened to Lacey, because she was literally sitting in her shit and piss for years. If a diaper rash is untreated, the skin starts to swell, it can form those white bumps that have liquid in them. After some time, the skin starts to peel off. This only gets worse when that open wound is still in contact with shit and piss. Lacey was probably in a lot of pain due to that.

Also, it could have been that in the beginning of all this, she still had her period, which means there was also blood which soaked the sofa. Flies are usually attracted by blood. So her private parts were probably not only exposed to ammoniak and bacteria but also by flies. Just imagine how incredibly painful that must've been.

Bedsores: Bedsores happen when a body part is under pressure without much oxygen for a long time. Usually this is when a person is in the same position in a long time. The blood supplies get cut off and the tissue starts dying. Here is an example:

These two things combined, caused the skin and flesh to get infected so bad, that her body literally started rotting.

How did she survive for so long with rotten flesh?

Usually, when your flesh is rotten, it is very likely that you get a sepsis and die. So how did she survive? Probably because of maggots. Maggots were eating away the dead flesh on her body. They were basically "cleaning" her body and keeping her alive. (It is still a wonder how tf she survived for so long).

Why didn't she get up?

First I have to say that at some point, she wasn't able to get up anymore, even if she wanted to. Why?

Compartment syndrom:

Compartment syndrome happens when there's too much pressure around your muscles. The pressure restricts (reduces) the flow of blood, fresh oxygen and nutrients to your muscles and nerves. Compartment syndrome is extremely painful.

If that happens, potacium can start to build up in that area. For Lacey, that could've been her butt and thigh area. So if she got up, the potacium would have gone into her blood stream, to her heart and she'd die. That means, she wasn't only unable to get up at some point, but if she did, she would've died.

Rotting: Her skin and flesh was literally rotting so it would have been impossible for her to get up after some time.

Ok, but how did she get to that point?

Theory 1: Locked-In Syndrome

Locked-In Syndrome basically means she wasn't able to move her body at all. When you have that Syndrom, you are able to think clearly but it is impossible for you to move any part of your body. If you are lucky, you are able to move your eyes and even blink. A lot of people think that this must be the reason why Lacey didn't get up. It's the simplest solution and would explain everything. Right? Not exactly. When Lacey was around 27 years old, around 2014, she was still able to email her friends. The emails seemed to be really positive and her friends claimed that it didn't seem like someone else wrote them. It is also said that right before Lacey died, her parents were on a vacation for about two weeks. It was assumed that the couch foam and feces were found in her stomach because she literally ate it to survive. It is also said that people with Locked-In Syndrome barely survive for long because they literally can't swallow, which means they die without a feeding tube. Even if she was force-fed by her parents, she couldn't have swallowed any of it. Also, Locked.In Syndrome is often caused by brain trauma. Lacey's parents never mentioned any kind of head injury or similar, so they either lied or she just didn't have Locked-In Syndrome. Those factors make be think that this theory is wrong.

Theory 2: Agorophobia

People with Agorophobia are afraid of leaving enviorments that they know well or consider as safe. In severe cases, this means that these people can't leave the house or a specific room. Agorophobia could be a reason why Lacey didn't get up from the couch, because she considered this couch to be the only safe space in the whole world. But if that is true, there are some questions that I have. Why was she only on one single side of the couch? Why was she in the exact position for years? Why did she never move at all? Overall a good theory though imo, I just don't believe that's all that happened.

Theory 3: Trauma

Some people think that maybe Lacey went through some horrible mental trauma, that made her refuse to get off the couch or move around. An example for that kind of trauma could be sexual assault or similar. Pretty unlikely, because why would that cause her to never move at all again? Maybe someone who knows more about brains can explain this one to me cuz idk.

Theory 4: She was tied to the couch

Her parents could've tied her to the couch until the point where she couldn't move anymore anyways. Maybe they tortured her, or (sexually or psychologically) abused her. We have no proof for this but it is a theory. But why would they give her her phone to write the emails then? Did they just write the emails themself?

Theory 5: Treatment resistant depression (by @Pete120)

Treatment resistant depression can make you go into a catatonic state and just lay there for a long time. I have it and I also have many mental health conditions. I also had around five head injuries in life and I have experienced catatonic treatment resistant depression. I also experience symptoms of CTE. I laid in bed for 2 1/2 weeks straight. I only got up to shower( clinical OCD) and pee. The anhedonia is the the worst feeling I ever felt. Thanks to Mytragyna and Effexor. I am fairly better. Which is huge considering all the meds Ive taken. They are saving my life.


No matter what exactly happened, I think we can all agree that the parents were shitty parents. If Lacey had some kind of psychological problems and didn't want to take care of her themselves, why didn't they send her to a clinic where she would've been taken care of? The Fletchers weren't poor. They also left Lacey on a couch with no food or water for 2 weeks while they were at vacation. Lacey#s mother claimed, that the night before Lacey died, she gave Lacey a sandwich and cheetos to feed her. That was obviously a lie though because all that could be found in Laceys stomach was sofa foam and shit. Also, they walked past her ROTTING body every single day. There were maggots and shit everywhere, how could they not have noticed? How did they never see the need to visit a doctor or call an ambulance? No one can argue with me about how they weren't at fault because what kind of parents do that? That's just sick and disgusting.

Her parents took a plea deal for manslaughter and were sentenced to 20 years. (March 20, 2024)


Note: I am not a doctor. I wrote this because I was really interested in the case today lol. If you have any more theories or anything that I could add to this post, just comment it!

Cartel beheads man who confessed molesting his daughter and 2 little boys

The man says what are his crimes in the video.

Police fatally shoot suicidal man charging towards him (Sandy, Utah)

Full videos:

26 March 2023

A Sandy police officer fatally shot a reportedly suicidal man about seven seconds after ordering the 33-year-old to show his hands, body camera footage released Friday shows.

The man's brother had called police at about 1 a.m. on March 26 for help, prompting an officer to respond. Dylan Murphy had left a home in Sandy while seriously injured, suicidal and experiencing a mental health criѕis, police said.

The responding officer found Murphy walking along 1000 East near 11640 South, officials said. When the officer called out to him, Murphy didn't seem to react and kept walking, body camera footage shows.

The officer reported to police dispatch that Murphy had his right hand concealed in a jacket, and officials said Friday that the family was not sure if Murphy had a weapon at the time — because Murphy had harmed himself earlier in the evening, officials said.

About a minute and a half after the officer began following Murphy in his patrol vehicle, Murphy can be seen turning around and starting to walk toward the officer. The officer then gets out of his car and commands Murphy show his hands.

Murphy starts running toward the officer, body camera footage shows, and the officer aims his firearm at Murphy while commanding him to show his hands for a second time.

The officer then shouts "Hands!" at Murphy twice more before firing his weapon at least three times — about seven seconds after his first command to Murphy, the footage shows.

It's unclear if Murphy was struck by the officer's initial gunfire; the officer was running backward while shooting at Murphy, and at one point fell on his back.

Once the officer gets up, he shouts three more times for Murphy to show his hands, the footage shows. Murphy then charges the officer, and the officer shoots at Murphy twice more.

At that point, Murphy falls to the ground, groaning and panting. It's unclear in the video if any of those shots struck Murphy.

The officer then yells again for Murphy to show his hands, and orders Murphy to roll over, the footage shows.

"Come on, man," Murphy seems to reply, still lying on his stomach. Murphy then rolls over with his hands in the air, and the officer commands him to then roll back onto his stomach, to which he complies.

The officer then orders Murphy to keep his arms out, but Murphy instead tries to get up off the ground. The officer repeatedly commands Murphy to remain where he is.

"Stay on the ground. I will shoot," the officer says, but Murphy moves to a crawling position before standing up and walking toward the officer.

The officer shouts three more commands, then shoots Murphy in the torso over the course of about 13 seconds, the footage shows. Murphy then falls to the ground, and died due to his injuries.

"All of our officers are equipped with less-lethal forms [of force] — whether it be Taser, [pepper spray] or baton," Sandy police Chief Greg Severson said Friday. "As you can see from the video, this incident escalated extremely quickly. Typically during deadly force encounters like this situation, especially with an officer being alone, we do not trаin our officers to use less than lethal mitigation when they're alone."

Severson said Murphy had a "history" with the department, but did not specify Friday what that history was.

Throughout the confrontation — which lasted a little over three minutes between the officer's initial sighting of Murphy to when Murphy was fatally shot — there was only one Sandy police officer present.

Severson said a second officer was redirected to the scene from another assignment, so that's why it "took some time."

According to the footage, the sole responding officer fired his weapon about six times at Murphy. Officials said exactly how many times Murphy was struck will be investigated according to "officer-involved critical incident" protocol.

The officer, who was not identified, remains on paid administrative leave. He has been a member of the department since March 2021, Severson said.

SANDY, Utah — On Friday, Sandy Police released camera video of the night an officer shot and killed 33-year-old Dylan Murphy.

His sister, Laecie Horn, has now watched that video of her brother's death several times.

"He was a good human. That's it. He really was a good man, good little brother," she said."

She said Dylan battled addiction and mental health issues, which is why her other brother KC called police on that night, March 26th.

He reported Dylan had severely slit his wrists and KC was scared he was going to bleed out.

"He's tried to check himself in, he told me he's having thoughts they were intrusive. He really wanted help," she said.

She said she is still in disbelief that her brother is gone.

"I find myself calling his phone on accident," said Horn, "Just the other day. I miss him very much and I don't know what I'm gonna go through without it."

She compared the police body camera and dash camera footage with a neighbor's Ring camera footage, and Laecie said things don't add up.

"There's no lights on, he didn't turn them on," she said, "And then this video ends. So, where's the rest of the shootings he just did, why did they have to cut that out? I'm confused."

She said the Ring camera video shows the car lights turned on, which a neighbor said happened after he woke up from the sounds of the original gunshots.

"That officer clearly fired another shot with his lights on," she said. "He shoots another round into my brother who I clearly know at this point from seeing their footage that he was already dead. I wanna know specifically why the officers that I gave all that trust to specifically I didn't go crazy this whole entire time, I trusted them. I waited for the footage to come out before I made any type of assumptions, and I've seen how crazy my brother was but then they doctored stuff."

She said she does forgive the officer.

"I just hope that this officer gets the chance to come to terms with whatever happened that night," Horn said.

She also added that she hopes it never happens to another family again, and that there are better resources for those struggling with mental health issues and addiction, as well as the police response to cases like Dylan's.

"I have to say if I was the officer in the situation, I couldn't say that I wouldn't defend myself, but I also would have been paying attention to surroundings and knowing, hey, I've got this guy that I really want to, I want to get down out of this mental health situation. Let me get to him somehow safer or you know let him feel more calm about me," she said.

Her wish is that Dylan's story will bring people together to get people like her brother the help that they need.

"I hope that we can just become a community and figure it out together as a team," Horn said.

SANDY, Utah (KUTV) — The father and brother of Dylan Murphy, a 33-year-old man from Sandy, who was killed in an officer-involved shooting last month, are seeking answers from the police.

According to Kevan Murphy, Dylan's father, he decided not to watch the body camera video as the image of his son lying lifeless in the road would be too painful for him.

When asked about his questions for the police, Kevan said, "Why shoot? Why shoot guns instead of taser him?

His father and brother described him as a loving person who adored his children and was lost.

"Not being able to see him or give him a hug ever again is really rough," Kevan said.

Dylan Murphy:

Video source:


Full video:

7 February 2023

The Milwaukee Police Department on Thursday released redacted bodycam footage of the fatal shooting that left officer Peter Jerving and Milwaukee resident Terrell Thompson dead.

As a second officer is caught in a physical struggle with Thompson, the footage shows Jerving run up to the two to assist in the arrest. Thompson draws a gun and fires at Jerving, forcing him to retreat. But Jerving then runs back again to help.

It's then that both men exchange gunfire, at perhaps point-blank range, killing each other. Both Jerving, 37, and Thompson, 19, suffered multiple gunshot wounds.

Jerving was the fifth Milwaukee police officer to die in the line of duty since 2018, and the first since 2019. He was a four-year veteran of the department and was assigned to District Four on Milwaukee's northwest side, where he grew up.

He was lauded by colleagues, friends and family for being a dedicated officer and a thoughtful, caring person outside work as well.

Hours before the shooting, Thompson was in court for sentencing on two misdemeanor hit-and run cases, one of which was dismissed in a plea agreement. He received a year of probation.

His mother, Tamera Brown, told the Journal Sentinel at the time that she was in disbelief about her son's involvement in the shooting and said Thompson seemed to be fine after receiving his sentencing.

The second officer is not named in the video. The wife of Jerving's usual patrol partner of four years told the Journal Sentinel in February that both men were trаining new officers the night of the shooting.

The second officer never fired his weapon and was not placed on administrative duty, according to police.

An investigation into the incident, led by the Brookfield Police Department, remains ongoing, police said. It will be reviewed by the Milwaukee County District Attorney's Office.

The video released Thursday via YouTube is just over eight minutes long and includes limited and edited body camera footage from Jerving and the second officer. Together, they tried apprehending Thompson in the early morning hours of Feb. 7 in connection with an armed robbery that occurred less than two hours beforehand.

The video is accompanied with narration by Assistant Chief Paul Formolo.

According to the video:

Shortly after an armed robbery was reported at 11:31 p.m. Feb. 6 on the 2600 block of West Good Hope Road, Jerving and the second officer identified Thompson as a suspect.

The video includes a radio broadcast Jerving made to other officers sometime after the incident was reported. He identifies Thompson as the suspect and circulates a description of him and of the incident: a man reportedly smacked car keys and a phone out of a woman's hand and made off with her car and phone.

Formolo said Jerving and the second officer later received information that Thompson was possibly in the area of the 2700 block of South 14th Street, on the city's south side.

When they arrived, around 1:14 a.m., they located the stolen vehicle in a parking lot with a man and woman inside. As police approached, the two exited the car and walked toward an apartment building.

Jerving immediately calls out to the man: "Terrell! Terrell! Don't make us run." The woman stops and raises her arms in the air, but officers continue walking after Thompson until he turns a corner and runs.

The two officers give chase, splitting up as they wind through several buildings.

After Thompson slips on some snow, the second officer catches up with him and a physical struggle ensues. As Jerving arrives and approaches the two, body camera footage shows Thompson producing a handgun.

A gunshot is heard.

"Whoa, (expletive)," Jerving yells.

He retreats and falls down as he does. Two more gunshots are heard.

"Stop!" Jerving said.

The video trаnsitions to footage from Jerving's body camera. Jerving reports shots are fired over the radio. His own handgun is visible as he runs back toward Thompson and the second officer, who are still struggling with each other.

Once Jerving is within arm's reach of the two, another shot is heard and Jerving begins crying out in pain.

At some point, Jerving also returned fire. Both his and Thompson's handguns were recovered afterward. A photo shows Thompson's had an extended magazine.

Officer Peter Jerving:

Terrell Thompson:

Weapon used:


Video and Image sources:

Sicarios Avenge Mrs. Rosita lady with mental problems who was humiliated on video! :marseycool:

In Sahuayo, Michoacán, two individuals who assaulted and mocked Mrs. Rosita, a woman with mental health issues who sweeps the Municipal Market for a living, were taken and beaten by sicarios. Videos of the punishment have widely circulated, showing the violent response to the abuse suffered by Rosita.


A man identified as Lucas Pereira, 27, was shot dead while working on a construction site in the North Zone of Manaus, Amazonas state, Brazil, on Friday afternoon (28). According to witnesses, the victim was applying putty to a wall when he was surprised and shot dead by two criminals.

The victim's work partner witnessed the entire crime, but the criminals spared his life. After the crime, the suspects fled and have not yet been identified.


(original file:

This release, called "Agent Holocaust", is a compilation of 10 different execution videos put together, released October 28, 2004. This post gives much better detail about these executions than I ever could, so I'll just give you guys the timestamps for each and their corresponding standalone execution videos (along with the original files).

16:45 : 12 Nepalese workers

Standalone (released 31-08-2004):

22:32 : Al-Sayed Alaa al-Malki

Standalone (released 12-10-2004):

27:07 : Seif Adnan Kanaan

Standalone (released 22-10-2004):

29:55 : 3 Irаqi truck drivers (Abbas Μuslim Nouri, Farhan Halil Kazem and Sabbar Hanash Akhmam)

Standalone (released 19-09-2004):

30:45 : 3 KDP (Kurdish Democratic Party) members

Standalone (released 19-09-2004):

32:47 / 34:06 : Luqman Hussein and Maher Kemal

Standalone (released 11-10-2004):

35:20 : Barea Nafea Dawoud Ibrahim

Standalone (released 02-10-2004):

38:35 : 11 Irаqi National Guardsmen

Standalone (released 26-10-2004):

Part of this one was also featured in the release "History and Steadfastness" with a better framerate:

(full video download:

43:05 : Turkish truck driver (Ramazan Elbu):

Standalone (released 14-10-2004)

Further info on Ansar al-Sunnah:


Hayle Harbour, United Kingdom, 2013

The Whirlpool

"The whirlpool in Hayle Harbour only appears a few times a year. It was a quirk of Victorian engineering devised to stop the harbour silting up. Water would be stored in a pool at high tide and, once the tide had retreated, released back into the harbour to wash away the sand. The water would get into the pool through a tunnel beneath a quay. But sometimes the tide would come back in faster than the water could pass through the tunnel."

This would create the whirlpool.

Jacob Cockle

Jacob's last moments


from what i know, this happened in Brazil, Sao Paulo


Article here


CHILD WARNING Real Life Final Destination Compilation


If you're only here for Chechclear and OFEX, they're at 34:45 and 40:08, respectively.

Other executions are featured at 21:59, 22:41, 39:13, 39:42, and 43:16

Thanks @I_farted for giving tips on where to find it and @hawtdoq for ghost-writing most of this post.

If you don't want to go fullscreen to get rid of the confetti here's the video again down below:

The name of this documentary is "Чечня ХХ век. Террор." or "Chechnya 20th century. Terrоr." It was released in 2002. Every copy of Chechclear and OFEX that has ever been uploaded to the Internet was in all likelihood derived from this documentary. While longer versions of both these videos exist, whether they were ever uploaded to the Internet is unclear and a gigantic rabbithole that's already been explored for both Chechclear and OFEX. If they were uploaded at one point, these versions have since been lost and buried for decades.

Here's a detailed summary of this documentary and all that it holds:

The documentary starts with a dramatic intro, after the around 3 minute long intro, it switches to a (What I assume to be) a trаining exercise where the Russian troops are bounding from one hill to another while firing down on positions marked with smokes, most likely to mimic enemy positions. After that, at around the 7 minute mark, the cameraman follows Russian troops through a mountainous forest area, where they can be seen slowly traveling around while also setting up positions for short periods of time in order to clear the sorroundings before moving on., they then cross a river area and the film cuts.

For the second part of the film, they show what I assume to be a Chechen rally, I do not speak Russian but if any Russian speaker would be able to trаnslate / help in understanding in the replies it would be added here and greatly appreciated.

14:55 : We are shown a group of Chechen militants, possibly the ones that are in the upcoming gore videos mentioned.

14:58 : We see a prisoner, which a few seconds later gets his fingertip sliced off.

15:40 : We see either a mechanical failure or an attack on Russians, as an explosion goes off (Possibly a grenade) inside of a Russian military helicopter with gunshots around it, the bodies of the people that were rescued are shown afterwards, some charred to the bone, aftermath starts at 16:23.

16:35 : We see Russians showing off a bunch of weapons, possibly captured ammo caches and money, along that we see 2 starved men in a room, possibly captured Chechen militants that were abused or Russian prisoners.

16:42 : We are shown 2 bearded men, most likely Russian soldiers that have been starved and pretty much look dead.

16:44 : We are shown multiple people, which I assume are pictures of the people in the first picture except for the man without a beard, and after the pictures we see a man getting kicked in the head multiple times.

17:06 : We see a man which I assume to be a Russian filmed for propaganda purposes, bleeding from his head and with a black eye.

21:53 : Chechen rebels can be seen placing people which I assume to be civilians (Due to the fact one of them is a woman) up against a wall along with a flag of the Black Standard. They then magdump the 2 civilians.

22:36 : We are shown a man that we saw earlier with the other Russian prisoners cowering, at 22:41 we can hear a loud bang, followed by him falling down, so we can assume that he was executed.

After this, a messy room can be shown along with what might be the same guy sitting in a corner.

22:55 : Chechen rebels can be seen cutting a finger off of another Russian prisoner.

23:04 : We are shown the heads of 4 British & New Zealander workers that were kidnapped and executed

For the context for this photo and speculation about the people in/behind Chechclear, check this video out:

Remember, this is all speculations so take this with a grain of salt, but this is the best information we have on the identities of the people in Chechclear, the identities of the 4 beheaded men are confirmed by the man in the documentary.

26:29 : We are shown the result of a bombing in what I assume to be a bus stop, the entire place is in ruins and many dead bodies can be seen while others try to rescue the injured on carts.

27:55 : We see dozens of dead bodies, I can hear the man say "terrоrists" so I can only assume these are either the victims of a terrоrist attack or the bodies of Chechen militants. Most likely the former.

28:07 : We are shown a video filmed by Chechen rebels with a nasheed in the background, showing the bodies of multiple dead soldiers, judging by their appearance I assume that they're Chechens.

28:42 : We are shown a decapitated head and the body, a different soldier that was most likely executed by Chechens, and a third soldier which has his pant area completely torn up so I can only assume he was blown up, a few seconds after we are shown the head of another Russian soldier with a massive hole, his brain can be seen leaking out, next to him are many more bodies, one of which the cameraman zooms into, showing that he had his throat cut by militants, we are then shown the once again completely torn up man along with a few more bodies.

29:45 : We see what is most likely a dead Russian soldier, starved so badly that you can see his bones popping right through his skin.

32:45 : We are shown footage from inside of the cockpit of a Russian helicopter, and then footage from the outside and inside showing rockets being fired towards Chechen rebels.

We are then shown all of the prisoners we discussed before, along with a longer clip of the black and white bearded man, showing that he had a gun put up to his head, proving that he was indeed shot in the head

And then 34:45 we get the famous Chechclear clip.

We are then shown all of the clips we discussed before of killed Russian soldiers as a sort of recap.

37:00 : We are shown 3 captured Russian soldiers and after that we are shown a body being dragged along with dead dogs, the dead body is most likely one of the soldiers we were just shown.

38:18 : We are shown a clip of a dead Russian soldier being thrown into a hole.

39:13 : We see an extremely shitty clip of a man being executed by a pistol, luckily it stops bugging out as soon as he gets shot.

Quickly after they can be seen playing around with the body of another soldier where he can be heard screaming in agony, seconds after another soldier is executed by gunshot.

39:55 : We see another Russian soldier, seconds after he gets his hand shot by a pistol.

Then at 40:08, we get the famous OFEX Clip.

43:16 : We are shown the beheading via axe of a kidnapped Russian officer. This execution has another version, which is longer, that has been featured in another Russian documentary.

44:44 : We are shown the body of a dead Russian soldier, after this it cuts to the bodies of 3 other Russian soldiers that were killed.

P.S: You won't believe where the hell I found the highest-quality version. Some madman decided to upload a DVD rip of the documentary onto a fucking pornsite. I have 0 clue why.

Drunk loser ambushes 3 cops, killing two

The full video is a must watch. I will link below.

  • the brother who was at the door and the other brother (shooter) got pulled over earlier in the night and have the most odd small town type of altercation I have ever seen

-You can hear one of the officers call for an ambulance just a second before he is shot and killed by another volley of bullets.

-The last volley of bullets was the shooter blowing the the two dead officers bodies to pieces while the shooters parents watch (mom is the one screaming)

-The shooter yells something like, "are you proud of me? Are you proud!?" right before getting 1 tapped by the wounded officer.

  • the pathetic lumix of a man loaded one last magazine, but it was put in upside down. Whoops.

Context if you don't want to watch the full video, but just watch it, never seen a bodycam like it before.

" Bristol, Connecticut — On October 12, 2022, around 7:30 p.m., 35-year-old Nicholas Brutcher and his brother, Nathan Brutcher, left their parents' house and went to Bleachers Bar located at 300 Middle Street, Bristol. Both had been drinking before they went to the bar. That night, the bar had an "open mic" forum and Nicholas Brutcher planned to do some stand-up comedy. While sitting at the bar, Nicholas Brutcher got into a fight with another patron. The altercation began when the other patron put his arm around Brutcher, who reacted by elbowing the man in the face. The fight then spewed outside into the parking lot and police were called. When officers arrived, witnesses pointed out the Brutcher brothers were driving away. At around 8:52 p.m., Officer Harrison Pollock responded to Bleachers, upon arrival, bystanders directed his attention to a white pickup truck leaving the parking lot. Officer Pollock pulled over the Brutcher brothers' truck as they were leaving. Nathan Brutcher was driving and both men were highly agitated and making rude remarks to the officers on scene.

Because Nathan Brutcher was driving with a suspended license, the truck was towed. Both men became irate at the officers during the stop, yelling and cursing at them to the point where both were ticketed for creating a public disturbance. The Brutchers' mother was asked to come pick them up. After being picked up by his mother and returning home from the traffic stop, Brutcher immediately began putting on his camouflage, preparing his weapons, and within 30 minutes, at 10:32 p.m. placed the call to 911 to lure officers to his home. Sergeant Dustin DeMonte, Officer Alex Hamzy, and Officer Alec Iurato responded. Upon arrival, they approached the side door of the residence. They observed Nathan Brutcher inside the house and ordered him to come outside. At that time, from a concealed position on the neighboring property, Nicholas Brutcher fired upon the three officers multiple times, at first using an AR-15 style rifle and later with a handgun. All three officers were hit. Sergeant DeMonte and Officer Hamzy sustained fatal wounds.

Nicholas Brutcher walked to the driveway and toward Officer Hamzy and Sergeant DeMonte. Nicholas Brutcher's parents, who had come outside and in the rear yard of their home, saw what happened next. Nicholas Brutcher proceeded to stand over each officer and fire multiple shots into them, fatally shooting both – first Sergeant DeMonte and then Officer Hamzy. Upon seeing this, Catrina Brutcher began to scream uncontrollably for Nicholas Brutcher to stop. At one point, Nicholas Brutcher's AR-15 stopped firing (he had incorrectly inserted the magazine) and he switched to a handgun and continued firing. During this time, Nicholas Brutcher yelled, "How proud are you of me? How proud?".

Although wounded in the upper leg area, Officer Iurato was able to move around the back of the house and ultimately to the location of the Bristol police cruisers parked on Redstone Hill Road. From that position, Officer Iurato fired one shot striking Nicholas Brutcher at the base of his skull killing him."

Pussy shoots and kills cop trying to help him

" As Mitchell was about two blocks from the complex, he noticed individuals who were injured. He got out of his car to provide aid to one man, who wound up shooting the officer.

Another officer arrived and exchanged gunfire with the shooter, who died despite life-saving efforts on the part of officers, Minneapolis Assistant Police Chief Katie Blackwell said.

That officer had non-life-threatening wounds. Evans said another person, believed to be an innocent bystander, was shot and taken to a hospital in critical condition. The firefighter also was shot and injured.

When other officers went to the apartment, they found two people inside who had been shot. One was dead and the other was hospitalized in critical condition, Evans said."



China - On June 28, security guards from Fusen Lingfeng in the port area of Fangchenggang City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region hacked and killed two property owners.


Aftermath clip 1

Aftermath clip 2

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