EFFORTPOST Justin Mohn info dump.

Justin Mohn's mugshot.

Don't know who Justin Mohn is? Click this link:

Justin Mohn, 32, was taken into custody on 30 January after allegedly beheading his 68-year-old father Michael Mohn at their home in Middletown Township.

He is facing charges of first-degree murder, abuse of a corpse and possessing an instrument of crime with intent, according to a court filing.

Soon after his arrest, Mr Mohn was linked to a YouTube video in which he was allegedly seen railing against the federal government and calling for “violence” to combat its “treason”. In the bone-chilling footage, he reportedly held up his father's head in a plastic bag as he condemned his “20 years” working as a federal official.

Here's what we know so far about the case:

A disturbing discovery

Police said they responded to the scene after receiving a “call of a deceased male”. Denice Mohn reportedly called 911 after finding her husband decapitated in their home. She said that she was last in the house at 2pm and when she returned, she noticed her son and her husband's 2009 Toyota Corolla was nowhere to be found.

Authorities said that when they were at the home at 7pm, Justin Mohn had already left, driving off in his dad's car. They found Michael Mohn in the first-floor bathroom, the Bucks County District Attorney's Office wrote. He was found with a “large amount of blood around him”, the DA's office said. Authorities also discovered a machete and a kitchen knife in the bathtub.

“Officers also located the deceased male's head inside of a plastic bag, which was inside of a cooking pot in a first-floor bedroom next to the bathroom,” police told the outlet. Police also found “bloody rubber gloves” in both a separate first-floor bedroom and in a trashcan beside a desk.

Mr Mohn was found “hours later” in Fort Indiantown Gap, Pennsylvania – more than 100 miles from his home – and taken into custody, the DA's office said.

“There is no longer any threat to the community,” police wrote on 31 January. The investigation is still ongoing.

Mr Mohn was arraigned at 4am on Wednesday and denied bail. His preliminary hearing is slated for 8 February at 9am.

The Independent has reached out to Middletown Township Police Department for more information.

The YouTube video

According to local outlets including, Mr Mohn had displayed his father's head in a YouTube video where he aired a 14-minute politically-charged rant.

The video remained live on YouTube for six hours, according to reports. The Independent has not been able to verify its authenticity directly.

But local outlets reported that in the video he bashed President Joe Biden, the Black Lives Matter movement, the LGBTQ+ community, and referred to his father as a traitor – as he worked for the federal government for over 20 years, he allegedly claimed.

The Independent has not found any record of Michael Mohn having worked in the federal government.

Mr Mohn urged Americans to attack federal workers, journalists and federal law enforcement, said.

“The federal government of America has declared war on America's citizens and the American states. America is rotting from the inside out as far-left woke mobs rampage our once prosperous cities turning them into lawless zones,” he was quoted as saying.

“Taxpayer dollars are printed and used for anything but the taxpayers with little to no accountability, which has inflated the economy to near destruction and has made it so most Americans can no longer afford the American Dream. Meanwhile, a fifth column army of illegal immigrants infiltrates our border.”

“Violence is the only solution to the federal government's treason.”

In the video, Mohn was captured wearing gloves while holding his father's head in a plastic bag. Later in the footage, the head was in a cooking pot, reports said.

The YouTube video has since been taken down – although it was viewed more than 5,000 times before it was removed, according to 6ABC.

A YouTube spokesperson told NBCNews that Mohn's video was removed because it violated “our graphic violence policy and Justin Mohn's channel was terminated in line with our violent extremism policies. Our teams are closely tracking to remove any re-uploads of the video”.

Who is Justin Mohn?

Mr Mohn appeared to live with his parents, Michael and 63-year-old Denice, in Middletown Township's Levittown area. Public records show he has two siblings.

He graduated in 2014 from Pennsylvania State University with a bachelor's degree in agribusiness management, one court filing states. After graduating, he moved to Colorado in 2015 to work at a credit union. The following year, he began working at Progressive Insurance.

Mr Mohn has proved to be quite litigious in the past, records show.

In 2019, he sued the insurance company, claiming that he was wrongfully terminated in 2017 due to “sex discrimination”. The court denied his claims.

Mohn has filed numerous lawsuits against the US government since 2022.

He sued the Department of Education and education secretary Miguel Cardona in March 2022 over student loan payments. The complaint says he took college courses in 2010 at Penn State University.

That case was dismissed but he sued the two defendants again in August of that year, alleging they had “ample knowledge and data” that he would “be unable to pay” back the federal student loan, yet gave him the loan anyway and therefore they acted in “acted in bad faith and or dishonesty”. He described himself in the suit as an “overeducated white male” who may have suffered from “affirmative action against him”.

Mohn even referred to his Progressive case in this lawsuit, writing, “The outcome of Mohn v Progressive Insurance can only be interpreted that the federal courts… believe that women and minorities cannot compete with overeducated, outperforming white men in the workplace, and so affirmative action must be applied to white men.”

Mohn also sued Attorney General Merrick Garland and his office in July 2023 regarding the student loan payments, requesting the defendant pay him $10m in damages.

He appeared to have an affinity for music. Mohn's Spotify page features songs he has made. His Spotify profile says he boasts four albums and wrote six books. The platform says he has five monthly listeners.

Court filings from 2023 show that he was seeking more than $10 million, arguing that his loan allowed him to get a college education but that he could not "find a satisfactory job as an overeducated white man to repay the loan."

Who was Michael Mohn?

The 68-year-old man owned a house with his wife in Levittown. He was a registered Democrat, records show.

Despite his son's claims in the YouTube video, The Independent was unable to find any records indicating that he was a federal government employee.

Records show he owned two businesses. One such business, Power Writers, was incorporated in 2000 and another, M & D Cleaning, was incorporated in 1986.

Michael Mohn's mother and Justin Mohn's grandmother, Gertrude Keyes, was a secretary in the US War Department during the Second World War, according to an obituary for her husband, Stanley Mohn. In route to the house's address, police received further information that there was an elderly male in the downstairs bathroom surrounded by a large amount of blood. They were also warned he had been decapitated.

When they got to the grisly scene they found a machete and a large knife in the bathtub. His head was found inside a plastic bag, which was inside a cooking pot in a bedroom by the bathroom. Bloody rubber gloves were also found in another bedroom and more bloody gloves were located in a bin next to a desk in that room.

Michael Mohn's wife told police she had been home at around 2pm Tuesday and that her husband and son were the only ones there. She said she went out and returned to find her husband's white 2009 Toyota Corolla and son missing.

The link to the original, taken down video

Justin's socials

:marseyjamming: HIS SPOTIFY

His music wasn't really the best, releasing "Absolute Bangers", such as:

They Came For Justin Mohn,

Wonky Honky (tf is that name? :marseyyikes:),

Cold War Waste Town,

Dark Ages,

And more.

:marseyinabox: HIS AMAZON

Before his account got deleted by amazon, he had a few books he made, such as:

The Kingdom of Darkness,

They will burn this book,

Poems i Wrote While Stoned.

There might've been more, but i cannot check, due to his amazon profile being now banned. :marseyitsover:


Cambodia - January 26, 2018

Police were called to a garden bungalow when reports of a woman hanging were made on the evening of January 26th, 2018. The body was that of 36 year old Jev Sovathana. She was discovered hanging from the curtain rod. A note left next to the body stated that she had killed herself due to failed love affairs. The photos of her body were leaked to the public and people began to notice various ambiguities in the photos. People began to speak out and demand the police do a more thorough investigation into the death.

Photos of Jev Alive

The initiated police search brought up several new discoveries. It was revealed that she had been having an affair with the provincial governor, Lay Vannak, for several years. He was married, she was divorced. His wife's family helped him secure a political position, so the affair was kept as secret as they could.

  • photos of the pair together

However, the governor wanted to get rid of Jev and had attempted to break it off multiple times before. The first time, she had attempted to overdose on pills but the governor had his driver take her to the ER under a false name to have her stomach pumped. The second time though, she threatened to reveal the affair to his wife.

It has since come to light that the governor arranged to meet her at her bungalow, where they often slept together, but when he showed up he was not alone. He had brought along his brother, Lay Narith, who was the police chief commissioner. It wasn't revealed if they came with the intention of killing her or not. A big argument soon broke out.

during the argument, the women was thrown on the bed and the governor put his hands around her throat, attempting to choke her. However, he stated that strangling someone is not like the movies and required the help of his brother, who held a pillow over her face until she died.

Crime Scene Photos

The men then decided to disguise the murder as a suicide. Unfortunately for them, they didn't think it through enough. The medical examiner confirmed the woman died a violent death and both were convicted of murder. The governor was sentenced to 12 years, his brother got 10, and the driver got 2 years.


Footage of a race just prior with Ayrton Senna rushing to Erik Comas who had just been knocked out unconscious from a crash with his foot still on the gas pedal, pumping gasoline into the engine risking a disastrous explosion capable of taking his and maybe other people's lives. Senna managed to turn off the engine and make sure Comas was okay, saving his life in doing so. It's easy to forget that under those cold hard helmets are real human beings, and sometimes real heroes.

More footage of his fatal impact from the live TV airing:

The shadow government wants you to believe it was a sudden lack of downforce, but it's easy to see that it was a steering column failure 100%. At no point on the onboard camera do you see him turn into a slide. His car hit ground on a previous bump so hard you could see the marks on the track it made from Schumacher's onboard camera. This broke the steering column. Also if you watch the video in slow motion from the camera at Tosa you can see that when Senna leaves the track he has his head turned fully to the left, already bracing for the impact. He makes no attempt to turn away from the wall because he has no steering. The wheels still turned left but then suddenly went straight. The onboard footage also lets us see that the steering wheel was severely shaking like it did not have the pillar, because it was about to be rid of the shaft. All f1 drivers say this was 100% a steering failure, not downforce related.

Whatsoever we lost a legend. Rest in peace Ayrton Senna, 1960-1994

As Senna rounded the high-speed Tamburello corner on lap 7, his car left the racing line at around 307 km/h (191 mph), ran in a straight line off the track, and hit the concrete retaining wall at around 233 km/h (145 mph), after what telemetry showed to be an application of the brakes for around two seconds. The red flag was shown as a consequence of the accident. Within two minutes of crashing, Senna was extracted from his race car by Watkins and his medical team, including intensive care anaesthetist Giovanni Gordini. The initial treatment took place by the side of the car, with Senna having a weak heartbeat and significant blood loss from his temporal artery being ruptured. At this point, Senna had already lost around 4.5 litres of blood, constituting 90% of his blood volume. Because of Senna's grave neurological condition, Watkins performed an on-site tracheotomy and requested the immediate airlifting of Senna to Bologna's Maggiore Hospital under the supervision of Gordini.

At 18:40 CEST (16:40 GMT), the head of the hospital's emergency department, Maria Teresa Fiandri made the announcement that Senna had died, but said the official time of death under Italian law was 14:17 CEST (12:17 GMT), which is when he impacted the wall and his brain stopped functioning. Watkins later said that as soon as he saw Senna's fully dilated pupils, he knew that his brainstem was inactive and that he would not survive. The right-front wheel and suspension are believed to have been sent back into the cockpit, striking Senna on the right side of his helmet, forcing his head back against the headrest. A piece of upright attached to the wheel had partially penetrated his helmet and made a large indentation in his forehead. In addition, it appeared that a jagged piece of the upright assembly had penetrated the helmet visor just above his right eye. Senna sustained fatal skull fractures, brain injuries and a ruptured temporal artery, a major blood vessel supplying the face and scalp. According to Fiandri, any one of these three injuries would likely have killed him.

Perhaps the Saddest Part of the Whole Story (as continuation from pt.1 of this post)

It was later revealed that when the medical staff examined Senna's vehicle, a furled Austrian flag was discovered—he had intended to raise it in honour of Ratzenberger after the race. Photographs of Senna being treated on the track by emergency medical personnel were taken by Senna's friend and Autosprint's picture editor, Angelo Orsi. Out of respect, those photographs have never been made officially public.

Senna's crash and final race was at the 1994 San Marino Grand Prix at Autodromo Enzo e Dino Ferrari in Imola, Italy



In central Paris, was the cemetery of the Innocents, also known as Saints-Innocents. Burials here began in the 12th century, and even seven centuries later, did not stop. In 1780, it was the main place for burials for a city with more than half a million people. This cemetery was roughly the size of a football field.

This wasn't what you would imagine a cemetery today, and mass burials were common with people stacked on top of people. When one pit was filled up to 15,000 bodies, it was covered and another was began. Toward the end of the eighteenth century and the beginning of the French Revolution, bodies were just dumped along the edges of the cemetery. Eventually, this cemetery rose to be about six feet above the street level with 600 years of bodies.

In May of 1780, Monsieur Gravelot, a man living in the Rue de la Lingerie, not far from the cemetery, made a formal complaint that there was a smell coming from his basement. It was so strong it soon could be smelled through the whole house, and his wife became sick. The state sent an investigator, Alexis Cadet de Vaux, who confirmed the smell was from the decaying bodies from the cemetery. Not only did this affect his home, but many neighbors as well.

Given its proximity to the main food market of the city, the smell did not only affect neighbors houses. Louis-Sebastien Mercier, a chronicler of life in Paris, wrote that the smell alone threatened to poison the air of the city as well as any liquid nearby and people couldn't have wine, milk, or even soup without tasting death. Mercier also reported that the humidity of decay clung to the houses nearby, so the walls were damp to the touch with condensation from the decaying bodies.

It wasn't only Monsieur's wife who got sick. Other residents reported respiratory trouble, liver issues, delirium, and vomiting. In 1776, a local shoemaker reportedly tripped and fell into an open pit. He was found dead the next day, though it's not known whether it was from the fall itself or from what he landed on in this pit.

It wasn't only the smell though, a few years earlier, in the 1770s, the graveyard exploded into the basements of many of the neighboring houses, filling them with bodies in no condition to be moved. In many older cemeteries, they would usually leave the bodies buried for a certain amount of time before removing the bones and interring them in charnel houses in other locations. The cemeteries were overflowing, and charnel houses throughout the city were packed. There was nowhere left for the bodies to go.

Louis XVI officially closed the Cemetery of Innocents in 1780, followed by the rest of the public cemeteries in the city. The Journal of Paris commented on the issue that year, writing that no one could possibly deny the danger that the dead posed to the living.

Making space for the Dead

Beneath Paris was a large system of underground quarries that had been mined for limestone since the fourteenth century. The rock was mostly soft, and over-mining meant that the streets above weren't as stable as they should have been. In 1774, the Rue Denfert-Rochereau collapsed, a hundred feet of street and houses caving into the empty mines a hundred feet below.

In response to this, and many other collapses due to mining, Louis XIV signed a decree in September of 1776 to stop mining under public roads. 177 miles of tunnels stretched beneath the city in several levels descending hundreds of feet below the streets. The technique the medieval miners had used meant that wells were dug straight down into the deposits, then the minerals were removed via horizontal tunnels gradually winding their way up.

It was seen as an easy and natural place to put the bodies. A portion of the quarries was designated as a public ossuary, a place to store bones. It began at an old city gate locally known as the Barriere d'Enfer, or the Gate of Hell. It was an appropriate starting point for what would soon become known as the Empire of Death.

The Empire of Death

Beginning in April of 1785, bodies were moved at night from Paris's cemeteries to their new place beneath the city. More than twenty thousand bodies were removed from the Cemetery of Innocents, but that was just the start. Cemeteries and charnel houses through the city were slowly emptied and carried to the catacombs by night for the next twenty years. By the end, an estimated six million bodies had been placed in quarries beneath the city.

Napoleon Bonaparte eventually ordered the catacombs to be converted into a public monument. ventilation was improved, and sections of bones were artfully arranged by a team led by engineer Hericart de Thury. From its grand opening in 1809 until 1830, the catacombs were a popular tourist attraction.

A Dangerous Tourist Attraction

Starting at the Gate of Hell, guests would descend ninety steps below the city to tour the catacombs by candlelight. The passages were filled with Thury's decoratively arranged bone sculptures as well as some architectural features, including, a pond full of goldfish. Since they had been renovated, the catacombs were relatively safe, but tour guides still had to warn guests to never leave the group. Lost underground without a candle or any chance of anyone above hearing you scream, if you took a wrong turn and somehow ended up in the quarry, you might never make it out.

As early as 1793, a hospital worker named Philibert Aspairt entered the catacombs from an entrance in the courtyard of the Val-de-Grace hospital. No one knows for sure why he went down there alone, but it has been suggested that he hoped to find a way into the cellars of a nearby convent to steal a bottle of Chartreuse. His body wasn't found until eleven years later, when it was identified thanks to his set of hospital keys, which hung around his waist.

Today, the quarries adjacent to the catacombs have been filled with art created by people who explore the tunnels illegally. This is illegal now due to how dangerous it is, but that hasn't put people off. Murals and sculptures cover the walls, everything from reproductions of classical works of art to surreal monsters and 3D figures, all of it left over a period of more than 200 years. Murals from the French Revolution and the Prussian Siege are side by side with drawings from the German occupation and cartoon characters from the 90s.

Paris has some of the best art museums in the world, but the largest and most exclusive is under the feet of the millions of oblivious tourists who pass through every year.

EFFORTPOST The Challenger Explosion (Write Up)

No Explosion Only Takeoff:




Signs Stuff Was Not Good For Launch:

Crew Compartment Ejected Out:

January 28, 1986, the Space Shuttle Challenger broke apart 73 seconds into its flight, killing all seven crew members aboard. The spacecraft disintegrated 46,000 feet (14 km) above the Atlantic Ocean, off the coast of Cape Canaveral, Florida, at 11:39 a.m. EST (16:39 UTC). It was the first fatal accident involving an American spacecraft while in flight. The mission, designated STS-51-L, was the tenth flight for the orbiter and the twenty-fifth flight of the Space Shuttle fleet. The crew was scheduled to deploy a communications satellite and study Halley's Comet while they were in orbit, in addition to taking schoolteacher Christa McAuliffe into space under the Teacher In Space program. The latter resulted in a higher-than-usual media interest and coverage of the mission; the launch and subsequent disaster were seen live in many schools across the United States. The cause of the disaster was the failure of the primary and secondary redundant O-ring seals in a joint in the shuttle's right solid rocket booster (SRB). The record-low temperatures on the morning of the launch had stiffened the rubber O-rings, reducing their ability to seal the joints. Shortly after liftoff, the seals were breached, and hot pressurized gas from within the SRB leaked through the joint and burned through the aft attachment strut connecting it to the external propellant tank (ET), then into the tank itself. The collapse of the ET's internal structures and the rotation of the SRB that followed threw the shuttle stack, traveling at a speed of Mach 1.92, into a direction which allowed aerodynamic forces to tear the orbiter apart. Both SRBs detached from the now-destroyed ET and continued to fly uncontrollably until the range safety officer destroyed them. The crew compartment, human remains and many other fragments from the shuttle were recovered from the ocean floor after a three-month search-and-recovery operation. The exact timing of the deaths of the crew is unknown, but several crew members are thought to have survived the initial breakup of the spacecraft. The orbiter had no escape system, and the impact of the crew compartment at terminal velocity with the ocean surface was too violent to be survivable. The disaster resulted in a 32-month hiatus in the Space Shuttle program. President Ronald Reagan created the Rogers Commission to investigate the accident. The commission criticized NASA's organizational culture and decision-making processes that had contributed to the accident. Test data since 1977 demonstrated a potentially catastrophic flaw in the SRBs' O-rings, but neither NASA nor SRB manufacturer Morton Thiokol had addressed this known defect. NASA managers also disregarded engineers' warnings about the dangers of launching in cold temperatures and did not report these technical concerns to their superiors. As a result of the disaster, NASA established the Office of Safety, Reliability, and Quality Assurance, and arranged for deployment of commercial satellites from expendable launch vehicles rather than from a crewed orbiter. To replace Challenger, the construction of a new Space Shuttle orbiter, Endeavour, was approved in 1987, and the new orbiter first flew in 1992. Subsequent missions were launched with redesigned SRBs and their crews wore pressurized suits during ascent and reentry.



CHILD WARNING EFFORTPOST John List - Family Annihilator (CW, Photos + Info)

John Emil List lived with his wife, mother, and three kids in a home off of Hillside Avenue of Westfield. He was known as a devout Christian, and regularly attended the local Lutheran Church. He worked as an accountant and was known to be a very successful one at that, able to provide his family with material wealth.

While most people would have seen this as living the dream, the family had some secrets. His wife, Helen, was a distant relative to John. She was also nearly blind from Syphilis from a previous partner. She was unable to walk, and also happened to be the only woman John was ever intimate with. They were married by a ‘shotgun wedding' in response to a pregnancy scare that happened to be false. It is thought John held a lot of resentment over this, and was unhappy in his marriage. On top of this, John and his family were living above their means, causing them to plummet into lower tax brackets. It wasn't long before John left his firm and began selling insurance in attempt to stop this spiral.

Some other struggles involved the children. One problem in particular happened to be 16 year old Patricia Marie, who was involved in marijuana use and theatre, both of which John saw as unchristian.

On November 9 1971, John set his plans into motion. A few weeks prior, he had called a family meeting and asked each member what their ideal funeral was like. In the days prior, he had mailed out letters to friends, teachers, co-workers, etc to cover up why the family would no longer be seen in these places. John started November 9th, as he did any other day, and dropped the kids off at school. When he returned, Helen was having breakfast in the kitchen, where he shot her in the back of the head with a .22 caliber.

He then made his way to the attic, where his 84 year old mother, Alma, stayed and gave her a kiss. He then shot her in the back of the head as well. Afterwards, he want out to complete some chores, such as stopping the mail. After returning home, he ate lunch.

Later that day, he picked the kids up from school and when entering the house, shot Patricia in the back of the head as well. He then executed his 13 year old son, Freddie.

While all of the previous murders had gone smoothly, this was not the case for his 15 year old son, John. John has noticed what his father was doing before he could surprise him, and after the first shot John was not dead. List stood over his son's body and shot him over and over in the heart as he thrashed on the ground, with both the .22 and a nine millimeter he had also been carrying.

John then arranged his family's bodies in the family ballroom, all in sleeping bags. He left notes with each body to explain why he did it. He left his Mother in the attic, the note explaining she was too heavy for him to move to the ballroom.

John managed to cover his tracks well enough to delay the finding of the bodies until December 7th, when one of Patricia's drama teachers came by to check on her. He discovered the family in the ballroom and called the police.

A manhunt was immediately started for John, as he had not only confessed in these notes, but left the bodies and the murder weapon. His car was found in a parking lot at Kennedy Airport and the trail was lost.

17 years later, investigators still had nothing but dead ends. This was until May 21, 1989, when they took a shot in the dark by airing an episode about John on Americas Most Wanted. That night, a man named Robert P. Clark was attending a church in Midlothian, Virginia.  While he was there, several friends of his were calling the hotline set up to take leads phoned in by viewers. They recognized their friend the same man. This ‘Robert' was married, and swiftly arrested.

His lawyer persuaded him to admit he was John List, so they could attempt to prevent damaging evidence from being admitted to the case. His attorneys painted him as a man who had religion forced on him, pushing him to insanity. his lack of remorse, premeditated escape plans, and the coldness of the notes found lead to a life sentence conviction on April 12, 1990.

John died in Prison on March 21st, 2008 due to pneumonia.

CHILD WARNING EFFORTPOST Vintage Death - A Collection Of History 2 (CW, Some Colorized)

• A Viet Cong that was beheaded in Ben Cát, during the Vietnam war.

• A south Vietnamese woman crying over plastic bags containing her husband's remains in April of 1969. He was found in a mass grave of civilians murdered in 1968 by Vietcong forces during the Hue Massacre.

• Bodies of children lost in the Marcelino Ugalde school in Spain, October of 1980. The school was experiencing drainage issues, and the worker lit a match to try to heat a tube in the basement, causing an explosion, and collapse that took the lives of 120.

• The moment that Clarence Sims jumped to his death from the George Washington Bridge on February 27, 1952.

• The bodies of Emil, Mary, and Anna Keller, who in 1894 were the victims of a murder suicide. Mary killed Emil, then Anna (9 months old at the time), before turning the gun on herself.

• The leg of Dr. John Irving Bentley laying in ashes, thought to be the result of spontaneous human combustion, in 1966.

• The execution of the Lincoln Conspirators in 1865.

• Kezban Özer crying over her five children, all who passed after an earthquake in Turkey, 1983.

• A father carrying the body of his son after the truck they were riding in struck a land mine, South Vietnam, April 28, 1972.

• The body of Joseph Reiber, found murdered in Paris of 1902. Bloody fingerprints were found on the scene, and were matched to a man by the name of Henri Scheffer, who had been arrested before for stealing. This was one of the first cases of fingerprints being used to solve a murder.

• The body of William ‘Action' Jackson, 1961. He was strung up by the rectum on a meat hook and tortured for 3 days on suspicion of being a spy.

• Bodies of Sikh pilgrims after the Golden Temple Massacre. Under operation Blue Star, the Indian Government raided the temple and killed nearly 500 civilians, 1984.

• A Mongolian woman in 1913, sentenced to death by starvation for the crime of adultery. Her family brought her food and water, but only delayed her death. This box was her coffin.

• 10 year old Kazimiera Mika crying over the body of her older sister, killed in Warsaw during a German air raid, WW2.

• An execution by beheading in Hanoi, 1908.

EFFORTPOST The solved cold case of terri brooks

Terri Brooks was working as a night manager at the Fairless Hills Roy Rogers restaurant when she was found murdered by her manager in the opening hours of February 4, 1984. Furthermore, given that she was beaten, stabbed, strangled, and suffocated, the crime scene suggested that Brooks died in what seemed like a burglary-gone-wrong.While DNS evidence was collected from the crime scene, it was only useful for the case after 15 years when it matched a sample taken from Brooks's fiance at the time of the murder, Alfred Scott Keefe, who eventually confessed to the crime. Keefe claimed that the victim broke up with him, after which he snapped and attacked her at the restaurant before staging the crime scene.

Terri Brooks' body was discovered near the kitchen early on February 4, 1984, with a knife sticking out of her neck. A garbhge can liner was wrapped over her face, and moisture inside it suggested that she was still breathing when it was placed over her head. She also had multiple black and blue marks, bruises, and hand marks around her neck, which suggested that she was strangled.A subsequent autopsy revealed that she sustained a severe brain hemorrhage as her head was repeatedly slammed onto the hard concrete floor and that the knife blade severed a bone in the back of her neck. The medical examiner, however, confirmed that the stab wounds and other injuries only paralyzed her and declared the cause of death as asphyxiation

Terri Brooks' fanily last saw her when she was leaving the house for her night shift the previous evening. Sadly, they only found out that she had been murdered the following morning when they called her workplace asking about her whereabouts, and the manager, who was the first to arrive at the crime scene, infotmed them about the tragedy.

The victim's manager said he found the body inside the locked restaurant and near the kitchen during the opening hours, sometime around 6:00 am. He then reported the incident to law enforcement

According to reports, the crime scene suggested that the victim was killed during a botched burglary. She was still wearing her winter coat, and the contents of her purse spilled out near the body. Moreover, the safe was open and empty.The manager reported that around $2,500 was stolen from the safe, further informing the police that the drive-thru window was partially open when he arrived. The scene also suggested that a fight took place between the attacker and the victim.

In 1984, authorities collected skin tissue under Terri Brooks' fingernails, which was later used to find the killer after the case went cold for nearly 14 years.In 1999, the DNA evidence matched a sample collected from cigarette butts smoked by Brooks' fiance from the time of the murder, Alfred Scott Keefe. He failed a polygraph test and eventually confessed to the crime.

Notes: I know this is all over the place, this is one of my first effort posts. sorry for the lack if photos and videos thos happend in 1984, cameras were not very popular them.


Chicago is a very dangerous and surprising area because you never know when something is going to go down. Big Aski or Big A was a 23 year old man who was gunned down in Chicago. Real name Antron Young was a renowned gang member who was constantly seen with fellow “O-Block” members. He was allegedly responsible for many deaths and injuries in the Chicago gang wars. Let's start from the beginning and explain why it got to this point.

Death of Shondale Gregory aka Tooka

Shondale Gregory or Tooka was a memeber of STL/EBT who was gunned down at a bus stop by opposing gang members on Jan 12 2011. This would be the most common case mentioned throughout the whole Chicago war and is most likely not what started it but turned it up to murders everyday. STL/EBT would change their name to Tookaville following his death.


Death of Odee Perry and the name O-Block

Odee Perry was a Wic City member who was STL/EBT's most hated gang set because of them being responsible for Tooka's death. One of the top shooters for Wic City was named Odee Perry or O for short. He obviously had a huge target on his back for all the dirt he did in the streets and eventually it caught up to him. O was caught lacking on Tooka's birthday which is August 10 and shot by Tookaville members. He would survive the night but pass the next morning. Wic City would change there name after O passed away to the notorious O-Block.


Pinning the murder of Odee for clout and safety

The death of Odee Perry was the crucial point in the Chicago Gang Wars that we now see today. It's not expected that the person who “allegedly” killed Odee to be gunned down as well. Gakirah Barns was a 17 year old girl who was often seen hanging out with Tookaville. She was a rumored gunman/assassin in the area and her twitter handle even said tyquans assassin (her way of paying respect to a lost friend). She was the person the murder and other murders were pinned on. She died the same way everyone who lives that lifestyle dies. I think she was willing to take the blame for fame and clout and the real people who committed the crime were scared to come forward knowing the cost fame comes with.


The Consequences of Killing Gakirah

It all comes full circle with gang violence. You die the same way your killing people. The man rumored to and bragged about killing Gakirah was Big A (the guy this is all about). He would be seen in the video getting gunned down by K.I's brother who calls himself G.I Joe.

P.S:Big A changed his name to Aski to stand for ask K.I.

Big A

GI Joe

Final Words

If you find yourself trapped in a circle of violent people and violent intentions. Always look for a way out even if it means cutting the people you think want the best for you off.

stay safe and keep living i'm counting on you

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