
>Background Story:

Choi Kyu-ha

On October 26, 1979, there was an assassination attempt on the current ruling dictator Park Chung-hee in South Korea. Prime Minister Choi Kyu-ha then took over from him. Despite this, South Korea was still under army rule when Major General Chun Doo-hwan took over as head of KCIA on December 12, 1979, thereby assuming full control.

But there was so much resistance against him that on May 15, 1980, almost 100,000 students took to the streets of Seoul and demonstrated. They demanded the resignation of Choi and Chun, a change to martial law, and the immediate abolition of the Yushin Constitution. A vote in parliament was supposed to take place on May 20, 1980, to talk and discuss the current situation, but unfortunately this never happened.

Chun Doo-hwan

On May 17, 1980, Major General Chun Doo-hwan declared a state of emergency and tightened martial law, which he simultaneously extended to the entire country. All universities were closed, all national assemblies and political activities were banned, and 26 politicians were arrested.

In December 1979, during the Chun uprising, the USA was calm and neutral, even though the US government had the authority to give orders to the Korean army and could have prevented worse things from happening. In addition, the USA did not actually want Park Chung-hee to be in power, but they did not want to help South Korea become a democratic country.

But the second uprising and thus the rise of Major General Chun was completely supported and endorsed by the USA. Without the USA, Chun would not have been able to give orders to the army. But the USA was not the only country that helped Major General Chun, Japan also helped with information and the army. Both were also involved during the massacre.

>18. May 1980 - 27. May 1980:

Kim Dae-jung

18 May:

After the arrest of politician Kim Dae-jung was announced, over 600 students from a university in Gwangju gathered in the morning and demonstrated in the streets. They demanded the lifting of the state of emergency and the immediate release of Kim Dae-jung. The students were quickly supported by residents of the city who went on a sit-down strike.

Soon the peaceful demonstration was disrupted by the military, who tried to force people to leave. Some of the protesters then threw stones and Molotov cocktails at the soldiers to fight back. This only made the whole situation uncontrollable even faster and the military then became very brutal. They did not care who was in front of them, it was as if the soldiers were losing all their humanity, they were so violent.

19 May:

An even larger demonstration took place in the city, made up of people from all walks of life. In addition, bus and taxi drivers drove through the streets in a long, slow line, honking their horns to weaken the military. Nevertheless, there were increased conflicts between the military and the people. The soldiers used tear gas, batons and bayonets. Some of the demonstrators again threw stones and Molotov cocktails in defense.

20 May:

In the evening, around 100,000 people from the city of Gwangju were in front of the city's government building. In addition, almost 10 buses and over 200 taxis were on the main road to show their protest. Unfortunately, the whole situation escalated during the night when the demonstrators started setting cars on fire and moving threateningly towards the military. The soldiers had no other option than to use their weapons and shoot. Some ministers in Seoul resigned from the government at this time as a sign of protest.

21 May:

Many people were angry with the military and their actions of the last few days. So they started robbing the police and the military and armed themselves. The inhabitants of the city of Gwangju formed a real army and occupied a radio station, a few government buildings and equipped vehicles with weapons. So that day over 200,000 inhabitants faced the military and fought for their rights and freedom.

The government then organised buses to get hold of new weapons. They had to stop the uprising. When it calmed down around midday, as the people were celebrating Buddha's birthday with singing, the military attacked them. Soldiers shot at the crowd at random and injured over 500 people. But the demonstrators were stronger and had the city under their control again by the evening.

22 May:

Now there were demonstrations and conflicts in over 20 other cities.

23 May:

US General Wickham asked South Korea for support with his army.

24 May:

The inhabitants of the city of Gwangju stated that Gwangju had now been liberated by them.

25 May:

The military erected a kind of border around the centre of the city of Gwangju.

26. May:

The Gwangju City Citizens' Committee began negotiations with some military officers.

May 27:

In the early hours of the morning, an army of over 20,000 soldiers, paratroopers and tanks stormed the city to put an end to the uprising. Unfortunately, this ended in a major bloodbath.


The students from South Korea, who made up the majority of the protesters, are very attached to their country and therefore do not agree with the Americanization of the country. For this reason, they were always under observation by the police and the secret service.

The majority of the country's Catholics also lived in Gwangju at the time, and their role model was Kim Dae-jung, who had many conflicts with the government. This brought together the most diverse people and created perfect unity in this situation.

Major General Chun Doo-hwan was appointed president in February 1981 after Choi Kyu-ha resigned the previous year. Chun remained in office until 1988, during which time the results were processed and calm returned.

Kim Dae-jung became president in 1998 and remained in office until 2003.

During the days of the massacre, almost 3,500 people lost their lives. Today, the victims can be visited at the May 18th National Cemetery.

>Sources: Reddit, Wikipedia & Google

This version has more information and I also colourised most of the pictures who were black and white before.

I hope you like it!

EFFORTPOST Owen hart falling accident effortpost

Owen hart born May 7, 1965 was a Canadian born wrestler that worked for several promotions including Stampede Wrestling, New Japan Pro Wrestling(NJPW), World Championship Wrestling (WCW), and most notably, the World Wrestling Federation(WWF). A member of the Hart wrestling family. known best in the ring for his rivalries against stone cold steve austin, he was a greatly loved person in the WWF

Over the edge ppv event

Originally presented LIVE on Pay-Per-View on May 23rd, 1999, from the Kemper Arena in Kansas City, MO. Jim Ross and Jerry "The King" Lawler are at ringside to call all the action

When Owen Hart was to challenge The Godfather for the WWF Intercontinental Championship,

he was performing as the Blue Blazer. The character, originally used by Hart in the late 1980s, had recently been revived as a superhero gimmick that parodied various wrestlers. At Over the Edge, Hart was to emulate WCW wrestler Sting's ring entrance by descending from the arena rafters in a suspended harness, stopping a few feet above the floor, at which point the suspension mechanism would "malfunction" and drop him..

owen harts last photo as he enters the arena

unceremoniously onto the ring.The entrance was successfully tested on the November 15, 1998 episode of Sunday Night Heat (that year's Survivor Series pre-show) using a different harness configuration ;however, during his descent at Over the Edge, a cable disengaged from the safety vest he wore, and he fell more than 70 feet (21 m) from the rafters into the ring. As he fell, he landed chest-first on the top rope.

witness accounts from the night:

“although it was dark there was just enough light from the titantron to see part of Owens fall, they heard someone yelling “MOVE, GET OUT THE WAY!!!” Looked into the direction they heard it from seen a fast blur, saw his chest hit the turn buckle and landed so hard on the mat he bounced off of it and some dust from underneath the ring came up, then Owen tried to sit up but could only do a really bad curl up before collapsing, and turning blue.

The Lights Were Out During The Fall - His fall happened during a promo for his upcoming IC title match with The Godfather, and while I have no trouble believing the WWF/E has multiple cameras all over the place it would've been difficult at best to capture it. They would've had to expect him to fall in the first place, and who can expect a freak accident?

JR was given the news Owen had passed away RIGHT before he had to announce and address what happened to those viewing the PPV from home or somewhere

the ref in the ring was just clearing out debris from the hardcore match that just took place, he had his hand on the rope until the rope violently moved and bounced ripping from his hand, he felt Owens cape hit him, he had no idea what happened till someone told him.

WWF continued the show Owen died of blunt force trauma, there was no visible blood, only internal bleeding.

owen hart last footage-

dwayne the rock on the night owen passed-

vince on the situation-

sad undertaker. why did they continue the show

Three weeks after Owen's death, Hart launched a wrongful death lawsuit against the WWF by the help of aviation lawyer Gary C. Robb; she included her children and Owen's parents on the lawsuit, which was settled out of court for approximately $18 million on November 2, 2000.

Footage of the fall:

Kevin Kelly affirmed that footage of Owen's fall and the Darren Droz paralyzed incident are in the heavily locked footage archives. They are sealed shut with a label that reads “Never to view, duplicate, or destroy.”

To expand on the Owen footage. It was captured by 2 cameras. 1 that is a steadycam in the crowd and is always on the ring. The 2nd was a handheld that was propped up by the cameraman at the entrance isle loosely focused at the roof ready to capture his planned entrance.

The footage was surrendered to police for the investigation. Martha Hart was given the footage as it was shown in court during his wrongful death lawsuit trial.

I can speculate that the footage copied one for Martha and then returned to WWE. It's never said but can be gathered she destroyed the footage and WWE locked it away for legal reasons.

There is NO leaked footage of it on the net or anywhere, and there never was. Once Kevin Dunn (in the production trailer) was told Owen fell he immediately had the cameras focus on the crowd. This was all done by the end of the promo that was playing on the titantron and airing live.

In 2024 AEW President Tony Khan called Martha Hart ahead of the spot to have permission to do the rafters enterance with sting years later. Sting had largely stayed away from the rafter entrance since Owen Hart's unfortunate passing in 1999

EFFORTPOST The Edmund Burke School Shooter in Washington, D.C.


On Friday, April 22, 2022, Raymond Spencer, the shooter, assembled a 'sniper style' attack on the Edmund Burke School in Washington, D.C., from his Northwest D.C. apartment window in his "crow nest". Using a tripod and multiple AR-15 rifles, he would record the attack and post the video and numerous other messages to 4chan. After the shooting, he would wait in his apartment for the police to arrive, and while they were searching his building, he would turn the gun on himself in the bathroom, ending the incident.

The police discovered three AR-15 rifles with numerous 60-round magazines. The attack could have been ten times more deadly than it ended. However, Raymond only injured four people: a 54-year-old male, a mid-30s female, a 12-year-old girl, and a woman in her mid-60s who was grazed in the upper back by a bullet. He fired an estimated 200 rounds into the school building from his Northwest D.C. apartment window. News sources said that Raymond fired more than 200 rounds. Police believed that Spencer assembled at least one of those weapons himself. Police also stated that 800 unspent rounds were spotted and thousands of rounds were also spotted in his Fairfax County apartment.

Raymond's last words on 4chan were, "Dear God please forgive me."

[Images and videos]:

The Northwest D.C. apartment window of Vas Ness he shot from and recorded:

The shooting that was recorded by Raymond:

Audio recording/video of the shooting made by a bird feeder cam:

Screenshot of Raymond trying to aim at students:

Images of the DCPD recovering AR-15 rifles and numerous 60-round magazines after the incident:

DCPD Twitter post:

The bed Raymond slept in for the night:

Raymond's Yakub poster:

Raymond's comments made on 4chan related to the shooting:

Body of Raymond found dead in the bathroom after suicide:

Photos of Raymond:

Rare photo of Raymond Spencer rolling a suit case night before shooting in his Van Ness complex:

[Info on Raymond Spencer]:

Raymond Spencer is a 24-year-old 4chan user who resides in Fairfax, Virginia. As recently as 2016, Spencer enrolled in Wheaton High School in Montgomery County, according to the school district. At the time of the shooting, he was residing in a brand-new apartment complex in Fairfax County. According to Fairfax County Police, they were only called to his apartment once, in September 2021, in response to a noise complaint. He moved into an apartment in Fairfax County in February 2021. However, he also rented another apartment on Van Ness in January 2022. This apartment complex was the place where the shooter did his activity on April 22, 2022. Raymond's parents still reside in Silver Spring, Maryland. Neighbors told news station 7News that the family was quiet and polite in the residence.

Before Raymond's suicide, He included the school shooting by himself before anyone else did on their Wiki page.

Link to the edit Wiki page:


WUSA9 coverage on Raymond Spencer:

ABC7 coverage on Raymond Spencer:

I chose this story because of the Yakub poster!




On July 7th of 1979, more than four thousand human remains were found in a walled-up tower of a church in southwest Spain. The church is located in the town of Llerena near Badajoz, which was an important tribunal during the infamous Spanish Inquisition.


The Church of Our Lady of Granada, built in the 16th century, had its tower collapse during repair works. The wall of an old staircase leading to the tower caved in, revealing the remains. Among the skeletons, there were even some mummified bodies. This discovery was unexpected and has caused a great deal of interest and speculation among historians, anthropologists, and the local community.

The stairway to the tower had been sealed off about a century after the church was constructed. This means that the bodies could have been there for several centuries, undisturbed and hidden away from the world. The condition of the remains varies, with some skeletons remarkably well-preserved and others showing signs of significant decay.


People speculate that these remains could be victims of the Spanish Inquisition's purges. The twisted and deformed positions of the bodies suggest they might have died from some form of medieval torture. The Spanish Inquisition was known for its brutal methods of extracting confessions and punishing those deemed heretics. The fact that Llerena was a major tribunal for the Inquisition lends credibility to this theory.

Anthropologists from Madrid and Barcelona Universities are still unsure how these bodies ended up in the tower. However, because Llerena was a major tribunal for the Inquisitors, the theory that these could be victims of the Inquisition seems credible. The presence of mummified bodies suggests that the conditions within the tower were such that they allowed for the preservation of some remains, perhaps due to low humidity and lack of exposure to the elements.

Mr. Josep Pons Rosell, an anthropologist from the University of Barcelona, mentioned that the bodies could have been buried over four or five centuries. This means that the tower could have been used as a burial site for a long period, possibly starting in the early days of the church and continuing until the tower was sealed off. The variety in the preservation of the bodies supports this idea, as it indicates that the remains were interred at different times.

The current Palace of Justice is built on the site of the old headquarters of the Inquisition, adding another layer of historical significance to the discovery. The bodies are going to the University of Barcelona for further study, where experts will conduct a thorough analysis to determine more about the lives and deaths of these individuals. They will use modern techniques such as DNA analysis, radiocarbon dating, and forensic examination to piece together the history of the remains.

This discovery has the potential to provide new insights into the Spanish Inquisition and the history of Llerena. It may also help to identify some of the individuals who were buried in the tower, providing closure to their long-lost stories. The findings will likely be published in academic journals and could lead to new discussions and research on this dark period in history.

The local community in Llerena is both fascinated and disturbed by the discovery. Many residents had no idea that such a grim chapter of history was hidden within their town. The church of Our Lady of Granada has become a site of significant interest, attracting visitors and historians alike. The town is now grappling with how to preserve the site while respecting the memory of those who were found there.


In conclusion, the discovery of over four thousand human remains in the tower of a church in Llerena, Spain, opens up many questions and avenues for research. While the exact circumstances of their deaths remain uncertain, the context of the Spanish Inquisition provides a likely explanation. As investigations continue, more details will emerge, shedding light on this significant and somber historical find.


Richard Chase

>Earlier Life:

Richard Chase was born on May 23, 1950 in Sacramento, California. At the age of 5, Chase was already showing all three signs of the Macdonald triad, a theory by John Marshall Macdonald, a forensic psychiatrist. This indicates that Richard Chase's development is not going in the right direction and that he will later have problems related to his temperament.

The Macdonald Triad requires these 3 important behavioral abnormalities to be proven:

1. Arson or setting fires is considered a less serious or first attempt to release aggression.

2. Abusing animals or even killing them.

3. Enuresis is “unintentional bedwetting during sleep that continues after the age of five.” Bedwetting must occur twice a week for at least three months.

In his youth he was heavily addicted to drugs, and his psyche was also affected. Then later, in early adulthood, hypochondria developed. Chase said that sometimes his heart would stop beating or that someone had taken out the artery in his lungs. He also puts an orange on his head so that vitamin C is absorbed into his body. Chase also believed that his skull was broken and shaved his head to check.

1973 was Richard Chase's first short stay in a psychiatric hospital, until he was admitted again in 1976, this time involuntarily. He was found to have been injected with rabbit blood. After he broke the necks of two birds he had caught through his window in the mental hospital, the staff gave him the name "Dracula."

Richard Chase was then diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia and was treated with various medications. Later in 1976, he was released into the care of his mother and was deemed safe. However, Chase took his mother off his medication and obtained it from an apartment he initially shared with someone until he was later left alone.

Richard Chase was arrested in 1977 when he was stopped on a reservation covered in blood. A bucket of cow's blood was also found in his truck. No charges were filed.


Ambrose Griffin:

On December 29, 1977, Ambrose Griffin and his wife had just returned home from shopping and were unloading the groceries from the trunk when Ambrose suddenly collapsed. His wife thought he was having a heart attack and quickly called an ambulance for help.

But then they found out that Ambrose had been shot. Ambrose's wife then remembered that he had yelled at someone before the loud bang. She hadn't thought anything of it at the time.

One of the Griffins' sons testified that he had seen a man with a gun walking around their neighborhood and the police tracked him down. Unfortunately, it was not Chase, but another man with a different caliber of gun. Two empty cartridge cases from the murder weapon, a .22, were found on the sidewalk in front of the Griffins' house the next day.

A neighbor's boy later testified that he had seen a brown-haired man shooting at him from a brown Pontiac as the boy was riding his bike. Under hypnosis, the boy even remembered the license plate number, which came to nothing.

Also a woman from the neighborhood reported that her house had been shot at and the police found the cartridge cases there too. 22.

2 weeks later:

Richard Chase was caught breaking into a stranger's house. The couple, who had just come home, successfully chased him away. Chase stole a few things, urinated and defecated on her child's bed and clothes.

Teresa Wallin:

On January 23, 1978, Teresa Wallin was three months pregnant when Richard Chase broke into her house and killed her with several shots. He then had sex with her corpse, stabbing her several times with a knife.

When he was finished, he removed some organs, cut off one of her nipples and drank her blood. Before he left, Richard Chase got dog feces from Teresa Wallin's yard and shoved it down her throat.

Evelyn Miroth, Danny Meredith, Jason Miroth & David Ferreira:

On January 27th, 4 days after his murder of Teresa Wallin, he broke into Evelyn Miroth's house. At that time, Evelyn Miroth, her boyfriend Danny Meredith, Evelyn's 6-year-old son Jason and her almost 2-year-old nephew David Ferreira were in the house.

First Richard Chase encountered Danny and shot him. Then Evelyn Miroth, her son Jason and then David. As Chase was mutilating Evelyn Miroth, committing necrophilic and cannibalistic acts, a visitor knocked on the front door.

Chase fled in Evelyn Miroth's car and took the body of her nephew David Ferreira with him.

The visitor immediately called the police and they found complete hand and shoe prints. This made it easy to find Richard Chase.

The police found Chase's apartment in a horrific state. Everything was soaked in blood: walls, floor, ceiling, refrigerator and even the dishes.

>Trial and Death:

In 1979, Richard Chase was charged with six counts of murder. Since his defense wanted to avoid the death penalty, they tried to find Chase guilty of premeditated murder, because he showed clear signs of mental illness.

However, this did not help at all, and so on May 8, 1979, Chase was found guilty of all counts and sentenced to death in the gas chamber. The court rejected the argument based on his mental health.

Richard Chase's fellow inmates were afraid of him because they had all heard about his gruesome murders and therefore often tried to persuade Chase to commit suicide.

Robert Ressler often visited Richard Chase in prison. He gave Ressler many interviews about his fear of Nazis and UFOs, and Chase also claimed that he was forced to commit the murders in order to stay alive. Richard Chase wanted Robert Ressler to help him get a radar gun so that the Nazi UFOs could be convicted of the murders in court.

On December 26, 1980, Richard Chase was found dead in his prison cell. A later autopsy revealed that he had overdosed on various medications he had been prescribed.

>Some Crime Scene Pictures:

>Sources: Reddit, Wikipedia & hermantheshocker

Thank you for your time <3


Stephen Craig Paddock(April 9, 1953 – October 1, 2017) was an American mass murderer who perpetrated the 2017 Las Vegas shooting. Paddock opened fire into a crowd of about 22,000 concertgoers attending a country music festival on the Las Vegas Strip, killing 60 people[a] and injuring approximately 867 (at least 413 of whom were wounded by gunfire).Paddock killed himself in his hotel room following the shooting. The incident is the deadliest mass shooting by a lone shooter in United States history

Born: Stephen Craig Paddock

April 9, 1953

Clinton, Iowa, U.S.

Died: October 1, 2017 (aged 64)

Paradise, Nevada, U.S.

Cause of death: Suicide by gunshot

Murders: October 1, 2017 .10:05 – 10:15 pm

Location;Las Vegas Strip, Paradise, Nevada, U.S.

Target:Route 91 Harvest music festival audience


61 (including himself and two women who died in 2019 and 2020)

Injured: 867 (413+ by gunfire or shrapnel)

Weapons: 24 firearms;

14 .223-caliber AR-15-type rifles

Eight .308-caliber AR-10-type rifles

.308-caliber bolt-action rifle

.38-caliber revolver

Stephens body in the hotel room

2017 shooting

On October 1, 2017, a mass shooting occurred when 64-year-old Stephen Paddock opened fire on the crowd attending the Route 91 Harvest music festival on the Las Vegas Strip in Nevada from his 32nd-floor suites in the Mandalay Bay hotel. He fired more than 1,000 rounds, killing 60 people and wounding at least 413. The ensuing panic brought the total number of injured to approximately 867. About an hour later, he was found dead in his room from a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

Mandalay bay hotel room

The Las Vegas Strip is a stretch of Las Vegas Boulevard immediately south of the city of Las Vegas in Clark County, Nevada. The Strip is known for its concentration of casinos and resort hotels, including the 43-story Mandalay Bay southwest of its intersection with Mandalay Bay Road, in the unincorporated town of Paradise.

Las Vegas Village, a 15-acre (6-hectare) lot used for outdoor performances, was located diagonally across the intersection to the northeast and owned by MGM Resorts International.From 2014 onward, the venue hosted the annual Route 91 Harvest country music festival. The 2017 festival ran from September 29 to October 1, with over 22,000 attendees on the final day

The mass shooting occurred between 10:05 p.m. and 10:15 p.m. on October 1, 2017, which was the third and final night of the festival. When the shooting began, country music singer Jason Aldean was giving the closing performance.

Shortly before 10:00 p.m., hotel security guard Jesus Campos was sent to the 32nd floor to investigate an open-door alert. He attempted to open a door that provided immediate access to the floor, but found that it would not open. After Campos entered the floor, he discovered an L-shaped bracket screwed into the door and door frame, which prevented the door from opening. After reporting the discovery to his dispatch center, he heard what he thought was the sound of rapid drilling coming from Room 32–135 and went to investigate the matter. At approximately 10:05 p.m., he was hit in the right thigh by one of about 35 bullets that Paddock fired through the door of his suite. After Campos was hit, he took cover in the alcove between Rooms 32–122 and 32–124 and immediately informed the hotel by radio and cellphone that he had been shot, though he believed he had been shot with a BB or pellet gun. At the same time, maintenance worker Stephen Schuck was on the same floor to fix the door that Campos had reported as being barricaded. The already-wounded Campos encountered Schuck and told him to take cover. Schuck contacted hotel dispatchers over his radio, informed them of the ongoing shooting, and told them to call the police. Neither the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department nor MGM Resorts International, the Mandalay Bay's owner, have confirmed when information about the initial shooting was relayed to the police

After Paddock used a hammer to break two of the windows in both of his suites,he began shooting through them at 10:05 p.m.He ultimately fired over 1,000 rifle rounds approximately 490 yards (450 m) into the festival audience.He initially started out with a few single gunshots before firing in bursts that usually ranged from 80 rounds to 100 rounds.Many people in the crowd initially mistook the gunfire for fireworks.During the shooting, a security fence hindered concertgoers from fleeing the 15-acre (6-hectare) concrete lot. The gunfire continued, with some momentary pauses, over the span of ten minutes and ended by 10:15 p.m. During these pauses (during reload and while the assailant was confronting Campos), most concertgoers down below were able to flee the venue.

In addition to shooting at the concertgoers, Paddock fired eight bullets at a large jet fuel tank at McCarran International Airport 2,000 feet (600 m) away.Two of those bullets struck the exterior of the tank, with one bullet penetrating the tank. The fuel did not explode because jet fuel is mostly kerosene, which is unlikely to ignite when struck by a bullet.

During the shooting, police officers were initially confused whether the shots were coming from the Mandalay Bay, the nearby Luxor hotel, or the festival grounds.There were also multiple false reports of additional shooters at other hotels on the Strip.Officers eventually spotted multiple muzzle flashes from the middle of the northern side of Mandalay Bay and responded to the hotel. At 10:12 p.m., two officers on the 31st floor reported the sounds of gunfire on the floor above them.When officers arrived on the 32nd floor at 10:17 p.m. and encountered Campos a minute later, he directed them to Paddock's room and helped others evacuate. Campos was then directed to seek medical attention for himself.

Between 10:26 p.m. and 10:30 p.m., eight additional officers arrived at the 32nd floor; some of those officers manually breached the door Paddock had screwed shut with the bracket. The gunfire had ceased, and the police moved systematically down the hallway, searching and clearing each room, using a master key that was provided by Campos. At 10:55 p.m., the officers finished evacuating guests. At 11:20 p.m., over an hour after the initial officers arrived on the 32nd floor, police breached Room 32–135 with explosives. Paddock was found dead on the floor from a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head.[55][56] Police then breached Room 32–134; while entering the hotel suite, an officer accidentally fired a three-round burst from his weapon, but the bullets did not hit anyone. At 11:27 p.m., officers announced over the police radio that a suspect was down

McCarran Airport, adjacent to the shooting site, was shut down for several hours.Approximately 300 people entered the airport grounds as they fled from the shooting.[This prompted officials to shut down all four runways. More than 25 flights were rerouted to ensure that no aircraft would be hit by gunfire,while other flights were canceled before airfield operations resumed at 12:40 a.m. on October 2.

Much of Las Vegas Boulevard was closed while police SWAT teams combed the venue and neighboring businesses. At approximately 2:45 p.m. PDT on October 2, a state of emergency was declared in Clark County.Early on October 2, Sheriff Lombardo identified the suspect as Stephen Paddock.

Victims portraits, full details on victims , names and background on link below

CHILD WARNING EFFORTPOST Confirmed Murders Committed by The Manson Family

Piece-of-Shit Charles Manson and His Doomsday Cult

As Far as I can tell, there hasn't been a thorough post made on the murders orchestrated by Charles Manson and committed by his cult followers. The details of his childhood are omitted here, but it was generally an extremely unpleasant one, including extreme neglect by his mother and an early predisposition to crime.

(Manson in his 1968 mugshot)

Charles Milles Maddox (known as Charles Manson) was born on November 12th, 1934.

After moving to San Francisco in 1969, he met 23-year-old Mary Brunner and moved in with her. Before long, he had convinced 18 girls/women to live with him; he was building up a cult following by targeting insecure and lonely people who he found easy to manipulate. He convinced his followers that he was a “guru”, that they were the reincarnations of the “Original Christians”, and that he was the reincarnation of Jesus Christ. The group (later called “The Manson Family” by investigators and media) traveled along the west coast of the US in an old school bus- they eventually settled in the Los Angeles area of California. In April of 1968, Brunner gave birth to her and Manson's son, Valentine Michael, who unsurprisingly grew up in subpar conditions. Manson would heavily drug his followers into submission and obedience with LSD. He also utilized sexual abuse to attain these goals. In his book ‘Love Needs Care', writer David Smith wrote that Manson aimed to turn his followers into “[…] empty vessels that would accept anything he poured”.

(Brunner in her 1968 mugshot)

During April that same year, Manson became involved with The Beach Boys, where he and band member Dennis Wilson became good friends. The latter introduced Manson to various figures in the music industry; The Beach Boys even recorded one of his songs (originally titled “Ceased to Exist”, but renamed “Never Learn Not to Love”). However, Wilson was credited as the only writer. This sparked tension between the two, and Manson and his Family ended up wrecking two of Wilson's car in retaliation. Wilson moved out of his house eventually to separate himself from Manson, and the Family took over the home completely.

(A popular photoshopped/fake picture of Wilson and Manson together)

After being evicted from this house, the Manson Family moved to the derelict Spahn Ranch, living there for free at the cost of the female members doing chores around the property and having sex with the 80-year-old owner. The Family morphed, over time, into a doomsday cult, as Manson- an avid White Supremacist- foretold of a looming race war (which he called “Helter Skelter”) between the minority black population and the majority white population. Manson claimed that the black population would kill off every white person in the country save for the Family, but that they needed Manson to lead/guide them afterward, because they could not survive on their own.

(Members of the Manson Family, as well as Spahn Ranch)

The Manson Family was charged with 9 counts of first degree murder.

The first confirmed murder was of Gary Alan Hinman. Three members of the Family were sent, as per the instruction of Manson, went to Hinman's home to try to convince him to join the cult. They ended up holding him hostage for two days, before Manson himself arrived at the home and mutilated his face with a sword. Then, one of the Family members stabbed Hinman to death, and one of the three used his blood to write “political piggy” on the wall.

(Hinman before his murder)

(Crime scene photos)

The Tate murders occurred following this, and are considered the most famous of the Family's murders. Manson had instructed four of his followers (Watson, Atkins, Krenwinkel, and Kasabian) to go into the house located at 10050 Cielo Drive and "totally destroy everyone in it, and to do it as gruesome as [they could]". The first victim was 18–year-old Steven Earl Parent, whom Watson threatened with a .22 caliber revolver, gruesomely stabbed in the hand, and fatally shot four times in the chest, being left to die in the driver's seat of his car. After breaking in to the house, Watson accidentally awoke 32-year-old Wojciech Frykowski, who was asleep in the living room. After being asked who he was, Watson replied: "I'm the devil, and I'm here to do the devil's business."

(Crime scene photo of Parent's body)

After finding the three other occupants of the house, he tied 26-year-old Sharon Tate (who was heavily pregnant at the time) and 35-year-old Jay Sebring together by the neck, slinging it over a ceiling beam. Watson then shot Sebring at his protests against Tate's treatment, eventually also stabbing him seven times. Frykowski's hands had been bound with a towel, but he freed himself; he began struggling with Atkins, who stabbed him multiple times in the legs. Frykowski had managed to escape to the front porch, only to be caught by Watson and bludgeoned with the butt of his gun, stabbed repeatedly, and shot twice.

Krenwinkel had pursued the running 25-year-old Abigail Anne Folger, and- with the help of Watson- stabbed her 28 times, killing her. Frykowski struggled across the lawn, but Watson continued to stab him, killing him. Frykowski suffered fifty-one stab wounds; he had also been struck thirteen times in the head with the butt of Watson's gun.

(The body of Folger)

(The body of Frykowski)

In the house, Tate pleaded to be allowed to live long enough to give birth and offered herself as a hostage in an attempt to save the life of her unborn child. However, both Atkins and Watson stabbed Tate sixteen times, killing her. The coroner's inquest found that Tate was still alive when she was hanged, although the cause of her death was determined as a "massive hemorrhage", while in Sebring was found to have been hanged to death.

(The bodies of Tate and Sebring)

The following night, the third set of murders took place. The previous four perpetrators, along with Manson and his followers Van Houten and Grogan, drove to 3301 Waverly Drive in Los Angeles. The house located there belonged to 44-year-old Leno LaBianca and his wife, 43-year-old Rosemary LaBianca. The couple had their heads covered with pillowcases and secured with lamp cords. Watson stabbed Leno in the neck with a chrome-plated bayonet, while Rosemary fought with the women after being returned to her bedroom. Watson, in response to finding her defending herself, stabbed her with the bayonet, as well. He then returned to stabbing Leno (for a total of twelve stab wounds), and carved “WAR” into his abdomen. Rosemary was then found being stabbed by Kerwinkel, and then sixteen times in the back by Van Houten, before he exposed her rear.

(The bodies of both LaBiancas)

Van Houten claimed at trial that Rosemary was already dead during his portion of the stabbing; later evidence showed that many of her 41 total stab wounds had, in fact, been inflicted post-mortem. Krenwinkel then wrote "Rise" and "Death to pigs" on the walls and "Helter Skelter" on the refrigerator door, all in LaBianca's blood. She gave Leno LaBianca fourteen puncture wounds with a carving fork, which she left jutting out of his stomach. She also planted a steak knife in his throat.

The final confirmed murder attributed to the Manson Family happened more than two weeks after these. 35-year-old Donald Jerome "Shorty" Shea was killed when Manson told Shea and three others to go on a ride to a nearby car parts yard on the Spahn Ranch. According to one of the men- Bruce Davis- Shea sat in the back seat with Grogan, who then hit Shea with a pipe wrench while Watson stabbed him. They brought Shea down a hill behind the ranch and stabbed and brutally tortured him to death. They urged Davis to join in, but he recounted being largely unable to bring himself to do so. The location of his body wasn't found until 1977, 8 entire years after his death.

(Shea before his murder)

(The eventual recovery of Shea's skeletal remains)

Not exactly as detailed as I would have liked it to be, but I figured I could always add more details about the murders later, if people want them. I was going to add more info on Manson's early life, but he doesn't deserve that. I hope him and everyone else who killed on his behalf are wondering why they're rotting in hell and not being praised in heaven. Get fucked, you wastes of oxygen!

Rest in peace to the poor folks who died without reason at the hands of these racist fucking lunatics.



the palace of justice seige

was a seige done by the well known colombian leftist communist organisation (M-19) on November 6th 1985

today a political party in the colombian parliment.



the attack was done on november 6 1985 against the supreme court of colombia in the captial city of bogotá, the communists held the whole court hostage which caused 43 civilians to be killed and 11 other civilians missing to this day. the main intent of the attack was to hold a trial against president (Belisario Betancur.)

for violating a peace treaty after the colombian military killed a high ranked M-19 guerilla commander on august 28 1985 . and the second main reason was to burn all of the information and documents along with the written evidence and important names of the members who were working for the medilin cartel to cover up pablo escobar's crimes which was originally collected to be used against him in court soon. pablo escobar allegedly had a meeting with the guerillas days prior to the attack, and paid them a sum of money for them to burn the documents in the document room. and they were successful, they burnt every piece of evidence which was gonna be used against pablo escobar in the future in court. although this has been confirmed true since the medilin cartel had sent death threats multiple times to the supreme court previously

the attack.

it happened on a peaceful afternoon at approximately 11:30 11:40AM, three vehicles carrying 35 guerillas 10 of them were women and the rest were men, the guerillas split into two groups, one group using a truck entered the basement and opened fire at everything that moved civilian or not they shot them on sight, the second group was smaller than the other, they disguised themselves with civilian clothes and they stormed the first floor of the building through the main entrance and started opening fire as they heard shots being fired from the basement, the second group killed 3 people on sight, 2 security officers and 1 building manager, at the same time both groups set up IED bombs in different parts of the building and the guerillas chanting some type of anthem, later on during their exchange of fire with the security guards they lost 1 guerilla, but later they were able to neutralise the whole building and killed each security guard one by one and then they set up posts and objects in strategic areas such us windows, entrances, hallways, stairways, and barricading some windows and doors, their main strategic part of the building was the 4th floor, the guerillas managed to capture and hold hostage 300 hundred people including the president of the supreme court, 24 justices, and 20 judges


the response of the colombian forces.

on the same day colombian forces

-national police

-department of security

-colombian army

gathered and attempted to potentially end the seige by negotiation or free the hostages and eliminate the guerillas, but the moment the colombian forces arrived on the scene the guerillas opened fire at them to show that they are not willing to negotiate, after all the colombian forces managed to free 200 hostageson the first day of the seige, the colombian coalition had ±100 soldiers on the scene and around 8 EE-9 cascavel infantry armored cars along with a handful of EE-1 URUTU infantry carriers which were used to bring down the huge entrance door

, intense gunfight begins and fires rise and continues till the next day

and the guerillas finally free the state councillor, the same day the guerillas asked the colombian government to allow the red cross to enter the building, but the siege was done later that day



around 33 guerillas were killed

10 colombian soldiers

43 civilians killed

11 civilians missing

here are some more photos and videos of the battle.

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