EFFORTPOST Rainbow Valley - Mount Everest :marseyfrozen:

Despite its whimsical name, ‘Rainbow Valley' is a positive spin on a rather grim area on the northeast slopes of Everest. named for the multicolored down jackets and climbing gear attached to the numerous corpses littered along the hillside. Also called the ‘Death Zone,' Rainbow Valley is an area underneath Everest's northern ridge dotted with dead bodies.

Unfortunately, people die on Mount Everest every year, and Rainbow Valley has become a graveyard to over 200 bodies today.

Green Boots is the body of an unidentified climber that became a landmark on the main Northeast ridge route of Mount Everest. The body has not been officially identified, but is believed to be Tsewang Paljor, an Indian climber who died on Everest in 1996. The term Green Boots originated from the green Koflach mountaineering boots on his feet. All expeditions from the north side encountered the body curled in the limestone alcove cave at 8,500 m (27,900 ft), until it was moved in 2014.

Green Boots joined the ranks of roughly 200 corpses remaining on Everest by the early 21st century. It is unknown when the term "Green Boots" entered Everest parlance. Over the years it became a common term, as all the expeditions from the north side encountered the body of the climber curled up in the limestone alcove cave. The cave is at 27,890 feet (8,500 m) and is littered with oxygen bottles. It is below the first step on the path.

Another fallen climber who earned a nickname, "Sleeping Beauty", is Francys Arsentiev, who died in 1998 during an unsuccessful descent from Everest after summiting. Her body remained where she fell and was visible until 2007, when it was ceremonially hidden from view. Francys Arsentiev (January 18, 1958 – May 24, 1998. became the first woman from the United States to reach the summit of Mount Everest without the aid of bottled oxygen, on May 22, 1998. She then died during the descent. On the morning of May 24, Briton Ian Woodall, South African Cathy O'Dowd, and several more Uzbeks encountered Francys Arsentiev while on their way to the summit. She was found where she had been left the evening before. Sergei Arsentiev's ice axe and rope were identified nearby, but he was nowhere to be found. Both Woodall and O'Dowd called off their own summit attempts and tried to help Francys for more than an hour, but because of her poor condition, the perilous location, and freezing weather, they were forced to abandon her and descend to camp. She died as they found her, lying on her side, still clipped onto the guide rope. She was aged 40, with one son. Her corpse had the nickname "Sleeping Beauty".

The mysterious disappearance of her husband was solved the following year when Jake Norton, a member of the 1999 "Mallory and Irvine" expedition, discovered Sergei's body lower on the mountain face, apparently dead from a fall while attempting to rescue his wife.

Yet another named corpse is that of Hannelore Schmatz, who, with a prominent position on the south route, earned the moniker "the German woman"; she summited in 1979 but died at 8,200 metres (27,000') altitude during her descent. She remained there for many years but was eventually blown further down the mountain. Hannelore Schmatz (16 February 1940 – 2 October 1979. was a German climber and the fourth woman to summit Mount Everest. She collapsed and died as she was returning from summiting Everest via the southern route; Schmatz was the first woman and first German citizen to die on the upper slopes of Everest. Schmatz was on an expedition via the South East Ridge route with her husband, Gerhard Schmatz, when she died at 8,300 metres (27,200 ft). Gerhard Schmatz was the expedition leader, then 50 years of age, and the oldest man to summit Everest. On the same expedition was the American Ray Genet, who also died while descending from the summit. Exhausted from the climb, they had stopped to bivouac at 28,000 feet (8,500 m) as the night approached, despite their Sherpa guides urging them not to stop. Ray Genet died later that night and both the Sherpa and Schmatz were distressed but decided to continue their descent. Then at 27,200 feet (8,300 m) Schmatz sat down, said "Water, Water" to her Sherpa and died. Sungdare Sherpa, one of the Sherpa guides, remained with her body, and as a result, lost most of his fingers and toes.

Genet's body ultimately disappeared under the snow, but Schmatz's body remained where she died on the mountain.

For years, Schmatz's remains could be seen by anyone attempting to summit Everest by the southern route. Her body was frozen in a sitting position, leaning against her backpack with eyes open and hair blowing in the wind, about 100 metres (330 ft) above Camp IV.

During a 1981 expedition Sungdare Sherpa was the guide again for a new group of climbers. He had refused at first due to losing his fingers and toes during the 1979 expedition but was paid extra by climber Chris Kopcjynski. During this climb down as they passed Schmatz's body, Kopcjynski was shocked, thinking it was a tent and stated "We did not touch it. I could see she had on her watch still."

In 1984, police inspector Yogendra Bahadur Thapa, 36, and his guide, Ang Dorjee, 35, fell to their death while trying to recover Schmatz's body on a Nepalese police expedition.

British mountaineer Chris Bonington spotted Schmatz from a distance in 1985, and initially mistook her body for a tent until he got a closer look.

Lene Gammelgaard, the first Scandinavian woman to reach the peak of Everest, quotes the Norwegian mountaineer and expedition leader Arne Næss Jr. describing his encounter with Schmatz's remains, in her book Climbing High: A Woman's Account of Surviving the Everest Tragedy (1999), which recounts her own 1996 expedition. Næss' description is as follows:

"It's not far now. I can't escape the sinister guard. Approximately 100 meters (300') above Camp IV she sits leaning against her pack, as if taking a short break. A woman with her eyes wide open and her hair waving in each gust of wind. It's the corpse of Hannelore Schmatz, the wife of the leader of a 1979 German expedition. She summited but died descending. Yet it feels as if she follows me with her eyes as I pass by. Her presence reminds me that we are here on the conditions of the mountain."

The wind eventually blew Schmatz's remains over the edge and down Kangshung Face

In 2006, British mountaineer David Sharp was found in a hypothermic state in Green Boots' Cave by climber Mark Inglis and his party. Inglis continued his ascent after radioing for advice on how to help Sharp, which he was unable to provide. Sharp died of extreme cold some hours later. Approximately three dozen other climbers would have passed by the dying man that day; it has been suggested that those who noticed him mistook Sharp for Green Boots and therefore paid little attention.

David Sharp (15 February 1972 – 15 May 2006. was an English mountaineer who died near the summit of Mount Everest. His death caused controversy and debate because he was passed by a number of other climbers heading to and returning from the summit as he was dying, although a number of others tried to help him.

Like Francys and Sergei, David Sharp was climbing Mt Everest without a support team and without the aid of bottled oxygen. It's believed he made it to the summit on May 14th 2006, but on his way down fatigued and confused he stopped and sat down in what, since 1996, has been known as “green boots cave”.

Around 40 climbers from several expeditions are reckoned to have passed Sharp on their way up the mountain on the 15th. Kiwi double amputee Mark Inglis' climbing party stopped and realized Sharp was in trouble. Yet no significant attempt was made to rescue him until the climbers passed him again on the way down some nine hours later.

By this point Sharp was beyond help, and he died frozen in the position he'd sat down in, arms huddled around his knees.

other climbers maintained that they believed Sharp was beyond help on the way up, which may have been true, but controversy surrounds the incident. Sir Edmund Hillary himself criticized his fellow kiwi, telling the New Zealand Herald: “If you have someone who is in great need and you are still strong and energetic, then you have a duty, really, to give all you can to get the man down and getting to the summit becomes very secondary.

Sharp's body remains on the mountain but was removed from sight in 2007.

George Herbert Leigh-Mallory (18 June 1886 – 8 or 9 June 1924. was an English mountaineer who participated in the first three British Mount Everest expeditions from the early to mid-1920s.

One of the oldest bodies on the mountain wasn't discovered until 1999 – nearly 75 years after he died. George Leigh Mallory was the most famous mountaineer of his time – and arguably of any time.

To this day, no-one is sure whether he and his climbing partner Sandy Irvine reached the summit of the mountain on 8th June 1924. They were climbing dressed in tweed, using incredibly primitive equipment by today's standards, including very clunky oxygen bottles. And yet when they were last sighted, they were just a few hundred vertical feet short of the summit and, according to fellow expedition member Noel Odell, “going strongly for the top.”

“when they were last sighted, they were just a few hundred vertical feet short of the summit and apparently climbing well.”

Neither man returned however, and the question of whether or not they made it remains one of mountaineering's greatest mysteries. An expedition was launched in 1999 to try and find Mallory's body and perhaps solve the issue.

Yet when they found Mallory, his mummified corpse revealed little. He appears to have fallen to his death and from the rope injury around his waist it has been deduced that he and Irvine were still roped together when they fell.

When asked why he wanted to climb the (as then unconquered) mount Everest, Mallory famously replied: “Because it's there”. Whether or not that is a reason worth dying for is open for debate. But it's one that has driven thousands of climbers to follow in his footsteps ever since – with many, like Mallory, failing to return.

Slovenian climber Marko Lihteneker also died from exposure and exhaustion during his descent in 2005. He was last seen having problems with his oxygen mask. His body is 8,800m from the bottom.

Shriya Shah-Klorfine (January 11, 1979 – May 19, 2012. was a Nepal-born Canadian woman who died while descending from the summit of Mount Everest in 2012. The Himalayan Database records that she died on May 19, 2012, on the south side of Mount Everest at 8400 meters altitude. Further fatalities that season include two on the north and eight on the south side including Shah-Klorfine, with four other deaths on the same day as Shah-Klorfine. She is said to have died 250 meters (~820 feet) from Camp 4 (Nepal side). She was 33 years old when she passed away.

more victims of Everest-

Nobody knows why this body skeletonized. Some climbers often stack rocks and packed snow around the bodies in an effort to protect them from the elements.

more info and plagiarized from- +

if a repost,


Woohoo! another unsolved serial killer case! this time a rather unknown case of an alleged killer who posted his victims to 4Chan and hasn't been caught to this day. Many think it's fake, many think it's real, so, I will hold a poll at the end of the post so that you can decide whether it's real or fake

This case started on the 21st August, 2015, on the 4Chan "random" /b/ board, when an anonymous user admitted to killing various women for sexual pleasure, alongside a picture of the corpse of one of the women who he had killed, and challenged any user to find out what the name of the victim in the photo is, which he would've rewarded with more photos with timestamps.

screenshot of the thread:

the photo linked by the killer:

close-up of her corpse:

as you can see in the screenshot, the name was easily guessed, and the killer replied with another photo of a different unidentified woman, seen below:

(implying necrophilia)

the photos linked in the thread:

This is the point where the anons in the thread started picking up on the fact that this might not be just a troll, but an actually serious crime case. The users started investigating on who this woman is, using the photo of her face in the image, and they were able to find a match with a missing person post of a 17-year-old girl named Shauna Maynard, who went missing on the 21st April, 1998.

The users started reporting the murder to police departments, with one of them even recording the 911 phone call. The killer continued the thread with photos of himself, covered in the blood of his victims, after cutting out the eyes in the picture, so that it would be harded to identify him.

photos of the killer smearing himself in his victim's blood:

allegedly another photo of the killer while wearing a red balaclava with sunglasses and holding up a firearm at the camera:

The killer continued with sending another photo of the 2nd unknown victim, this time with a photo of her already decomposing face underneath a picture of her while she was still alive, seen below:

Afterwards, the killer was apparently scared off after the 911 calls, and he hasn't posted anything else; There have been theories that the killer had created another post where he posted photos of a strangled woman that had been killed with what seems to be a jumping rope, seen below:

the photos linked in the thread:

The victim was found out to be Amber Coplin, and her killer was her 42-year-old boyfriend named David Kalac, mugshot seen below:

Many people seem to think this is the same man, because of the similarities of the murder being posted to /b/ and because of the similarities between Kalac and the /b/ killer's face, even though he has never admitted to killing anybody other than his girlfriend.

who do you think this man could be? do you think this case is a true murder case which deserves investigation or just some btarded troll who has access to crime scene photos and was doing it for the lulz? vote below!

my next post will either be a part 2 to the Zodiac post or something about a shooting, so, cya until then!


At first, have a map. Location of Patan district (also in the Gujarat state):

On 15th of February 2018 (Thursday), a 61 yo Dalit activist - Bhanubhai Vankar - put himself on fire next to the Collector's office in Patan. He was protesting against the delay in allotment of land to Dalits by the Gujarat government in Patan district. In case you didn't know:

Dalit, term used to refer to any member of a wide range of social groups that were historically marginalized in Hindu caste society.

Quote on what exactly did Vankar and his activist bros want:

Vankar was an active member of the Jignesh Mewani-led Rashtriya Dalit Adhikar Manch (RADM). Incidentally, Vankar and his fellow activists, Hema Vankar and Rama Chamar, had submitted a letter to Chief Minister Vijay Rupani on 17 January claiming that they would resort to self-immolation if their demands were not met.

They had demanded that the land be allotted to Dalits of Dudhka village in Sami Taluka, Patan. The trio had also sent a letter to the Collector of Patan, Anand Patel, on 7 February claiming that they will light themselves on fire on 15 February at 1 pm – the copy of the letter in Gujarati was released on WhatsApp by the RADM.

He was taken to the local hospital, and in the evening moved to the Apollo Hospital in Gandhinagar (around 100 km or 62 mil southeast of Patan). However, he died the next day (Friday), late in the evening. Some sources say he suffered 96% body burns, other sources say 80%. The son of the deceased, Bhargav Vankar, claimed that his father didn't inform anyone about his self-immolation plans and went missing a week earlier.

Photos (including him when alive and well):

At the time of Vankar's protest, there were already nine persons detained before they could take any drastic measures at the same spot. Neither his death nor bandh caused the desired effect.

A district-wide bandh has been declared across Patan. Many shops and markets willingly remained closed, while those that were open were forcibly shut down by members of the Dalit community. Yet, the bandh has not had the desired affect that the Dalit community hoped for.

Other protests followed, but that's rather off-topic. Here is the article if anyone would care about the details.

⠀SOURCES :marseysalutepride:


TL;DR: the victim is a 40 yo plumber, who was contacted by the workers of Lovely Guest House, a private accommodation facility in Uganda's capital, pretending they need his services. Instead, he was attacked, robbed, tortured (like in the video + stripping and tying his genitals with rope) and left for dead. However, he survived, and a few people involved - including the cameraman - were arrested over the following week. Among them was one woman.

This video surfaced in social media on 27th of March 2022 (Sunday). The incident happened after 10 AM on 26th of March. The identity of the two men was initially not known. The cameraman only revealed his black shoes. The yellow t-shirt with NRM acronym suggests that the torturer may be supporting National Resistance Movement, a current ruling party in Uganda.

Police had info about the video the next day. The identity of the victim and the location was already known, even though the police spokesman didn't say how they got that info. The victim was a 40 yo plumber, Brian Njuba. He lived in Kampala (the capital of Uganda) in Lungujja in Rubaga Division. The place he was tortured in was a Lovely Guest House. It's a private accommodation facility. Below, there's location of Kampala and the Lovely Guest House.

There could be no better place for a torture after which the victim must be hospitalized than a one called Lovely Guest House :marseylaugh:

Njuba was sticking posters around the city, advertising his plumbing services. He was contacted by the people from a lodge in Ggaba, a part of the city unknown to him. After arriving at the spot, he was invited to a Room 6. Then, unknown people attacked him. More below ('he' is a police spokesman).

He added that Njuba was stripped, genitals tied with ropes, mouth gagged with stockings, and selected parts of the body burnt using melting plastics from a small jerry can.

Police said the group abandoned the victim and took off with his phone.

“The suspects left thinking he had died. The act was carefully captured by the robbers on video,” Mr Enanga said.

The police spokesperson revealed that the owner of the guest house, Brian Mushabwe, has since been arrested for not recording the identities of the suspects in the registration book as regulations for hotels, lodges, and guest houses stipulate.

“The suspects were not booked at the guest house which makes their act a premeditated one. As a lesson to all other managers of hotels and guest houses, we have arrested the owner of the hotel and the person who was attending to that shift for taking the guidelines issued for granted,” Mr Enanga said.

Receptionist's name is Mastullah Namaganda. She was arrested as she booked the suspects in the lodge, allowed them to use her phone to contact Njuba and guided him to the Room 6.

According to the police, there were no ties between the victim and the attackers. If it wasn't this plumber, it could be any person running a business that requires arriving at the client's place. Njuba was admitted to the hospital in Mulago (another quarter of the city). It was not mentioned what type of injuries he sustained or how long he had to be treated. On 4th of April, it was said that he 'is progressing well'.

On 4th of April 2022, the police spokesman informed that the detectives from Crime Intelligence division found the cameraman Abdurahman Wejuli. He was arrested. During the search, the victim's mobile was found, as well as the suspect's yellow t-shirt visible in the video. The spokesman also explained the reasons behind arresting the receptionist that day, and announced that they're still looking for suspects, as there's probably more of them.

⠀SOURCES :marseysalutepride:

Video: from Twitter.


Seems that you liked the video from Malawi, so let's have the next African post. I have another nice torture video from Uganda, which I may cover in another post (in /h/fights, though, as no authorities were involved).

That's a very fresh case. The video itself emerged in the social media on 13th of December 2023, including Twitter. Version with subtitles is at the end of this post, it's mostly useful for the interrogation part. Over the next two days, it was established that the incident happened in Mucwini, Northern Uganda (map below), the responsible soldiers were arrested, and it was announced that they will be court-martialed.

The victim's name is Nelson Omara.

On 13th of December 2023, Ugandan army spokesperson said:

“We have learnt, that civilians in Lagot village, Mucwini Subcounty, Kitgum District arrested a suspected thief, declined to take him to police but chose to carry out mob justice. The locals contacted the RDC Kitgum who discouraged them against mob justice. The LC 3 chairman and GISO then chose to take the suspect to a local UPDF detach where the detach commander, regrettably allowed this heinous act, without the knowledge of his unit commander.”

“The UPDF condemns mob justice, whether by civilians or soldiers. No one has a right to administer such punishment as corporal punishment and any form of torture are unconstitutional in the laws of Uganda. The laws provide a clear procedure guiding the arrest/detention of suspects.”

The soldiers are Cpl. Richard Burton Otto, the commandant of detach Lagot Military detach (who reportedly commanded the torture of the suspect) Pte. Sunday Mugu, Pte. Martin Henry Omara, Pte. Morris Omara, Pte. Dennis Ogwang. Ebil said the Giso of Mucwini Sub-County, Simon Obonyo has also been arrested for participating in the torture.

One more photo:

The suspects (GISO in non uniform) before the press in Kitgum

GISO => Gombolola Internal Security Officer

Another news info:

Five UPDF soldiers have been remanded to Kitgum Prison by the army disciplinary committee. They are facing charges of aggravated torture after being captured in a video flogging a man they had suspended by his limbs with arms tied in an unnatural position. The hearing of the case took place at Lagot Trading Centre in Mucwini Sub County in Kitgum district. We have the details.

⠀SOURCES :marseysalutepride:

Linked news video.


Video with subtitles (I found it later and it's not possible to change the attachments):


It happened on 19th of October 2017 in Blantyre (specifically Chatha near the Chileka road), right next to the police roadblock. Location on Malawi map:

Local media informed that the 22 yo man was placed into police custody after he was found lying (or sleeping) near a graveyard. He was disabled, but media describe it differently: either intellectually disabled, mentally ill or epileptic. It often happens that the marginalized people are accused of being anamapopa - a blood-sucker. Here is a quote from February 2018, placing this event in some context:

In mid-September 2017, rumours of blood sucking spread from across the border in nearby Mozambique to Malawi. Despite statements from the police and the Society of Medical Doctors dispelling the deadly rumours as a hoax, fear fuelled by social media spread across villages and towns in southern Malawi, resulting in at least nine people being killed by vigilantes. Scores more were injured and over 200 people have been arrested for the attacks on those accused of being anamapopa, or 'blood suckers'.

After rumors started spreading that the detainee is a blood-sucker, the mob managed to get him out of the custody. They were upset by not moving this man to Chileka Police Station quickly enough. After throwing stones at the cops and chasing them away, they retrieved the victim from a makeshift cell. The man was beaten to death and burned. Reportedly, a health passport or ID was found near to him, suggesting that he was released from the hospital in Chiradzulu. It's a smaller town, northeast of Blantyre. Google Maps photo of the hospital:

Police didn't release any details the same day, but the manhunt started. The victim's identity was not disclosed, although it's known that his relatives lived in the area.

A 22-year-old epilepsy sufferer was torched near a police checkpoint as public hysteria grows over “blood-sucking vampires”

At the same day's night, a medic was stopped by the angry mob hunting for blood-suckers near the same Chileka road. Thankfully, he only was robbed from the money in his wallet and let go alive. News mention another man stoned to death for alleged blood-sucking in this area, but whether it was the same day or not, it was not mentioned.

The next day, the police announced that 140 people have been arrested in connection to a recent wave of lynching people for being blood-suckers. Among them were two people who were sending the messages to people in Phalombe (70 km or 43 mil east of Blantyre) that there are bloodsuckers. According to the cops, these killed people were innocent and there are no blood-suckers in Malawi. Police Inspector General Lexten Kachama, who spoke to reporters on 20th of October, stated that 'the rumours are just being spread by some bad people who want to bring fear among Malawians'.

Additional comment for those interested :marseybow:

Paramount Chief Ngolongoliwa of the Lhomwe people says that even as far back as the 1920s, people feared attacks by the anamopopa, particularly during the summer months.

"Usually these vampire rumours start at the beginning of summer and they end at the start of the rainy season. The common explanation is that it is easy for the vampires to attack their victims in the hot season because their blood circulation is very high," says Ngolongoliwa.

You have to know that the hot and wet season, which we'd call summer (even though Malawi has just two seasons), lasts there from November to April.

⠀SOURCES :marseysalutepride:


IIRC, this is my first post from Peru. The biggest (by death toll) accident in this country, and the one that caused the authorities to close this part of the road for trucks or buses.

⠀TIME AND PLACE :marseypin2:

The accident took place on 2nd of January 2018 in Pasamayo, in the part of the road known as Devil's Curve (Curva del Diablo), around 42 km (or 26 mil) north of Lima. This part of the road has barely any safety barriers, and the surrounding area is often covered in fog. The cliff from which the bus fell is 100 m (330 ft) high. Other sources say around 80 m (260 ft). The second value comes from a statement by a police, that the bus fell 'more than 80 m' down. The bust belonged to San Martín de Porras company.

Location of Pasamayo and Lima (the capital):

More detailed map:

The bus was carrying 57 passengers to Lima, Peru's capital, when it was struck by a tractor-trailer shortly before noon and plunged down the slope, said Claudia Espinoza, who is with Peru's voluntary firefighter brigade.

The bus landed upside-down on a strip of shoreline next to the Pacific, the bodies of its passengers strewn among the rocks.

Scene of the accident (showing how fckng high it is):

⠀AFTERMATH (GORE IS HERE) :marseybloodpuddle:

5 mins long video, the cameraman walks around the bus, showing the bodies and wreckage.

1 min long video. First, there is a view down the cliff, then - another clip, from the place of the crash.

Photos from the rescue operation:

TV News with a few clips from the rescue operation. Some of them match the photos above.

⠀CONSEQUENCES :marseygasp:

Explanations came after arresting the driver of this vehicle hitting the bus:

Mr Killahuamán was taken into police custody after the accident, last Tuesday.

Peruvian prosecutors accused him of manslaughter. The driver has not been charged, but a judge has agreed to keep him in preventive detention for nine months.

Mr Killahuamán said he was driving at about 50 km/h (30 mph), just above the legal speed limit for the road, when his lorry hit the bus, which was travelling towards the capital, Lima, in the opposite direction.

He said that the bend was too sharp and that he could not see the coach approaching. He stopped, along with other lorry drivers, to try to help the victims, he added.

The accident resulted in legal changes, too:

Christian César Killahuamán, 40, told police that the lorry veered into the opposite lane at the sharp and narrow Curva del Diablo (devil's bend).

He said one of its wheels touched the coach, which went off the road and landed upside down on a beach.

The accident happened in a notoriously dangerous stretch of coastal road, the Serpentín Pasamayo.

The Peruvian government has since closed the road to buses and coaches. They will have to use a safer inland road, which the government plans to widen.

⠀ABOUT THE SURVIVORS :marseyexciteddance:

Six passengers survived the accident, including a man who jumped through a window, seconds before the coach plummeted 100m (330ft) down the cliff.

A video published on Twitter by Peruvian news channel ATV+ showed the 21-year-old man hanging on to the cliff while people tell him to "stay put" and not to move until help arrives.

Máximo Jiménez Vilcayaure managed to climb up the cliff after a rope was lowered to him.

Doctors said he later checked himself into hospital "after getting there by his own means", where he was treated for a broken arm.

Other sources claim that the survivor, Max Francis Jiménez Vilcayauri, was 24 yo. Another inconsistence is the way he got out. One source precize that he was ejected through the window, not jumping on his will, and that's what he told Regional Director of Health of Huaura. Claims that he jumped out after realizing they're gonna crash were initial and incorrect reports. Apart from scratches and bruises, his only injury was broken left arm.


From 0;20 onwards, you can see a video of him clinging to the rock:

List of the survivors in general:

1. Ganser Eduardo Cordova Pachetes, 20 yo. Polytrauma.

2. Carlos Ramos Vásquez, 40 yo. Multiple open fractures, in shock.

3. Lenin Vances Díaz, 26 yo. Multiple open fractures.

4. Kevin Brian Villalobos Rojas, 27 yo. Multiple open fractures.

5. Javier Martín Quispe Soto, 33 yo. Multiple open fractures.

6. Max Jiménez Vilcayauri, 24 yo. Broken arm.

⠀SOURCES :marseysalutepride: pictures (video)


The Zodiac Killer is one of the most famous serial killers in the world and THE most popular unsolved crime case, and the fact nobody ever made a post about him and his victims left me quite suprised, so, I decided to make one myself :derpthumbsup:

The Zodiac Killer is the nickname of a currently unidentified serial killer who, during a period between December 1968 and October 1969, murdered atleast 5 people in the San Francisco Bay area, Northern California; He usually targeted lonely young couples, and only 2 of his victims survived, but they weren't able to give a description of the killer because his costume, seen below: (of course, these being only sketches from the witnesses' description)

The Zodiac Killer also claimed to have killed 37 people and there are many unsolved murder cases that are associated with him, but none of these have been confirmed, meaning his kill count stays at 5. Now, you might be wondering "why is this dude called the Zodiac Killer?" well, that's where the fun part comes in: mysterious letters! These letters were mailed to various newspapers, containing incredibly confusing cryptograms and cyphers, with only two that have been solved, one of which was cracked in 2020 (this shit was unsolved for 50 fucking years, crazy!).

As I said, the killer's identity was never revealed but there are many clues which have led the FBI to the conclusion that the Zodiac is probably Ted Cruz Arthur Leigh Allen, an elementary teacher and sex offender who died in 1992, seen below:

Lake Herman Road murders

The first murder attributed the Zodiac Killer. This happened on the 20th December, the victims were Betty Lou Jensen and David Arthur Faraday, an high school couple who were on their first date. They had visited a friend and ate at a restaurant before parking their cat at 10:15 PM at a gravel turnout in their Faraday's mom's car; Just an hour later, their bodies were found outside of their car after being shot and killed by the killer with a handgun. No evidence left on the crime scene.

photo of the couple:

enhanced and colorized photo with a blanket over Betty Jensen's corpse and blood splatters next to car:

the same photo showing where the bullet casings were found:

Faraday's blood splatter on the ground:

Betty's corpse after being shot five times in the back:

detective pointing at Faraday's blood on the scene:

diagram of Betty's gunshot wounds:

forensic photo of Betty's corpse:

forensic photo of Faraday's corpse, showing the ear wound:

Blue Rock Springs murder

The second victims were a couple, Darlene Ferrin and Michael Mageau, who, on the 4th July, 1969, parked themselves in a lot near midnight; A second car parked behind them, and a man with a flashlight and a 9mm Luger handgun approached them before shooting at them both 7 times, and leaving behind no evidence... or so he thought! While Ferrin died, Mageau survived the shooting and described the suspect as "a 26-to-30-year-old, 195-to-200-pound (88 to 91 kg) or possibly even more, 5-foot-8-inch (1.73 m) white male with short, light brown curly hair". This description was fairly generic, but it helped bring the police department to the current sketch of Zodiac's face that we have now, seen below:

As for the crime scenes on this murder, there isn't really anything graphic except for this photo of a detective on the scene:

One day after the murder, on midnight, a man called the Vallejo Police Department with a public phone booth, taking responsability for the murder for both the Blue Rock Springs murder and the Lake Herman Road murders. The police department were able to track down the phone booth and found it that it was located at Springs Road & Toulumne, seen below:

Lake Berryessa murder

The third victims were another couple, Bryan Hartnell and Cecelia Shepard, who were students at the Pacific Union College and who, on the 27th September, 1969, were picnicking on an island of Lake Berryessa. The couple was approached by a man wearing the costume (that was previously mentioned and shown in part 1), while holding a .45 ACP caliber handgun; The man claimed to be a convict who escaped from prison after killing a guard and stealing a car, threatening them with the handgun and forcing Cecelia to tie Bryan's hands up using a clothesline, before being tied up herself. Afterwards, the man stabbed them both with a knife, 6 stab wounds for Bryan and 10 stab wounds for Cecelia, before drawing his iconic cross symbol on their car's door alongside a message, seen below:

This time, the killer left footprints in the mud on the crime scene, but they unfortunately were to no use for the investigation:

At 7:40PM of the same day, the killer called Napa County's sheriff's office and claimed once again to be the person who committed the crime. The department were able once again to track down the phone booth, seen below, but found no useful evidence other than a hand print which was never assigned to any individual.

Afterwards, Cecelia and Bryan were found by a man and his son who were fishing after hearing Cecelia's screams, but when the officers arrived and rushed them both to ER only Bryan survived.

Presidio Heights murder

The fourth and last victim was a cab driver named Paul Stine, who was murdered 11 weeks later the Lake Berryessa murder, on a road near Union Square named Cherry streets, San Francisco, after a man entered his cab and ordered him to drive him to Maple streets. Paul, probably accidentally, took a wrong turn and drove past Mable streets, after which the killer shot him in the head with a 9mm handgun; The man then stole Paul's wallet and keys and wiped away the blood from the scene with a piece of the victim's bloodstained shirt, while a group of teenagers watched the crime happening and called the police. The police officers on the scene were wrongly told to look for a black suspect (I wonder why...), and they completely drove past the suspect who was walking on the sidewalk of the east side of North street, in the Presidio of San Francisco.

The Zodiac, this time, contacted the San Francisco Chronicle instead of a police department to report his own crime with a letter, and to prove that he was the killer he even mailed them the piece of clothing that was ripped off from Stine's shirt, which matched with Stine's shirt on the crime scene, both seen below:

the yellow cab in which Stine was murdered:

the blood staind left on the handle of the car after being wiped by the killer:

photo of Paul Stine's corpse in the cab:

colorized of a different angled photo of his corpse:

blood stains on seat and out of the car after Paul's corpse was removed:

grainy close-up of Paul's corpse:

photo of Stine's corpse from the other side of the car:

detectives and witnesses on the crime scene:

Zodiac had also sent many other letters in 1969, were he kept taunting the police department in various ways, from calling a talk show named KGO-TV after requesting for a lawyer to be there, for the police department to then find out it was just some mentally ill hospital patient who was probably hired by Zodiac to play as him, to sending out letters with false statements of the police officers who were assigned to Paul Stine's case actually speaking to him... combined with the fact that he was never caught and the extremely lulzy uncomprehensible cyphers has made him the greatest troll of all time.

there's a TON of stuff to talk about more about the Zodiac, but I wanted to keep it short for now. If you would like me to make a part 2 to this post that talks the encrypted messages then lemme know in the comments

ok cya! :marseywave2:


The photo you see above shows 55 yo Josephine Igbineweka, the victim. This story takes place in Benin City, in the state of Edo, Nigeria:

Josephine Igbineweka was living with her son, 22 yo Caleb Obasogie, on 31A Iyamu Street, off Textile Mill Road. He was the youngest one; there are three adult daughters, too, but they wished not to be publicly identified. Caleb was the last year student at the University of Benin (UNIBEN).

On 28th of September 2017, around 8 AM, he stabbed his mother to death with a broken Pepsi bottle, and also smashed her head open. The reports vary in the way they describe it, but he apparently ripped the lower abdomen open (as both the intestines and the womb were mentioned), in such a way that the intestines spilled out. Some sources mentioned that he was playing with the intestines or messed them up in a non-specific way:

A neighbour, who asked not to be named, told journalists that Caleb locked himself and his mother in one of the rooms and used broken bottle to stab her repeatedly until her intestines were ripped out.

He reportedly mangled her mother's intestines before neighbours could rush in to rescue her.

The first reported course of events was a mawkish story shared on social media. I assume it's made-up or overexaggerated as it wasn't later confirmed or referenced:

The boy had not eaten for days, so this morning his concerned mother asked him what he wanted to eat, what he preferred, he reportedly said he wanted a Pepsi drink…The mother happily went and bought Pepsi, only to return and get stabbed by it minutes later.


The actual scenario is related to the argument about money:

Trouble was said to have started when Caleb, the last child of the 55-year-old deceased, a liquor seller, demanded for money from her.

But following her inability to give him the money he requested for, the suspect was said to have threatened his mother and locked her outside, following which she had to pass the night in a neighbour's house.

It was further gathered that when the deceased returned home the following morning, Caleb was said to have locked himself and his mother in one of the rooms in their apartment, stabbed and ripped her stomach with a broken Pepsi bottle.

Eyewitness said the suspect later dangled her mother's womb and intestines before neighbours who had rush in to rescue her.

When journalists visited the scene of the incident, the four-flat storey building was empty, as the residents were said to have deserted the place for fear of being arrested by the police.

But neighbours of the deceased, including a woman who claimed to have accommodated the deceased overnight when her son locked her out, described the tragedy as unfortunate and horrible.


Spokesman of the Edo State Police Command, DSP Moses Nkombe, confirmed the incident and disclosed that the suspect has been arrested by the police.

I've checked Facebook, but most of the local news was repetitive, and the comments were not helpful. Weirdly enough, some gore is still up there.


Short and quite shitty video (the room was dark):

This photo was shared by many websites without a caption. One filename was 'boy-killer', and it may be tied-up Caleb:

⠀SOURCES :marseysalutepride:

Local news I've been checking on FB for comparision


The video you've seen shows a murder of Yawan Wayeni of Matembu village (Serui, Papua) by members of the Indonesian paramilitary police (BRIMOB). It took place on the 3rd of August 2009.

Wayeni was an escaped political prisoner who had been accused of burning police vehicles and buildings. At the time of his arrest, local NGO sources claim Wayeni was unarmed and not politically active. These same sources maintain that during interrogation into the whereabouts of local pro-independence guerillas (OPM/TPN), BRIMOB officers sliced Wayeni's abdomen open with a bayonet, causing his death. BRIMOB maintains that Wayeni's injuries came while he was resisting arrest with a homemade firearm. The following photos and video of the incident were taken by BRIMOB officers and leaked by unknown sources.

It surfaced in March 2010, but news spread over the next few months. Edward Aritonang, a spokesman for the Indonesian National Police, confirmed that they knew about the video's existence but said nothing else.

Wayeni, a former tribal leader turned farmer, was jailed years ago for an alleged role in an attack on a police station. He escaped in 2007 and was placed on a wanted list.

On Aug. 3, 2009, police moved in on the fugitive at his farm on Serua island. Police say Wayeni drew a homemade firearm. Activists contend that he was unarmed.

The video, filmed by an officer with a cellphone camera, shows Wayeni dying in his own garden, challenging his captors after being bayoneted in the stomach.

Location of Yapen Island, where the video was recorded:

Wayeni eventually received medical care, but died soon, police said. Photos from the incident surfaced quickly. The activists were unable to pinpoint their circumstances, though. The video was posted anonymously in March 2010, and Papuan investigators confirmed the details of Wayeni's death.

The five photos accompanying the video in a higher quality:

Photo 1 Mr Yawan Wayeni running out from his house after being shot and bayoneted by Indonesian police, cradling his disemboweled intestines, looking for a place to hide in his garden

Photo 2: Mr Wayeni falls in his garden, soaked in blood, still holding his disemboweled intestines

Photo 3: Mr Wayeni standing again trying hard to save his life

Photo 4: Mr Wayeni seconds before he dies in his garden

Photo 5: Mr Wayeni at the moment of his death

Photos 6 & 7: Joint Police and TNI Search and Destroy operation in Mantembu Village on 11 June 2009. When they didn't succeed in finding Ferdinand Woraby, they took a twelve-year as hostage, then burned the activist's house.

Even if it doesn't seem important to you, it was very important for the activists back then. Western Papua became an Indonesian province in 1961. Very tl;dr: islands being a part of modern Indonesia became a Dutch colony in 1898. In 1949, Indonesia became an independent nation state, but Papua did not join. The rest:

The Dutch government recognised that West Papua was geographically, ethnically and culturally very different to Indonesia and so the Dutch government began preparing West Papua for its own independence throughout the 1950s. At the end of 1961, West Papua held a Congress at which its people declared independence, and raised their new flag – the Morning Star.

But within months the dream was dead. The Indonesian government wanted all of the former Dutch colonies in the Asia-Pacific region and the Indonesian military soon invaded West Papua.

And this conflict / occupation is still going on. I don't know when it was first written on the internet about the Indonesian crimes, but I assume it was in the late 1990s, just like with the Indonesian occupation of East Timor (and the cultural genocide there). Additional problems are that - according to the activists, not the government - NGOs workers and journalists are likely to be deported or not allowed in the province if they clearly show interest in the human rights abuse. Back when the video was released, the safest option was to enter West Papua on a tourist visa.

Here is a clean version (no slideshow added and no subtitles), converted from .flv, length: 5;20

⠀SOURCES :marseysalutepride: source of the video with subtitles, copies on the other websites didn't work and were not archived quote on the history Here is an interview from 2012 about the conditions under which human rights activists were operating. Death of Yawan Wayeni is mention, among the names of other deceased activists.

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