

Partial penectomy (cutting your penis, surgical-style). :marseycockvore: :marseysword2:

Use 2x speed of you have little time to kill. Use 1.5x speed IF you actually want to understand/know what's going on.

Why is this "thing" performed in the first place?

Short answer; to treat cancer. Especially penile cancer. There are other ways to treat such diabolical sounding thing - but this is just the one of.. a couple many. At least for this case - other reasons are usually for your.. gender thing. Yeah.

Long answer - and I quote;

This operation removes part or all of the penis. It's the most common and best known way to treat penile cancer that has grown deeply inside the penis. The goal is to remove all of the cancer. To do this the surgeon needs to remove some of the normal looking penis as well. The surgeon will try to leave as much of the shaft as possible.

The operation is called a partial penectomy if only the end of the penis is removed (and some shaft remains).

If not enough of the shaft can be saved for the man to urinate standing up without dribbling (at least 2 to 3 cm), a total penectomy will be done. This means the entire penis is removed, including the roots that extend into the pelvis. The surgeon creates a new opening for urine to drain from the perineum, which is the area between the scrotum (sac for the testicles) and the anus. This is called a perineal urethrostomy. Urination can still be controlled because the sphincter muscle (the "on-off" valve) in the urethra is left behind, but the man will have to sit to urinate.

For very advanced tumors, sometimes the penis is removed along with the scrotum (and testicles). This operation is called emasculation. Since this operation removes the testicles, which are the body's main source of the male hormone testosterone, men who have this procedure must take testosterone supplements for the rest of their lives.

Any of these operations can affect a man's self-image, as well as his ability to have sex.


Guy blows up both of his hands with firecracker



October 12, 2022 - Officer Hamzy, Officer Iurato, and Sergeant DeMonte responded to 310 Redstone Hill Road. Officer Hamzy and Sergeant DeMonte parked their police cruisers directly in front of the house on the south side of Redstone Hill Road facing east. Officer Iurato parked his cruiser on the north side of the street facing west. All three officers exited their cruisers and walked up the driveway to the side door of the house. As they approached the driveway, Officer Hamzy mentioned, "I went to school with this kid."

Unbeknownst to the officers, Nicholas Brutcher had hidden himself near some bushes at the front of the house next door. This house, 328 Redstone Hill Road, was the home of Brutcher's parents, Joseph and Catrina Brutcher. Nicholas Brutcher was outfitted with a camouflage shirt and pants as well as a camouflage vest. He was armed with an AR-15-style rifle and at least one handgun. He also had several magazines of ammunition. From this position, Nicholas Brutcher had a direct line of sight on the officers as they walked up the driveway.

The house at 310 Redstone Hill Road has a detached garage. An open breezeway connects the house and garage. As the officers approached the house, they observed a shotgun leaning against the garage. Officer Hamzy examined the shotgun. Nathan Brutcher was inside the house and appeared in the doorway. Officer Iurato ordered him to come outside. As he exited the house, Nathan Brutcher said, "I don't even have my phone."

At that moment, from his position on the neighboring property, Nicholas Brutcher unleashed a volley of gunshots. He fired these rounds from the AR-15-style rifle. All three officers were hit, as was Nathan Brutcher. Officer Hamzy fell first. Nathan Brutcher retreated into the house. Sergeant DeMonte proceeded through the breezeway into the rear yard and saw Joseph Brutcher. He then returned to the driveway and toward Officer Hamzy where he collapsed onto the pavement. Officer Iurato, who was struck in the upper right leg area, also moved away through the breezeway to the rear yard.

Nicholas Brutcher emerged from his position next door and approached the fallen officers. Nicholas Brutcher walked to the driveway and toward Officer Hamzy and Sergeant DeMonte. Nicholas Brutcher's parents, who had come outside and in the rear yard of their home, saw what happened next. Nicholas Brutcher proceeded to stand over each officer and fire multiple shots into them – first Sergeant DeMonte and then Officer Hamzy. Upon seeing this, Catrina Brutcher began to scream uncontrollably for Nicholas Brutcher to stop. At one point, Nicholas Brutcher's AR-15 stopped firing (he had incorrectly inserted the magazine) and he switched to a handgun and continued firing. During this time, Nicholas Brutcher yelled, "How proud are you of me? How proud?"

Officer Iurato moved along the back of the house emerging in the yard of the house on the west side of 310 Redstone Hill Road. He radioed for assistance and continued moving until he reached the police cruisers parked on Redstone Hill Road. Officer Iurato heard sounds indicating that Nicholas Brutcher was attempting to load a firearm. From his position, Officer Iurato could see Nicholas Brutcher who was still in the driveway in front of the garage. Bracing himself against Officer Hamzy's cruiser, Officer Iurato fired one shot striking Nicholas Brutcher at the base of his skull killing him.

Photos of the cops and perpetrator:

Official Report:


Hayle Harbour, United Kingdom, 2013

The Whirlpool

"The whirlpool in Hayle Harbour only appears a few times a year. It was a quirk of Victorian engineering devised to stop the harbour silting up. Water would be stored in a pool at high tide and, once the tide had retreated, released back into the harbour to wash away the sand. The water would get into the pool through a tunnel beneath a quay. But sometimes the tide would come back in faster than the water could pass through the tunnel."

This would create the whirlpool.

Jacob Cockle

Jacob's last moments


Original file:

Released 20-11-2004

They were executed because the KDP (aka PDK) was cooperating with the American-led interim government in Irаq.

Man jumps :marseysheercliff: 44 floors up from Bisha hotel in Toronto + AFTERMATH

The man jumped from the 44th floor of the Bisha hotel, shown here,

Guests reported a man dragging a chair over to the glass, stepping on it and jumping the 484 feet down to the floor




Article here

CHILD WARNING Dude mag dumped while chatting with friends in a shop (aftermath included)

Paraty, RJ, Brazil - Jun 26, 2024

Hooded criminals got out of a car and shot at least 18 times. Crime happened in the Patitiba neighborhood.

A 32-year-old man was shot dead and a 15-year-old teenager was shot this Wednesday morning (26) in Paraty (RJ) .

The crime took place on Rua Dr Derli Elena, in the Patitiba neighborhood, on the sidewalk of an electronics store, around 11am. Images from security cameras provided by the Civil Police show the moment when two hooded criminals get out of a car and start shooting.

The victims were at the door of the store when the shooting began. In the video, it is possible to see that the teenager lies on the sidewalk, while the man runs into the establishment.

At a certain point, one of the bandits searches for the man and pushes him onto the sidewalk. The criminals then shoot at least 18 times at the victims.

The man was rescued and taken to Hugo Miranda Municipal Hospital, but he did not survive his injuries and died in the unit.

The teenager was also taken to the same hospital. According to the Civil Police, he is hospitalized in serious condition .

The case was registered at the Paraty police station and is being investigated. Until the publication of this report, no suspect had been arrested.

"The Military Police are, together with the Civil Police, to provide a quick response to society in elucidating this crime", informed Lieutenant Colonel Alves, commander of the 2nd Independent Company of the Military Police.


Happened on June 21. 2024 in Voronezh, Russia

19 years old woman identified as Valeria Shurkova was walking down Ordzhonikidze Street in Voronezh.

Suddenly a tree fell onto her. She was taken to a hospital in critical condition, but she died on June 27.

According to the office of mayor of Voronezh, the tree was located on a ground belonging to building Ordzhonikidze 8.

Because of this, the responsibility for the incident should be taken by company Center Plus, administrator of the building.

Likely the people responsible for cutting down trees that may cause danger will be held responsible. They'll be facing up to 6 years in prison.

According to the uncle of Valeria:

The boss of Center Plus tried to avoid conversation, but eventually we managed to talk.

They claimed it was not their fault.

Family of Valeria described her to Vesti Voronezh:

She was interested in drawing and anime and dreamed of becoming a cartoonist.

She was studying in Voronezh to become a psychologist, but her family lives in Orel.

She had a 15 years old brother and 12 years old sister. Her stepfather is in Ukraine, while her mother is taking care of the children.

Aftermath photos:

Valeria Shurkova:



Vesti Voronezh

i found a crush on you :marseyscream:


China - On June 28, security guards from Fusen Lingfeng in the port area of Fangchenggang City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region hacked and killed two property owners.


Aftermath clip 1

Aftermath clip 2

Circus performer does an oopsie, dies. + aftermath

Hemorrhage and cracked skull MRIs and xrays


Pedestrian dies after being hit by a pickup truck on a central street in Santa Ana

The driver remained at the scene. Police did not specify who was responsible for the accident.

René Edgardo Mina Martínez, 48, was hit and killed by a pickup truck this Friday, June 28 at 10:45 a.m. on 9th Street West in downtown Santa Ana.

According to rescuers, the victim died instantly due to multiple injuries.

Sources from the National Civil Police said that the driver of the car involved remained at the scene but his identity was not provided.

The incident was recorded on security cameras in the area, and according to the Police they will be analyzed to determine responsibilities.

According to friends of the deceased, he lived in the El Congo district, in Santa Ana Este, and until before the accident he was in a barbershop in the area where he liked to visit.







Steroids induced junkie

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