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Why Is It Good To Watch People Die?

Morbid Curiosity and Sadistic Urges:

Humans have always had a mix of emotions, including sadistic, masochistic, and voyeuristic urges1.

These urges can lead people to seek out extreme content, including videos of death.

The curiosity about mortality and the macabre has been present throughout history.

Technology and Spectatorship:

Advances in technology have made it easier to access and share content related to death.

In the past, films like “Faces of Death” (a compilation of killings and autopsies) sparked interest in real-life horrors.

Shock sites like gained popularity in the early days of the internet, allowing people to view gruesome content.

The ubiquity of digital cameras and the internet further fueled the proliferation of such content.

Emotional Impact and Empathy:

Watching death videos can evoke strong emotions, including empathy for the victims.

Some argue that exposure to violence can lead to positive outcomes, such as advocating against injustice2.

However, it's essential to recognize that repeated exposure to violent or traumatic content can be harmful.

Psychological Effects:

Watching people die can have psychological consequences.

Some individuals may become desensitized, while others may experience distress or even post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Seeking professional help or therapy is crucial if someone feels comforted by violence or death3.




Now, Why Is It Bad To Watch People Die?

Watching people die can have psychological consequences. Some individuals may become desensitized, while others may experience distress or even post-traumatic stress disorder. The trauma of watching someone die can be quite debilitating for one's mental health. Most people are familiar with Elisabeth Kubler Ross and David Kessler's five stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. These effects can be compounded when you're the one watching someone die.

Interestingly, our fascination with death and the act of watching it has been around for a long time. Humans have sadistic urges, masochistic urges, and voyeuristic urges. However, it's only in the past few decades that spectatorship of death has grown widespread. Technology plays a significant role in this phenomenon. Let's explore further:

Faces of Death: About forty years ago, the cult classic film “Faces of Death” brought to light our collective desire to see what J.G. Ballard called “the horrors of the real.” This 105-minute compilation of killings and autopsies was purportedly the first movie to depict real people dying on screen. Although most of the deaths were later revealed to be fake, it became the first viral video.

Digital Cameras and Dial-Up Internet: In the 1990s, the ubiquity of digital cameras and dial-up internet gave rise to the first “shock sites”., a digital house of real-life horrors, attracted thousands of visitors daily who sought out the most gruesome content in existence.

Cellphones and Proliferation of Shock Sites: By the mid-aughts, anyone with a cellphone could take and share photos and videos of anything, anywhere, at any time. The number of video-focused shock sites proliferated, making death something whose sights and sounds could be freely consumed by millions of people.

In summary, while our fascination with death and the act of watching it is not new, the widespread availability of technology has amplified our exposure to such content.

What Are The Gore Website That Are Still Active?

WatchPeopledie (Most popular gore site)

Bestgore (Shutdown)

Kaotic (Most active)

Liveleak (Shutdown but mostly archived via wayback machine)

Documenting Reality (Outdated)

YNC (Pay wall)

Runthegauntlet (Mostly gross shit)

Goregrish (Old school gore forms layout hard to navigate)

Rotten (Outdated)

Shockgore (Shutdown)

Crazyshit (Mostly Porn)

Seegore (Outdated)

Itemfix (Mostly Accidents a shitty replacement for liveleak)

HorribleVideos (Most active)

Heavy-R (Mostly Porn)

leakedreality (Shutdown)

Imgur (Mostly for third party inks)

Deepgoretub (Most active)

BestGoreFun (New version of bestgore)

Goreflix (Outdated and mostly porn)

Deadhouse (Ads Spamming)

Horriblevideos (Most active)

Gang Shooting

Idk if it was posted before so if it was tell me




CHILD WARNING Filicide-Suicide. Nepali mother would have killed self after hanging their children.

Chitwan, Nepal, April 5, 2019: Three persons of a family have found dead at their home at Sashinagar Sahari Clinic area of Bharatpur Metropolitan City- 17 on Friday morning.

According to the police, the Maya Aale Magar, 34, her 14 year daughter Binita and 11 year old son Bibek were found hanging at the beam f their home.

It is said that the deceased Maya's husband Nar Bahadur Aale Magar is serving to the Nepal Army.

Though the cause of the death is yet to be ascertained, it is suspected that Mother would have killed self after hanging their children.



No location given, but probably Krynky given that front is now reopening. Might be from Nestryha Island, in the delta.

Low volume of fire is odd, if this is Nestryha then maybe they were out of range of most left-bank forces.

Girls Stabs :marseybabykiller: In a Drunk :marseydrunk: fight

girls these days

Does anyone know the story behind these photos?

I was scrolling through twitter and someone posted these photos, but no caption or anything.

I'm very curious to know if there's a video or something else behind it

If you know

please tell me.

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