
give me 100 coins

Armenian soilder is surrounded and killed.

During the Armenia and Azeribijan conflict Armenian soilder Taron Andreasyan plans to stall for time to allow his squad to escape. He is ultimately gunned down, the exchange is written below beginning with Taron's dialogue.

(For those confused the guy standing in the road with a machine gun is the Armenian, everyone else in this clip is Azeri.)

“You will beat me, let me go!” 🇦🇲

“No we won't. Surrender and we will let you go.” 🇦🇿

“Where?” 🇦🇲

“To another country.” 🇦🇿

“Let me go now.” 🇦🇲

“No it isn't allowed.” 🇦🇿

“Your all cowards! (points gun at them) I don't-!” 🇦🇲


"VIDEO: The stabbing attack in the Old City of Jerusalem today and neutralizing the terrorist.

Today, shortly after 12:30 (local time), a terrorist armed with a knife arrived in the Old City of Jerusalem and charged from behind at a police officer and stabbed him with a knife he had in his possession.

It appears that the terrorist was a 34-year-old foreign national from Turkey."


Cartel sicarios having fun

CHILD WARNING Dumb mother drives against a fence and fucks up herself and her child :purerage:

The little girl survived, about the mother I got nothing.

But damn, how brain rotten was that, help... :marseycry:

Intrauterine and vaginal catheters.
Cats are always cute

(!)Repost without watermark(!)

subscribe to pewds!!!


R.I.P @SmellyElliot :(


What is actually so facinating about gore and death to people that it has multiple websites just for it

Repair of degloved penis

Genitalia are a key element for male self-esteem, contributing towards mental and physical balance and influencing their social life [2]. The Authors confirm that the most frequent cause of penile skin loss is trauma. Tumors, infection and iatrogenic causes are also reported in the literature. In a previous paper of this journal we presented a case of iatrogenic skin shaft sub-amputation of a 27-years old HIV positive man, after a catastrophic circumcision procedure, repaired with a scrotal dartos-fascio-myo-cutaneous flap [3]. Skin graft represents the most popular and simplest reconstructive procedure and H. Aineskog et al. presented a very suitable case. Nevertheless, we reckon that skin graft provides poor tissue elasticity with less resistance to sexual intercourse and higher risk of retraction than free o local flaps [4]. Scrotal dartos – fascia – myo-cutaneous flaps were harvested on both the lateral parts of the scrotum (Fig. 1) and the donor site was easily closed for primary intention using cutaneous non absorbable interrupted sutures. Anterior scrotal vessels and nerves supply the flaps.

Scrotal dartos-fascio-mio-cutaneous flap for shaft coverage offers a large amount of tissue with low donor site morbidity, avoiding unsightly scars in more visible parts of the body. The skin of the scrotum is the most similar to the skin of the shaft both for color, thickness, elasticity and consistency. Due to its pliability and extensibility during erection it provides satisfactory functional and cosmetic results. On the other hand the high density of hair of the scrotum represents a serious disadvantage and may require laser treatment removal. In conclusion we believe that the method we proposed works successfully representing a single stage procedure easy and safe to perform for like-for-like shaft reconstruction. This work is in line with the SCARE criteria [5].

A) Intra-operative view showing the dartos myo cutneous flaps harvested from the lateral part of the scrotum. B) The dartos myo cutneous flaps are rotated to cover the anterior surface of the shaft and sutured on the midline.


A 35-year-old male presented to the emergency department with bilateral forearm wounds. His past medical history was significant for untreated hepatitis C. He was unemployed and homeless. He reported injecting xylazine-laced fentanyl into his bilateral forearms. A physical exam revealed bilateral full-thickness skin wounds from the wrist to the proximal forearm over the ulnar border measuring [Figure 1]. The wounds appeared cavernous with undulated regions of eschar. Further, examination revealed exposed muscle and tendon bilaterally and some exposed muscle of the dorsal forearm compartments. His hand function was preserved.

The patient was admitted to the hospitalist and initiated on broad antibiotic treatment with intravenous vancomycin and piperacillin/tazobactam. His wounds were washed and covered at the bedside, and he underwent surgical debridement in the operating room the following day. Intraoperatively, the eschar layers were removed sharply with a knife until a bleeding surface was encountered. Exposed muscle layers were removed with a curette. The ulna had an intact periosteum. Large-volume irrigation was used to clean the wounds. A negative pressure wound therapy device was fitted to the bilateral forearms. The sponge was changed twice over six days. On a postoperative day seven, the patient was returned to the operating room. Granulation tissue was observed over the ulna, and the wounds appeared clean. The surgeon covered the area with a split-thickness skin graft taken from the thigh. A negative pressure wound dressing was placed over the skin graft. The patient left the hospital against medical advice (AMA) two days following the second surgery and did not follow up in the surgeon's office.

Approximately nine months later, the patient returned to the emergency room with a similar, smaller wound on the left forearm. On exam, both previous skin grafts had healed well, and the new wound was adjacent to the volar border of the skin graft and measured 8x4cm. The wound exhibited a cavernous appearance but did not have exposed muscle. The next day, surgical debridement was performed, followed by negative pressure wound therapy. The day after surgery, the patient left AMA with no follow-up reported since.

:marseydarkrose2: Stalker's Tango ~ Autoheart // Lyrics
brenton tarrant - elton john


One man group.

Elevator equals to death

Reported by:
:marseycountry: Zach Bryan - I Remember Everything :marseytabletired2: ft. Kacey Musgraves

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